
Creates a temporary rift between two nearby locations.

Tier II - Conjuration - Spell

Creates a temporary rift between two nearby locations.

Spell Tier II
Action Type Action
Mana Cost 2
Range 20 Meters
Requirements Voice and 1 Free Hand
Sustain 2 Mana
Spell Traits Loud, Bright

Effect: Until the end of your next turn you create two, 2 meter High 1 meter wide Rift Openings within Range. The two rift openings create a single Rift and are considered to be adjacent to each other, requiring a single meter of movement to traverse between the two rift openings, regardless of the actual distance between them.

Overpower: The Caster can spend 1 additional Mana to Increase the range of Rift by 10 Meters,

Or alter the dimensions of the rift openings by plus or minus 1 Meter.