Item Traits, Food Traits & Musical Qualities
Item Traits, Food Traits and Musical Qualities are special bonuses and effects that are often attached to items in the various buyer's guides.

Vessel / Craft / Vehicle Sheet
Contains a downloadable sheet for use with any vessel, craft or vehicle.
Stone Age - Buyer's Guide
The Stone Age is a time before history. Similar to the dawn of humanity to 2200 BC on earth.
Stone Age - Currency
Information about trade beads and their use in the stone age.
Stone Age - Armor & Clothing
Armor, clothing and packs of the stone age.
Stone Age - Melee Weapons
Melee, hand-to-hand and high skill weapons of the stone age.
Stone Age- Axes
Axes of the stone age for hacking and slashing.
Stone Age - Blades
When you need something larger than a knife, but smaller than a sword.
Stone Age - Clubs
Stone age clubs for smashing and bashing.
Stone Age - Polearms
Stone age polearms for when you want some distance between you and your enemy.
Stone Age - Picks
Stone age picks for puncturing.
Stone Age - Hammers
Stone age hammers for crushing and cracking.
Stone Age- Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Stone Age hand-to-hand weapons.
Stone Age - High Skill Melee Weapons
Stone age high skill melee weapons.
Stone Age - Knives
Stone age tools for for cutting and stabbing.
Stone Age - Swords
Status symbols and weapons of war of the stone age.
Stone Age- Ranged Weapons
Bows, high skill ranged weapons, slings and thrown weapons of the stone age.
Stone Age - Bows & Arrows
Bows and arrows of the stone age.
Stone Age - High Skill Ranged Weapons & Darts
Blowguns, boomerangs and darts of the stone age.
Stone Age - Slings & Ammo
Slings & atlatls and their ammunition from the stone age.
Stone Age - Thrown Weapons
Thrown weapons of the stone age.
Stone Age - Toolkits
Toolkits allow users to perform special skill rolls and maintain and repair weapons.
Stone Age - Inventory
Items that can be packed or carried on one's person.
Stone Age - Musical Instruments
Music making instruments of the stone age.
Stone Age - Assassin Tools
Tools of assassins of the stone age.
Stone Age - Potions
Potions, salves and poisons of the stone age.
Stone Age - Food & Drink
Food and drink of the stone age.
Stone Age - Trade Goods
Spices and dyes of the stone age.
Stone Age - Materials
Materials of the stone age.
Stone Age - Animals
Mounts, pets, beasts of burden and livestock of the stone age.
Stone Age - Transportation
Ships and carts of the stone age.
Stone Age - Property & Real Estate
Property and real estate of the stone age.
Stone Age - Services
Cost and availability of services in the stone age.

Species Selection
Playable Species are the options that players may choose from when selecting their character's species.
Bronze Age Buyer's Guide
A time of emerging technologies, sciences and governments. Similar to the years of 2200 - 1400 BC on earth.
Bronze Age- Currency
Outlines the various currencies and their current value in the bronze age.
Bronze Age - Armor & Clothing
Armors, Shields and clothing from the bronze age.
Bronze Age - Melee Weapons
Weapons that use part of the weapon itself as the method of dealing damage.
Bronze Age - Axes
Axes for hack and slash jobs.
Bronze Age - Blades
Blades; when you need something bigger than a knife, but smaller than a sword.
Bronze Age - Clubs
Weapons made for smashing and bashing.
Bronze Age - Polearms
Weapons made to put a little distance between you and your enemy.
Bronze Age - Picks
Weapons that can pierce through armor.
Bronze Age - Hammers
Weapons made for bashing and squashing.
Bronze Age - Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Weapons made for those that like to get close and personal.
Bronze Age - High Skill Weapons
Weapons made for martial artists and skilled wielders.
Bronze Age - Knives
Weapons made for discreet slashing and stabbing.
Bronze Age - Swords
Long blades that are works of art and status symbols.
Bronze Age - Ranged Weapons
Ranged weapons utilize projectiles, range and precision.
Bronze Age - Bows & Arrows
Bows and arrows of the bronze age.
Bronze Age - High Skill Ranged Weapons
High Skill Ranged weapons of the bronze age and their ammunition.
Bronze Age - Slings & Ammo
Slings and their ammunitions.
Bronze age - Thrown Weapons
Thrown weapons of the bronze age.
Bronze Age - Bundles
A combination of mundane items and toolkits at a discount.
Bronze Age - Toolkits
Toolkit allow trained users to make certain skill rolls that would normally be impossible.
Bronze Age - Inventory
Bedrolls, Containers, Equipment, Supplies and Tents of the bronze age.
Bronze Age - Musical Instruments
Musical instruments of the bronze age.
Bronze Age - Assassin's Tools
Assassin tools of the trade.
Bronze Age - Potions
Potions for bronze age settings where they are permitted.
Bronze Age - Food & Drink
All things edible and drinkable in the bronze age.
Bronze Age - Trade Goods
Goods of stable worth in the bronze age.
Bronze Age - Materials
Various materials available in the bronze age.
Bronze Age - Animals
Mounts, Pets, Beasts of Burden and Livestock of the Bronze Age.
Bronze Age - Transportation
Vessels, Vessel Sized Weapons and Personal Transportation of the bronze age.
Bronze Age - Property & Real Estate
The cost and availability of Property and Land Purchases in the Bronze Age.
Bronze Age - Services
Services and their availability in the bronze age.

Information Breakdown
A lot of information is displayed all at once in the playable species section. Following this guide will cue you in on where to look for information relevant to your character build and help define all of the terms used in the following section.
Iron Age Buyer's Guide
A time of early kingdoms and armies. Similar to the years 1400 BC - 400 AD on earth.
Iron Age - Currency
Outlines the various coin mints in the iron age and their value that time.
Iron Age - Armor & Clothing
Clothing, armor and shields of the iron age.

Iron Age Melee Weapons
Melee, hand-to-hand and high skill weapons of the iron age.

Iron Age - Axes
Weapons made for hacking and slashing.

Iron Age - Blades
Blades for cutting, blades for stabbing. All the kinds of blades.

Iron Age - Clubs
Clubs for both smashing and bashing.

Iron Age - Polearms
For when you need to poke and prod from a safe distance.

Iron Age - Picks
For when you need to poke holes in armor.

Iron Age - Hammers
From when you need to crush, crumble and bash your enemies.

Iron Age - High Skill Weapons
Weapons made for artistic performers of war.

Iron Age - Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Weapons made for a fistfight; Just not a fair one.

Iron Age - Knives
Weapons made for discreet hacking and stabbing.

Iron Age - Swords
Works of art and a status symbol of war.
Iron Age - Ranged Weapons
Weapons that typically utilize projectiles, backed by precise aiming.
Iron Age - Bows & Arrows
Bows and arrows for the iron age archer.
Iron Age - Crossbows & Bolts
Crossbows are a powerful new invention in the iron age.
Iron Age - High Skill Ranged Weapons
Ranged weapons for those with the skills to use them.
Iron Age - Slings & Ammo
A simple, yet effective weapon, with origins older than history.
Iron Age - Thrown Weapons
Weapons designed to be hurled or thrown.
Iron Age - Bundles
A collection of mundane items at a slight discount.
Iron Age - Toolkits
Bundles of tools and supplies that allow user to perform certain tasks and jobs.
Iron Age- Inventory
Items that fit or can be packed into a backpack or pouch.
Iron Age - Musical Instruments
Musical instruments for those that know how to play them.
Iron Age - Assassin's Tools
Tools of the trade for assassins.
Iron Age - Potions
Potions for fantastical iron age settings.
Iron Age - Food & Drink
Goods that are edible and offer nutrition, sustenance or satisfaction.
Iron Age - Trade Goods
Commodities available in the iron age.
Iron Age - Materials
Substances needed for construction, repair and industry. They can be traded, stockpiled and harvested.
Iron Age - Animals
Mounts, pets, beasts of burden and livestock available in the iron age.
Iron Age - Transportation
Vessels and wagons of the iron age.
Iron Age - Property & Real Estate
Property and real estate of the iron age.
Iron Age - Services
Hires and services available in the iron age.
Creature Catalogue
Contains all creatures available in all realms and settings.

Creature Builder
Contains modular building blocks and a balancing method for creating any creature imaginable.

Creatures created through chaotic or unnatural means.

A large docile draconid often mistaken for dragons, wyverns and drakes.

Bandits (Human)
A vile and cunning foe. Often seen while traveling in dangerous territories.

A massive territorial and aggressive creature that travels in small pods.

A type of ambush hunting, acid spitting amphibian with a limited intelligence.

A rapidly multiplying bloodsucking abomination capable of swarming and destroying entire ecosystems.

Bomb Beetles
A type of hive forming beetle with a explosive defense mechanism.

Bone Biters
A type of dangerous insectoid that mimics the bones and remains of the dead.

Bone Vipers
A type of large growing serpent capable of spewing acid as an adult and delivering a venomous bite as an adolescent.

Boom Blossoms
A type of perambulating botanical creature that is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect its grove.

Boulder Worms
A type of ravenous armored worm that can grow to massive sizes.

Curses & Diseases
Curses and diseases are major afflictions that players may choose or contract during play.

A type of small vicious abomination that hunts in large swarms, consuming all in their path.

Copy-Cats are a type of predatory shapeshifter that consumes and replaces prey in order to consume others.

Castle Crabs
A massive type of crab that builds a castle upon its back for its young.

Creatures with exoskeletons and open nervous systems.

Arachnians are a diverse species of sentient Arachnids. They can have body designs and colorations consistent with that of their various spider ancestors.

Bizzrin resemble large bees in almost every way. Bizzrin posses smaller grasping digits at the end of each of their 6 legs.

Adult Chitrins greatly resemble ants at a larger scale. They have two sets of four fingered arms and one set of legs and are covered entirely by a thick chitinous hide. Their large eyes dominate their faces and mandibles and antennae of various shapes are common.

Cradites are a crab-like species. They are typically tall and imposing with an upper set of large clawed arms, a lower set of smaller grasping arms and two sturdy legs.

