Toons are a type of fictionally created character come to life; Either through magic or unexplainable phenomena.

Tiny-Large / Toon / Biped
Toons are a type of fictionally created character come to life; Either through magic or unexplainable phenomena. Due to their drawn or animated nature they do not have uniform appearances between their various subspecies. Each toon is unique and may have a vastly different appearance to another toon of the same subspecies. Toons can be humanoid, robotic, plant-like, anthropomorphic or even an animate object. While they may appear similar in look to these various creatures, they do not operate on the same laws of physics as non-toon creatures. New toons can be created by artists and animators. Toons cannot be killed by non-toons but they can be erased or destroyed by other toons. Toons cannot kill non-toons nor can they be killed by non-toon damage or effects.
Choose One
Slap Toon
Tiny-Large / Toon / Biped
Average Height | Varies |
Average Weight | Negligible |
Lifespan | Potentially Infinite |
Age of Adulthood | Varies |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 CHA or WIS |
Movement Speed | Varies(4 Tiny, 5 Small, 6 Medium, 7 Large) |
Movement Types | Walking, Crawling, Flying, Hovering or Swimming |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Varies(Tiny, Small, Medium or Large, HP Die = 1d4 Tiny, 1d6 Small, 1d8 Medium, 1d10 Large) |
Languages | Your Choice and Uman |
Slap Toons were created to bring laughter into the world. They exist for laughs, gags and comedy. They literally gain sustenance from ambient laughter and amusement.
Toon Body
Your Toon’s body can take on whatever appearance or design you desire. It is limited only in its Size, HP Die and Movement Speed. You may alter this appearance at any time as a full round action with Narrator permission.
Size: Choose a creature size between: Tiny, Small, Medium or Large. Your choice affects your HP Die and Movement Speed. Tiny = 4 Movement, 1d4 HP Die, Small = 5 Movement, 1d6 HP Die, Medium = 6 Movement, 1d8 HP Die, Large = 7 Movement, 1d10 HP Die.
Movement Type: Choose a movement type between: Walking(any size), Swimming(any size) Crawling(any size), Flying(medium or smaller) or Hovering(small or tiny).
Outfit: Your cartoon clothing never changes unless you alter your appearance. If it is damaged or destroyed it is immediately restored in the next scene or at the start of your next turn.
Comedic Sustenance: While you can consume food, potions and medicine for comedic purposes, you do not require food or water to survive. Instead, you are sustained by the laughter and amusement of those that see and interact with you. You cannot regain HP and Attribute Resource Points when you have gone 3 or more days without causing laughter or amusement in a sentient creature that can see you.
Slap Toon Dimensions
Due to your fluid-like body you never suffer from the Cramped Condition.
Your arms, legs and body can stretch to comedic proportions allowing you to Leap up to 4 Meters and Jump up to 2 Meters without making a Roll by simply spending the necessary Movement.
You add a Destiny Die to all Rolls made to Escape Grapples and Restraints.
Apply a Misc. +2 to your AC and Dexterity Saving Throws.
Slap Toon Physics
Your Toon body is strange and unusual. What lies beneath your outer layer or skin is a mystery to yourself and others. You have organs only when you need to have a comically large heart pop out of your chest or need your eyes to extend outwards for emphasis. While you can be hurt or incapacitated, you suffer only temporary effects, such as stars or birds flying around your head. This means that you cannot be wounded.
Effect: You cannot be dealt lethal damage of any kind. When you are dealt damage of any type other than non-lethal, you convert the damage to non-lethal. You cannot be wounded.
You do not enter the dying condition even if you are reduced to 0 HP or Fewer. Instead you become Stunned and may Roll 1d20 + your WIS or CHA Modifier at the start of each turn after being reduced to 0 HP or Fewer. If your modified roll is 16 or higher you end the Stunned State and regain 1 HP. Any other creature may use their Action while adjacent to you to end this Stun.
You cannot deal lethal damage of any kind. When you would deal damage of any type other than non-lethal, you convert the damage to non-lethal.
You do not cause non-toon creatures to enter the dying condition even if they are reduced to 0 HP or Fewer. Instead they become Stunned and may Roll 1d20 + their WIS or CHA Modifier at the start of each turn after being reduced to 0 HP or Fewer. If their modified roll is 16 or higher they end the Stunned State and regain 1 HP. Any other creature may use their Action while adjacent to a Stunned Creature to end this Stun.
