Trollkin are a diverse and varied species with subspecies in nearly every realm. They vary greatly between colorations and adaptations depending on their ancestry.

Medium-Large/ Trolloid / Biped
Trollkin are a diverse and varied species with subspecies in nearly every realm. They vary greatly between colorations and adaptations depending on their ancestry.
Trollkin societies are typically large family units, small tribes or tiny villages. They tend to keep to themselves due to their appearance and troublesome nature. Some trolls find ways to integrate themselves into larger societies, but there is typically an adjustment period as they get used to the laws, manners and other such societal pleasantries.
Choose a Subspecies
Rock Trollkin
Rock Covered Trollkin Subspecies
Medium / Trolloid / Biped
Average Height | 280 cm |
Average Weight | 160 kg |
Lifespan | 35-45 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 7 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 STR or +2 CON |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Trollish and Uman |
Rock Trolls have crusty rock like growths on their epidermis. These provide protection and make them easily identifiable.
Regenerative Tissues
You naturally Recover HP over time regardless of whether or not you are Resting. You Regenerate a Number of HP at the Start of each of your Turns equal to your Training Modifier.
If you receive Burn Damage at any point before or during your turn you cannot regenerate HP at the start of your next turn.
You can Recover from Wounds while resting rather than while sleeping. You Recover from Wounds Twice as Fast.
You can reattach severed parts, limbs or digits via an Action, Or regrow severed limbs or digits via 4 Hours of Rest.
If you are Killed or suffering from the Dying Condition you can continue Acting for a Number of Rounds equal to your CON Modifier. If the cause of death was a severed part that you can reattach in that time you regain 1d6 HP immediately after reattaching the vital part and are no longer considered to be Dead or Dying.
Tumultuous Temperament
You are easily angered. You have Disadvantage on all CHA Saving Throws. Add a Destiny Die to all Intimidation Skill Rolls.
Tremendous Appetite
Using a Full Round Action(10 Seconds of time), you can consume up to a number of kilograms of prepared food equal to your CON Modifier to regain 2 HP per kilogram of food consumed this way.
Armored Hide
You possess rocky formations on your skin that protect you from harm.
*Cannot equip Heavy Armor.
AC Bonus | Armor Points | Item Traits |
4 | 12 | Natural Armor |
Bridge Trollkin
Classic Trollkin Subspecies
Medium / Trolloid / Biped
Average Height | 280 cm |
Average Weight | 160 kg |
Lifespan | 35-45 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 7 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 STR or +2 WIS |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Trollish and Uman |
Bridge Trollkin are covered in thick matted body hair, they have smaller bodies than other trolls, with slightly more humanoid features. They can sometimes be mistaken for large hairy humans.
Regenerative Tissues
You naturally Recover HP over time regardless of whether or not you are Resting. You Regenerate a Number of HP at the Start of each of your Turns equal to your Training Modifier.
If you receive Burn Damage at any point before or during your turn you cannot regenerate HP at the start of your next turn.
You can Recover from Wounds while resting rather than while sleeping. You Recover from Wounds Twice as Fast.
You can reattach severed parts, limbs or digits via an Action, Or regrow severed limbs or digits via 4 Hours of Rest.
Once per encounter(scene or battle), If you are Killed or suffering from the Dying Condition you can continue Acting for a Number of Rounds equal to your CON Modifier. If the cause of death was a severed part that you can reattach in that time you regain 1d6 HP immediately after reattaching the vital part and are no longer considered to be Dead or Dying.
Tumultuous Temperament
You are easily angered. You have Disadvantage on all CHA Saving Throws. Add a Destiny Die to all Intimidation Skill Rolls.
Tremendous Appetite
Using a Full Round Action(10 Seconds of time), you can consume up to a number of kilograms of prepared food equal to your CON Modifier to regain 2 HP per kilogram of food consumed this way.
Coin Sense
You have the ability to sense Coins, Legal Tender and Items of Value.