Mantissarians resemble an oversized bipedal praying mantis. They even have similar chitin colorations, such as: greens, yellows, tans, browns, blues, whites and violets. Their eyes are exceptionally large and are often pitch black except where the light reflects on the edges of their many facets.
Arthropod Traits & Abilities
A selection of Traits and Abilities that only Arthropod Species may acquire.

Creatures with multiple life phases and that require water sources in order reproduce.

Gribbets are an amphibian species that greatly resemble oversized frogs. They often reside in fresh water areas, such as: lakes, marshes, rivers and ponds.
Amphibian Traits & Abilities
A selection of Traits and Abilities that can only be acquired by Amphibian Species.

Creatures that can easily survive or thrive in underwater environments.

Most likely the inspiration for myths and legends about mermaids, Merr have very recognizable humanoid features, particularly on the upper half of their bodies but retain the swimming tails and gills of their ancestors.

Mishen greatly resemble fish with spiny dorsal fins, tails and leg fins. They have large fishlike eyes and a massive mouth which dominates their facial features.
Aquatic Traits & Abilities
A collection of Traits and Abilities that can only be acquired by Aquatic Species.

Creatures that were programmed, enchanted or manufactured into sapience.

AI Entities
AI Entities are digital creatures that exist within data and can be housed within a device or network.

Clockwork automatons utilize precision analog technologies to achieve motion, motorization and interaction. Sentience among such things is rare but not impossible.

Robots are advanced mechanical creatures with digitally programmed minds. Sentience among robots is usually unintentional but not uncommon.

Golems are statuesque creatures made of clay, stone or metal and given life through powerful magics.
Automaton Traits & Abilities
A collection a Traits and Abilities that can only be acquired by Automatons.

Creatures with feathers, talons and beaks.

Typical cawmore are between 100-130 cm tall, have a set of large wings that can span up to 3 meters wide, two birdlike arms and legs

The Chikori are actually three separate and distinct avian species that have been closely living and working together since before they gained sentience. As a result their social and societal distinctions have been blended together creating the unified race known as the Chikori.

Falcores resemble large and cunning Falcons. They have small hands protruding from their wings that they can use to manipulate objects while not in flight. Their toes on their feet are particularly nimble and Falcores prefer to hold and manipulate items with their feet whenever possible.

Hoos greatly resemble their Owl ancestors and have retained most of their adaptations and some of their behaviors. Small hands protrude from the ends of both their wings, which they can use to grasp and manipulate objects.
Avian Traits & Abilities
A collection of Traits and Abilities that can only be acquired by Avian Species.

Creatures made from or tied to key elements of nature.

Dryads are plant elementals or tree spirits that protect and preserve important great trees or groves of trees. When their environments are threatened or endangered Dryads will lend aid or fight as necessary.

Water Naiads or Nymphs are sapient elemental protective spirits. They each are connected to and protect an integral water source, such as a spring, pond, river or lake. When their environments are threatened or endangered Naiads will lend aid or fight as necessary.
Elemental Traits and Abilities
A selection of Traits and Abilities that only Elemental Species may acquire.

Creatures whose origins lie within the strange and mysterious Faye Realms.

Fairies are vaguely humanoid in appearance. They have small feet and hands and angular faces, with large butterfly-like wings protruding from their backs. They tend to have clear skin of various hues and thick brightly colored hair

Pixies are the smallest of the fey, they look vaguely humanoid, with long pointed ears, elongated features and large inquisitive eyes. Unlock most fey; they have pointed interlocking teeth and a unique bone structure.

Resembling a cross between a human and a goat, Satyrs have goat-like horns on the tops of their heads and long velvety lamb ears. Other than that their top halves are indistinguishable from any other humanoid.
Faye Traits and Abilities
A selection of Traits and Abilities that only Faye Species may acquire.

Creatures similar to humanoids but with vastly different internal physiology, large pointed ears and unusual skin colorations.

Goblins have greenish to yellowish to grayish skin, large pointed ears, sharp teeth and dark curly hair. Their eyes are typically shades of yellow, green, brown, orange and gray

Gremlins are tiny bipedal gobloids that vaguely resemble miniature goblins with grayish skin. Gremlin history claims that they were the original inventors of machinery and that most if not all modern designs are copied from gremlin ones.

Hobgoblins are what many consider to be a perfect crossroads between Goblin and Orc. They are big and strong like their Orcish cousins but they are also cunning and resourceful like their goblin kin.

Orcs are a sturdy bipedal gobloid with thick cranial bones and oversized canines or tusks, depending on their subspecies. They have pointed ears and muscular bodies with a low body fat average. Their skin, hair and eye colors vary depending on their subtype.
Gobloid Traits and Abilities
A selection of Traits and Abilities that only Gobloid Species may acquire.

Creatures that have similar physiology and visual characteristics to humans.

Dwarves tend to have short wide set bones and broad features. Most if not all dwarven cultures commonly wear beards of various stylings and lengths. Beard growth tends to be a universal trait on dwarves regardless of the individuals sex.

Elves resemble humans in many ways, including hair, skin hair and eye color. Elves differ in that they have long pointed ears and exceptionally lithe and light frames. They also tend to have sharp elongated features, clear skin and are incapable of growing facial hair.

Gnomes resemble humans in many ways. They have similar hair, skin and eye colorations. They differ in that gnomes are much shorter and tend to have broader rounder features on average.

Gorgons resemble humanoids in every way except their hair. Which is made entirely of live snakes. Gorgon tales speak of an ancient curse that turned their ancestors hair to snakes

Halflings resemble humans in many ways, they have similar hair, skin and eye colorations and a similar body structure. Halflings differ in that they have an average height of about 1 meter, have very curly hair and very large wide leathery soled feet.

Humans are the basis and blueprint for the Humanoid body shape. They have skin hues that range in color from pale white, to shades of olive, brown, black, tan and pink.
Ogres are distantly related to giants and resemble a haphazard cross between giants and humans.

Titans or "half-giants" are one of the largest humanoids that people don’t simply run from when they see coming. They are large bipeds that resemble humans in almost every way except their tremendous size
Humanoid Traits and Abilities
A selection of Traits and Abilities that only Humanoid Species may acquire.

Creatures that do not possess a skeleton or rigid spine.

Contains information about Catacians, a bipedal sentient cactus species.

A bipedal Fungaloid species known for their outgoing nature and ability to communicate with the mycelium layer. They can physically resemble almost any fungal fruiting body in existence.

Slova are a Crustaceous Monopod that greatly resemble oversized Snails with large expressive eyes, thicker skin and two arms with three fingers and a thumb each. Their Colorations and adaptations vary greatly depending on their ancestry.
Invertebrate Traits and Abilities
A selection of Traits and Abilities that only Invertebrate Species may acquire.

Creatures of mammalian descent or those bearing major mammalian characteristics.

Centaurs are large horse-like quadrupeds with a humanoid torso and head extending from where a horse’s neck and head would be.

Meowmuns vary greatly between their different subspecies. The feline variety resembles a large bipedal housecat. With fur coats of various color patterns and lengths.

Minotaurs traditionally have the head of a Bull, or Bovine, a humanoid Upper body and Bipedal Hoofed Bovine Legs. Many believe minotaurs are the result of a curse or some sort of diving combination.

Mousekin are a bipedal mouselike mammalian species. They have a variety of different colorations and adaptations depending on their region of origin.

Rabbish resemble oversized bipedal rabbits. They have fur colorations reminiscent of various breeds of rabbit and eye colors in shades of blue, green, brown and yellow. Rabbish ears are often long and slightly articulable, adding to their expressiveness.

Ravasha are a Bipedal Mammalian rodents that resemble oversized rats with expressive faces. They have various fur and skin colorations depending on their regions of origin and their societies often change depending on local environmental traits.

Schnarls are a bipedal pig-like mammalian species. They resent the term “pig people” but it does accurately describe what they are. Their fur and skin and colorations differ depending on their subspecies/ region of origin.
Mammalian Traits and Abilities
A selection of Traits and Abilities that only Mammalian Species may acquire.

Mutants & Mutations
Creatures with vastly altered physiology due to various mutagens.

Mutants are any creature that has developed vastly different traits due to exposure to some form of Mutagen, such as: magical energy, chaos energy, otherworldly energies or particles or radiation.

Mutations are so far removed from the original species of their origin that they resembling nothing else that exists. They often have non-symmetrical bodies with unique adaptations in order to thrive in their state.
Mutate Traits and Abilities
A selection of Traits and Abilities that only Mutate Species may acquire.

Reptilians: Creatures that are cold blooded and descended from reptiles.

Azurai are a reptilian bipedal species easily identified by their large, sometimes spiny shells and snapping turtle-esque maws.

DraKins greatly resemble dragons, albeit smaller bipedal versions. They have scaled hides, tails, horns, claws and a short reptilian snout. Many Dragonkin have hereditary head or face tails which they wear and adorn like the head and facial hair of mammalian species.

Slivrin are a monopodial reptilian species. They resemble oversized serpents of various breeds and often possess many hereditary abilities and traits from their ancestors.

Tortara are a bipedal reptilian species that have a large shell dominating their frame.
Reptilian Traits & Abilities
A collection of Traits and Abilities that only Reptilian Species may acquire.

Creatures that can alter or transform their bodies in any significant way.

No one, not even the Doppels themselves know where they originally came from. Stories abound about fairies stealing babies and replacing them with a changeling child, but none of these wild claims have ever been substantiated.

Shifters or Shapeshifters are in their natural state, amorphous and semi-translucent. Rarely have they ever been viewed in this state, for they can at will, shift part or all of their body into any desired shape or texture they can see or imagine.
Shapeshifter Traits and Abilities
A selection of Traits and Abilities that only Shapeshifter Species may acquire.

Creatures descended from trolls or those that have distinctive troll-like features.

Trollkin are a diverse and varied species with subspecies in nearly every realm. They vary greatly between colorations and adaptations depending on their ancestry.
Trolloid Traits and Abilities
A selection of Traits and Abilities only available to Trolloid Species.

Creatures that cannot easily be categorized into any of the other species groupings

Toons are a type of fictionally created character come to life; Either through magic or unexplainable phenomena.
Toon Traits & Abilities
Traits and Abilities that can only be acquired by Toons.

