An Undead creature that rides the balance between life and death that requires the blood of the living for sustenance. Vampirism is a curse that has manifested in different ways across the various realms.

An Undead creature that rides the balance between life and death that requires the blood of the living for sustenance. Vampirism is a curse that has manifested in different ways across the various realms. Many believe the curse to be a punishment for bloodthirsty or murderous behavior. More rare than other forms of undeath, it is a curse that is uniquely transmissible, adding to the air of mystery and fear that surrounds vampires. They can easily pass as living beings at night and have been called the apex predator of humanoids.
Playing a Vampire
When you choose or acquire this curse you will trade out all traits and abilities offered by your species for the Following Vampire Traits and Abilities. You retain any movement abilities, natural armor or natural weapons granted by your initial species.
Vampiric Undead
You Cannot Drown or Suffocate. You Cannot Reproduce. You Do Not Age. You are Immune to Necrotic, Poison, Venom and Toxic Damage and can no longer Contract Diseases or Viruses. You Receive -5 Damage from Critical Hits.
Blood Sustenance
You Cannot gain sustenance from food or drink, nor can you gain any benefits of Ingesting or using Potions, Brews, Salves or Medicine.
You gain a Blood Point Pool that you will use to activate and Sustain certain Vampire Abilities.
Your Blood Pool Maximum is equal to your Wisdom Modifier and can later be increased.
Each time you use your Action to Feed from an Adjacent Living Creature you gain 1 Blood Point. If the creature is aware of you or does not wish to be fed upon you must successfully Hit them with a Bite Attack or cause them to Bleed in order to successfully Feed upon them.
Creatures of various sizes will yield more or less blood points total. Completely draining a creature of all of its blood points causes the creature to have their HP set to 0 and are Considered to be dying. Feeding a Dying Creature your Blood has a 66.6% chance to turn them into a Vampire(roll a d10, on a result of 5 or Higher the Creature Turns). Use the Table Below as a Reference.
Size | Total Blood Points |
Tiny | 2 |
Small | 4 |
Medium | 8 |
Large | 16 |
Huge | 32 |
Gigantic | 64 |
Massive | 120+ |
You can only gain Healing from Resting by a spending Blood Point at the start of the resting period. During Combat you can, as a Motion, spend 1 Blood Point to Self Heal. When you do so you regain 1d12 + Wisdom Modifier HP.
You can only use your Vampire Abilities if you have the required blood points to activate them.
UV/Sunlight Allergy
Your flesh cannot bear to be in direct sunlight and will begin to bubble and burn within moments of exposure. You receive damage equal to 1d6 + 2 Burn Damage for each time you move through or start your turn in direct sunlight. Spending 3 or more rounds (30 seconds) in direct sunlight causes your skin to Ignite and start Burning, dealing an additional 1d6 Burn Damage per Round until the Fire is extinguished or you are no longer in direct sunlight. Thick opaque objects or items can block the sunlight but not its weakening effects. You cannot Activate Vampire Abilities in the light of the sun.
Vampire Fangs
You have elongated and exaggerated canines that you can use to bite deep into your victims and access their largest blood vessels.
Vampire Bite Attack
Turn Portion | Melee Attack Action |
Range | 1 Meter |
Damage | 1d6 + STR, DEX or WIS Modifier Puncture Damage |
Hit Effect: The living target must roll a Constitution Saving Throw, The DC is equal to 10 + the Vampire’s Wisdom Modifier + Training Modifier. If they fail the Saving Throw they lose approximately 1 Pint of Blood and the vampire regains 1 Blood Point.
Occult Connection
The Vampire curse has always been at its core, “Unholy” in nature and due to that connection all Vampires are considered to be Vulnerable to Holy Damage.
Vampiric Variety
Not all Vampires have the same abilities and traits of the night, Choose one of the following abilities or traits with a cost of 2 XP or less. It does not Cost XP and later you may acquire new Vampiric abilities at their XP Cost during Level Up.
Vampiric Speed
You can move unnaturally and incredibly fast when you want to.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Vampirism
Effect: You can spend 1 Blood Point to take an additional Movement, Or Utilize your Movement as a Reaction.
Vampiric Flight
You have the otherworldly ability to fly and hover without the assistance of wings.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Vampirism
Turn Portion | Movement |
Blood Point Cost | 2 |
Range | Personal |
Sustain | 1 Blood Point |
Effect: You Fly up to 6 Meters in any direction or Hover until the End of your next turn or until you are no longer sustaining this ability.
Vampiric Crawl
You have the strange and unnerving ability to cling to walls and ceilings.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Vampirism
Turn Portion | Movement |
Blood Point Cost | 1 |
Range | Personal |
Sustain | 1 Blood Point |
Effect: You can Walk or Crawl up to 6 Meters on any surface until the End of your next turn or until you are no longer sustaining this ability.
Vampiric Regeneration
You have the unnatural ability to regenerate lost or damaged tissue.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Vampirism
Turn Portion | Motion |
Blood Point Cost | 2 |
Range | Personal |
Sustain | No |
Effect: Regain 1d12 + Wisdom Modifier HP and Regenerate a lost Limb, or recover from a Single Wound.
Vampiric Transformation
You have the dark ability to transform into animals and beasts.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Vampirism
Turn Portion | Motion |
Blood Point Cost | 2 |
Range | Personal |
Sustain | 1 |
Effect: Transform into any Animal of level 3 or lower until the end of your next turn or until this ability is no longer being sustained.
