Stone Age - Swords

Status symbols and weapons of war of the stone age.

Stone Age - Swords


Weapons made for war and a status symbol in this time.

Sword Table

Weapon Type / Weapon Name Description Hands Damage Die / Dice Damage Type(s) Range Materials Item Traits Cost
Macuahuitl (Hand Wood) A wooden club with obsidian blades set in its edge, creating a shape and cutting motion similar to that of a sword. 1-2 1d8 S or 1d6 B Slash or Blunt 1 M Wood, Obsidian, Fiber Uncommon, Crafted, Status Symbol, Brutal, 100 Beads
Leiomano (Shark’s Garland) A wooden club with shark teeth set in its edge, creating a shape and cutting motion similar to that of a sword. 1-2 2d4 S or 1d6 B Slash or Blunt 1 M Wood, Shark Teeth, Fiber Uncommon, Crafted, Beast Harvest, Status Symbol, Brutal, 100 Beads