A type of fire breathing reptile that preys on anything that enters it's vicinity.
Multiclassing in Altered Realms is quick and easy. This section outlines the simple rules for multiclassing as many times and ways as your narrator permits.

Mage Archetypes
A Mage is any magic practitioner that utilizes the Mana Stream in order to use their magics and cast spells. The particular type of magic used by all mages is commonly referred to as "Arcane Magic".

Wizards use a collection of knowledge, recorded spells and perfect execution to cast powerful arcane magics.

Character Info
Contains links to all information pertaining to managing, creating, leveling up and roleplaying characters in any setting or era.

Runewrites use magical sigils and imbue them with the power of a spell. This allows their magic to be stored and used by others.

Character Creation
Guides you step by step through the initial choices of creating a character.

Arcane Bard
Arcane bards use the power of music and sound to manipulate the mana stream and cast arcane spells.

How to Play
Altered Realms is a d20 based tabletop role playing game. It will require a 1x1 inch grid or flat surface and a measuring stick, or tape. 20 sided dice, 12 sided dice, 10 sided dice, 8 sided dice, 6 sided dice, 4 sided dice and a coin to flip, or you can use an online dice roller or dice roller app.

Combat Initiation
Altered Realms utilizes a Turn Based System that operates slightly differently when switching between two primary modes of play; Out of Combat and In Combat Narratives.
Out of Combat Narrative
Each player takes a Turn performing Actions or making skill checks, starting with the Player with the highest Initiative bonus.

Players and creatures can start the game with, or gain Notoriety with certain Governments, City-states, Towns, Locales, Connections, Guilds or any other significantly large information passing group of individuals during the course of their campaign. Notoriety can be a double edged sword, as the higher it is for an individual

Word gets around eventually and regardless of whether it’s good or bad things, people tend to hear about the dealings of high profile mercenaries and heroes. A reputation can be rightly or even falsely earned, just like if enough people are retelling a rumor it no longer matters whether

NPC Disposition
Non-Player characters you interact with in your campaigns should have various dispositions towards interacting player characters depending on a variety of factors including: Notoriety, Allegiance, Connection, Species, Morals, Prejudices, Professions or Previous Interactions. Each disposition has different modifiers that affect interactions in negative or positive ways. It is largely up

Wielding Weapons
In order to wield a weapon effectively a creature should have Training with that Weapon. In order to gain the Benefit of their Training Bonus when wielding any Weapon, a creature must have Training in that Weapon Type. A Training Bonus is a numerical bonus added to attack and skill

Battlemages are the backbone of arcane militaries. They are trained to wield weapons, and wear armor but also to use their magic as a weapon of destruction

A Modifier is: A numerical addition or subtraction to a Roll or DC that increases or decreases the chance of success.
Whenever a creature is the target of any attack, spell or ability there will be modifiers that affect either the roll made by the attacker or defender. These modifiers
A creature's defensive statistics are representative of a culmination of that creature's toughness, armor and defensive abilities.
Armor Class
A creature’s AC is a representation of how difficult they are to actually damage in combat. When rolling an attack roll of any kind your goal

Spellswords are trained both as combat specialists and spellcasters. When arcane orders need an army, they train battlemages; when they need an operative, they train spellswords.
Attribute Resource Pools
Attribute Resource pools are the basis of all Altered Realms Powers, Spells and Abilities.
Power always has a price and Altered Realms uses the Attribute Resource Pools to quantify the personal expenditure required for this Power.
Many abilities and revelations of deep wisdom require the expenditure of Willpower Points.
All creatures that possess a form of locomotion are allowed movement on their turns. Various creatures will have different forms of movement and different speeds. This section will outline how to move your creatures in game and how to calculate their movement rates, distances and abilities.
The Combat Grid

Techno Mages use a combination of technology and Magic Artifacts to cast spells as fluently, if not more so than the Wizards of old. Usually their kit involves a device,
Actions and the action economy are how all creatures interact with the game worlds of Altered Realms. Each turn taken by a creature is broken down into key characteristics of interaction. When starting a turn a typical creature has an Action, a Motion and a Movement available. When not currently
Ranged Combat
When a player wishes to make a Ranged Attack they first must get within range for the Weapon they are wielding or Spell they are using. Then they Expend a Ranged or Spell Attack Action and make a Ranged or Ranged Spell Attack vs their selected target’s AC, Applying

Some people are gifted with an extremely strong connection to the Mana Stream, either through their lineage or through long term Magic Exposure.
Melee Combat
Reaction Attacks
A creature’s Reaction is spent to use their Reaction Attacks. A creature can use as many Reaction Attacks as they have Reactions. Reaction attacks are triggered whenever a combatant moves 1 meter or more away without disengaging, when a creature fires a Ranged Weapon while within Melee
Inflicting Damage
Attack Modifier
A Creature’s Attack Modifier is added to an Attack Roll made for a Melee, Ranged or Spell Attacks.
A Creature’s Attack Modifier is Equal to the Attribute Modifier used to Wield a Weapon of that Type plus the Wielder’s Training Bonus.
Training Bonus
A creature’

Chosen are magic users who gained their magical abilities directly through a magical artifact or heirloom and may very well be powerless without it.

Mounted and Vehicular Combat
Controlling a Mount, Vehicle or Craft
Each round that a creature or player is mounted or driving they may use their Motion and One Free Hand to control the mount, craft or vehicle. If they cannot or do not then the craft, vehicle or mount continues in the same direction

Combat that occurs between two or more large vessels usually requires the use of the following vehicular combat section.
Battles and logistics operate at different scales. Personal transportation and spacecraft have vastly different speeds, sizes and required operating space. In order to account for these various speeds and sizes,
Damage Types
Weapons, spells and abilities will all deal various damage types and equipment and armors will also offer resistance to some of these damage types. Some damage types will be more common in certain campaigns. Damage types are affected by Vulnerabilities and Resistances and alter the types of wounds that are

Making Progress
Welcome to the Altered Realms Portal. We will continue to add new content on a weekly basis. Subscribe to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published.
Creatures can successfully ambush others by meeting certain conditions. They must not be visible to the creatures they wish to ambush, creatures behind cover are still partially visible. They must not make any movements, if they do they need to to roll a Stealth Skill Roll. Creatures that meet

Change Log
Rule changes as of the 2023 online release.

Falling and Landing
Last Grasp
Creatures forced off any ledge may use their Reaction to attempt to catch themselves from falling. Creatures must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity Saving throw to avoid the fall. If they do succeed they are instead knocked prone. If they fail they fall as normal.
If the

Recently Added
Check out this new stuff we made!
Resting and Sleeping
Altered Realms has different difficulty settings that affect how quickly the player's characters can recover from Wounds and Injuries.
Non Realism
Non-Realism is the standard Difficulty Setting. In this setting the players would regain a number of HP equal to their CON Modifier +1 and regain 1 ARP
Update 1
The combustion age is now available!
Update 2
The Digital Age Buyer's Guide is now fully uploaded and operational!
Update 3
The Information Age Buyer's Guide is now fully uploaded and operational!
Update 4
The Space Age Buyer's Guide is now uploaded and operational!
Wounds are dealt to living creatures that take significant amounts of damage from a single attack. Wounds are a combination of status effects that cannot be as easily removed and typically require rest or medicine to resolve.
Wound Threshold
A creature is considered to be wounded when they receive damage

Update 5
Species Traits and Abilities are now available for ALL Species groupings!
Conditions are succinct effects that are temporarily imposed on creatures.

Experience Points
Contains information about experience points and how they are gained and spent.

This section outlines Attributes uses and functions in the Altered Realms System.

This section describes the proper use of skill rolls in any genre. Includes information on skill difficulty and item crafting.
Contains information about character morals, their moral compass options and information about moral position and trend.
Contains information on how initiative functions in and can be calculated.
Hit Points
Hit Points are a representation of health, resolve and the will to live.
Contains information about how, when and where to acquire equipment.
The languages section includes all available forms of communication in the altered realms.
Armor Class
Contains information about the in-game concept known as Armor Class or AC. Describes how to calculate AC for characters and creatures.
Armor Points
Armor is a representation of the protective layers a creature possesses.
This section defines quirks and includes all available character quirks.
Information about origins and origin stories.
Contacts and Connections
Information about contacts and connections and how they can be acquired.
Contains information about personal funds, as well as starting funds and spending XP on funds.
Leveling Up
Contains information on how and when to level up characters.

Character Examples
Contains examples of Altered Realms characters to compare to your own.

Contains information about the inception of Altered Realms, the acquisition of the "Codex" and general nature of the Altered Realms.

The Altered Realms
A list of all the realms about which we currently have information.

Maneuvers are how warriors and rogues perform special moves or techniques on or off the battlefield. Most maneuvers require some amount of natural talent and practice in order to execute.

Realm Zero
Contains information about Realm Zero. The Realm of Origin and Proxy.

Realm A11
Contains information about Realm A11. The Realm of Ahrie, Antigravity and the Avian Species.

Realm B19
Contains information about Realm B19. The Realm of Ecrid and the Giant Insects.

Realm C13
Contains information about Realm C13. The Written Realm.

Realm D4
Contains information about Realm D4. The Realm of Hosza and the Industrious Dwarves.

The Basics
Contains basic information about being a Narrator in Altered Realms.

Feudal Age Buyer's Guide
The Feudal Age is an era of kingdoms, empires and war. Similar to 400s-1400s of earth.

Tips and Tricks
Contains information and recommendations on how to effectively narrate tabletop RPGs in various settings and genres.
Feudal Age - Currency
Guide to the forms of currency in the Feudal Age.

Feudal Age - Armor & Clothing
Clothing, armor and shields of the feudal age.

Campaign Building
Contains information and recommendations about altered realms campaigns and how to start your own.

World Building
Contains a trove of information about building your own worlds in various settings.

Feudal Age - Melee Weapons
Melee, Hand-to-Hand and High Skill Weapons of the Feudal Age.

Feudal Age - Axes
Contains all Axes available in the Feudal Age.

Realm E17
Contains information about Realm E17. The Realm of the Milky Way Galaxy, Sol and Humans.

Feudal Age - Blades
Contains all blades available in the Feudal Age.

Feudal Age - Clubs
Contains all clubs available in the Feudal Age.

