A rotting undead creature that requires the Ingestion of the Brain Matter of the Living in order to maintain cognitive functioning.

A rotting undead creature that requires the Ingestion of the Brain Matter of the Living in order to maintain cognitive functioning. Much like skeletons and ghouls, zombies can be intentionally created through the application of necrotic magic, but they can also be spontaneously formed by latent magical energies or powerful releases of magic.
Playing a Zombie
When you choose or acquire this curse you will trade out all traits and abilities offered by your species for the Following Zombie Traits and Abilities. You may retain any Movement Abilities and Natural Weapons or Armor granted by your initial species.
You Cannot Drown or Suffocate. You Cannot Reproduce. You Do Not Age. You are Immune to Necrotic, Poison, Venom, Bleed and Toxic Damage and can no longer Contract Diseases or Viruses. You Receive -5 Damage from Critical Hits.
Zombie Brain
You Cannot gain sustenance from food or drink, nor can you gain any benefits of Ingesting or using Potions, Brews, Salves or Medicine. You cannot be wounded except by Slash Wounds.
You can only gain sustenance and Cognition Points from the consumption of Brain Matter. You Gain a Cognition Pool equal to your Intellect or Wisdom Modifier. You can only Regain Cognition Points by consuming unspoiled Brain Matter. Sentient Brain Matter provides more cognition points, while non-sentient brain matter provides less. You cannot sleep nor do you require any. You do not regain HP while resting unless you spend a Cognition Point prior to the resting period. With each cognition point you spend your Intellect Modifier is reduced by 1. If your Intellect Modifier reaches -1 or fewer you immediately become a mindless zombie, hungry for brains, under the control of the Narrator. This state persists until your current Intellect Modifier is 1 or higher.
While in active combat you can spend 1 Cognition Point to regain 1d10 + WIS or INT Modifier HP.
You can Spend 2 Cognition Points to recover from any 1 Slash Wound.
Use the table below as a reference for brain matter consumption.
Creature Size | Average Brain Matter | Sentient Cognition Points Granted | Non-Sentient Cognition Points Granted |
Tiny | 50 Grams (.05 kg) | 3 | 1/10th |
Small | 500 Grams (.5 kg) | 3 | ½ |
Medium | 1,500 Grams (1.5 kg) | 3 | 1 |
Large | 2,000 Grams (2 kg) | 3 | 2 |
Huge | 5,000 Grams (5 kg) | 10 | 5 |
Giant | 10,000 Grams (10 kg) | 20 | 10 |
Massive | 20,000 Grams (20 kg) | 40 | 20 |
*Brain matter is considered to be rotting and spoiled within 3 days (36 Hours) in average conditions and is no longer considered to contain cognition points for zombies. This time can be extended with preservation methods and reduced temperatures.
Deathly Visage
It is Difficult hide the fact that you are no longer among the world of the living.
While Undisguised a Perception or Investigation Skill Roll of 10 or higher is sufficient to discover your undead nature.
Zombie Bite
You possess an unnaturally powerful bite that is capable of causing living creatures to contract Zombification.
Turn Portion | Melee Attack Action |
Range | Adjacent |
Damage | 1d10 + CON Modifier Necrotic Damage |
Effect : Creatures slain by a zombie’s bite automatically become a zombie on what would be the start of their next turn. Creatures Wounded by a Zombie’s Bite Must roll a Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is equal to the Biting Zombie’s CON Modifier + Training Modifier. If they fail the saving throw they succumb to the zombie curse in 1d20 + CON Modifier + 4 Hours. There is a 20% chance that the new zombie will be Sentient. If a creature is turning into a zombie they can spend Death Saving Throws to increase the chance of becoming a Sentient zombie by 20% per Death Saving Throw used.
Zombie Variety
Not all Zombies have the same Abilities and Traits. Choose one of the following Abilities or Traits at no XP Cost and later you may acquire new Zombie Abilities or Traits at their XP Cost during Level Up.
Putrid Vomit
You can summon up a disgusting rotting concoction from within your innards and spew it onto your enemies.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zombification
Turn Portion | Action |
ARP Cost | 1 Stamina |
Range | 5 Meters |
Effect: The Living Target Creature must make a CON Saving Throw. The DC is equal to 10 + your CON modifier.
Fail: The Living Creature is dealt 1d12 + CON Modifier Toxic Damage and Suffers from the Sickened Status Effect until the end of their next Turn.
Pass: The Creature is dealt ½ of the above Toxic Damage.
Gas Cloud
You can release a buildup of gasses created by your rotting innards that can Sicken or Incapacitate living creatures nearby.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zombification
Turn Portion | Action |
ARP Cost | 1 Stamina |
Range | 3 Meter Cone |
Effect: All Living Creatures in the area must make a CON Saving Throw. The DC is equal to 10 + your CON modifier.
Fail: The Living Creature is dealt 1d8 + CON Modifier Toxic Damage and Suffers from the Sickened Status Effect until the end of their next Turn.
Pass: The Creature is dealt ½ of the above Toxic Damage.
Remote Control
You can reliably control your severed limbs or parts at a distance.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zombification
Effect: You can control any parts of your body so long as they are within 20 Meters of your Head. Attacks and skill rolls are made with a -2 penalty when used with this ability.
Undead Strength
You have incredible and unnatural strength for a corpse.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zombification
Increase your STR Score by 2. You gain +2 to all Grapples.
Undead Speed
You have deadly and unnatural speed for a corpse.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zombification
Increase all Movement Speeds you possess by 2.
Undead Resilience
You have been granted incredible and unnatural Resilience.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zombification
Effect: +2 AC and +10 Armor.
Brain Matter Boost
You can consume extra brain matter to further boost your Cognitive Abilities.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zombification
Consuming brain matter temporarily increases your own Intellect. Your Intellect Score is temporarily increased by 1 for every 2 kg of non-sentient Brain Matter you consume. Your Intellect Score is temporarily increased by 2 for every 2 kg of sentient Brain Matter you consume. These effects last for 5 Hours - your CON Modifier, to a minimum of 1.