You can use your Perception Skill to attempt to sense valuables within 10 Meters of you. The higher you Skill Roll the higher the Accuracy of your Coin Sense. If you cannot visually see the item of value you simply get a low, moderate or high sense of value. If you can visually See the item of value you can estimate the item’s or pile’s actual monetary value. The higher your Skill Roll the higher the accuracy of the estimate.
Long Haired Trollkin
Hairy Trollkin Subspecies
Large / Trolloid / Biped
Average Height | 310 cm |
Average Weight | 160 kg |
Lifespan | 35-45 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 7 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 STR or +2 DEX |
Movement Speed | 7 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Large / d10 |
Languages | Trollish and Uman |
Covered in long wispy strands of dark hair from head to toe. Their eyes peek out from under their long fur and are often shades of brown, green, yellow, orange and blue. They occasionally grow small horns on their heads and possess intimidating oversized fangs. They have long arms and large hands and feet.
Regenerative Tissues
You naturally Recover HP over time regardless of whether or not you are Resting. You Regenerate a Number of HP at the Start of each of your Turns equal to your Training Modifier.
If you receive Burn Damage at any point before or during your turn you cannot regenerate HP at the start of your next turn.
You can Recover from Wounds while resting rather than while sleeping. You Recover from Wounds Twice as Fast.
You can reattach severed parts, limbs or digits via an Action, Or regrow severed limbs or digits via 4 Hours of Rest.
Once per encounter(scene or battle), If you are Killed or suffering from the Dying Condition you can continue Acting for a Number of Rounds equal to your CON Modifier. If the cause of death was a severed part that you can reattach in that time you regain 1d6 HP immediately after reattaching the vital part and are no longer considered to be Dead or Dying.
Tumultuous Temperament
You are easily angered. You have Disadvantage on all CHA Saving Throws. Add a Destiny Die to all Intimidation Skill Rolls.
Big Hands
You can Wield 2 Hand Weapons in 1 Hand. You can Wield Large Sized Weapons.
You possess oversized fangs in your mouth that are capable of inflicting significant damage.
Damage | Damage Types | Range | Traits |
2d4+2 | Puncture | 1 Meter | Natural Weapon, Charging Weapon |
Snow Trollkin
Yeti-like Trollkin Subspecies
Large / Trolloid / Biped
Average Height | 310 cm |
Average Weight | 160 kg |
Lifespan | 35-45 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 7 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 STR or +2 CON |
Movement Speed | 7 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Large / d10 |
Languages | Trollish and Uman |
Snow Trollkin are covered in a thick white or grey fur coat. Their eyes can be shades of blue, green, yellow or gray. They often have bluish tints to the skin that shows under their fur. They occasionally grow small horns protruding from their head. They have long arms and large hands and feet.
Regenerative Tissues
You naturally Recover HP over time regardless of whether or not you are Resting. You Regenerate a Number of HP at the Start of each of your Turns equal to your Training Modifier.
If you receive Burn Damage at any point before or during your turn you cannot regenerate HP at the start of your next turn.
You can Recover from Wounds while resting rather than while sleeping. You Recover from Wounds Twice as Fast.
You can reattach severed parts, limbs or digits via an Action, Or regrow severed limbs or digits via 4 Hours of Rest.
Once per encounter(scene or battle), If you are Killed or suffering from the Dying Condition you can continue Acting for a Number of Rounds equal to your CON Modifier. If the cause of death was a severed part that you can reattach in that time you regain 1d6 HP immediately after reattaching the vital part and are no longer considered to be Dead or Dying.
Tumultuous Temperament
You are easily angered. You have Disadvantage on all CHA Saving Throws. Add a Destiny Die to all Intimidation Skill Rolls.
Big Hands
You can Wield 2 Hand Weapons in 1 Hand. You can Wield Large Sized Weapons.
Thick Fur
Your Total AC is Increased by +2. You gain Resistance to Frost Damage and Adverse Effects caused by Cold Conditions(receive half damage when dealt damage of that type).