Feudal Age - Polearms
Contains all polearms available in the Feudal Age.

Feudal Age - Picks
Contains all picks available in the Feudal Age.

Feudal Age - Hammers
Contains all hammers available in the Feudal Age.

Feudal Age - High Skill Melee Weapons
Contains all high skill weapons available in the Feudal Age.

Realm F9
Contains information about Realm F9. The Realm of Frost and Fire.

Warrior Archetypes
A warrior is a sapient creature that has received or undergone intense training in order to excel in battlefield and/or combat situations.
Might Maneuvers
Might is used by exceptionally strong warriors for maneuvers and abilities that require a great amount of force to deal devastating effects.

Soldiers are warriors forged by repeated combat drills and near death experiences on the battlefield. Soldiers rely heavily on their armor, equipment and comrades to keep them safe in the heat of battle.

Berserkers utilize their rage and individual ferocity to dominate their place on the battlefield. Berserkers specialize in medium armor, closing gaps and momentum based Combat.

Brawlers rely heavily on their own bodies and the surrounding environment to incapacitate and subdue their adversaries. Brawlers specialize in close quarters combat against multiple opponents and are outfitted with a variety of movement abilities and multi-target attacks.

Knights rely heavily on their armor, equipment and mounts to thunder through the battlefield and lead their forces to victory. Knights specialize in heavy armor, mounted combat and noble decorum.

Realm G3
Contains information about Realm G3. the Realm of Endless Earth.

Arcane Spells
A brief definition of Arcane Spells and the Schools of Magic.

Rangers utilize ranged and thrown weapons to engage their enemies from a safe distance, specializing in light armor and maintaining space between themselves and their opponents.

Scouts rely on superior positioning and knowledge of their surroundings to take out their opponents. Scouts specialize in light armor and light weaponry and are focused on survival skills and superior positioning abilities.

Fencers rely on superior footing and weapon handling technique to dispatch their opponents. Fencers Specialize in light armor and weaponry and excel at close quarters one-on-one combat. They are outfitted with a variety of movement and precision combat abilities.

Musketeers rely on superior firepower and light weaponry to dispatch their enemies. Musketeers specialize in light armor, light weapons and firearms, excelling at mid-range to close quarters combat. They are most often outfitted with a variety of firearm and swordplay techniques.

Sharpshooters utilize long ranged weapons and precision to take out their enemies from a safe distance.

Realm H67
Contains information about Realm H67. The Realm of the Heavens, Hells and Faith based Entities.

Gunslingers utilize firearms, movement, cover and superior positioning to excel in gunfights. They specialize in rapid-fire and high accuracy tactics. They are outfitted with a variety of Training, Equipment, Traits and Abilities that allow them to excel in close quarters to medium range combat.
Might Maneuvers - Tier I
Tier I maneuvers are those used regularly by warriors of every creed. They are the basic toolkit of many fighters and regularly used even by veteran mercenaries.

Demolitionists utilize explosives and superior firepower in order to manipulate the battlefield. They are well trained in the use of explosives and are capable of crafting, disarming and precision planting explosives.

Rogue Archetypes
A Rogue is a sapient creature with an illegal or crime oriented professional background that allows them to excel in negotiations and stealth and some combat scenarios.

Assassins specialize in gaining entry into secure structures and eliminating targets in various ways once inside. They are trained to inflict as much damage as possible when their mark is most vulnerable. Assassins also gain access to High Skill Weapon Training and Assassin Tools.

Burglars specialize in gaining entry into secure structures, disarming traps and alarms and escaping with loot without a trace.

Realm I47
Contains information about Realm I47. The Realm of Intergalactic Travel.

Spies specialize in espionage, disguises and manipulation. They are trained to operate behind enemy lines and take on various identities in order to steal information and sabotage the inner workings of their enemies.
Armor Bash
Deals extra damage to an opponents armor.

Smugglers specialize in the transportation and acquisitions of rare and illegal or unlicensed goods. Over the course of their careers they acquire many skills and abilities that aid them in their elusive services and the subsequent tangles and evasion of authorities.

Thieves specialize in gaining entry into semi secure structures, Pickpocketing, Robbing and generally absconding with the possessions of others. They are outfitted with a variety of skills, traits and abilities that allow them to excel in stealth, deception and the acquisition of wealth.

Realm J12
Contains information about Realm J12. The Realm of Elementalism and Elementals.

Running Combat
Contains useful information for narrators about running combat encounters, designing adversaries and creating battle maps.
Deal damage to other adjacent targets while wielding a 2 handed weapon.
Knocks a large or smaller enemy prone, deals blunt damage and may throw them a short distance.

Realm K8
Contains information about Realm K8. The Realm of Undeath.
Drop Point
Can deal extra damage to a creature you land on while falling and breaks the damage from the fall if successful.
Specialist Archetypes
Specialists are character archetypes that specialize in a specific field of work or skillset.
Mighty Leap
You use a heave of might to leap high into the air.

Realm L2
Contains information about Realm L2. The Living Realm.

Arcane Auras
Contains a definition and guide on arcane auras.
Private Investigator
Private Investigators are licensed individuals specializing in the acquisition of evidence; Typically, for the purpose of prosecution in a court of law.

Limitations of Magic
Describes the nature of magic, the willpower fields of living creatures, and how magic is limited in regards to affecting living creatures because of these fields.

Realm M101
Contains information about Realm M101. The Fabricated Realm.
Abjuration Spells
Abjuration spells all fall under the broad umbrella term of Protective Spells. While primarily used to generate energy shields and barriers, many other kinds of spells fall under this category due to their intent to protect the user from harm.
Mighty Effort
You use a heave of Might to get the job done, whatever it may be.
Abjuration Spells - Tier I
Tier I Abjuration Spells are simple protection spells that fledgling mages are often encouraged to learn.
Arcane Chains
Summons strands of energy to slow, stop or restrain your foes.

Witch Archetypes
A Witch is any magical practitioner who gained access to their magic through a Pact with a powerful entity or Agreement with the Natural Forces. The particular types of magic cast by these practitioners is commonly referred to as "Witchcraft".
Astral Blurring
Prevents finding spells from locating the caster or a target.
Pact Witches
Pact witches have made a pact, deal or have come to an understanding with a powerful entity and have been granted certain Witchcrafts as compensation.
Generates an energy barrier that prevents objects and creatures from passing through.
Underworld Witch
Underworld witches have made a pact or deal with an underworld entity such as a demon or devil and been granted Underworld Witchcrafts as per the deal.

Realm N1
Contains information about Realm N1. The Neutral Realm.
Removes dirt and residue from an object or area.
Dragon Witch
Dragon witches have made a pact with a powerful or ancient dragon and have been granted unique dragon witchcrafts.

A type of shapeshifting creature with a keen mind and a taste for humanoid flesh.
Mighty Heave
You use a heave of might to increase the destructive force of your next attack.
Ease Pain
Removes active afflictions or suppresses the pain of wounds when overpowered.
Faye Witch
Faye witches have made a pact with a powerful Faye Entity such as a Great Fairy or Arch Faye and have been granted unique Faye witchcrafts.
Force Ball
Generates a small force field in the shape of an aerodynamic sphere that can be used as a melee weapon or hurled with tremendous acceleration.
Outsider Witch
Outsider witches have come into contact with a powerful extraplanar entity and have been granted unique outsider witchcrafts due to their exposure to interdimensional energies.

Were Curses
Creatures with a were curse are fated to transform into a beastly were-animal at regular intervals.
Restores the life-force of a living creature.
Hedge Witch
A hedge witch uses their unique understanding of the universe to their benefit, allowing them to cast a variety of unique Hedge Witchcrafts.
Forms energy strands around the caster’s legs and feet, locking them securely to a surface.

Realm O20
Contains information about Realm O20. The Realm of Merden and the Eternal Ocean.
Mind Shield
Adds protection to the caster's or targets mind from psychic attacks.
Mighty Sprinting Strike
You use a heave of Might to make a Melee Attack after Sprinting.

Werewolves are any creature cursed to take the form of a wolf monstrosity at certain times. This transformation is usually associated with the lunar cycles but can be provoked or controlled in certain instances.
Phantom Feet
Creates a false trail for trackers to follow.
Removes toxins from a small area of liquid or gas.
Safety Bubble
Projects a protective energy bubble around the caster that prevents even the tiniest particles from passing through.
Silences an area or creature for a short time.

Realm P22
Contains information about Realm P22. The Prison Realm.
Generates a personal energy shield that protects the caster from harm.

Setting and Map Design
Contains useful information for narrators about creating realistic, believable and entertaining settings and locations.
Mighty Leaping Strike
You use a heave of Might to make a Melee Attack after or during a Successful Jump.

Fourth Wall Breakers
Fourth Wall Breakers are characters that break the normal rules of narratives, walking between sets, observing the real world and generally doing things characters in a story are not supposed to do.

Werebears are cursed to take the form of a half Bear monstrosity at certain times. Their curse is often cosmically connected and they are forced to take the form of a bear in certain times of day or in certain types of light.

Feudal Age - Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Contains all hand-to-hand weapons available in the Feudal Age.

Feudal Age - Knives
Contains all knives available in the Feudal Age.

Feudal Age - Swords
Contains all swords available in the Feudal Age.
Feudal Age - Ranged Weapons
Ranged weapons are those that are designed to launch themselves or projectiles at range, rather than being used in close quarters.
Feudal Age - Slings & Projectiles
Contains all slings and sling projectiles available in the Feudal Age.

Realm Q88
Contains information about about Realm Q88. The Realm of Fayor and the Faye.
Abjuration Spells - Tier II
Tier II spells are considered by most mages to be complicated and powerful spells that can take months to master individually.
Feudal Age - Bows & Arrows
Contains all bows and accompanying arrows available in the Feudal Age.

A werecat is any creature cursed to take the form of a half Cat monstrosity at certain times. Their transformation is often interlinked with the light and positioning of certain heavenly bodies.
Feudal Age - Crossbows & Bolts
Contains all crossbows and crossbow bolts available in the Feudal Age.
Astral Invisibility
Renders the caster’s aura invisible and conceals them from all detection spells while active.
Breathing Ball
Houses a small reserve of breathable air.