Toon Vulnerability: You can be Erased or Destroyed by other Toons. If you are reduced to 0 HP by a Toon you enter the Dying Condition as normal. If you Fail 2 Death Saving Throws you are Destroyed or Erased rather than dead. You cannot be resurrected but you can be redrawn or animated.
Powers of Comedy
Your power grows as what you do is perceived to be comical, even by yourself.
You can conjure cartoon effects, powers and weapons as long as you intend to use them in a comedic manner.
Action: Action
Cost: 1 Willpower or Panache
Range: 10 Meters
Effect: You conjure a cartoon weapon, contraption or prop of your choice within Range. Depending on what you create, it can have vastly different effects. The weapon’s, object’s or contraption’s dimensions cannot be larger than 3x3 meters.
Silly Weapon: The comedic weapon can deal up to 1d12 + 2 Non-lethal Damage and may have the Impact II Trait. If it is a Ranged weapon its range is limited to 100 meters. No ammunition is necessary. It cannot be wielded by non-toons.
Prop: Props can be used to add to yours or your allies Skill Rolls. A fitting comedic prop can be used to grant a Misc. +2 to the Skill of your choice. You may only have one Prop active at any given time. If you summon a new prop while a previous one is active the new one replaces the old one.
Contraption: Conjured comedic contraptions have the ability to function as normal, albeit non-lethal versions of machines, tools and structures. For example: A door is still a doorway, but it cannot be used to deal blunt damage. A screwdriver can turn screws, but it cannot be used as a stabbing weapon. A chainsaw can cut trees, but the falling tree and chainsaw would deal non-lethal damage.
Special: You cannot create vehicles or living creatures with this ability. The Dimensions of your contraption cannot be more than 2x2 Meters. You cannot trap non-toon creatures inside a contraption. You cannot conjure functional cartoon versions of medicine or medical equipment from the buyer’s guides. All Conjured Cartoon Creations dissipate in 1d4 +1 Rounds.
Edgy Toon
Tiny-Large / Toon / Biped
Average Height | Varies |
Average Weight | Negligible |
Lifespan | Potentially Infinite |
Age of Adulthood | Varies |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 CHA or WIS |
Movement Speed | Varies(4 Tiny, 5 Small, 6 Medium, 7 Large) |
Movement Types | Walking, Crawling, Flying, Hovering or Swimming |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Varies(Tiny, Small, Medium or Large, HP Die = 1d4 Tiny, 1d6 Small, 1d8 Medium, 1d10 Large) |
Languages | Your Choice and Uman |
Edgy Toons were created to entertain the young, brash and naïve. They exist to look cool, awesome and edgy. They literally gain sustenance by inspiring awe and feelings of childish excitement.
Toon Body
Your Toon’s body can take on whatever appearance or design you desire. It is limited only in its Size, HP Die and Movement Speed. You may alter this appearance at any time as a full round action with Narrator permission.
Size: Choose a creature size between: Tiny, Small, Medium or Large. Your choice affects your HP Die and Movement Speed. Tiny = 4 Movement, 1d4 HP Die, Small = 5 Movement, 1d6 HP Die, Medium = 6 Movement, 1d8 HP Die, Large = 7 Movement, 1d10 HP Die.
Movement Type: Choose a movement type between: Walking(any size), Swimming(any size) Crawling(any size), Flying(medium or smaller) or Hovering(small or tiny).
Outfit: Your cartoon clothing never changes unless you alter your appearance. If it is damaged or destroyed it is immediately restored in the next scene or at the start of your next turn.
Awesome Sustenance: While you can consume food, potions and medicine for the purposes of looking cool, you do not require food or water to survive. Instead, you are sustained by the awe and childish excitement of those that see and interact with you. You cannot regain HP and Attribute Resource Points when you have gone 3 or more days without causing awe or childish excitement in a sentient creature that can see you.
Edgy Toon Dimensions
Due to your non-definitive body you never suffer from the Cramped Condition.
Your arms, legs and body can stretch to awesome proportions allowing you to Leap up to 4 Meters and Jump up to 2 Meters without making a Roll by simply spending the necessary Movement.
You add a Destiny Die to all Rolls made to Escape Grapples and Restraints.
Apply a Misc. +2 to your AC and Dexterity Saving Throws.
Edgy Toon Physics
Your Toon body is strange and unusual. What lies beneath your outer layer or skin is a mystery to yourself and others. You have organs only when you need to bleed dramatically or cough from an injury that will not exist in the next scene. While you can be hurt or incapacitated, you suffer only temporary effects, such as being knocked down or stunned. This means that you cannot be wounded.
