Conditions are succinct effects that are temporarily imposed on creatures.
Various attacks, maneuver, spells, programs and wound will apply some kind of Condition. These conditions can be beneficial or debilitating depending on their type. When you use an attack or ability with one of these conditions you should let the Narrator know so they can calculate any modifiers that should apply, furthermore if a creature or character is hit or targeted with one of these effects it will need be recorded in that creature's Status Effects Bar with notes on how it will effect that creature and for how long. The list of possible Conditions are as follows:
Physical or emotional aggravation has caused you to become extremely irritable.
You add a Fate die to all Fine Motor Skill, Social and Mental Skill Rolls, except Intimidate.
You're suffering from vital fluid loss!
You will receive an amount of Bleed damage at the start of your turn that is set by the Wound that caused the Bleeding, Bleed damage can only be subtracted from your Hit Point Pool. At the end of each of your turns you can attempt to end the effect by rolling a successful constitution saving throw whose DC will also be set by Maneuver, Spell or Program Save DC of the creature that caused the bleeding. Constructs and undead are Immune to this condition.
You temporarily cannot see or view the world around you.
All Physical Skill Rolls are made with a -10 penalty and Ranged, Melee, and Magic Attacks are made with a Fate Die added and a -5 to the Attack Roll. Blinded creatures Maneuver, Spell and Program DCs are decreased by 5. Dexterity Saving Throws are also made with Disadvantage. Creatures gain advantage on Attacks Roll vs you.
You're on fire!
You will continue to take Burn damage at the start of each turn until no longer burning. You can end burning by dropping prone and expending 3 Meters of movement. Becoming soaked or being dealt 5 or more frost damage will also end 1 instance of Burning.
You've been electrically charged!
At the start of your turn, one creature within 4 meters is targeted by the same attack that targeted you and initiated the charged condition. If they are Hit or Fail the Saving throw they receive half of the damage you were dealt. If no other creatures are within range you retain the charge until you are 4 meters or closer to another creature. (Additionally you can diffuse the charge with sufficient knowledge and an accompanying Engineering or Fine Motor Skill Roll.)
You are passively blending in with the surrounding environment.
Creatures in this state add a Destiny Die to all Stealth Skill Rolls. They can still be detected via scent, tracks and other evidence.
You are actively blending in with the surrounding environment.
Creatures in this state add a Destiny Die to All Stealth Skill Rolls and are considered to make those stealth skill rolls with a miscellaneous +2. They can still be detected via scent, tracks and other evidence.
You have been magically charmed and a filled with feelings of friendship or attraction.
The creature and allies of the creature that charmed you are viewed as Friends or Allies.
Wait, what?
You only have your Action accessible while confused and apply a -4 Modifier on all Mental and Social Skill Rolls. A confused creature may spend 1 Willpower, Brainstorm or Panache to use a Movement or Motion.
You are being controlled by another creature, either at the mental or physical level.
The Narrator chooses all actions that your character takes. Controlled creatures may apply a penalty to their d20 Rolls equal to their character’s Current Willpower while being controlled.
You are covered in a thick viscous substance.
Your movement speed is reduced by 2 Meters but you gain a miscellaneous +2 on all Stealth Skill Rolls. Becoming Soaked ends this effect.
One or more of your grasping limbs are crippled!
If you have one or fewer hands after having this "hand" crippled you cannot use your combat techniques and Physical Skill Rolls effectively. Your Melee, Ranged and Magic Attack Rolls and Physical Skill Rolls are made with with a -5 Modifier.
Your base motor functions have been temporarily hindered.
A Dazed creature can only interact with the environment once, via a Movement, Action or Motion. The Dazed creature may spend 1 Might, Stamina or Willpower Point to perform 1 additional interaction while in this state.
Destiny guides your path.
While this effect is active the creature adds a Destiny Die to any d20 rolls they make.
Looks like this might be the end for you...
You are considered to be dead if dealt 150% of your total HP in damage or if you fail two Death Saving Throws in a single instance of Dying. You lose control of your character and all their possessions. - Death is Not Always the End - Depending on the given setting and situation this may not be the actual end for your character, they may be resurrected, return as a type of undead or immortalized digitally or in the heart of a magic item. The possibilities are endless.
You are temporarily unable to hear or interpret auditory data.
You cannot verbally communicate. Your Charisma Skill Rolls are made with a Fate Die added.
You're having trouble focusing on the task at hand.
You roll all Perception and Investigation Skill Rolls with a Fate Die added. Your Unrolled Perception is considered to be halved.
Your head is spinning!
You add a Fate Die to all physical Skill Rolls and Attack Rolls. You must roll a Fine Motor Skill Roll in order to Access your Movement. The DC is 14. Refer to the Table below for results.
Critical Success(Natural 20 on the d20 roll) | You gain access to your full movement this turn. |
Success(Meet or exceed DC) | Your movement speed is halved this turn. |
Failure(Fail to meet or exceed DC) | You may move 1 Meter Per Movement you use this turn. |
Critical Failure(Natural 1 on the d20 roll) | You fall prone. |
You're all dried out!