Realm R16
Contains information about Realm R16. The Wasteland Realm.
XP Purchasable Were Abilities and Traits
Not all Were-creatures have the same powers or skill level. Some develop stronger abilities as they become more comfortable in their second skin, others are naturally potent and talented.
Interrupts another arcane spellcaster’s spell before it culminates.
Mage Armor
Encases the caster’s or target’s body in a protective energy field.

Realm S11
Contains information about Realm S11. The Realm of the Subconscious and Shadow.
Mana Guard
Protects the caster from a single targeted attack or spell.

Undead Curses
Undead curses are afflictions that cause or exist within a state of undeath.
Proximity Alarm
Generates a strand of energy around the caster that alerts them of proximity intrusions.
Grants Might, Focus or Stamina in exchange for Mana.

Realm T23
Contains information about Realm T23. The Realm of Technological Advancement.

A ghost is any creature that exists in one of the adjacent spirit realms with limited abilities to affect the material realm to which they are bound.
Wall Crush
Push an opponent into a wall, crushing them and potentially dealing significant amounts of damage.
Revitalizing Ring
Causes resting and sleeping to be more recuperating.
Feudal Age - Firearms & Ammo
Contains all firearms and their accompanying ammo available in the Feudal Age.
Feudal Age - High Skill Ranged Weapons & Darts
Contains all high skill ranged weapons and darts available in the Feudal Age.
Brings creatures back from the brink of death.
Feudal Age - Thrown Weapons
Contains all thrown weapons available in the Feudal Age.
Feudal Age - Bundles
Bundles are an assortment of items, toolkits and materials suited to a particular profession or task.

Realm U92
Contains information about Realm U92. The Irradiated Realm.
Ring of Privacy
Generates a protective barrier around an area that prevents eavesdropping, scrying and remote monitoring spells.

A shriveled undead creature that requires the rotted flesh of the living for sustenance. This curse is traditionally considered to be a punishment for cannibalism.
Feudal Age - Toolkits
Having a toolkit allows the trained user to make certain skill rolls that would normally be impossible without the aid of tools.
Wild Strikes
You use a heave of might to swing wildly and destructively.
Feudal Age - Inventory
Items that fit or can be packed into a backpack or pouch.
Feudal Age - Musical Instruments
Musical instruments are items designed to create music that is capable of subtly affecting the mood or behavior of all who hear it.
Feudal Age - Assassin Tools
Assassin Tools are rare in that they are only utilized by those with explicit intentions to murder.
Feudal Age - Potions
Potions are types of items typically only available in fantasy or magical settings where their effects can be attributed to the magical properties of local flora and fauna or the magical enhancement of drinkable elixirs.

Realm V14
Contains information about Realm V14. The Realm of the Void.
Abjuration Spells - Tier III
Tier three spells are generally considered to be spectacular combinations of incredible power, used by only the most talented casters.

Restless Dead
An undead creature whose way to being at peace or their afterlife was blocked or interrupted and whose consciousness was somehow redirected back into the most comfortable place: their body.

A stockpile of resources for narrator use.
Feudal Age - Food and Drink
Food and drink is any good that is edible and offers nutrition, sustenance or satisfaction.
Might Maneuvers - Tier II
Tier II might maneuvers are complex and impressive feats of strength.
Feudal Age - Trade Goods
Trade Goods are commodities available in the current age. Any item, food or spice of high global value can be considered a trade good.
Deflector Field
Creates a protective field of energy that can deflect ranged attacks and prevents entry.
Feudal Age - Materials
Materials are substances needed for construction, repair and industry. They can be traded, hoarded and collected.
Creates a small temporary dimensional plane adjacent to your current plane of existence.

Realm W3
Contains information about Realm W3. The Realm of Wild Nature.

A creature of pure anger and vengeance. A Revenant becomes so when a living creature is slain with their intense and burning desire for revenge left unfulfilled in life.
Batter’s Strike
You use a heave of might to strike an opponent with your weapon and send them hurling away.
Mana Filter
Cleanses the toxins and poisons in a large area of air or liquid.
Feudal Age - Animals
Contains all animals available in the Feudal Age.
Feudal Age - Transportation
Contains all types of vehicular transportation available in the Feudal Age.
Mana Wall
Creates a powerful energy barrier capable of absorbing massive amounts of damage.
Feudal Age - Property & Real-Estate
Contains all property and real-estate options available in the Feudal Age.

Realm X38
Contains information about Realm X38. The Realm of Arcane Magic.
Mana Wash
Heals wounds and ends negative temporary conditions on all creatures in range.

An undead skeletal creature with no muscles or skin to hold everything together but also none of that rot. Like many undead types, skeletons can be raised by necromancy or be spontaneously awakened by latent magical energy.
Feudal Age - Services
Contains cost and availability of all services present in the Feudal Age.
Body Slam
You use a heave of might to attempt to grapple an opponent and Slam them to the ground.
Causes a Targeted Attack to Miss and the contained energy can be Redirected at the will of the caster.
Heals and regrows damaged tissue on a single creature.

Realm Y31
Contains information about Realm Y31. The Realm of Delusions and Madness.

Creating Enchanted Items
A guide for narrators to create magic items.
Clomp Stomp
You use a heave of might to crush your opponent into the ground.

An Undead creature that rides the balance between life and death that requires the blood of the living for sustenance. Vampirism is a curse that has manifested in different ways across the various realms.
Brings a recently slain creature back to life.
Dropkick Rider
Knock an enemy prone and possibly surf on them for a short distance.

Realm Z7
Contains information about Realm Z7. The Realm of the Outsiders.
Conjuration Spells
Conjuration spells are spells that Summon Creatures or matter or allow for traversal over or between dimensions.

A rotting undead creature that requires the Ingestion of the Brain Matter of the Living in order to maintain cognitive functioning.
You use a heave of might to attempt to destroy or Damage a piece of cover or a Structure or Material.
Conjuration Spells - Tier I
Tier I spells are those that can be cast by diligent and studious casters with ease, commonly referred to by higher tier casters as “training spells”. These make up the core of what any mage can do.
Conjure Blobbin
Conjures a helpful Blobbin of the Caster’s Design.
Conjure Fire
Conjures a small amount of fire from a random source within the Realm.
Giants Hold
You use a heave of might to Grapple and Lift Creature off the ground, making it harder for them to gain leverage.
Conjure Fish
Conjures one or more small fish from within the same plane.
Conjure Ghost
Briefly conjures a ghost or ghosts from the Spirit Realm.

Realm Travel
Contains information about the laws and repercussions of realm travel.
Conjure Ice
Conjures a small amount of random ice from within the Realm.

Elementalists are a type of caster whose abilities stem from the elemental sprites that surround them. They gain abilities in a unique elemental spell tree by the element type.
Ground Pound
You slam your weapon in the ground or floor creating a small shockwave.

