A combination of warrior and religious caster, zealots are granted weapons and armor training and can cast a variety of powerful Invocations.

Zealots are devout pilgrims and warriors of their dark deity. Through their intense Faith and Devotion they are granted certain Powers and Abilities. The vast majority of underworld religious armies' ranks are filled with such zealots. A combination of warrior and religious caster, zealots are granted weapons and armor training and can cast a variety of powerful Invocations.
Playing a Zealot
XP Cost: 4Prerequisites: Wisdom 14 or higher
Choosing this Archetype grants you the following:
Gain Training in Athletics and any 2 of the following Skills; Arcane, Apocathy, Medicine, Perception, Survival, Insight, Intimidation or Knowledge.
Gain Training in the use of 2 Melee, Ranged or Thrown Weapon Types of your choice(high skill weapons excluded).
Gain Training in the use of Light Shields.
Gain Training in the use of Medium Armor.
Acquire a Small or Tiny Religious Symbol made of Metal to your Inventory. You are considered to cast all Underworld Invocations through this symbol and are Unable to Cast such Magic if it is lost or destroyed.
Acquire a Common, Uncommon Suit of Medium Armor of your choice.
Acquire a Common or Uncommon Light Shield of your choice.
Acquire a Common, Uncommon or Military Weapon of your choice
Acquire a Common Bundle of your choice.
Dark Believer You gain the Ability to cast Underworld Invocations that you have Learned and have the necessary Faith to cast.
Select an Underworld Deity whom your character is considered to worship and revere. You may use one of the options provided, use an example from the earth mythos or generate one of your own. Make sure you consult your Narrator before finalizing this decision.
Well of Faith You gain +2 Faith for the purpose of Casting Invocations. You may treat your Willpower Points as if they were Faith.
Gain 2 Tier I Underworld Invocations of your choice.
Archetype Ability
Unholy Touch Spend Faith while making physical contact with another creature or yourself to Restore Hit Points or deal Necrotic Damage.
Action: Motion
Range: Melee
Faith Cost: 1
Effect: You use a Motion to touch a creature within range, this can include yourself. If the creature is unwilling the Caster must Roll a Melee Attack Roll and Hit the Creature in order to successfully use this Ability on that Creature. The caster is considered to have Training on this Attack. That creature has an amount of HP Restored or is dealt Necrotic Damage that correlates with the Faith expenditure. Use the Table below as a reference:
Faith Spent | Beneficial Effect | Negative Effect |
1 | The Creature has 1d6 + Caster Modifier HP Restored. | The Creature is dealt 1d12 + Caster Modifier Necrotic Damage. |
2 | The Creature has 2d6 + Caster Modifier HP Restored. | The Creature is dealt 4d6 + Caster Modifier Necrotic Damage. |
3 | The Creature has 3d6 + Caster Modifier HP Restored. | The Creature is dealt 6d6 + Caster Modifier Necrotic Damage. |
4 | The Creature has 4d6 + Caster Modifier HP Restored. | The Creature is dealt 8d6 + Caster Modifier Necrotic Damage. |
Traits and Abilities
Purchase with XP
Strong Willed
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zealot
Gain Training in Wisdom Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Wisdom Saving Throws.
Mental Fortitude
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zealot
Gain Training in Intellect Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Intellect Saving Throws.
Emotional Awareness
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zealot
Gain Training in Charisma Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Charisma Saving Throws.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zealot
Gain Training in Dexterity Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zealot
Gain Training in Strength Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Strength Saving Throws.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zealot
Gain Training in Constitution Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Constitution Saving Throws.
Well of Faith
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Zealot
Your dedication pays off as you unlock hidden reserves of Faith within yourself that you never knew existed.
Gain +2 to your Faith Pool.
Mountainous Faith
XP Cost: 6 Prerequisites: Zealot, Well of Faith
Your extreme devotion has given you faith that could move mountains.
Gain +3 to your Faith Pool.
(Can be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Zealot
You have acquired more than the average invocations due to your devout nature.
Acquire 1 Tier I Underworld Invocation of your choice.
(Can be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zealot, Initiate
You have been granted more powerful invocations due to your devotion.
Acquire 1 Tier II Underworld Invocation of your choice.
(Can be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Zealot, Neophyte
You have been granted access to the most powerful invocations due to your extreme devotion.
Acquire 1 Tier III Underworld Invocation of your choice.
