Techno Mages use a combination of technology and Magic Artifacts to cast spells as fluently, if not more so than the Wizards of old. Usually their kit involves a device,

Techno Mages use a combination of technology and Magic Artifacts to cast spells as fluently, if not more so than the Wizards of old. Usually their kit involves a device, Artifact or even their own Mana font that is used to Initiate a Spell; then they play recordings or artificially generate the sound waves required to activate different spells, rather than using their Voice or Arcane Geometry as most Mages did in ancient times.
Playing a Techno-Mage
XP Cost: 5 Prerequisites: Intellect 14
Granted Training in the Arcane Skill and any 2 of the following Skills: Engineering, Knowledge, Driving, Fine Motor, Medicine, Insight, Perception or Investigation.
Gain Training in the use of 1 Melee Ranged or Thrown Weapon Type.
Gain the ability to understand, speak, read and write the Language known as Elder-Tongue.
Technomage Device You may acquire an uncommon Digital Device at this time from the Narrator Approved Buyer’s Guide. This acts as the means of Casting your Spells and as the storage device for all your Spell Sound Files. You cannot cast spells without access to your Technomage Device.
Acquire a Common Suit of Light Armor of your choice to your Inventory.
Acquire a Common Weapon of your choice to your Inventory.
Techno Magic You can cast any Arcane Spell you come across or learn. You do not need to use your Voice Cast Spells and instead use your Technomage Device to store and play Spell Sound Files. You can Cast Spells through any Sound Emitting Device that you can Connect to using your Technomage Device.
Technological Mana Pool You consider your Brainstorms to be Mana for the purpose of Casting Spells.
Gain the Arcane Spell “Mana Bolt” at this time.
You are granted +2 Maximum Mana from your Technomage Device.
Archetype Ability
Technomagical Defense When you Roll Initiative you may use your Reaction to Reduce your Mana Maximum by -1 to gain a bonus to your AC equal to your INT Modifier until the end of Active Combat. You may use a Motion or Reaction to Drop this Magic Defense and Immediately Regain the Mana Used to Initiate this Ability. You may never gain the benefit of more than 1 Magic Defense type at any time.
Traits and Abilities
Purchase with XP
Mental Fortitude
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
Gain Training in Intellect Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Intellect Saving Throws.
Strong Willed
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
Gain Training in Wisdom Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Wisdom Saving Throws.
Favored School of Magic
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
Choose a favored school of Magic from the following: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy or Transmutation.
You gain a number of Tier I Arcane Spells of the chosen School equal to your Intellect Modifier.
School of Magic Focus
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage, Favored School of same type.
Choose a focused school of Magic from the following: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy or Transmutation.
You gain a number of Tier II Arcane Spells of the chosen School equal to your Intellect Modifier.
School of Magic Specialist
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage, Favored School of same type, School Focus of same type.
Choose a school of Magic to specialize in from the following: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy or Transmutation.
You gain a number of Tier III Arcane Spells of the chosen School equal to ½ your Intellect Modifier.
Spell Data
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
You may choose one of the three options:
Gain three Tier I Arcane Spells from any Schools.
Gain one Tier I Arcane Spell and one Tier II Arcane Spell from any schools.
Gain one Tier III Arcane Spell from any school.
Iron Will
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
Gain Training in Wisdom Saving Throws.
Sound of Mind
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
Gain Training in Intellect Saving Throws.
Nimble Bodied
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
Gain Training in Dexterity Saving Throws.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
Gain Training in Strength Saving Throws.
Cantrip Core
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
You know one Tier I spell that you can Cast for Zero Mana, once per turn. You can change which spell this is any time you gain new spells.
Mana Recycling
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
You have learned to reabsorb the energy from spells that do not connect with their intended target.
You do not spend the Initial Mana when your Targeted Spells Miss, only when they Hit. Any Mana used to Overpower a Spell is still considered to have been spent. This effect only applies to spells that have an attack roll and/or require a Spell Attack Action to Cast.
Battle Casting
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
You can now choose to exclude any tiles in the area of your spell effects. Items and Creatures in those excluded tiles are not targeted and do not receive damage or effects from the spell.
Emergency Mana Backup
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
Whenever you start a turn with zero Mana you may use a Motion to roll 1d6 on a result of 5 or 6 you regain 1 Mana.
Wound Healer
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
When you cast a Spell that grants healing you may also remove one wound from a creature that gained HP from the Spell.
Silent Casting
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
You have discovered vibrational frequencies that activate the mana stream and are not perceptible by living creatures. You use this method to cast rather than using any Voice Components for your spells.
This allows you to cast spells without breaking stealth and while silenced.
Magical Resilience
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
Your Technomage Device cannot be destroyed unless you have been dead for an hour or longer.
Unlocked Potential
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
Techno-Mage Device has unlocked new potential. Choose one of the following:
Spell Files - Gain 3 Tier I Arcane Spells of your Choice or gain 2 Tier II Arcane Spells of your Choice.
Surveillance System - You cannot be surprised and Roll Initiative normally when ambushed. In addition, you gain +2 to both Perception and Investigation Skill Checks.
Spell Emitter - When firing through your Techno-Mage Device your Targeted Spell Attacks gain + 2 to hit and + 2 damage per hit.
High Speed Vocabulator
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
Gain 1 additional Spell Attack Action.
Overclocked Vocabulator
XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage, High Speed Vocabulator
Gain 1 additional Spell Attack Action.
Superclocked Vocabulator
XP Cost: 6 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage, Overclocked Vocabulator
Gain 1 additional Spell Attack Action.
Spell Frequencies
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
Your spell frequencies are dialed in perfectly.
Your Mana Cost for Sustaining Spells is reduced by ½.
Dual Outputs
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
You can sustain one Tier I Arcane Spell at no Mana cost. Any additional sustained spells will require the expenditure or Mana as normal.
Mana Storage Device
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
Your Device has gained access to a deep storage of reserve mana.
Gain + 3 to your Techno-Mage Device Mana Pool.
Spell Adjustment
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
You can make small alterations to your spells at the Cost of 1 Mana. These alterations can do things such as: change the damage type of a spell or spell attack to another type of spell damage you are capable of dealing, add an additional target to a spell attack and split the damage(roll two attack rolls and 1 damage roll) or substitute Dazed, Slowed or Enraged, until end of next turn for the damage of a targeted spell attack.
Spell Empowering
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Techno-Mage
You have gained the ability to empower your spells to increase their lethality. When you pay a spell’s Overpower Mana Cost you have the option to deal an additional set of damage dice equal to the initial spell Effect. Any non-damage dice related effects are not doubled.