Modules are premade, ready to run adventures and campaigns for Narrator use.
Conjure Insect(s)
Conjures one or more common insects from within the same plane.
Conjure Mundane Matter
Conjures a small amount of common solid matter.
Hero’s Landing
You use your might to ignore the effects of a hard landing.
Conjure Slime
Conjures a Random simple Slime from within the Realm.
Conjure Spirit
Conjures a local creature from the Spirit Realm for a short time.
Conjure Sprite
Permanently Conjures a small Elemental Sprite of the caster's choice.
Mighty Blitz
Allows the user to move through an enemy occupied space if the maneuver is successful.
Conjure Water
Conjures a sample of random water from within the Realm.
Small Dimensional Tear
Generates a small Tear in the fabric of dimensions, big enough that only a small or tiny creature could slip through.
Mighty Rejection
Attempt to cause an enemy’s attack to miss due to a powerful reaction.
Mighty Hold
You use a heave of might to Restrain a grappled opponent.
Conjuration Spells - Tier II
Tier II Spells are complicated and powerful combination spells that can take months to master individually. They are most often utilized by seasoned practitioners in situations that call for more than parlor tricks.
Sleep Hold
You use a heave of might to attempt to render a grappled opponent unconscious.
Binding Ring
Binds a conjured creature to the summoner’s will.
Conjure Animal
Conjures an animal from the same plane of existence.
You use a heave of might to crush your opponent into the ground.
Conjure Beast
Conjures a beast from within the same plane of existence to the caster’s location.
Conjure Electricity
Conjures several hundred volts of random electricity from within the Realm.
Conjure Elemental
Conjures an Elemental creature.
Whirlwind Technique
You whirl your weapon(s) around yourself, damaging anything that gets too close.
Conjure Golem
Conjures a Golem to serve the caster.
Conjure Haunt
Conjures a malevolent ghost from the spirit realm.
Whirlwind Throw
You use a heave of might to increase the Distance of a Throw.
Conjure Novel Matter
Conjures a small amount of Uncommon Solid Matter.
Conjure Object
Conjures a small common object.
Conjure Swarm
Conjures a swarm of biting or stinging insects.
Might Maneuvers - Tier III
Tier III might maneuvers are powerful and devastating feats of strength.
Dimensional Fissure
Generates a medium sized tear in the fabric of dimensions, big enough that only medium or smaller creatures could fall through.
Creates a temporary rift between two nearby locations.
Bone Breaker
You use a heave of might to attempt to grab and break your opponent.
Summon Familiar
You summon your Animal Familiar that is of a kindred spirit to your own.
Conjuration Spells - Tier III
Tier III Spells are spectacular and incredible displays of power used by only the most scholarly and talented casters. Each of these complicated spells can take years to fully master and require large doses of mana to cast individually.
Conjure Abomination
Conjures a powerful Abomination.
Executioner's Chop
You use a heave of might to attempt to sever the head of a weakened opponent with the next blow.
Conjure Creation
Conjures a unique creature creation from available organic matter.
Conjure Dimensional Corridor
Creates a temporary Corridor between two locations within the same realm.
Home Run Strike
You use a heave of might to strike an opponent with your weapon and send them hurling far away.
Conjure Nightmare
Conjures a Terrible living nightmare.
Conjure Novel Object
Conjures a small Uncommon object from within the same realm.
Conjure Rare Solid Matter
Conjures a small amount of Rare Matter from within the same dimension.
Meteor Landing
You use your might to ignore the effects of a hard landing.
Conjure Wraith
Conjures a powerful malevolent creature from the spirit realm.
Dimensional Conjunction
Generates a multidimensional tear that could potentially allow several creatures of various sizes to stumble through.
Mighty Throw
You use a heave of might to attempt to grab and throw your opponent a great distance.
Dimensional Shear
Generates a large tear in the fabric of dimensions, big enough that large or smaller creatures could step through.
Dimensional Shift
Slightly shifts a single creature out of sync with their home dimension for a brief time.
Planar Portal
Conjures a dimensional portal between two realms.
Power Strike
You strike an opponent with the force of all your might.
Divination Spells
Divination spells all have something to do with sight or vision. Whether that be glimpses into the future, into realms unseen or even into another person's soul.
Divination Spells - Tier I
Tier I divination spells can be cast by diligent and studious casters with ease after a few weeks or months of practice. These spells make up the core spell kit of any diviner.
Astral Identification
Allows the user to magically identify a common object, item or substance.
You use a heave of might to attempt to grab and rend your opponent limb from limb.
Allows the caster to remotely listen to a room or person.
Find Thing
Points the user in the direction of a chosen object.
Find Water
Points the user in the direction of the closest source of freshwater or saltwater.
You use a heave of might to attempt to break your opponents Armor with the next blow.
Glimpse Future
Allows the caster to foresee vague concepts in the target’s future such as misfortune or love.
Predict Weather
Allows the caster a glimpse into the upcoming weather of a given area.
Grants brief glimpses of imminent danger.
Mind Message
Allows for remote, silent communication between two or more creatures.
Search Soul
Allows the user to ascertain the moral compass of an individual and reveal if they are telling the truth or not.
Divination Spells - Tier II
Tier II Divination Spells are powerful combinations of various types of vision and understanding.
Astral Absorption
Allows the caster to rapidly absorb the contents of a book or data storage device of any kind.
Astral Distortion
Makes the caster harder to detect by magical means.
Astral Knowledge
Grants the caster training in an additional skill for a brief time.
Astral Vision
Grants the caster the ability to see Mana, Runes, and Energy.
Find Friend
Points the user in the direction of a chosen ally.
Peer Into Past
Allows the caster to glimpse past events connected to held Objects.
Allows the caster to remotely view a person, place or thing.
Divination Spells - Tier III
Tier III Divination Spells are extremely potent magics that allow casters to to view and manipulate the fabric of reality.
All Sight
Allows the caster to see the past magical Illusions and Invisibility.
Astral Communication
Allows the caster to have a brief remote conversation with an individual.
Astral Projection
Allows the caster to travel outside of their body through the Astral Plane.
Astral Message
Allows the caster to send brief messages to creatures and entities across dimensions.
Circle of Honesty
Compels all who are within the circle to be truthful and forthcoming.
Mind Binding
Allows creatures involved in the binding to temporarily be able to psychically communicate with other members of the binding.
Peer Into Futures
Reveals a number of possible outcomes to a choice, decision or action.
Enchantment Spells
Enchantment spells are typically cast on items or objects rather than creatures and allow for a diverse range of abilities and enhancements.
Enchantment Spells - Tier I
Tier I Enchantment Spells are simple charms that most practitioners can learn in a matter of weeks or months.
Animate Object(s)
Causes one or more objects to animate in a lively fashion.
Boosts the wearer’s social skills.
Causes the object to Glow once activated.
Grants Dexterity boost to wearer.
Remote Audio.
Make Whole
Repair a broken item.
Grants Armor Points to the target.
Grants HP to an Item or Object, reversing some of the damage.
Grants strength bonus to the wearer.
Boosts the speed of the target.
Grants Stamina to the target.
Remote Visual.
Enchantment Spells - Tier II
Tier II Enchantment Spells are significant and effective magics that can be cast by skilled practitioners after considerable study.
Arcane Lock
Locks a door, container or storage device to only open when certain criteria are met.
Arcane Lockpick
Unlocks a lock or Spell Lock.
Allows the enchanted item to be used as a line of communication when activated.
Create Mage's Wand/ Staff
You imbue a Wooden Wand or Staff with an additional Reserve of your Power.
Causes an Item to grant a Skill Bonus to the wearer.
Grants HP to the Target.
Mana Battery
Stores a reserve of Mana in an item for later use.
Increases the benefits of Resting.
Grants Resistance to a single type of damage to the target.
Grants HP regeneration to the target.
Causes an Item to Return when activated.
Spell Wall
Enchants a wall or structure preventing spells of lower Mana Cost than Spell Wall to fail when attempting to pass through.
Enchantment Spells - Tier III
Tier III Enchantment Spells are powerful and potent magics that only the most powerful practitioners can learn after months or years of study.
Create Mage's Tower
Create a personalized mage’s tower from raw materials.
Tier III - Enchantment - Spell
The Enchanted Item causes the wearer or target to temporarily become larger once activated.
Spell Tier
Action Type
Mana Cost
One Free Hand, Unenchanted Item
Spell Traits
Audible, Visible
Wearable: Once activated using a motion, the
Grants Flight to an object when activated.
Causes an object to Hover when activated.
Magic Mirror
Allows the enchanted item to be used as a line of two way visual and audio communication when activated.
Allows the object to be used and manipulated from a distance once activated.
The Enchanted item causes creatures to temporarily become an animal or beast.
Water Walking
Causes an item to grant Water walking to the wearer once activated.
The Enchanted Item causes the wearer or target to temporarily become smaller once activated.
Drastically increases the user's movement speed once activated.
Grants a teleportation ability to an object.
Evocation Spells
Evocation spells deal with the spontaneous creation of matter or energy, usually with destructive ends.
Evocation Spells - Tier I
Tier I Evocation Spells are the bread and butter battle spells of fledgling mages.
Acid Ball / Acid Blade
Produces a ball of highly corrosive acid.
Arcane Flame / Flame Blade
Produces a sudden and intense stream of flame.
Arcane Volt / Lightning Blade
Produces a brief burst of electrical energy.
Frost Ball / Frost Blade
Produces a Supercooled ball of vapor that freezes on contact.
Ice Spike / Ice Spear
Forms and fires a frosty spike of ice.
Kinetic Bolt / Kinetic Blade
Summons forth a bolt of pure kinetic energy.
Mana Bolt / Mana Blade
Creates a small concentrated energy ball that moves with incredible speed and precision.
Mana Goo
Covers a small area in sticky goo.
Oil Spill / Oil Ball
Spews forth a stream of crude, slippery, inky oil.
Perfect Pebble
Creates and launches a near perfectly round stone marble.
Sepsis Bolt / Sepsis Blade
Creates and launches a vile and toxic projectile.
Venom Bite / Venom Blade
Creates and launches a venomous projectile.
Water Ball / Water Blade
Generates and launches a condensed Ball of Liquid Water.
Water Jet / Water Whip
Generates a high pressure stream of Liquid Water.
Evocation Spells - Tier II
Tier II Evocation Spells are beautiful and explosive demonstrations of power that require a deeper understanding to cast.
Arc Bolt
Creates an intense and brief arc of electrical energy.
Arcane Cannon
Creates an intense blast of kinetic energy in a straight line.
Cone of Coldness
Creates a wave of hoarfrost that washes over everything in its path.
Elemental Shield / Bubble
Creates a shield that reduces damage from a particular element.
Gravity Well
Creates a powerful ball of gravity that pulls creatures towards its center.
Heat Wave
Creates a massive pulse of searing heat.
Mana Blast
Covers a small area in super sticky mage glue.
Mana Glue
Covers a small area in super sticky mage glue.
Mana Spray
Generate an intense blast of purely Magical energy.
Seeker Bolt
Generates an Arcane Bolt that, once launched, homes in on the selected target with unerring precision.
Spell Boom
Generates a deafening sonic boom.
Spell Quake
Creates a tremble in the earth that can knock creatures off their feet, dealing minor damage.
Toxic Cloud
Produces a poisonous cloud of toxic vapors.
Evocation Spells - Tier III
Tier III Evocation Spells are devastating and immensely destructive. They can only be cast by the most powerful and skilled practitioners.
Acid Rain
Summon a rainstorm made of highly corrosive acid.
Arcane Accelerator
Projects a concentrated blast of devastating force over a long distance.
Arcane Barrage
Generates hundreds of projectiles and sends them hurtling towards a specified area.
Arcane Lighting
Generates a huge directed surge of electrical energy.
Arcane Thunder
Generates a tremendously powerful, crackling release of Sonic Energy.
Generates an intense and devastating stormcloud made entirely of fire.
Hoarfrost Cyclone
Generates a torrent of intense sub-zero winds and moisture.
Mana Bomb
Generates a powerful explosion of non-lethal energy.
Mage Laser
Generates an intense and devastating beam of concentrated light energy.
Mage's Death Curse
Causes a Curse of the caster’s choice to be automatically placed on any creature that “kills” the caster.
Rain of Fire
Generates rain, that is made of fire.
Spell Bomb
Generates a forceful explosion of fire and hot gasses.
Illusion Spells
Illusion spells all deal with the manipulation of creatures minds and senses and have a wide variety of creative applications.
Illusion Spells - Tier I
Tier I Illusion Spells are simple tricks of the mind and eye that most fledgling illusionists can conjure with a few weeks or months of practice.
Alter Appearance
Makes small changes to the caster’s or willing creature’s appearance.
Arcane Aromatics
Generates scents and/or flavors.
Arcane Flash
Generates a blinding flash of light.
Makes the caster harder to detect.
Color Drop
Change clothing to the touched color.
Lowers the light levels immediately around the caster.
Creates an illusion made of light.
Mage Mouth
Allows for remote speech, as well as voice manipulation and volumetrics.
Reduces the amount of sound the target generates.
Psychic Figment
Creates a small fallacy in the mind of another creature.
Psionic Ignorance
Cause a creature to ignore the caster’s presence.
Psychic Influence
Subtly influences the mind of the target.
Smoke Bomb
Creates a brief but dense cloud of smoke.
Illusion Spells - Tier II
Tier II Illusion Spells are complex and stable illusions that utilize the manipulation of sound and light to achieve their various effects.
Arcane Disguise
Allows the caster to alter the visible appearance and size of a creature.
Arcane Tremors
Allows the caster to generate audible and visible tremors.
Blinding Light
Generates a blinding flash of light in a cone.
Arcane Copy
Creates a perfect illusory copy of an Object, Item or Structure, made entirely of light.
Drastically lowers the light levels in the chosen area.
Creates a fake copy of an item.
Glitter Bomb
Generates an explosion of colorful glitter.
Generates an explosion of colorful glitter.
Renders the caster or their target invisible and thus much harder to detect.
Mind Trick
Directly influences the mind of the target.
Psychic Fright
Creates horrific imagery in the mind on another creature.
Twin Projection
Creates a perfect illusory copy of the target and their movements, made entirely of light.
Voice Projection
Allows the caster to throw their voice a short distance.
Illusion Spells - Tier III
Tier III Illusion Spells are intricate and powerful displays of mastery of the manipulation of sound and light.
Creates an illusory animation.
Generates a tremendous amount of sound.
Creates dozens of illusory copies of the target and their movements, made entirely of light.
Illusory Transformation
Causes a creature to appear to take on any form described by the caster.
Illusory Weather
Causes the surrounding sky to take on an illusory appearance.
Light Bomb
Generates a blinding flash of light in a long range blast.
Memory Wipe
Cause a target to forget recent details about the past hour.
Creates a large scale static illusion.
Psychic Commands
Briefly take control of the mind of the target.
You invade the mind of another causing them to see and hear things their mind cannot comprehend.
Necromancy Spells
Necromancy spells all deal with matters of death and undeath and is often considered taboo in medieval cultures.
Necromancy Spells - Tier I
Tier I Necromancy Spells are simple spells performable by most fledgling necromancers after a few weeks or months of practice.
Control Undead
Allows the caster to gain control of an uncontrolled undead creature.
Death Shroud
Causes the caster or touched creature to appear undead.
Grave Hand
Deal a small amount of necrotic damage to a target at range.
Leech Energy
Steals some of one of the target’s resource pools and gives half back to the caster.
Leech Life
Sucks the life out of a living creature and gives some back to the caster.
Mana Balm
Preserves the state of a corpse or remains for a short time.
Necro Bolt
Deal a small amount of necrotic damage to a target at long range.
Skull Messenger
Allows the caster to communicate through the skulls of the dead or undead.
Undead Pet
Allows the caster to permanently raise and befriend a small or tiny undead creature.
Undead Puppet
Allows the caster to raise and directly control the dead.
Necromancy Spells - Tier II
Tier II Necromancy Spells are significant and effective means of restoring, enhancing and raising the undead.
Death Breath
Deal a small amount of necrotic damage in a conical spray.
Death Speech
Grants the caster the ability to speak with the deceased.
False Life
Causes the caster or touched creature to appear living.
Life Link
Cause two creatures HP values to become linked.
Life Transference
Allows for the transference of life essences between creatures.
Mana Bath
Restore the HP of undead creatures.
Necro Blast
Deal a small amount of necrotic damage in a blast area.
Peer Through
Allows the caster to see through the eyes of any undead under their control.
Raise Dead
Allows the caster to permanently raise the corpses of the dead.
Necromancy Spells - Tier III
Tier III Necromancy Spells are powerful demonstrations of mastery over undeath and undead entities.
Create Unlife
Creates a true sentient undead creature from a set of remains.
Mana Wave
Restore the HP of all undead creatures in a large area.
Necro Bomb
Deals a considerable amount of necrotic damage to living creatures in a large blast area.
Necro Seeds & Hoard Call
Creates undead that can be activated later without spending very much Mana.
Necrotic Cloud
Generates a deathly cloud of necrotic energy.
Raise Giant
Raise a Giant sized creature from the grave as a Skeleton or Zombie version of itself.
Ring of Raising
Raise all corpses in a large area around the caster.
Touch of Death
Deal a large amount of necrotic damage to a single target.
Transmutation Spells
Transmutations spells all deal with the manipulation and transformation of matter between states.
Transmutation Spells - Tier I
Tier I Transmutation Spells are basic manipulations of commonly occurring types of matter.
Earth to Mud
Turn earth and sand to mud and vice versa.
Ignites a flammable Item, Structure or Material.
Transmute Flesh
Convert one type of flesh into another.
Transmute Soft Metal
Convert one soft metal into another.
Transmute Crystal
Convert one type of crystal formation into another.
Transmute Rock
Convert one type of stone into another.
Water to Mist
Turn liquid into vapor and vice versa.
Transmutation Spells - Tier II
Tier II Transmutation Spells are complex manipulations of matter and its various states.
Alter Temperature
Drastically increase or decrease the temperature in a small area.
Boil / Freeze Water
Freeze or boil a small amount of water.
Flow Earth
Quickly move large amounts of Earth, Sand or Mud.
Flow Matter
Quickly move large amounts of simple or plant matter.
Flow Soft Metal
Quickly move large amounts of Soft Metals.
Flow Stone
Quickly move large amounts of Stone.
Flow Water
Quickly move large amounts of Liquid.
Fog Flow
Quickly move large amounts of vapor or gas.
Transmute Alloy
Convert one hard metal into another.
Transmute Electricity
Converts one form of Electrical Energy into another.
Transmute Matter
Converts one form of matter into another.
Transmutation Spells - Tier III
Tier III Transmutation Spells are powerful demonstrations of mastery over matter and its various states.
Flow Hard Metal
Quickly move large amounts of Hard Metal.
Shape Earth
Causes earth or sand to take on the desired shape.
Shape Hard Metal
Causes Hard Metals to take on the desired shape.
Shape Soft Metal
Causes Soft Metals to take on the desired shape.
Shape Stone
Causes Stone to take on the desired shape.
Shape Vapor
Causes gasses to take on the desired shape and properties.
Shape Water
Causes liquids to take on the desired shape and properties.
Transmute Energy
Converts one form of Energy into another.
Colonial Age Buyer's Guide
The colonial era is the age of empires, expansionism, art and trade. Similar to the 1500s-1700s of earth.
Stamina Maneuvers
Stamina is used by warriors to run faster, jump further, fight longer and to sustain certain Maneuvers and Abilities.

