A creature of pure anger and vengeance. A Revenant becomes so when a living creature is slain with their intense and burning desire for revenge left unfulfilled in life.

A creature of pure anger and vengeance. A Revenant becomes so when a living creature is slain with their intense and burning desire for revenge left unfulfilled in life. The consciousness of the vengeful creature returns to their body, sometimes for many years at a time, but typically only until that desire for revenge is fulfilled. Once their vengeance is satisfied a revenant can finally be at peace. Their body dissipates once the power of rage no longer bonds it together and the consciousness is now free to move on.
Playing a Revenant
When you choose or acquire this curse you will trade out all traits and abilities offered by your species for the Following Revenant Traits and Abilities. Any Movement, Armor or Natural Weapons granted by the revenant’s original species may be retained.
You Cannot Drown or Suffocate. You Cannot Reproduce. You Do Not Age. You are Immune to Necrotic, Poison, Venom, Bleed and Toxic Damage and can no longer Contract Diseases or Viruses. You Receive -5 Damage from Critical Hits.
Deathly Visage
It is Difficult hide the fact that you are no longer among the world of the living.
While Undisguised a Perception or Investigation Skill Roll of 10 or higher is sufficient to discover your undead nature.
Occult Connection
The Revenant’s curse has always been at its core, “Unholy” in nature and due to that connection all Revenants are considered to be Vulnerable to Holy Damage.
Rage Entity
Your rage is all that sustains you in this realm and as long as the spark of your anger remains, you cannot be slain, only cut down. You gain a Revenant Pool Equal to your Wisdom Modifier. You cannot regain HP or Recover from wounds without spending Revenant Points. You do not regain HP or recover from wounds while resting. You cannot Sleep and do not require any. You are considered to be immune to the Drowsy, Sleepy and Sleeping Conditions. You do not require water or food nor can you gain benefits from them or any Potion, Medicine or Salve.
Your Revenant Pool can be regenerated by 1 point by Wounding or Reducing Enemies to 0 HP or fewer and/or becoming Wounded yourself.
You can spend 1 Revenant Point to regain 1d12 + Training Modifier HP at any time using a motion or Reaction.
You can spend 2 Revenant Points to Recover from a single wound.
You can spend 3 Revenant Points to End the Dying Condition and Regain 1d12 + Training Modifier HP.
You can spend 2 Revenant Points to enter your Unholy Rage until the end of your Next Turn. While in this state your Attack, Damage, Saving Throws and Athletics Skill Rolls are increased by +2.
Revenant Variety
Not all Revenants have the same Abilities, Choose one of the following Abilities or Traits at no XP Cost and later you may acquire new Revenant Abilities and Traits at their XP Cost during Level Up.
Gleeful Spree
You gain additional Melee or Ranged Attack Action when you kill or incapacitate an enemy.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Revenant
Effect: You may make 1 additional Melee or Ranged Attack when you reduce a creature to 0 HP or fewer on your Turn.
Running on Rage
You gain additional Movement when you kill or incapacitate an enemy.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Revenant
You may move up to 3 Meters when you reduce a creature to 0 HP or fewer on your Turn.
Unfathomable Rage
Your Revenant Pool is Increased.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Revenant
Effect: Your Revenant Pool is Increased by 2.
Seething Rage
Your Revenant Pool can be Refreshed while Resting or not engaged in combat.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Revenant
Effect: You regain 1 Revenant Point for each Hour you spend Resting or or not engaged in combat.
Building Rage
Your Revenant Pool can be Refreshed by receiving damage.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Revenant
Effect: You regain 1 Revenant Point for every 20 Points of Damage you subtract from your HP.