Dark Embrace
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zealot
Your devotion has increased the power of your Unholy Touch.
Add +1d4 to the Effects of your “Unholy Touch” Ability.
Hell’s Embrace
XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Zealot, Dark Embrace
Your extreme devotion has greatly increased the power of your Unholy Touch.
Add an additional +1d4 to the Effects of your “Unholy Touch” Ability.
Final Embrace
XP Cost: 6 Prerequisites: Zealot, Hell’s Embrace
Your extreme devotion has greatly increased the power of your Unholy Touch.
Add an additional +1d4 to the Effects of your “Unholy Touch” Ability.
Dark Protection
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Zealot
You can now choose to exclude any tiles in the area of your Invocation effects. Items and Creatures in those excluded tiles are not targeted and do not receive damage or effects from the spell.
Perfect Pronunciation
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Zealot
Your incantations fly off your tongue with perfect speed and precision allowing you to cast more invocations than the average practitioner.
Gain 1 Additional Spell Attack Action.
Basic Maneuvers
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Zealot
Choose a Maneuver Type(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 1 Tier I Maneuver of the chosen type.
Complex Maneuvers
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot, Basic Maneuvers of the same type.
Choose a Maneuver Type(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 1 Tier II Maneuver of the chosen type.
Expert Maneuvers
XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Zealot, Complex Maneuvers of the same type.
Choose a Maneuver Type(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 1 Tier III Maneuver of the chosen type.
Calvary Training
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Zealot
You gain Training in the Driving Skill.
Survival Training
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Zealot
You gain Training in the Survival Skill.
Noose Training
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Zealot
You gain Training in the Fine Motor Skill.
Shield Wielder
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot
You gain training in the use of Light or Medium Shields.
If you purchase this during character creation, gain a Common or Uncommon Light to Medium Shield to your inventory.
Heavy Shield Wielder
XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Zealot, Shield Wielder
You gain training in the use of Heavy Shields.
If you purchase this during character creation, gain a Common or Uncommon Heavy Shield to your inventory.
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot, Cleave
You gain an additional +2 damage vs all targets of your Cleave Attacks and Multi-Target Attacks made using 2 Handed Weapons.
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot
You deal extra damage equal to your STR Modifier vs Prone Targets while you Wield Blunt Weapons.
Nerves of Steel
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot
You gain Advantage on WIS Saving Throws whenever a Creature or Spell causes you to roll one after you have Rolled Initiative and before Active combat has ended.
Soldier’s Reflexes
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Zealot
You gain training in Dexterity Saving Throws.
Frontline Crusader
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot
You gain +2 to your Initiative.
Crusader’s March
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot
You do not spend Stamina to Sprint long distances.
Weapons Training
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Zealot
Gain Training in the use of 1 additional Melee or Ranged Weapon Type.
Special Weapons Training
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot
You may choose to gain training with two additional non high skill Weapon Types of your choice, Or gain training with one High Skill Weapon Type of your choice.
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot
Your total HP is increased by +1 each time you level up.
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot
You gain one additional Motion.
Awkward Combat Style
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot
You halve the additional cost associated with Awkward Weapons.
Endurance Fighter
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot
You reduce the cost to Sustain all your Maneuvers by ½.
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot
Gain one additional Reaction.
Powerful Incantations
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Zealot
You have gained the ability to empower your Invocations to increase their lethality.
You consider all Invocation’s Overpower Options to additionally include "Or add " and deal 10 Points of Burn Damage" to the Effect of this Invocation.
Quick Draw
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot
Once per turn, you can Draw and Wield any Medium or smaller Weapon(s) in a worn Holster(s) at no Action cost.
Dual Wielder
XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Zealot
You gain +1 to your AC while you have a melee weapon held in two of your hands.
You gain an additional Melee Attack Action while you have a melee weapon held in two of your hands. The 2nd Attack Action is always rolled with a -2 to Hit Modifier.
You gain an additional Ranged Attack Action while you have a Ranged weapon held in two of your hands. The 2nd Attack Action is always rolled with a -2 to Hit Modifier.
You must have at least one hand free in order to reload most ranged weapons.
Phalanx Fighter
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Zealot, Shield Wielder
You grant ½ your shield’s AC bonus to adjacent Allies. You can use your Reaction to have an attack that would have hit an adjacent ally, hit you instead. The attack hits you even if the initial roll to hit was not high enough to match or exceed your AC.