An Invoker is any Magic Practitioner who is granted their magic through the power of faith or channeled divinity.
Stamina Maneuvers - Tier I
Tier I Stamina Maneuvers are simple, yet effective feats of fitness.
Second Wind
You use a burst of Stamina to quickly recover during a battle.
Colonial Age - Currency
A guide to the forms of currency in the colonial age.
Long Jump
You use a burst of Stamina to add distance to your jump.
High Jump
You use a burst of Stamina to add height to your jump.
Colonial Age - Armor & Clothing
A collection of protective equipment, clothing and accessories available in the colonial age.
Extreme Effort
You use a burst of Stamina to get the job done, whatever it may be.

Colonial Age - Melee Weapons
Melee, hand-to-hand and high skill weapons of the colonial age.

Clerics are an even split between a religious spellcaster and a soldier. They have deep reserves of faith and gain access to weapons and armor training.
Rhythmic Breathing
You use a burst of Stamina to increase your endurance and speed.
Pommel Strike
Quickly strike with the pommel of your weapon after hitting an opponent with that weapon, potentially dazing them.

Colonial Age - Axes
Hack and slash weapons. Simple and effective.

Colonial Age - Blades
Blades for cutting, blades for stabbing; all the kinds of blades.
Sprinting Strike
You use a burst of Stamina to Make a Melee Attack after Sprinting.

Colonial Age - Clubs
For when you need to give it a whack.

Colonial Age - Polearms
Melee weapons made to put distance between you and your enemy.
Leaping Strike
You use a burst of Stamina to make a Melee Attack after a Successful Jump.

Colonial Age - Picks
Weapons made to poke holes and puncture armor.
Sweep the Leg
You use a bit of focus to attempt to trip up an opponent and send them sprawling.

Colonial Age - Hammers
Weapons made for cracking, smashing and bashing.
Quick Recovery
You use a burst of Stamina to regain a tiny amount of HP.

Colonial Age - High Skill Melee Weapons
Weapons made for artistic performers of war.
Pin an enemy with a melee or thrown puncture weapon.

Colonial Age - Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Weapons made for a fistfight, just not a fair one.
Stamina Maneuvers - Tier II
Tier II Stamina Maneuvers complex and impressive feats of fitness.

