World Building
Contains a trove of information about building your own worlds in various settings.

There are many ways to approach building a world in which your stories can develop. Here are a few options we recommend.
Modular World Building
Many imaginative Narrators prefer to create their own original worlds and run one or more campaigns in that setting. This is not only entirely possible using the Altered Realms system, but is also encouraged for new or veteran Narrators alike, as it can often be more fun for a Narrator to run an original campaign, since they are not limited by premade Realm Settings, or their personal knowledge of the lore from a particular Realm.
Assembling Realms
Ask yourself some basic starting questions. What kind of Universe do you want to write about? Was it spontaneous or created? Is it Magical or Mundane? Does it operate on rules fundamentally different from our own? On which time period is the story focusing? Is there One Realm or Many? Is there One World or Many? What sorts of creatures live on the world(s)? How does it all interact? These are questions that all ideally should eventually have answers in a well fleshed out campaign. They can be answered prior to the start of the game, or even as it develops, there’s no rush to answer how something works, unless players are likely to interact with that mechanic.
Slow Revelations
Even if you do have a fully assembled and intricate setting with world traits and a whole set of selected species, it’s important to remember that long winded exposition is not usually received well. Instead seek to reveal things about the world in bits and pieces or from the perspective of what the Player’s Characters would know. Less can be more, give people time to connect the dots and become intrigued.
Building Realms
A narrator’s realm, or setting, can include a whole planet, multiple realms, a single region or even a single town or city. Depending on the type of campaign you plan on running, there is no need to do more worldbuilding than is necessary or desired. Try to keep your players and their tastes in mind while you develop your world, there’s nothing wrong with a little fan service every now and then.
Building a World
Start with the type of world you plan on making. Ask yourself some basic questions if you don’t already have a solid concept in mind. Is it a standard planetoid, or something less standard such as a fragment, station or asteroid? Is it a diverse world like earth? Or is it dominated by a particular climate? If it is a planetoid, does it have a solid, molten or hollow core? Is it highly magical, or fairly mundane? Is it undergoing any major changes or disasters? Keep in mind that the more you add to the world the more there is to track and remember.
Building Traits
You can select and combine various Building Traits to quickly create a custom Setting with conditions set by the selected traits, allowing for a consistent set of rules and game feel between different campaigns. For example; running a space faring campaign in Liquid Space vs Vacuous Space would have very different rules and game mechanics concerning space travel.
Realm Traits
A Realm typically only has one Realm Trait at a time.
Evolving Realm - This realm developed naturally over the course of millennia, life that has formed is constantly evolving and adapting to this ever changing and diverse dimension.
Created Realm - A god, gods or godlike creature(s) were responsible for the creation of this realm and its inhabitants. All creations remain as they were made and while selective breeding is possible no cross species combinations are possible since all created creatures are unique and different and evolution is not present.
Created Evolving Realm - A god, gods or godlike creature(s) were responsible for the creation of this realm and its inhabitants. Life that was created is constantly evolving and adapting to the changes in their world.
Space Traits
A Realm typically only has one Space Trait, but it is feasible that the Realm’s Space could take on different traits at different times.
Quintessence Space - The space in this realm contains an interdimensional substance known as quintessence that some forms of technology can interact with and utilize.
Vacuous Space - The space in this realm is a deadly and unforgiving vacuum.
Gray Space - The space in this realm is filled with microscopic nanites that consume anything that enters, using any and all material to generate more nanites.
Void Space - The space in this realm is filled entirely with the body and consciousness of a powerful and malicious entity. Space behaves as the entity desires and all creatures that enter its territory may be subject to its whims.
Sentient Space - The space in this realm is filled entirely with the body and consciousness of a powerful entity. Space behaves as the entity desires and all creatures that enter its territory may be subject to its whims.
Liquid Space - The outer space in this realm is filled entirely with liquid requiring submarine-like vehicles to traverse its unfathomable depths. Worlds and stars are constantly generating and consuming large amounts of gasses that can eventually form into massive bubbles of atmosphere, making some forms of Intersolar travel less dangerous.
Nonsensical Space - Space seems to follow no distinct rules in this realm. Its one major defining feature is that it is not dangerous or harmful to most creatures from that realm.
Low Atmosphere Space - The space in this realm is not a vacuum, but is instead an extremely low atmospheric environment allowing for more simple flight mechanics and less harsh space environments. Creatures are subject to reduced pressure, breathable air and temperature. Vehicles can fly like aircraft through space and air friction is present.
World Traits
A world typically only has one World Trait, but it is feasible that the world could take on different traits at different times, or possess two world traits simultaneously.
Fragment World - A fragment of another world, potentially adrift or in orbit around a star. At the edges of the fragment it is possible that the crust and what remains of the core is exposed, revealing valuable resources.
Station World - A manufactured world, potentially adrift or in orbit around a star. This station should require tremendous amounts of power to remain livable and needs a constant income or method of gathering power in order to function. It also should require a tremendous amount of maintenance and will quickly fail to function properly under a neglectful watch.
Globe World - A standard spherical world orbiting a star. Possibly the most diverse and familiar type of world.
