An undead skeletal creature with no muscles or skin to hold everything together but also none of that rot. Like many undead types, skeletons can be raised by necromancy or be spontaneously awakened by latent magical energy.

An undead skeletal creature with no muscles or skin to hold everything together but also none of that rot. Like many undead types, skeletons can be raised by necromancy or be spontaneously awakened by latent magical energy.
Playing a Skeleton
When you choose or acquire this curse you will trade out all traits and abilities offered by your species for the Following Skeletal Traits and Abilities. You may retain any Natural Weapons or Armor granted by your original Species.
You Cannot Drown or Suffocate. You Cannot Reproduce. You Do Not Age. You are Immune to Necrotic, Poison, Venom, Bleed and Toxic Damage and can no longer Contract Diseases or Viruses. You Receive -5 Damage from Critical Hits.
Deathly Visage
It is Difficult hide the fact that you are no longer among the world of the living. While Undisguised a Perception or Investigation Skill Roll of 10 or higher is sufficient to discover your undead nature.
The willpower that holds your skeletal structure together is strong but not quite as strong as tissue and ligaments. If you are Wounded you instead Lose a Limb or Bone mentioned in the Wound Description, rather than suffering the actual effect listed. Losing more than ½ of your Walking limbs causes you to be knocked prone. You are considered to be Vulnerable to Kinetic Damage. Any adjacent severed pieces can be easily reattached via a Motion.
Spirit Energy
You subsist on a finite amount of residual spirit energy. You Cannot gain sustenance from food or drink Nor can you gain any benefits of Ingesting or using Potions, Brews, Salves or Medicine.
You gain a Spirit Energy Pool equal to your Wisdom Modifier. You can only gain Healing from Resting if you spend a Spirit Point at the start of the Rest Period.
During Combat you can as a Motion or Reaction Spend 1 Spirit Point to Heal. You regain 1d10 + WIS Modifier HP.
You Regain Spirit Energy at a rate of 1 per hour while resting.
Spirit Vision
Your eyes are spectral orbs that hover in your eye sockets. They are Ircorporial and you can only be Blinded by Attacks that can target Incorporeal Creatures. You may View the Spirit Realm at Will.
Occult Connection
The Skeleton’s curse has always been at its core, “Unholy” in nature and due to that connection all Skeletons are considered to be Vulnerable to Holy Damage.
Skeletal Variety
Not all Skeletons have the same abilities and traits, Choose one of the following abilities or traits at no XP Cost and later you may acquire new Skeletal abilities at their XP Cost during Level Up.
You can will your severed and shattered pieces of yourself back together.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Skeleton
Effect: Using an Action can pull all severed pieces* of your anatomy back to yourself and Stand if you are Prone. *Pieces must be within 10 Meters.
Remote Control
You can reliably control your severed limbs or parts at a distance.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Skeleton
Effect: You can control any parts of your body so long as they are within 20 Meters of your Skull. Attacks and skill rolls are made with a -2 penalty when used with this ability.
Bone Warrior
You have fashioned some of your bones into deadly weapons.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Skeleton
Effect: Gain up to 4 Small or 2 Medium or 1 Medium and 2 Small Common or Uncommon Bone Weapons with Holsters that are considered to be Concealed when Holstered.
Boomerang Bones
Your bones magically return to you after being thrown.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Skeleton
Effect: You can equip a 1 Hand Weapon to a hand and Throw the hand and Both will return after the Weapon Hits or misses. Throwing Weapons in this way is considered to be an Improvised Attack.
You are Considered to be Trained to use your own Bones as Thrown Weapons.
Use the Table below as a Damage Reference.
Bone | Range | Damage | Size Modifier |
Femur | 15 Meters | 1d6 | -2/-1/0/+1 |
Hand/Foot | 20 Meters | 1d4 | -2/-1/0/+1 |
Tibia/Fibula | 20 Meters | 1d4 | -2/-1/0/+1 |
Rib | 25 Meters | 1d4 | -2/-1/0/+1 |
Skull/Hip | 20 Meters | 1d8 | -2/-1/0/+1 |
Spine | 25 Meters | 1d6 | -2/-1/0/+1 |
Size Modifier Format = Tiny/Small/Medium/Large
Undead Strength
You have been granted incredible and unnatural Strength.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Skeleton
Effect: Increase your STR Score by 4. You gain a miscellaneous +2 to all Skill Rolls to Grapple.
Undead Speed
You have been granted incredible and unnatural Speed.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Skeleton
Effect: Increase all Movement Speeds you possess by 2.
Undead Resilience
You have been granted incredible and unnatural Resilience.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Skeleton
Effect: +2 AC and +10 HP.