Wielding Weapons

In order to wield a weapon effectively a creature should have Training with that Weapon. In order to gain the Benefit of their Training Bonus when wielding any Weapon, a creature must have Training in that Weapon Type. A Training Bonus is a numerical bonus added to attack and skill rolls in which characters are considered to be proficient. Weapon types are descriptive groupings such as: knives, clubs, swords and polearms. A creature must have the number of hands listed on a weapon available in order to wield that weapon effectively. As an additional prerequisite, a creature may need to have a high enough Strength, Dexterity or Size to wield Certain Weapons.
Dual Wielding
Any non-oversized 1 Handed Weapon can be dual wielded by any Creature with the Hands and Attribute Scores required. Only Creatures with Dual Wielding Training of some kind will gain benefits from this setup other than reducing the necessity to reload as often with Ranged 1 Hand Weapons.
Attribute Modifier Requirements
Particularly large, heavy or High skill weapons may require that the wielder meet certain Attribute Score Requirement in order to wield the weapon at all.
On Average; Heavy Weapons Require more Strength to Wield and High Skill Weapons Require more Dexterity to Wield.
Free Hands
Altered Realms Defines Free Hands: as any sufficiently strong grasping appendage with no item or object currently equipped or held.
Size Requirements
Unless otherwise stated by an Equipped Item or Ability no creature can effectively wield weapons that are Sized too large or small for them.
Most Creatures are limited to Wielding Weapons no more than 1 Size Category larger or smaller than themselves. While a creature is wielding a weapon sized for a creature larger than themselves they are considered to be wielding an Oversized Weapon.
After Drawing an Oversized Weapon, at the Start of Each Turn that a Creature Wields an Oversized Weapon in Combat they Lose 1 Stamina. Any weapon that would normally Require 1 Hand to Wield becomes 2 Hand when the Weapon is considered to be Oversized for the Creature Wielding it at the time.
Weapon Size Modifiers Table
Weapon Size | Damage Modifier | Reach Modifier |
Tiny | 0 | 0 |
Small | 0 | 0 |
Medium | 0 | 0 |
Large | +2 | 0 |
Huge | +4 | +1 |
Massive | +8 | +2 |
Gargantuan | +12 | +4 |
Creatures Gain a Training Bonus as they gain Levels and XP. Creatures only gain this Training Bonus on Skill, Saving Throw and Attack Rolls in which they are considered to be Trained. Creatures can gain training in various ways, the easiest of which is to purchase an Archetype using XP.