
Werebears are cursed to take the form of a half Bear monstrosity at certain times. Their curse is often cosmically connected and they are forced to take the form of a bear in certain times of day or in certain types of light.


Werebears are cursed to take the form of a half Bear monstrosity at certain times. Their curse is often cosmically connected and they are forced to take the form of a bear in certain times of day or in certain types of light.

Playing a Werebear

When you gain or contract Werebearism you will acquire the following Traits and Abilities in addition to those offered by your Species.


Severe Silver Allergy

You are deathly allergic to silver and even touching the substance causes you severe pain.

You are considered to be Vulnerable(receive double damage from that source) to any damage type dealt by Silver Weapons. You take 2 points of Toxic Damage each Round you Hold or Touch any amount of Silver directly.

Cosmic Connection

For reasons you may not even understand, certain parts of the cosmic cycles seem to bring out the bear in you.

Solar Connection: You are a Sun Werebear, you can only Transform in the direct light of the Sun.

Lunar Connection: You are a Moon Werebear, you can only Transform in the Lunar Reflected Light.

Starlight Connection: You are a Starlight Werebear, You can only Transform in Starlight or Darkness.

Caged Beast

You can be aggravated or triggered enough that the bear in you will come bursting out.

Take the Quirk, "Temper Trigger", in addition to the Trigger you choose from that quirk, you are also Triggered by being Dealt Damage. When you suffer from the Enraged Condition you automatically transform into your Werecat Form. You do not gain XP for taking this instance of the Quirk.

Animalistic Strength

You have gained an enhanced physique ever since the transformations started.

Gain +3 Might Points while in werebear form, gain +1 Might Point Normally.

Superior Sense of Smell

Even while not in your Werebear form your sense of smell has been greatly enhanced.

Gain Advantage on Perception Skill Rolls that involve Scents and Smells.


Werebear Form

Your Werebear Transformation causes you to grow and transform into a large bear-like monstrosity.

While your Cosmic Connection is Active you may transform into your werebear form using a Motion.

You gain +2 to Your STR Score while in this form. Your size is considered to be 1 size category larger until you revert to your natural state. You may Ignore Structural Resistance as long as your transformation causes you to become Large or larger on the Size Category Scale. You gain a Reach of +1 Meter while in this Form. You Cannot Cast Spells or Activate Magic Abilities while in this Form.

Werebear Roar

While in your werebear form you gain access to a tremendous and terrifying roar.

Action Motion
Might or Stamina Cost 1
Range 2 Meters
Targets All non-ally creatures in range 

Effect: All non-ally creatures smaller than the casting werebear in range must roll a WIS Saving Throw. The DC is equal to 12 + the werebears’ Training Modifier. Fail: Creatures that Fail are Frightened of the Werebear until the end of their next turn. Pass: Creatures that Pass are unaffected.

Claws and Teeth

While you are in your werebear form you have access to your full arsenal of Natural Weapons.


Damage Damage Types Range Traits
1d12+2 Slash 2 Meters  Natural Weapon

Hit Effect: The Creature must Roll a DEX Saving Throw. DC is equal to 12 + the werebears’ Training Modifier. Fail: The Creature is knocked Prone. Pass: The Creature is unaffected


Damage Damage Types Range Traits
3d6+2 Slash 1 Meter  Natural Weapon, Grapple Weapon

You automatically hit on bite attacks vs creatures you currently have grappled in your jaws. Roll the attack anyway, you can still critically hit.