Spore Spreader Druid

Talk to fungus and get a pet mycelium creature.

Spore Spreader Druid

Spore spreader druids have a powerful connection to mycelial life. They can fluently converse in the language of mushrooms and the mycelial layers, and are often revered by fungal life due their ability and connection.

Playing a Spore Spreader Druid

XP Cost: 4Prerequisites: Wisdom Score of 14 or higher.

When you Choose this Archetype and pay its XP cost you gain the Following:


Druidic Training

Gain Training in Survival and 4 of the following Skills: Arcane, Medicine, Knowledge, Apocathy, Investigation, Perception and Insight.

You gain Training in the use of 1 Common Weapon Type.


Druid Gear

Acquire a Common Suit of Light Armor of your choice.

Acquire a Common Weapon of your choice.

Acquire a Common Bundle of your Choice.


Druid Magic

You gain access to and the Ability to Cast Druid Magic Spells.

You may convert Willpower Points into Mana for the purpose of casting Druid Spells.


Spore Spreader Druidic Knowledge 

Acquire the Druid Spells: "Druid's Blight", "Decompose" and "Sporeball".

You memorize every Druid Spell you Acquire and Never need a spell book or to consult notes while Casting Druid Spells.

You can Speak and Understand the Druidic Language.

Archetype Ability

Spore Speak

You gain the Ability to converse with mycelium life of all kinds. Mushrooms and the Mycelial layers recognize and revere you as a servant of nature and will cooperate with you to the best of their ability.


Favored Mycelium Type

Choose a Favored Mycelium Type from the choices below.

Favored Mycelium Type Effect
Giant Spore Bark: Giant Mushrooms you manipulate or have as pets gain 4 Armor Points whenever you cast a spell within 10 Meters of their location. These armor points dissipate after 1 hour. 
Toxic Tenfold Toxicity: Toxic Mushrooms that you manipulate or have as pets have their Toxicity Doubled, drastically increasing any toxic damage they deal.
Psychedelic Potent Puffs: Psychedelic Mushrooms that you manipulate or have as pets have +1 to the amount of Mushroom Flesh they can produce when requested to do so by a druid.
Edible Happy Harvest: Edible Mushrooms that you manipulate or have as pets have +1 to the amount of Mushroom Flesh they can produce when requested to do so by a druid.
Poisonous Poison Pile: Poisonous Mushrooms that you manipulate or have as pets have +1 to the amount of Mushroom Flesh they can produce when requested to do so by a druid.
Deadly Warding Spores: Deadly Mushrooms that you manipulate or have as pets have their ACs and Movement Speeds increased by 2.

Ally - Pet Mushroom

You may choose to acquire a Mycelium Type Creature from the options below.

Pet Mushroom Type AC HP Move Speed Size Attacks / Abilities
Giant 18 12 3 Medium Things that Go Squidge in the Night: 2 Meter Range, 1d20+5 to Hit, 3d6 +2 Blunt Damage on Hits. 
Toxic 20 5 2 Tiny Toxic Spore Cloud: 1 Meter Blast centered on creature, Non mycelium creatures in the area must Roll a CON Saving Throw, DC is 15, Creatures that Pass take ½ Damage, Spores deal 1d12 +2 Toxic Damage to living creatures. 
Edible 16 7 2 Small- Medium Feeding Flesh: Once every 3 hours while in dark and moist conditions, when asked to do so by their druid, the creature can grow 1d4 edible and nutritious Mushroom fruits. The fruit is considered to provide flavorful sustenance and restores 1d4+1 HP per mushroom fruit consumed.  
Poisonous 16 7 2 Small- Medium Deadly Feast: Once every 3 hours while in dark and moist conditions, when asked to do so by their druid, the creature can grow 1d4 poisonous Mushroom fruits. Large or smaller creatures that consume at least 1 poison mushroom must Roll a CON Saving Throw. The DC is 20. Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the damage below. The fruit is considered to deal 5d10+5 Poison Damage per poison mushroom fruit consumed. 
Psychedelic 16 7 2 Small- Medium Psychedelic Stock: Once every 3 hours while in dark and moist conditions, when asked to do so by their druid, the creature can grow 1d4 psychedelic mushrooms. The mushrooms are considered to be medicinal and restore 1 ARP(attribute resource point) per mushroom consumed.  
Deadly 18 9 4 Medium Acidic Spores: 3 Meter Cone, creatures in the area must Roll a DEX Saving Throw, DC is 15, Creatures that Pass take ½ Damage, Spores deal 3d4 +2 Acid Damage.

Druid Traits & Abilities

Purchase with XP.


Strong Willed

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Gain Training in Wisdom Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Wisdom Saving Throws.

Mental Fortitude

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Gain Training in Intellect Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Intellect Saving Throws.

