Reptilian Traits & Abilities

A collection of Traits and Abilities that only Reptilian Species may acquire.

Reptilian Traits & Abilities

Species Traits and Abilities are those that can only be acquired by creatures that have the necessary species prerequisites.

Purchasing these with XP will allow creatures to invest further into their own bodies and natural abilities.

Reptilian Traits & Abilities

Acquire with XP


Vile Venom

Increase the damage dealt by your Venomous Bite Weapon.

XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Venomous Bite

Effect: +2 Damage of the same type on your Venomous Bite Attacks.

Deadly Venom

Further increase the damage dealt by your Venomous Bite Weapon.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Venomous Bite, Vile Venom

Effect: +2 Damage of the same type on your Venomous Bite Attacks.

Wounds caused by your Venomous Bite Attacks are rolled twice and you may use the higher of the two results.

Serpent's Strike

Increased precision with your Venomous Bite Attacks.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Venomous Bite

Effect: +2 on Attack Rolls made with your Venomous Bite Attacks.

Deadly Strike

Further increased precision and increased Critical Hit Range with your Venomous Bite Attacks.

XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Venomous Bite

Effect: +2 on Attack Rolls made with your Venomous Bite Attacks.

Your Critical Hit Range is Increased by 1 with attacks made with your Venomous Bite. (Normally Critically Hits are on a roll of 20 on the die, now you can Critically Hit on a Roll of 19 or 20 on the die).

Vice Grip Constrictor

Increase the damage dealt by your Constrictor Ability.

XP Cost: 1 Prerequisites: Constrictor Slivrin

Effect: +2 Damage of the same type on your Constrictor Ability.

Deadly Constrictor

Further increase the damage dealt by your Constrictor Ability and suffocate creatures caught by its grapple.

XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Constrictor Slivrin

Effect: +2 Damage of the same type on your Constrictor Ability.

Creatures Grappled by your constrictor Ability are considered to be suffering from the Suffocating Condition in addition to any other effects of the grapple (so long as their body or neck was included in the Grapple(all non-targeted grapples target the body).

Potent Bellybrew

Increase the damage dealt by your Breath Weapon and increase its recharge rate.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Draconic

Effect: +2 Damage of the same type on your Breath Attacks.

You gain the Weapon Trait “Recharge II” on your Breath Attack. You now recharge your breath attack on a roll of 4, 5 or 6 on a d6.

Deadly Bellybrew

Further increase the damage dealt by your Breath Weapon and further increase its recharge rate.

XP Cost: 4 Prerequisites: Draconic, Potent Bellybrew

Effect: +1 Die of Damage of the same type on your Breath Attacks.

You gain the Weapon Trait “Recharge III” on your Breath Attack. You now recharge your breath attack on a roll of 3, 4, 5 or 6 on a d6.

Wing Stubs

Grow wing stubs on your back.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Draconic

Effect: You now have a pair of wing stubs growing out of your back above your shoulder blades. These wing stubs are an indication that you may one day grow full dragon’s wings! 

As of yet, they are nearly useless, but you can use them to hold or manipulate small items, granting you 1 additional Motion at your disposal.

Draconic Wings

Grow fledgling draconic wings on your back.

XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Draconic

Effect: Your wing stubs have matured into a pair of fledgling draconic wings.

Once, while falling you can use these wings to Glide up to 8 Meters using your Movement and then land or continue falling as normal.

Dragon’s Wings

Your draconic wings fully mature into majestic dragon’s wings.

XP Cost: 5 Prerequisites: Draconic, Draconic Wings

Effect: Your fledgling wings have matured into large folding dragon wings. 

You now possess a Flying Movement Speed of 7 meters per Movement.

You can carry 1 smaller creature while flying at half your normal speed.

Armored Wings

Your wings have grown protective scales on their outer side, allowing you to use them like a pair of shields while not flying.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Draconic, Dragon’s Wings

Effect: Reduce your Flying Movement Speed by 1 Meter.

While you are not using your wings to Fly you are considered to have two Shields Equipped, granting you +4 to your AC and +2 to your DEX Saving Throws.

You may split this shield bonus evenly and/or give it to up to two adjacent creatures, protecting them.

Strong Wings

Your wings have grown strong and muscular, granting you additional bonuses and abilities.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Draconic, Dragon’s Wings

Effect: Increase your Flying Movement Speed by 1 Meter.

You can now carry 1 medium sized creature or 2 smaller creatures while flying at half your normal speed.

Air Blast: You can use your Action to generate a 1 Meter Air Blast with your wings. When you do so, creatures adjacent to you must Roll a Strength or Dexterity Saving Throw. The DC is equal to 16 or your Maneuver Save DC, whichever is higher.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are Pushed 1d4 Meters away from you.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are unaffected.



Gain the ability to consume the flesh of sapient creature in order to gain sustenance and healing.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Reptilian

Effect: You can consume the unspoiled flesh of sapient creatures(playable species) and consider it to be Flavorful Sustenance.

In addition, you regain 1d10 HP per Kilogram of sapient creatures flesh you consume. You can consume a number of Kilograms of said flesh equal to your Constitution Modifier per hour.