You are considered to be Vulnerable to Burn Damage.
Becoming Soaked ends this condition.
Your limbs feel heavy and your eyes are beginning to blur.
You Suffer a -2 Penalty to All Skill Rolls, Saving Throws and Attack Rolls.
Your life begins to flash before your eyes, is this the end for you?
A creature is considered to be dying when their HP value is reduced to zero or below. On their turn each round their only action they may take is a Death Saving Throw. Roll a d20 to perform a Death Saving Throw Roll. Dying creatures may spend 1 Might, Stamina or Willpower Point to add +2 to a Death Saving Throw Roll.
A Roll below a 10 is considered to be Failing a Death Saving Throw.
A Roll of 10 or higher is considered to be 1 Success of a Death Saving Throw and the creature continues holding on to life.
A Roll of 20 or higher allows the dying creature to regain 1 HP and immediately regain consciousness.
If a creature Fails all of their Death Saving Throws that creature immediately dies. Most Creatures have 2 Death Saving Throws. Any difference to this norm will be noted on in that creatures Traits.
Rolling 3 successes results in the dying individual to be Unconscious, but is no longer considered to be Dying.
Gaining healing or having a first aid successfully performed on the dying creature are the only other ways to end the dying state.
You are exhausted and worn out from extreme physical or emotional stress.
A creature that ends 2 or more consecutive turns with zero or less Stamina becomes exhausted.
Exhausted creatures have -5 to Actions, Rolls and Saving Throws.
Save DCs are reduced to 1/2 their total.
Movement speed is reduced to 1/2 the total.
Considered to have 1 Action, Movement and Motion, even if you would normally have more at your disposal.
The exhausted status ends when you Start any turn with a value of 1 or higher in your Stamina Resource Pool.
You have become emotionally enraged and are no longer acting reasonably.
You must use at least one of your available Attack Actions to Attack and must target creature(s) that enraged you or creatures, targets or obstacles that hinder your enraged actions.
You cannot fight fate.
While this effect is active the creature adds a Fate Die to any d20 rolls they make.
Better to run than die!
No matter how hard you try you can’t stop yourself from running away from the target of your fear. You must use at least on full movement to move further away from the target that caused you to flee. Attack Rolls made by you vs that creature are made with a Fate die added. Spells and Maneuvers used against the target of your fear have their Save DCs reduced by 4.
You are filled with fear at the thought of moving closer to the target of your fear.
You cannot willingly move closer to the target of your fear and you add a Fate Die on all Attacks Rolls made vs that creature. Spells and Maneuvers used against the target of your fear have their Save DCs reduced by 4.
A significant amount of your body has been frozen solid or encased in ice.
You can't use any movement and your Attack Rolls are made with a Fate Die added. You are considered vulnerable to Kinetic and Blunt damage while Frozen. You can use your Action to attempt to break free of the ice. 14 or more damage of any kind will break the ice and instantly end this effect, 5 or more burn damage will melt the ice and instantly end this effect.
You have become bright and illuminated.
You cannot make stealth Rolls and Ranged Attack Rolls vs you are made with advantage until the effect ends. Becoming covered ends this effect.
You have been grabbed by an opponent.
You cannot use your Movement(s) until the grapple is broken. You may use your Action to attempt to break the grapple.
You have been coated, covered or doused in a flammable substance.
You are considered to be Vulnerable to Burn Damage.
Becoming Soaked ends this condition. Otherwise the condition can be ended by spending 10 minutes or more while resting to remove the substance.
Some Spells may also end the condition.
Your mind is interpreting and warping visual and audio stimuli.
If you are engaged in combat, you cannot discern friend from foe. You see things that aren’t there. You suffer a -2 Penalty to All Rolls and Defenses. You see things that are well hidden to non Hallucinating individuals. Gain a misc. +2 and add a Destiny Die to all Roles made to Detect Hidden Messages, Secret Doors or Passages or to Comprehend Cryptic or Insane Writings or Speech.
You are Hungry due to lack of nourishment, fuel or energy.
You add a Fate Die on all Skill Rolls not made to search for or prepare food until you are no longer hungry. You suffer from the Agitated Condition when hindered, slowed, or stopped from attempting to feed yourself.
You are Starving due to lack of nourishment, fuel or energy.
You add a Fate Die and -2 on all Skill Rolls NOT made to search for or prepare food until you are no longer Starving. You suffer from the Enraged Condition when hindered, slowed, or stopped from attempting to feed yourself.
Your mobilized limbs cannot move freely.
You lose access to all movements at your disposal. An Immobilized creature may spend 1 Stamina Might or Willpower to move 1 meter per Attribute Resource Point spent this way.
The lights go out as your mental faculties attempt to reset.
