Restless Dead
An undead creature whose way to being at peace or their afterlife was blocked or interrupted and whose consciousness was somehow redirected back into the most comfortable place: their body.

An undead creature whose way to being at peace or their afterlife was blocked or interrupted and whose consciousness was somehow redirected back into the most comfortable place: their body.
Playing a Restless Dead
When you choose or acquire this curse you will trade out all Traits and Abilities offered by your species for the following Restless Dead Traits and Abilities. Any Movement, Armor or Natural Weapons granted by your species may be retained at the expense of the below Well Preserved or Body Cavity Traits per Trait or Ability retained.
You cannot drown or suffocate. You cannot reproduce. You do not age. You are Immune to Necrotic, Poison, Venom, Bleed and Toxic Damage and can no longer contract diseases or viruses. You Receive -5 Damage from Critical Hits.
Occult Connection
The Undead curse has always been at its core, “Unholy” in nature and due to that connection all Undead are considered to be Vulnerable to Holy Damage.
Deathly Visage
It is Difficult hide the fact that you are no longer among the world of the living. While Undisguised a Perception or Investigation Skill Roll of 10 or higher is sufficient to discover your undead nature.
Well Preserved
Your body was especially well cared for before your burial. You do not suffer the Effects of Rot or Decay. You are considered to be immune to the Drowsy, Sleepy and Sleeping Conditions. You do not require water or food nor can you gain benefits from them or any Potion, Medicine or Salve.
Body Cavity
You can store Items and Objects internally since you do not possess organs or internals of any kind.
The amount of items you can store is different depending on your Creature Size. Use the Table below as a reference.
Creature Size | Storage Space |
Tiny | |
Small | Holster or 3 Pockets |
Medium | 2 Holsters or up to 6 Pockets |
Large | Backpack, or 4 Holsters or up to 12 Pockets |
Restless Dead Variety
Not all Restless Dead have the same Abilities and Traits, Choose one of the following Abilities or Traits at no XP Cost and later you may acquire new Restless Dead Abilities or Traits at their XP Cost during Level Up.
Curse of the Entombed
You have the ability to Curse living creatures at the expense of your own life force.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Restless Dead
Effect: Target a living creature within Range. That creature suffers your curse until it dies, you die or you use your curse on another living creature.
Curse | Curse Effect |
Fate Curse | The cursed creature has all of their d20 rolls reduced by 2. |
Death Curse | The cursed creature has their maximum HP reduced by 10%. |
Venging Curse | The cursed creature’s location is always known by the cursing creature, regardless of distance. The cursing creature knows when the target of the curse is sleeping and may choose to enter their dreams or nightmares. |
Ruining Curse | The cursed creature has any funds attached to that character (including the contents of the wallet) reduced by 10%. |
Undying Curse | The cursed creature has Undead Trait added to their character sheet if they are slain / reduced to 0 HP or fewer and do not recover from the dying condition. |
Undead Re-assembly
You have the ability to reattach severed parts of your body.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Restless Dead
Effect: You can instantly end any Slash Wound by picking up and reattaching the severed part. This usually requires an Action.
Undead Strength
You have been granted incredible and unnatural Strength.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Restless Dead
Effect: Increase your STR Score by 4. You gain a miscellaneous +2 to all Skill Rolls to Grapple.
Undead Speed
You have been granted incredible and unnatural Speed.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Restless Dead
Effect: Increase all Movement Speeds you possess by 2.
Undead Resilience
You have been granted incredible and unnatural Resilience.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Restless Dead
Effect: Your Maximum HP is increased by 1d8 + 12 Points.