If you are reduced to 0 HP while in animal form you immediately revert to your natural state. Any damage received in excess of that animal’s form is dealt directly to your HP.
Vampiric Cowl
You have the rare ability to render yourself nearly invisible.
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Vampirism
Turn Portion | Motion |
Blood Point Cost | 3 |
Range | Personal |
Sustain | 3 |
Effect: You have the Invisible Condition until the end of your next turn or until you are no longer sustaining this ability. Attacking or casting combat spells ends your Invisibility until the start of your next turn.
Blood Manipulation
You have the ability to control and manipulate blood.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Vampirism
Turn Portion | Motion or Ranged Spell Attack |
Blood Point Cost | 2 |
Range | 10 Meters |
Sustain | 1 Blood Point |
Effect: Control and Manipulate up to 1 sq. Meter of visible Blood until the End of your next turn. You may cause the blood to move up to 10 meters or reshape itself at your will during your turns.
Weaponize: You can use manipulated blood as a weapon. To do so, roll a Ranged Spell Attack vs a target within Range. If you Hit the target is deal 1d12 + Wisdom Modifier Puncture, Slash or Blunt Damage.
Suffocate: You can use this spell to cause creatures to begin suffocating. To do so, target a single creature within range. That Creature must roll a Constitution Saving Throw, the DC is equal to the Vampire’s Wisdom Modifier + Training Modifier. If the target fails the saving throw they are considered to be suffering from the Suffocating Condition until they pass this ability's saving throw at the end of one of their turns.
Vampiric Hypnosis
You have the Dark ability to Hypnotize Living creatures.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Vampirism
Turn Portion | Motion or Ranged Spell Attack |
Blood Point Cost | 2 |
Range | 10 Meters |
Sustain | 2 Blood Points |
Effect: Target a single living creature not engaged in combat within range, both you and the target make Wisdom Saving Throws, If your Total is higher than theirs the Target becomes Hypnotized by you until the End of your next Turn or until this ability is no longer being sustained. Hypnotized creatures are highly suggestible and will do most things to the best of their ability (other than self harm) when commanded to by their hypnotizer.
A Hypnotized creature will Immediately regain control of themselves if they are reduced to ½ their Total HP, Wounded or rendered unconscious while Hypnotized.
Gain the ability to enthrall creatures which you have hypnotized more than once. Causing them to feel a deep sense of servitude towards you.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Vampirism
Effect: Creatures that you successfully hypnotize more than once have a 20% chance to become enthralled. Roll 1d100 to determine upon successful 2nd hypnosis attempt. If you roll a 80 or higher, the creature becomes your Thrall. Each time you successfully hypnotize that same creature the chance to become Enthralled is increased by an additional 20%. Roll another d100 with the 20% adjustment after the successful hypnosis attempt.
Thrall: An Enthralled creature must roll a Wisdom Saving Throw to resist commands issued by the creature that enthralled them. The DC starts at 14 but increases by 2 for each year the creature remains enthralled. Eventually the creature does as their enthraller commands without question.
Details: Each individual command is permanent and a new Saving Throw must be rolled each time an attempt is made to resist them. For instance, a creature commanded not to run away and to remain with their master would need to roll a wisdom saving throw each time they moved further away from their master without being commanded to do so.
Ending Enthrallment: The Enthraller may end the Enthrallment at any time using a Motion. Otherwise, the Enthrallment is removed if the Enthralling Vampire is slain, Or no longer has access to the same Realm of Reality for more than a year.
Vampiric Agility
You have incredible and unnatural evasive abilities.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Vampirism
Effect: Increase your Dexterity Saving Throw Modifier and AC by 2.
Vampiric Grace
You have incredible and unnatural mobility.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Vampirism
Effect: Increase your Movement Speed by 2 Meters.
Vampiric Strength
You have incredible and unnatural Strength.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Vampirism
Effect: Increase your STR Score by 2.
Blood Reserves
(Can be Purchased Multiple Times, the cost to do so increases by 1 XP for each additional time after the first)
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Vampirism
Effect: Increase your Blood Pool Maximum by 2.
Vampire Quirks
Each vampire quirk that you take grants you additional XP to spend on Vampire Abilities and Traits during Character Creation or Level Up.
Permission to Enter
You require permission from someone inside a dwelling or structure in order to enter.
XP Rebate: 1
Effect: You need permission from an occupant or owner in order to physically enter any Dwelling or Private Structure. Businesses with a sign or invitation to enter allow the vampire to circumvent this curse.
Garlic Allergy
You have a severe allergic reaction to contact with Garlic.
XP Rebate: .5
Effect: You consider Garlic to be Toxic and receive 1d4 Toxic Damage each Round you remain within 1 Meter of a clove or more of garlic.
Wood Allergy
You have a severe allergic reaction to contact with Wood.
XP Rebate: .5
Effect: You consider Wood to be Toxic and receive 1d4 Toxic Damage each Round you remain within physical contact with wood. You are considered to be vulnerable to all damage types dealt by Wooden Weapons.
Fear of Holy Symbolism
You have a crippling fear of Holy Symbols.
XP Rebate: .5
Effect: You become Frightened of any creature brandishing a holy symbol. You cannot willingly enter a holy place.
Lack of Reflection
You do not cast a reflection in mirrors or other reflective surfaces.
XP Rebate: 1
Effect: You and your worn equipment do cast a reflection of any kind, making it much easier to detect your unholy nature.
The Perception or Investigation Skill DC to detect this anomaly while you are within 10 meters of a reflective surface is 12. Creatures that detect this will immediately become suspicious if not outright hostile.