All attacks vs you add a Destiny Die. Hits dealt to you during this effect are considered Critical Hits. You cannot take Actions or make Skill Rolls. Your unrolled perception is your only accessible skill. You can be awakened by receiving 5 or more damage, being roused by another adjacent creature’s Motion or by succeeding on a CON Saving Throw at the end of one of your turns, the DC is equal to the Maneuver, Spell or Program Save DC of the creature that caused you to become incapacitated. For each Attribute Resource Point an Incapacitated Creature spends on their turn while in this state they add 2 to the CON Saving throw this turn to rouse themselves from this state.
You're completely invisible!
Creatures in this state add a Destiny Die to all Stealth Skill Rolls and are considered to make those stealth skill rolls with a miscellaneous +5. They can still be detected via scent, tracks and other evidence.
Your sense of touch has been dulled making physical tasks incredibly difficult.
All your Physical Skill Rolls and Physical Attacks are made with a Fate Die added.
Your body has been covered in stone!
You cannot take actions or make skill rolls that would require an action. You are additionally considered to be blinded, deafened and silenced. At the end of each of your Turns you may spend 1 Stamina, Might or Mana to attempt to break free of the Petrified State. You may use any Saving Throw available to you after spending an Attribute Resource Point to attempt to free yourself from this state. The DC to escape is equal to the Maneuver, Spell, or Programs Save DC of the creature that caused you to become petrified.
You’ve been poisoned!
All Skill and Attack Rolls are made with a Fate Die added and you are your lose 3 meters of movement available to you.
You have been knocked down from your upright and standing position.
You must expend 3 Meters of your Movement to stand up from a prone position.
You have been restrained by an opponent or device.
You cannot make attacks and/or Movements (depending on restraints) and all die rolls are made with Disadvantage. All attacks made vs you while you are restrained are made with a Destiny Die added. You may use your Action to attempt to break the restraint or be released by another to end the restrained effect. You may roll an Acrobatics or Athletics check to escape, the escapee's choice. The DC is set by the restrainer's Maneuver, Spell or Program Save DC, or, restraints or device if present.
You can feel intensely ill and queasy.
You make all d20 rolls with a -4 Modifier and halve all damage you deal on Non-Ranged attacks.
Your movement has been hampered!
Your movement speed is reduced to half of its current value.
You’re all wet!
You are slowed if wearing clothing or armor and are considered vulnerable to Electrical or Frost damage until the effect ends.
Becoming Dried ends this condition. Burn damage will end the soaked condition. Otherwise, the condition lasts for 1 hour.
Some Spells may also end the condition.
You have temporarily lost the ability to speak or vocalize in an understandable manner.
You cannot use magic that Incorporates Speech. You cannot properly communicate verbally and cannot make Charisma Skill Rolls.
Your limbs feel like weights and your eyes begin to dim with sleep.
You suffer a -2 Penalty and add a Fate Die to all Skill Rolls as well as STR, DEX, INT, WIS & CHA Saving Throws and Attack Rolls.
You are in a sleep, meditative or low power state.
While in this state you cannot take Actions or make any Rolls except CON Saving Throws. You may be roused by loud sounds or bright lights detectable by your unrolled perception, a Motion from an Adjacent Ally, Receiving Damage (except Psychic) and by completing a full sleep cycle.
You've been stunned!
You lose your Action and add a Fate Die to all skill Rolls. While Stunned you may spend 1 Willpower, Brainstorm, Might or Stamina to use your Action anyway.
Susceptible is always attached to a damage type. When a creature is considered to be susceptible to a damage type, that creature cannot subtract that damage from their armor points when dealt damage of that type.
You can't breathe!
Creatures that are submerged in liquid or have their airways blocked begin Suffocating when they are reduced to 0 Stamina.
Living Creatures can hold their breath for a number of Minutes equal to their Current Stamina as every minute (6 rounds) spent submerged or unable to breathe reduces your Current Stamina by 1. Creatures cannot use their Action to regain stamina while holding their breath or unable to inhale more of their natural atmosphere.
Suffocating Creatures Lose 2d6 HP minus their CON Modifier per Round they spend Suffocating.
You are tired due to lack of sleep.
You have a 20% chance to fail certain non-rolled Actions, such as unlocking doors, inputting passwords, walking, sitting or climbing stairs.
When vulnerable to a particular type of damage, you receive double the damage you are dealt in that type.
Example: You are vulnerable to Burn damage and receive 10 points of Brun damage you instead receive 20 points of fire damage.
You feel weak and feeble!
You deal half damage on all non-ranged weapon Damage rolls. Roll and add up the total and divide by 2.
You have temporarily lost some mobility due to a lack of stamina.
You lose 3 meters of Movement available to you at the start of your turn.
Condition Terms
Destiny Die - AKA Advantage
When a creature or player adds a Destiny Die on a roll they may roll 2 d20's and use whatever result is higher.
Fate Die - AKA Disadvantage
When a creature or player adds a Fate Die on a roll they must roll 2 d20's and use whatever result is lower.
Until End of Next Turn
When a temporary condition is applied for this duration the target is only affected by it for a single turn.
Save Ends
When a temporary condition is applied for this duration the target is affected until they pass the listed Saving Throw DC at the end of one of their Turns. STR, CON, DEX, WIS, INT or CHA.