Gobloid Traits and Abilities A selection of Traits and Abilities that only Gobloid Species may acquire.
Dwarves Dwarves tend to have short wide set bones and broad features. Most if not all dwarven cultures commonly wear beards of various stylings and lengths. Beard growth tends to be a universal trait on dwarves regardless of the individuals sex.
Elves Elves resemble humans in many ways, including hair, skin hair and eye color. Elves differ in that they have long pointed ears and exceptionally lithe and light frames. They also tend to have sharp elongated features, clear skin and are incapable of growing facial hair.
Gnomes Gnomes resemble humans in many ways. They have similar hair, skin and eye colorations. They differ in that gnomes are much shorter and tend to have broader rounder features on average.
Gorgons Gorgons resemble humanoids in every way except their hair. Which is made entirely of live snakes. Gorgon tales speak of an ancient curse that turned their ancestors hair to snakes
Halflings Halflings resemble humans in many ways, they have similar hair, skin and eye colorations and a similar body structure. Halflings differ in that they have an average height of about 1 meter, have very curly hair and very large wide leathery soled feet.