Rogue Planet - A standard spherical world adrift in space. Possibly frozen over due to lack of heat from a star, or boiling over from an excess. It could have two unlivable weather extremes on either side with a thin band of livable conditions where the two extremes meet.
Flat World - A nonsensical Flat world, potentially in orbit around a star or with a star and/or with moon(s) in orbit around it. Exceptionally diverse since you don’t have to follow any silly rule-sets like logic or physics.
Moon World - A world that is a moon in orbit around another planet. One of the most diverse and familiar types of world since Moon Worlds can be almost identical in behavior and Traits to Globe Worlds.
Living World - A world that is a living entity. One of the more unique concepts popular in science fiction.
Core Traits
A globe or moon world typically only has one Core Trait, but it is feasible that the core could take on different traits at different times.
Living Core - The Globe or Moon World contains a Living Core.
Molten Core - The Globe or Moon World contains a Molten Core.
Solid Core - The Globe or Moon World contains a Solid Core.
Hollow Core - The Globe or Moon World contains a Hollow Core.
Magic Core - The Globe or Moon World contains a Magical Core. A good fit for Low to High Fantasy worlds.
Radioactive Core - The Globe or Moon World contains a Radioactive Core. A good fit for post-apocalyptic or nuclear fallout worlds.
Orbit Traits
A world typically only has one Orbit Trait at a time. This trait determines the type of orbit the planet or planetoid follows in your setting, if any.
Regular Orbit - The world has a standard orbit around a star or other significantly massive celestial body.
Irregular Orbit - The world does orbit a star or other significantly massive celestial body but its orbit deviates regularly or irregularly for reasons that may or may not be understood.
Substandard Orbit - The world does not have a natural orbit around a star or other significantly massive celestial body, instead it either has smaller bodies in orbit around it or follows different laws of physics altogether.
Moon Traits
A world typically has one moon Trait but it is feasible that a world could have a very unique moon or moons, that are only present at certain times.
No Moon - This world has no moon and no lunar cycles. Tides are nonexistent and creatures cannot use the moon for light and guidance. Sea travel is easier due to an increased predictability from large bodies of water.
Single Moon - This world has one moon and a single lunar cycle allowing for a somewhat predictable tide. Creatures can use the light reflected off the moon as lighting and guidance.
Many Moons - This world has multiple moons and lunar cycles making tides much less predictable and subsequently making sea travel extremely dangerous. When multiple moons are present at night the light levels are increased due to more reflected light being present. This can mean that twilight on such worlds is exceptionally well lit and comparable to overcast daylight.
Massive Satellite - The world has a super-massive satellite in orbit that can have various effects on the planets surface and environment.
Environmental Traits
A world can have one or more Environmental Traits. The difference could be seasonal or geographic.
Computer World - This world has an environment that is extremely cold and almost entirely Artificial Computer Constructions.
City World/Dome World - This world has an environment that is almost entirely Artificial or Constructed.
Barren World - The world has a nearly unlivable environment with little to no natural vegetation or water.
Diverse World - This world has a diverse range of biomes and environments.
Desert World - This world has an environment that is almost entirely Desert.
Forest World - This world has an environment that is almost entirely Forest.
Frozen World - This world has an environment that is almost entirely covered in ice, snow and tundra.
Lush World - This world has an environment that is heavily covered in various forms of vegetation.
Oceanic World - This world has an environment that is almost entirely Ocean.
Mountain World - This world has an environment that is almost entirely Mountainous regions and deep valleys.
Tropical World - This world has an environment that is almost entirely Tropical.
Jungle World - This world has an environment that is almost entirely Jungle.
Irradiated World - This world has an environment that is highly irradiated, causing an increase in potential mutations in living creatures and making Radiation Poisoning a constant and prevalent hazard.
Magical World - This world has an environment that is highly magical, subtly or not so subtly affecting many if not all aspects of the world. A good fit for High Fantasy worlds.
Meadow World - This world has an environment that is almost entirely meadows and fields.
Swamp World - This world has an environment that is almost entirely swampland.
Volcanic World - This world has an environment that is highly volcanically active.
Weather Traits
A world can have one or more Weather Traits. The difference could be seasonal or geographic.
Diverse Weather - The world has diverse weather patterns that differ in intensity and type at different times of year and in different parts of the world.
Magical Weather - The world has weather that is magical in nature, and is either directly manipulated, controlled or affected by magics cast on the planets surface.
Superstorms - The world has particularly powerful and unpredictable weather, making weather such as tornadoes, hurricanes, hailstorms, tidal waves and lightning storms much more common and prevalent hazards.
Subdued Weather - The world has particularly calm and predictable weather, making storms of all kinds much less common.
Mix and Matching
Combine ideas from multiple altered realms and incorporate the various parts as you see fit. Information about the various altered realms can be found in the Mythos Section.
Modified Realm Build
Create a modified version of one of the altered realms. Make changes or adjustments where you feel they are needed to make it fit with the concept you have in mind. Information about the various altered realms can be found in the Mythos Section.
Use an Original Altered Realm
Use any of the realms described in the altered realms mythos section. Feel free to refer to the lore whenever players have questions. Information about the various altered realms can be found in the Mythos Section.