Emotional Awareness

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Gain Training in Charisma Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Charisma Saving Throws.


XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Gain Training in Dexterity Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws.


XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Gain Training in Strength Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Strength Saving Throws.


XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Gain Training in Constitution Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Constitution Saving Throws.

Druidic Apprentice Studies

(This Trait can be Acquired Multiple times) 

XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Druid

Acquire two Tier I Druid Spells.

Druidic Intermediate Studies

(This Trait can be Acquired Multiple times)

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid, Druidic Apprentice Studies

Acquire a single Tier II Druid Spell.

Druidic Expert Studies

(This Trait can be Acquired Multiple times)

XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Druid, Druidic Intermediate Studies

Acquire a single Tier III Druid Spell.

Favored Mycelium Type

(This Trait can be Acquired Multiple times)

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Spore Spreader Druid

Choose an additional Favored Mycelium Type from your Druid Trait list. You retain any previously acquired Favored Mycelium Types.

*The Effects of a Favored Mycelium Type may only be acquired once.

Natural Immunities

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Spore Spreader Druid

You cannot be poisoned by raw fungal matter and are not dealt poison damage when consuming poisonous mushrooms or funguses.

Gain Training in Constitution Saving Throws.

Iron Will

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Gain Training in Wisdom Saving Throws.

Sound of Mind

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Gain Training in Intellect Saving Throws.

Nimble Bodied

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Gain Training in Dexterity Saving Throws.


XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Gain Training in Dexterity Saving Throws.

Increased Mana Pool

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Increase Mana Pool by +1.

Great Mana Pool

XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Druid, Increased Mana Pool

Increase Mana Pool by +2.

Endless Mana Pool

XP Cost: 6 Prerequisites: Druid, Increased Mana Pool

Increase Mana Pool by +3.

Emergency Mana Reserves

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Whenever you start a turn with zero Mana you may use a Motion to roll 1d6 on a result of 5 or 6 you regain 1 Mana.

Natural Magic

XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Druid

You automatically regenerate 1 Mana at the start of each Turn/Round while in vegetation rich environments such as forests and gardens.


XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Add +2 HP to any Healing you grant via Spells or Medicine Skill Rolls. 

Spell Persistence 

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Your Mana Cost for Sustaining Spells is reduced by ½ .

Druidic Battle Casting

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

You can now choose to exclude any tiles in the area of your druid spell effects. Items and Creatures in those excluded tiles are not targeted and do not receive damage or effects from the spell.

Subtle Casting

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

Spells that would usually require a full free arm or hand to execute now only require a single free finger. You can cast spells even while moderately bound or restricted. 

Silent Casting

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

You may ignore the Voice Requirement for spells.


XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Druid

Gain 1 Additional Spell Attack Action. 


Chained Spell

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid, Spell Precision

You can pay the Mana Cost for two targeted spells prior to making the attack rolls, then roll just one of the spell’s Attack Rolls. If it hits both spells are considered to have hit the target and it receives full damage from both spells. 

Spell Adjustment 

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

You can make small alterations to your spells at the Cost of 1 Mana. These alterations can do things such as: change the damage type of a spell or spell attack to another type of spell damage you are capable of dealing, add an additional target to a spell attack and split the damage(roll two attack rolls and 1 damage roll) or substitute Dazed, Slowed or Enraged, until end of next turn for the damage of a targeted spell attack.

Spell Empowering 

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

You have gained the ability to empower your spells to increase their lethality. When you pay a spell’s Overpower Mana Cost you now deal an additional set of damage dice equal to the initial spell Effect. Any non-damage dice related effects are not doubled.

Mycelium Communion

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Spore Spreader Druid

You have the ability to Communicate with the Mycelium layer and can glean useful information from it.

Using an Action and your Charm Skill to communicate with any mycelium within 2 Meters. 

The mycelium layer can reveal information such as recent activity or vibrations, temperature changes and the death of creatures or plant life. The higher the Skill Roll the more precise and helpful the information. The Range at which this information can be acquired is limited to 1 km.

Mycelium layers will often be present in wooded areas or old wooden or wood reinforced stone buildings. Flowering Fungus guarantees the presence of nearby mycelium layers.

Fungal Friend

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Spore Spreader Druid

Your Mycelium Pet(s) cannot be slain, only temporarily destroyed, so long as you have at last 1 g of their spores collected. You can use your Action and spend 1 Mana to Regrow a Mycelium Pet from their spores. They retain their personality but lose all memories made after that spore was collected.

Companion Keeper

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Druid

You gain the Ability to revive a dead Pet. To do so you must use your action and spend 1 XP and 6 Mana. Pets revived this way retain their memories and personality and cannot die of natural causes for another 30 days.