Resting and Sleeping

Altered Realms has different difficulty settings that affect how quickly the player's characters can recover from Wounds and Injuries.

Non Realism

Non-Realism is the standard Difficulty Setting. In this setting the players would regain a number of HP equal to their CON Modifier +1 and regain 1 ARP Point per section(Might, Stamina, Focus, etc.) for every Hour spent Resting.

These regen rates are doubled while Sleeping.

Additionally players recover from 1 Wound in an 8 hour period of Resting or Sleeping.

Touch of Realism

Touch of Realism is a step above Non-Realism. In this setting the players would regain a number of HP equal to their CON Modifier +1 and regain 1 ARP Point per section(Might, Stamina, Focus, etc.) for every 8 Hours spent Resting.

These regen rates are doubled while Sleeping.

Additionally players recover from 1 Wound after 24 hours of Resting or Sleeping.

Light Realism

is a step above Touch of Realism. In this setting the players would regain a number of HP equal to their CON Modifier +1 and regain 1 ARP Point per section(Might, Stamina, Focus, etc.) for every 12 Hours spent Resting.

These regen rates are doubled while Healthy, Well Fed and Sleeping.

Additionally players recover from 1 Wound after 48 hours of Resting or Sleeping while Well Fed.


Realism is a step above Light Realism and the hardest difficulty we recommend. In this setting the players would regain a number of HP equal to their CON Modifier +1 and regain 1 ARP Point per section(Might, Stamina, Focus, etc.) for every 24 Hours spent Resting.

These regen rates are doubled while Healthy, Well Fed and Sleeping.

Additionally players recover from 1 Wound after 240 hours of Resting or Sleeping while Well Fed.

Definition of Resting

Creatures are considered to be resting when they are not performing strenuous or focused tasks. Creatures may be considered to be resting while walking at a leisurely pace, sitting or eating. Creatures regain HP and Attribute Resource Points while resting but cannot recover from wounds.

If a creature is interrupted during their rest before the hour is complete, they may finish the remaining rest time when they are no longer in danger, to gain the full benefit of an hour's rest.

Definition of Sleeping

Creatures are considered to be sleeping when they let their guard down and allow their minds to rest. This can be achieved through standard sleep, meditation, shutdown or low power modes. Sleeping allows creatures to heal and recover from Wounds.

While Sleeping creatures regain HP and Attribute Resource Pool Points at double the rate gained while Resting.

If a creature is interrupted during their “sleep” before the hour is complete, they may finish the remaining sleep time when they are no longer in danger, to gain the full benefit of an hour's sleep.