Effect: You cannot be dealt lethal damage of any kind. When you are dealt damage of any type other than non-lethal, you convert the damage to non-lethal.
You do not enter the dying condition even if you are reduced to 0 HP or Fewer. Instead you become Stunned and may Roll 1d20 + your WIS or CHA Modifier at the start of each turn after being reduced to 0 HP or Fewer. If your modified roll is 16 or higher you end the Stunned State and regain 1 HP. Any other creature may use their Action while adjacent to you to end this Stun.
You cannot deal lethal damage of any kind. When you would deal damage of any type other than non-lethal, you convert the damage to non-lethal.
You do not cause non-creatures to enter the dying condition even if they are reduced to 0 HP or Fewer. Instead they become Stunned and may Roll 1d20 + their WIS or CHA Modifier at the start of each turn after being reduced to 0 HP or Fewer. If their modified roll is 16 or higher they end the Stunned State and regain 1 HP. Any other creature may use their Action while adjacent to a Stunned Creature to end this Stun.
Toon Vulnerability: You can be Erased or Destroyed by other Toons. If you are reduced to 0 HP by a Toon you enter the Dying Condition as normal. If you Fail 2 Death Saving Throws you are Destroyed or Erased rather than dead. You cannot be resurrected but you can be redrawn or animated.
Cool Rules
Your power grows as what you do is perceived to be cool, even by yourself.
You can conjure cartoon powers and weapons as long as you intend to use them in a very stylish or cool manner.
Action: Action
Cost: 1 Willpower or Panache
Range: 10 Meters
Effect: You conjure a cartoon weapon or power of your choice. Depending on what you conjure, it can have vastly different effects.
Cool Weapon: The awesome conjured weapon can deal up to 2d8 + 2 Non-lethal Damage and may have a single Tier II Item Trait of your choice. If it is a Ranged weapon its range is limited to 100 meters. No ammunition is necessary. You are considered to be Trained to wield the weapon while wielding it. It cannot be wielded by non-toons.
Powers: Choose one:
Super Fly Flight - Gain the Ability up to Fly 10 Meters per Movement.
Super Awesome Strength - Add a Destiny Die and +10 to your Athletics Skill Rolls.
Super Sweet Invisibility - You can become invisible or visible via a Motion; Invisible creatures add a Destiny Die to all Stealth Skill Rolls and are considered to make those stealth skill rolls with a miscellaneous +5. They can still be detected via scent, tracks and other evidence.
Super Cool Speed - +6 to your Movement Speed and you have an additional Movement at your disposal.
Special: All Conjured Cartoon Weapons or Powers dissipate in 1d4 +1 Rounds. Landing a Critical Hit while this effect is active extends the duration by 1 Round.
Puff Toon
Tiny-Large / Toon / Biped
Average Height | Varies |
Average Weight | Negligible |
Lifespan | Potentially Infinite |
Age of Adulthood | Varies |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 CHA or WIS |
Movement Speed | Varies(4 Tiny, 5 Small, 6 Medium, 7 Large) |
Movement Types | Walking, Crawling, Flying, Hovering or Swimming |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Varies(Tiny, Small, Medium or Large, HP Die = 1d4 Tiny, 1d6 Small, 1d8 Medium, 1d10 Large) |
Languages | Your Choice and Uman |
Puff Toons were created to incite feelings of attraction and lust. They often have exaggerated body shapes reminiscent of ones found attractive in their time. Puff Toons literally gain sustenance by inspiring attraction and feelings of lust.
Toon Body
Your Toon’s body can take on whatever appearance or design you desire. It is limited only in its Size, HP Die and Movement Speed. You may alter this appearance at any time as a full round action with Narrator permission.
Size: Choose a creature size between: Tiny, Small, Medium or Large. Your choice affects your HP Die and Movement Speed. Tiny = 4 Movement, 1d4 HP Die, Small = 5 Movement, 1d6 HP Die, Medium = 6 Movement, 1d8 HP Die, Large = 7 Movement, 1d10 HP Die.
Movement Type: Choose a movement type between: Walking(any size), Swimming(any size) Crawling(any size), Flying(medium or smaller) or Hovering(small or tiny).
Outfit: Your cartoon clothing never changes unless you alter your appearance. If it is damaged or destroyed it is immediately restored in the next scene or at the start of your next turn.
