Psychic Communication
You from a line of Psychic Communication with a target Creature.
Tier II - Hedge - Witchcraft
You from a line of Psychic Communication with a target Creature.
Spell Tier | II |
Action Type | Full Round Action |
Mana Cost | 3 |
Range | 200 Meters |
Requirements | 1 Free Hand |
Sustainable | 1 Mana |
Spell Traits | Imperceptible |
Effect : You form a line of Psychic Communication with a Creature within Range until the end of your next turn or until the Spell is no longer being Sustained or the Psychic Line is Broken. Creatures in the Psychic Communication can make their thoughts heard by others by focusing on the individual words, but not all thoughts they think are heard by others.
A creature targeted by the spell that does not wish to be in the conversation may use a Motion or Reaction to Roll a Wisdom Saving Throw, the DC is Equal to the Caster’s Spell Save DC.
If they Pass, that Psychic Communication Line is Broken.
If they Fail, nothing happens.
Overpower : The Caster can spend 1 additional Mana to Increase the Range of this Spell by 20 Meters,
Or add 2 to the DC to Resist this Casting of this Spell’s Effects,
Or target 1 additional Creature within Range with this Casting of the Spell.