Warrior Archetypes

A warrior is a sapient creature that has received or undergone intense training in order to excel in battlefield and/or combat situations.

Warrior Archetypes

Altered Realms defines a Warrior; as "A creature that has received or undergone intense training in order to excel in battlefield and/or combat situations". Each warrior archetype is unique, but has skills, traits and abilities that can overlap with other warrior archetypes. Warriors are oriented combat archetypes and typically have access to special attacks, equipment and maneuvers.

Might, Stamina and Focus

All Warrior archetypes will utilize both a main attribute and a resource pool derived from that attribute in order to activate and sustain certain Maneuvers and Abilities.

Might is used by exceptionally strong warriors for maneuvers and abilities that require a great amount of force to deal devastating effects.

Stamina is used by warriors to run faster, jump further, fight longer and to sustain certain Maneuvers and Abilities.

Focus is used for speed and precision in the heat of the moment and is most heavily utilized by the nimblest of warriors.

Warrior Codes

Warrior codes are a set of rules or code of conduct for battles, altercations and war. Most if not all Militaries, Mercenary Groups and Pirates use some form of warrior code. For some Warrior Archetypes a Warrior Code is required, while for others it is not and is instead optional.

Mercy is for the Weak

All is excusable in times of war.

Spare the Weak

All is excusable in war, except crimes against any non-combatants.

No Women, No Children

All is excusable in war, except crimes against women and children.

In The Name of the Royalty

All is excusable as long as it has been ordained by royalty.

In The Name of a God

All is excusable as long as it has been ordained by a god or one of their messengers.


Be honest and straightforward in all your dealings. Retain your honor and dignity at all costs. Keep your body and mind strong and agile.


Protect all that is innocent and pure. Slay all that is wicked and vile. Your birthright requires you to be better than the common folk, always.

The Pirate’s Code

Take from those that have in abundance. Always offer a chance to surrender. Recruits and ransoms are always better than bodies.

The Bandit’s Code

What we wants, we takes. Morals are for better folk than us.

The Raider’s Code

Plunder all. Kill only those that resist.

The Highwayman’s Code

Rob the rich. Recruit from the poor. If they’re dumb enough to try and fight, they deserve what they get.

The Mercenary's Code

All is acceptable in the pursuit of the completion of a job or the acquisition of a paycheck. That being said, a good mercenary strives to reduce collateral damage and undue bloodshed.

Well Equipped

Warriors rely heavily on their equipment to get the job done. Proper Armor, Weapons and Provisions are essential for the well prepared warrior and could very well mean the difference between life and death on the battlefield.

Most soldiers and mercenaries will have been issued or acquired most if not all of their most basic equipment from their years of training and service.

Warriors of Might

Warriors who use their bulk and excessive strength to overwhelm and obliterate their adversaries. These include The Soldier, The Berserker, The Brawler and The Knight.

Warriors of Focus

Warriors who use their speed and precision to hit their adversaries first and often. These include, The Archer, The Scout, The Fencer and The Musketeer.