Shifters or Shapeshifters are in their natural state, amorphous and semi-translucent. Rarely have they ever been viewed in this state, for they can at will, shift part or all of their body into any desired shape or texture they can see or imagine.

Medium / Immatori / Variable Locomotion
Shifters or Shapeshifters are in their natural state, amorphous and semi-translucent. Rarely have they ever been viewed in this state, for they can at will, shift part or all of their body into any desired shape or texture they can see or imagine. Allowing them to convincingly imitate anything from inanimate objects to living creatures. They are believed to be distantly related to jellyfish as their bodies possess similar properties and they technically do not die, rather, they break off into smaller simpler versions of themselves that may one day form into a shifter themselves.
Most shifters seek to join the ever undulating ocean of shifters, a supposed sea of shifters all mingling together as one. According to them it is the epitome of existence and something to work towards for the undulating ocean will only accept shifters that are truly enlightened.
Choose a Subspecies
Shifter Mass
Group Consciousness Shifter Subspecies
Medium / Immatori / Variable Locomotion
Average Height | Varies |
Average Weight | 80 kg |
Lifespan | 111-222 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 11 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 INT or +2 WIS |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W, 5 Meters SL |
Movement Types | Walking, Slithering |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Your choice and Uman |
A shifter mass is actually several smaller consciousnesses that have merged to form a better, more complete one. They often think and speak as several personalities in the chorus rather than as one. They are exceptionally intelligent due to their many minds, but can have difficulty relating to creatures that do not possess their many mindedness.
You have Disadvantage and -2 on all Insight and Charm Skill Checks. Your Intellect Attribute is Increased by +2.
It is incredibly difficult to actually wound a shifter as they possess no organs or vital fluids. Your Wound Threshold is increased by +5 HP. You cannot receive Bleed Damage or suffer from the Bleeding Temporary Condition.
You can use your Fine Motor Skill and an Action to shape and form your entire body into any object or creature type you can see or imagine. The Higher the roll the more convincing the façade and the lower likelihood of anyone detecting imperfections in your Shapeshift. The Skill DC should be much higher to Imitate a specific Identity. The Skill DC should be much lower to imitate an object you can currently see. Your total Mass Never Changes during Shifting and you cannot Shift into anything more than 1 Size Category Larger or Smaller than you.
Shifting Into Creatures: When you shift into the shape of an animal or creature with Abilities you Do Not gain any of that creature's abilities Including Movement Speeds Such as Flying or Tunneling. You simply assume the shape, size and textures of the creature.
Shapeshifted Weapon: If you choose to form part of your body into a weapon using a Motion it is treated as Natural Melee Weapon with which you are trained. It always deals 1d6+2 Blunt, Puncture or Slash Damage.
Amorphous State
When you revert to your Amorphous state using a Motion or Reaction you can fit through Tiny Spaces or Glide 5 Meters per Round while Falling. While in your Amorphous State you have a Movement Speed of 5 Meters. While in an Amorphous State you may cause Grapple attacks you successfully make to cause Creatures to begin Suffocating until they break the Grapple. The DC to Escape your Amorphous Grapples is increased by +2.
Lone Shifter
Individual Shifter Subspecies
Medium / Immatori / Variable Locomotion
Average Height | Varies |
Average Weight | 80 kg |
Lifespan | 111-222 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 11 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 DEX or +2 STR |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W, 5 Meters SL |
Movement Types | Walking, Slithering |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Your choice and Uman |
Lone shifters are individual shifters who have gained a significant amount of mass on their own. They tend to have personalities similar to that of humanoid sentients and can be fiercely independent.
It is incredibly difficult to actually wound a shifter as they possess no organs or vital fluids. Your Wound Threshold is increased by +5 HP. You cannot receive Bleed Damage or suffer from the Bleeding Temporary Condition.
Gain a miscellaneous +2 to 1 Skill of your choice.
You can use your Fine Motor Skill and an Action to shape and form your entire body into any object or creature type you can see or imagine. The Higher the roll the more convincing the façade and the lower likelihood of anyone detecting imperfections in your Shapeshift. The Skill DC should be much higher to Imitate a specific Identity. The Skill DC should be much lower to imitate an object you can currently see. Your total Mass Never Changes during Shifting and you cannot Shift into anything more than 1 Size Category Larger or Smaller than you.
Shifting Into Creatures: When you shift into the shape of an animal or creature with Abilities you Do Not gain any of that creature's abilities Including Movement Speeds Such as Flying or Tunneling. You simply assume the shape, size and textures of the creature.
Shapeshifted Weapon: If you choose to form part of your body into a weapon using a Motion it is treated as Natural Melee Weapon with which you are trained. It always deals 1d6+2 Blunt, Puncture or Slash Damage.
Amorphous State
When you revert to your Amorphous state using a Motion or Reaction you can fit through Tiny Spaces or Glide 5 Meters per Round while Falling. While in your Amorphous State you have a Movement Speed of 5 Meters. While in an Amorphous State you may cause Grapple attacks you successfully make to cause Creatures to begin Suffocating until they break the Grapple. The DC to Escape your Amorphous Grapples is increased by +2.