Pact Witches

Pact witches have made a pact, deal or have come to an understanding with a powerful entity and have been granted certain Witchcrafts as compensation.

Pact Witches

Pact Witches and Warlocks have all made a deal with a Powerful Entity in exchange for Hidden Knowledge and Power. The deal can have various stipulations depending on the entity with which the deal was struck. The terms "witch" and "warlock" are interchangeable and not gendered, as some people simply prefer one term over the other.

Entity Type

The Entity’s Type will affect the Magic accessible through Deals made with them and what types of Deals they Offer. Most entities will have a reason for wanting to grant a portion of their power to a mortal, even if it is not understood by the witch or warlock granted the power.

Entity Types

The following is a list of entity types currently available, each entry has brief description of the entities of that type and a link to the Witch Archetype accessible through their Pacts.


Devils are powerful entities from one of the Underworld, Dark Afterlife or Hell Realms. They use mortals as pawns in their various schemes and grant them power in order to accomplish goals or simply to entertain themselves.


Dragons are creatures of pure magic with near infinite lifespans. As they grow so does their magic and in rare instances dragons can grow in power to rival that of a god. They often use creatures that revere them to accomplish tasks and machinations that they feel are beneath them and grant those that choose it, a stipend of their power.


Powerful Entities from the Faye Realms are mysterious and foreign. Their desires and motivations are quite different from those of most mortals. They are however bound by laws and their word and will often offer a portion of their power as part of a bet or deal in which they feel they have the upper hand. Occasionally they lose and are forced to honor their word. In these cases they grant the power, but usually attach a caveat, making the magic less convenient to access.


Outsiders are creatures from realms, dimensions or technological levels which cannot be or are not completely understood by those that interact with them. It could be anything from a super powerful insane sorcerer, a rogue A.I. entity, meddling time travelers, experimenting aliens to a great old one.