Some people are gifted with an extremely strong connection to the Mana Stream, either through their lineage or through long term Magic Exposure.

Some people are gifted with an extremely strong connection to the Mana Stream, either through their lineage or through long term Magic Exposure. This can have devastating effects on newly awakened Sorcerers and their families as they can easily accidentally activate their magic in times of emotional stress. The Ring of Sorcerers strives to find their apprentices at a young age before their powers are active to prevent such tragedies. They train them to control their powers and not to burn out so quickly by siphoning too much magic too quickly. Sorcerers for unknown reasons are over 75% female in population.
Playing a Sorcerer
XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Wisdom 14
Choosing this Archetype and paying its XP Cost grants you the following:
Gain Training in Arcane and any 2 of the following Skills: Apothacy, Insight, Charm, Investigation, Perception or Survival.
Gain Training in the use of 1 Melee Ranged or Thrown Weapon Type.
Acquire a Common Suit of Light Armor of your choice to your Inventory.
Acquire a Common Weapon of your choice to your Inventory.
Mana Channeling You gain the Ability to cast any spell you have learned and practiced and have the required Mana to Cast. You innately know all spells you have learned and do not need to use a Spell Collection to Cast or Collect Spells. You simply speak your desires while allowing the Mana to flow from you. While you do require the Voice and Hand components for Spells you are considered to simply be speaking your desires or intent and pointing when those components are utilized, rather than the precise spell words and hand movements Wizards perform.
You may acquire the Arcane Spell “Mana Bolt” at this time.
Willful Mana Pool You have an internal Mana pool from which you can draw upon to cast your spells, gain +2 to your Maximum Mana Pool. Your Mana Pool is derived from your Willpower and when a spell instructs you to spend Mana you will instead spend Willpower. This is a one way effect and other additions to your Mana Pool do not modify your Willpower total.
Archetype Ability
Sorcerer’s Defense When you Roll Initiative you may use your Reaction to Reduce your Mana Maximum by -1 to gain a bonus to your AC equal to your WIS Modifier until the end of Active Combat. You may use a Motion or Reaction to Drop this Magic Defense and Immediately Regain the Mana Used to Initiate this Ability. You may never gain the benefit of more than 1 Magic Defense type at any time.
Traits and Abilities
Purchase with XP
During Character Creation or Level Up you may now spend XP to acquire Sorcerer Traits and Abilities.
Strong Willed
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
Gain Training in Wisdom Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Wisdom Saving Throws.
Emotional Awareness
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
Gain Training in Charisma Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Charisma Saving Throws.
Spell Vocabulary I
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
Gain a Single Tier I Arcane Spell of your choice.
Spell Vocabulary II
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
Gain a Single Tier II Arcane Spell of your choice.
Spell Vocabulary III
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
Gain a Single Tier III Arcane Spell of your choice.
Favored School of Magic
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
Choose a favored school of Magic from the following: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy or Transmutation.
You gain a number of Tier I Arcane Spells of the chosen School equal to half your Wisdom Modifier.
School of Magic Focus
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer, Favored School of same type.
Choose a focused school of Magic from the following: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy and Transmutation.
You gain a number of Tier II Arcane Spells of the chosen School equal to half your Wisdom Modifier.
School of Magic Specialist
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Sorcerer, Favored School of same type, Focused School of same type.
Choose a school of Magic to specialize in from the following: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy and Transmutation.
You gain 2 Tier III Arcane Spells of the chosen School.
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
Choose a Tier I arcane spell that you possess; that spell can now be Cast for Zero Mana, once per turn. You can change which spell this is any time you gain new spells.
Hurt Focused
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
Whenever a spell you cast deals damage you may add 1d4 Bonus Damage of the same type of damage as the triggering spell.
Hurt Focused II
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Sorcerer, Hurt Focused
Increase your Hurt Focused Bonus Damage Die to 1d6.
Heal Focused
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
Whenever a spell you cast would grant a creature HP you may add a Bonus 1d4 to the total amount healed.
Heal Focused II
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Sorcerer, Heal Focused
Increase your Heal Focused Bonus healing Die to 1d6.
Battle Casting
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
You can now choose to exclude any tiles in the area of your spell effects. Items and Creatures in those excluded tiles are not targeted and do not receive damage or effects from the spell.
Mana Recycling
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
You have learned to reabsorb the energy from spells that do not connect with their intended target. You do not lose the Initial Mana when your Targeted Spells Miss, only when they Hit. Any Mana used to Overpower a Spell is still considered to have been spent. This effect only applies to spells that have an attack roll and/or require a Spell Attack Action to Cast.
Subtle Casting
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
Spells that would usually require a full free arm or hand to execute now only require a single free finger. You may still cast spells, even while bound, grappled or restrained, but not paralyzed.
Silent Casting
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
You have found the Mana Stream can hear your thoughts if you speak them loud enough and you use this method to cast rather than using any Verbal Components for your spells.
This allows you to cast spells without breaking stealth or while silenced.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer, Hurt Focused
Your spells ignore the resistance to damage offered by non metal structures.
Wound Healer
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer, Heal Focused.
When you cast a spell that grants healing you may also remove one wound from a creature that gained healing from the spell.
Channeling Control
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
You have learned to utilize self control to help shape the flow of your mana when casting.
All your channeled spells Sustain Mana costs are reduced by ½ .
Unlocked Potential
(This Trait may be taken multiple times)
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
Hidden potential within you has been revealed. You gain your choice of one of the following Traits. Each Trait may only be acquired once.
Reflexive Caster - Choose a Tier I Spell you know. You may now cast that Spell as a Reaction in addition to its other casting options.
Creative Caster - You can substitute the damage of any targeted spell to instead be considered to be Immobilized or Silenced until the end of next turn or Knocked Prone.
Radiant Caster - Any Spells you cast with the "Bright" or "Visible" Traits may have "Generates Bright light 10 Meters in every Direction until the end of the caster's next turn" added to the Spell's Effect.
Potent Spells
XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
Your channeled spells Saving Throw DC’s are increased by 2 and you deal + 2 damage on all Channeled Spell Attacks.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer, Channeling Control
Your spells pour out of you like water, allowing you to cast more quickly than the average Sorcerer. Gain 1 Additional Spell Attack Action.
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Sorcerer, Channeling Control, Spellslinger
Your spells pour out of you like a fountain, allowing you to cast spells rapidly. Gain 1 Additional Spell Attack Action.
Mana Stream
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
You've unlocked a deeper connection to your mana stream, increasing your power overall.
Gain +1 to your Mana Pool.
Mana Well
XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
You’ve unlocked a deep well of Mana within yourself.
Gain + 2 to your Mana Pool.
Mana Font
XP Cost: 6 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
You’ve unlocked a seemingly unending flow of Mana within yourself.
Gain + 3 to your Mana Pool.
Potent Magics
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
Your channeled spells Saving Throw DC’s are increased by 1.
Magic Concentrate
XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Sorcerer, Potent Magics
Your channeled spells Saving Throw DC’s are increased by 2.
Self Siphon
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
When you have no remaining Mana you may use a Motion to Sacrifice 2d6 HP to regain a single point of Mana.
Mana Vampire
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Sorcerer
When you have no remaining Mana you may make a Melee Spell attack vs a creature that requires no Mana. If the Attack Hits, the creature loses 1 Willpower* and the caster regains 1 Mana. If the Attack misses the caster is considered to be Dazed until the end of their next turn.
*If the creature has no willpower remaining, they instead are dealt 5 points of non-lethal damage.