Ravasha are a Bipedal Mammalian rodents that resemble oversized rats with expressive faces. They have various fur and skin colorations depending on their regions of origin and their societies often change depending on local environmental traits.

Small-Medium / Mammalian / Biped
Ravasha are a Bipedal Mammalian rodents that resemble oversized rats with expressive faces. They have various fur and skin colorations depending on their regions of origin and their societies often change depending on local environmental traits.
Ravaha are prone to congregation, whether that be with other ravasha or other sentient species usually doesn't seem to matter all that much. They are a very social species and their mental health tends to suffer in solitary situations. Due to to this social nature ravasha tend to integrate into or form large scale societies that rely on trade and regular interaction.
Choose a Subspecies
Skeeve Ravasha
City Rat-like Subspecies
Medium/ Mammalian / Biped
Average Height | 180 cm |
Average Weight | 60 kg |
Lifespan | 50-60 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 9 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 CHA or +2 DEX |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Squee’Mic and Uman |
The Largest variety of Ravasha are descendants of the common City Rat. Due to their starting within other civilizations they typically do not form their own kingdoms but rather prefer to integrate into pre established multicultural Cities. Skeeve Ravasha more so than any other subspecies have a societal inclination toward capitalistic attitudes and an obsession with the accumulation of wealth and power. Skeeve Ravasha tend to have darker colorations of fur such as blacks, dark browns and grays. Their eyes tend to be such a dark brown they appear black.
Superior Sense of Smell
You gain Advantage on Perception or Investigation Skill Rolls that involve Scents or Smells.
Add a Destiny Die on all Perception skill rolls to Detect Creatures.
Gain a Miscellaneous +2 to your Insight, Deception, Charm or Debate Skill.
Financial Senses
Skeeve ravasha can actually smell wealth in all its various forms, once a rare talent that is now common in the subspecies.
You can use your sense of smell(perception skill rolls) to detect money or riches in your immediate vicinity or on a creature's person. The higher the roll the more accurate the detection of wealth. Wealth can be hidden or rendered less detectable by other strong scents.
Rat Teeth
All ravasha possess surprisingly large and sharp front teeth capable of significant harm when provoked.
Special: You automatically hit on Jaw Attack(s) when you start your turn with a creature grappled in your jaws. Roll the attack anyway, you can still critically hit.
Damage | Damage Types | Range | Traits |
1d4+2 | Toxic | 1 Meter | Natural Weapon, Grapple Weapon |
Wild Ravasha
Field Rat-like Subspecies
Small / Mammalian / Biped
Average Height | 130 cm |
Average Weight | 27 kg |
Lifespan | 60-80 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 12 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 CHA or +2 WIS |
Movement Speed | 5 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Small / d6 |
Languages | Squee’Mic and Uman |
Wild Ravasha live in various stages of society ranging from tribes to kingdoms. They are descendants of field rats and tend to develop far away from Humanoids and other Civilizations. Wild Ravasha have more varied fur colorations ranging from blacks, browns, grays and even reds. Their eyes tend to be such a dark brown they appear black.
Superior Sense of Smell
You gain Advantage on Perception or Investigation Skill Rolls that involve Scents or Smells.
Add a Destiny Die on all Perception skill rolls to Detect Creatures.
Gain a Miscellaneous +2 to your Insight, Deception, Charm or Debate Skill.
Danger Senses
Wild Ravasha have spent hundreds of generations as prey and as such have developed finely tuned senses capable of detecting danger before their minds are fully aware.
You are considered to still have an unrolled Perception equal to 10 + your Skill Modifier while sleeping.
When Surprised or Ambushed you may take a single action before or during the attackers ambush Actions/Turns.
Rat Teeth
All ravasha possess surprisingly large and sharp front teeth capable of significant harm when provoked.
Special: You automatically hit on Jaw Attack(s) when you start your turn with a creature grappled in your jaws. Roll the attack anyway, you can still critically hit.
Damage | Damage Types | Range | Traits |
1d4+2 | Toxic | 1 Meter | Natural Weapon, Grapple Weapon |
Pale Ravasha
Naked Mole Rat-like Subspecies
Small / Mammalian / Biped
Average Height | 160 cm |
Average Weight | 30 kg |
Lifespan | 60-80 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 12 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 CON or +2 WIS |
Movement Speed | 5 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Small / d6 |
Languages | Squee’Mic and Uman |
Pale Ravasha live in tight knit communities in deep underground labyrinths. As societies, they tend to be somewhat xenophobic, with firm beliefs that those that cannot navigate the dark are less than they. Pale Ravasha are hairless and their eyes are usually a milky white, pink, red, gray or blue.
Superior Sense of Smell
You gain Advantage on Perception or Investigation Skill Rolls that involve Scents or Smells.
Add a Destiny Die on all Perception Skill Rolls to Detect Creatures.
Gain a Miscellaneous +2 to your Insight, Deception, Charm or Debate Skill.
Rat Teeth
All ravasha possess surprisingly large and sharp front teeth capable of significant harm when provoked.
Special: You automatically hit on Jaw Attack(s) when you start your turn with a creature grappled in your jaws. Roll the attack anyway, you can still critically hit.
Damage | Damage Types | Range | Traits |
1d4+2 | Toxic | 1 Meter | Natural Weapon, Grapple Weapon |
Dark Vision
You can see without penalty in low-light conditions or total darkness. When viewing areas in total darkness you see in grayscale and cannot discern color.
Light Sensitive: -2 to all Rolls to perform Actions in Bright Lighting Conditions.