Seductive Sustenance: While you can consume food, potions and medicine for the purposes of looking seductive, you do not require food or water to survive. Instead, you are sustained by the feelings of attraction and lust of those that see and interact with you. You cannot regain HP and Attribute Resource Points when you have gone 3 or more days without causing attraction or lust in a sentient creature that can see you.
Puff Toon Dimensions
Due to your non-definitive body you never suffer from the Cramped Condition.
Your arms, legs and body can stretch to unrealistic proportions allowing you to Leap up to 4 Meters and Jump up to 2 Meters without making a Roll by simply spending the necessary Movement.
You add a Destiny Die to all Rolls made to Escape Grapples and Restraints.
Apply a Misc. +2 to your AC and Dexterity Saving Throws.
Puff Toon Physics
Your Toon body is strange and unusual. What lies beneath your outer layer or “clothing” is a mystery to yourself and others. You have shapes and curves but what lies under remains ambiguous.
While you can be hurt or incapacitated, you suffer only temporary effects, such as being knocked down or stunned.
Effect: You cannot be dealt lethal damage of any kind. When you are dealt damage of any type other than non-lethal, you convert the damage to non-lethal. This means that you cannot be wounded.
You do not enter the dying condition even if you are reduced to 0 HP or Fewer. Instead you become Stunned and may Roll 1d20 + your WIS or CHA Modifier at the start of each turn after being reduced to 0 HP or Fewer. If your modified roll is 16 or higher you end the Stunned State and regain 1 HP. Any other creature may use their Action while adjacent to you to end this Stun.
You cannot deal lethal damage of any kind. When you would deal damage of any type other than non-lethal, you convert the damage to non-lethal.
You do not cause non-creatures to enter the dying condition even if they are reduced to 0 HP or Fewer. Instead they become Stunned and may Roll 1d20 + their WIS or CHA Modifier at the start of each turn after being reduced to 0 HP or Fewer. If their modified roll is 16 or higher they end the Stunned State and regain 1 HP. Any other creature may use their Action while adjacent to a Stunned Creature to end this Stun.
Toon Vulnerability: You can be Erased or Destroyed by other Toons. If you are reduced to 0 HP by a Toon you enter the Dying Condition as normal. If you Fail 2 Death Saving Throws you are Destroyed or Erased rather than dead. You cannot be resurrected but you can be redrawn or animated.
Powers of Attraction
Your power grows as what you do is perceived to be attractive and suggestive even by yourself.
You can conjure cartoon powers of attraction as long as you intend to use them in a very seductive manner.
Action: Action
Cost: 1 Willpower or Panache
Range: 10 Meters
Effect: You conjure a power of attraction of your choice. Depending on what power you conjure, it can have vastly different effects.
Musical Number: You begin a musical number and/or dance performance. Cartoon music and lighting of your choice are automatically generated to accompany your performance. Creatures in the area must roll a Wisdom Saving Throw. The DC is equal to 14 + Training Modifier.
Fail: Creatures that Fail the saving throw suffer from the Charmed Condition. Charmed creatures may roll another Saving Throw at the end of each of their turns to attempt to end the effect.
Pass: Creatures that Pass the saving throw suffer from the Distracted Condition. Distracted creatures may roll another Saving Throw at the end of each of their turns to attempt to end the effect.
Yoohoo!: You focus your powers of attraction on an individual with a wink, innuendo or suggestive body language. Target a creature within Range. That creature must Roll a Wisdom Saving Throw. The DC is equal to 14 + Training Modifier.
Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw suffer from the Stunned Condition. Stunned creatures may roll another Saving Throw at the end of each of their turns to attempt to end the effect. You add a Destiny Die to your Charm Skill Rolls made vs that creature while they remain Stunned.
Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw suffer from the Dazed Condition. Dazed creatures may roll another Saving Throw at the end of each of their turns to attempt to end the effect. You apply a misc. +2 modifier to your Charm Skill Rolls made vs that creature while they remain Dazed.
Cartoon Wardrobe: You can make an outfit or makeup change anytime and anyplace. Your outfit or makeup applies a misc. +2 to a skill of your choice. In addition you are considered to gain the toolkit of your choice, allowing you to make certain skill rolls that would be impossible without them.
Special: All Powers of Attraction dissipate in 1d4 +1 Rounds. Succeeding on a Charm Skill Roll while this effect is active extends the duration by 1 Round.