Colonial Age - Knives
Weapons made for discreet stab and hack jobs.
Colonial Age - Swords
Weapons made not only to be versatile and effective, but also to be beautiful works of art and status symbols.
Tireless Interruption
Attempt to cause an enemy’s attack to miss due to a well timed reaction.
Colonial Age - Ranged Weapons
Weapons that deal the majority of their damage exclusively at range.
Colonial Age - Bows & Arrows
An ancient and reliable weapon that fires arrows.
Shield Bash
Use your equipped shield to deal significant damage.
Colonial Age - Crossbows & Bolts
A weapon of war. using concepts of the bow, combined with mechanical engineering.
Colonial Age - Firearms & Ammo
When they are widely distributed, these powerful new weapons can render conventional arms and armor obsolete.
Colonial - High Skill Ranged Weapons
Tricky to master, impressive to behold.
Colonial Age - Thrown Weapons
Weapons that one hurls at their enemies manually.
Whirling Flurry
You use a burst of stamina to strike everywhere, all at once. Even approaching you is dangerous.
Colonial Age - Slings & Projectiles
A weapon nearly as old as time; deadly in the right hands.
Colonial Age - Bundles
A collection of mundane items at slight discount.
Colonial Age - Toolkits
Bundles of tools and supplies that allow user to perform certain skills.
Rooted Tree Stance
You use a burst of stamina to root yourself in place and reduce forced movement of any kind.
Colonial Age - Inventory
Items that fit or can be packed into a pouch or backpack.
Colonial Age - Musical Instruments
Carefully crafted instruments that generate sounds that can be combined into music.
Tortoise Stance
You use a burst of stamina to enter a defensive stance and protect yourself from harm.
Colonial Age - Assassin Tools
Tools explicitly made for use by assassins for the act of killing.
Colonial Age - Potions
Potions, Salves and Poultices for settings where those are permitted.
Shield Surf
You use a burst of stamina to balance atop your shield as it descends an incline.
Colonial Age - Food and Drink
Goods that is edible and offers nutrition, sustenance or hunger satisfaction.
Colonial Age - Trade Goods
Any item, foodstuff or spice of high global value can be considered a trade good.
You use a burst of Stamina to assist in maneuvering past an opponent or out of the way of harm.
Colonial Age - Materials
Materials are substances and supplies needed for construction, repair and industry.
Colonial Age - Animals
Colonial age selection of Mounts, pets, livestock and beasts of burden.
Wall Run
You use a burst of Stamina to briefly run on walls.
Colonial Age - Transportation
Modes of locomotion or transport that have been constructed or arranged, rather than naturally occurring.
Colonial Age - Property & Real Estate
For those that wish to be property owners, homeowners and landlords.
You use a burst of Stamina to move as quickly as possible.
Colonial Age - Services
Personnel hiring costs and services prices of the colonial era.
You use a burst of Stamina to make additional attacks in a small window of time.
Speedy Recovery
You use a burst of Stamina to regain a small amount of HP.
Stamina Maneuvers - Tier III
Tier III Stamina Maneuvers are powerful demonstrations of physical mastery.
Water Run
You use a burst of stamina to briefly run on the surface of water.
Inverted Run
You use a burst of stamina to briefly run on walls or ceilings.
Meditative State
You use a burst of stamina to briefly enter a restorative and defensive meditative state.
You use a burst of Stamina to directly control your heart and breathing rate.
Rapid Recovery
ou use a burst of stamina to recover a significant amount of HP.
Runner's Euphoria
While low on stamina, activate to temporarily gain resistance to physical damage types.
True Breathing
Grant yourself resistance to a damage type or enhance your body's immune defenses.
Industrial Age Buyer's Guide
Similar to the years of 1760-1914 AD on earth; The industrial era is an age of new technologies, materials and machines.

Paladins are a cross between a Religious Spell Caster and a Knight. Heavily armed and armored but less powerful than other religious casters.
Industrial Age - Currency
This section outlines the most commonly used Currencies in Industrial Age Realms.
Industrial Age - Armor & Clothing
All light, medium and heavy armors, as well as sets and articles of clothing from the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Melee Weapons
This section contains a collection of all Melee Weapon Types available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Axes
A collection of axes available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Blades
A collection of blades from the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Clubs
A collection of Clubs available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Polearms
A collection of Polearm type weapons available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Picks
A collection of Pick type Weapons available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Hammers
A collection of Hammer type weapons available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Hand-to-Hand Weapons
A collection of Hand-to-Hand weapons available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - High Skill Weapons
A collection of High Skill Melee Weapons available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Knives
A collection of Knife type weapons available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Swords
A collection of Sword type weapons available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Ranged Weapons
A complete catalogue of Bows, Crossbows, Firearms, Slings and Thrown Weapons and their ammunitions of the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Bows & Arrows
A collection of Bow type weapons and arrows available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Crossbows & Bolts
A collection of Crossbow type weapons and their ammunitions available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Black Powder Firearms & Ammunition
A collection of Black Powder Firearm type weapons and their ammunitions available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Gunpowder Firearms & Ammunition
A collection of Gunpowder Firearm Weapon types and their ammunition available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - High Skill Ranged Weapons & Ammo
A collection of High Skill Ranged Weapons and their ammunitions available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Slings & Ammunition
A collection of Sling Type Weapons and their ammunition available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Thrown Weapons
A collection of Thrown Weapons available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Bundles
A collection of mundane items and equipment from the Industrial Age at a slight discount.
Industrial Age - Toolkits
Bundles of tools and supplies that allow the user to perform certain skills and actions that would be impossible without them.
Industrial Age - Inventory
A collection of Bedrolls, Containers, Equipment, Supplies and Tents available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Musical Instruments
A collection of Musical Instruments available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Assassin's Tools
The tools of Assassins are made to do one thing.
Industrial Age - Medicine & Potions
A collection of Medicines and Potions available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Food & Drink
A collection of Food and Drink available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Trade Goods
A collection of Trade Goods available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Materials
A collection of Materials available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Animals
A collection of Animals such as: Mounts, Pets, Beasts of Burden and Livestock available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Transportation
A collection of means of transportation available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Property & Real Estate
A collection of Property Types and Real Estate available in the Industrial Age.
Industrial Age - Services
A collection of available services and their prices in the Industrial Age.
Witchcraft is defined as: "Any spell, power or ability gained through a witch Pact or Agreement.". There are a variety of unique spells available to each different type of witch and warlock.
Draconic Witchcraft
Draconic Witchcrafts are spells granted through pacts and dealings with an Elder Dragon; creatures of immense power and wisdom.
Draconic Witchcraft - Tier I
Tier I Draconic Witchcrafts are basic magical abilities granted to draconic initiates.
Draconic Agility
Temporarily increases the Casters Jump Distances.
Draconic Speed
Temporarily increases the Casters Movement Speed.
Draconic Suggestion
A Single Target Spell Potentially allows the caster to Temporarily Charm that Creature.
Draconic Tenacity
Temporarily increases the number of Melee or Ranged Attack Actions the Caster is granted.
Dragon Eyes
Temporarily allows the caster to See in Dim or Dark Lighting conditions.
Dragon Shout
A Ranged Spell Attack capable of Temporarily Deafening Creatures.
Dragon Spit
A Ranged Spell Attack that fires a projectile that deals Acid Damage to Armor, Weapons, Creatures, Items and Structures.
Dragon Teeth
Temporarily allows the caster to bite with the strength and ferocity of a young dragon.
Draconic Witchcraft - Tier II
Tier II Draconic Witchcrafts are complex magical abilities granted to draconic initiates.
Draconic Aspect
Allows the caster to Temporarily take on a single Aspect of a Dragon from a selection of choices.
Draconic Aura
An Area Spell that Allows the Caster to Generate a Hazardous Magic Terrain.
Draconic Hypnosis
A Single Target Spell that Potentially allows the Caster to Temporarily Hypnotize a creature.
Dragon Claws
Temporarily allows the caster to Attack with the Claws of a Young Dragon.
Dragon Scales
Temporarily makes the caster more difficult to damage.
Dragon Tail
Temporarily allows the caster to Strike with the Tail of a young Dragon.
Dragons Breath
An Elemental Breath Spell based on the Dragon granting the Caster their powers.
Dragons Roar
Tier II - Draconic - Witchcraft
A Ranged Spell Attack capable of Damaging and Temporarily Deafening Creatures.
Spell Tier
Action Type
Mana Cost
5 Meter Cone
Spell Traits
Audible, Visible
Effect : You generate a 5 Meter Cone of Deafening and Damaging Sound.
Summon Familiar
You Summon your Animal Familiar that is of a kindred spirit to your own.
Draconic Witchcraft - Tier III
Tier III Draconic Witchcrafts are powerful magical abilities granted to draconic veterans.
Draconic Control
A Single Target Spell Potentially allows the caster to Temporarily Control the Action(s) of that Creature.
Draconic Might
Temporarily increases the Casters Strength Score.
Draconic Powerhouse
Temporarily grants the caster additional Maximum Mana.
Draconic Terror
A fear based attack that causes more fearful creatures to run in terror.
Draconic Transformation
Allows the caster to temporarily take on the form of a young dragon.
Dragon Bellow
A Ranged Spell Attack capable of Damaging, Temporarily Deafening Creatures, Pushing them and knocking them Prone.
Dragon Bomb
The caster self detonates, dealing damage to themselves and everything in the blast radius.
Dragon Wings
Allows the caster to Temporarily grow large Dragon Wings that allow them to Fly, Glide, Hover and generate Wing Blasts.
Faye Witchcraft
Faye Witchcrafts are granted through pacts and dealings with fairies, Faye and fey entities
Faye Witchcraft - Tier I
Tier I Faye Witchcrafts are basic magical abilities granted to Faye initiates.
Causes touched plantlife to wither and die.
Borrow Eyes
Potentially causes a creature to Temporarily lose the ability to see, subsequently allowing the Caster to gain an additional Point of View and Vision.
Borrow Ears
Potentially causes a creature to temporarily lose the ability to Hear, subsequently allowing the Caster to gain an additional Point of Hearing.
Borrow Moment
A Single Target Spell that Temporarily allows the caster to control the next Motion or Reaction of that Creature.
Borrow Voice
Potentially causes a creature to temporarily lose all ability to speak and subsequently allows the caster to use that creature’s voice for the duration.
Fairy Affection
Restores a small amount of Hit Points to a creature.
Fairy Fire Bolt
Bright and colorful magic fire that has various Effects upon successful Hits.
Fairy Frost Bolt
Frost so cold and unnatural it cannot be of this world.
Fairy Lights
Creates a Small sized Illusion constructed out of Light/Photons.
Fairy Visions
Potentially cause an illusion of the caster’s choice to temporarily enter the mind of a single creature.
Faye Trickery
Add a moderate boost to a single one of the caster’s Charisma based Skill Rolls.
Causes touched plantlife to blossom, bloom, produce fruit or go to seed.
Restores health to simple plant life.
Faye Witchcraft - Tier II
Tier II Faye Witchcrafts are complex magical abilities granted to Faye intermediates.
Borrow Hand
A Single Target Spell that Temporarily allows the caster to control the next Action or Movement of that Creature.
Faye Aspect
Allows the Caster to Temporarily take on one of a selection of Faye Aspects.

Priests are powerful religious spellcasters with deep reserves of faith and a multitude of holy invocations available to them.
Faye Bargain
Allows the caster to make Bargains or Bets that are Temporarily Magically Binding and with the wager being for a Metaphysical aspect rather than the stuff of standard bets and bargains.
Faye Blink
Allows the Caster to Teleport a Short distance.
Faye Honey
Add a considerable boost to a single one of the caster’s Charisma based Skill Rolls.
Fairy Lighting
A Ranged Spell Attack that can Chain, dealing Damage to Multiple Creatures.
Creates a Significantly sized Illusion constructed out of Light/Photons.
Summon Familiar
You Summon your Animal Familiar that is of a kindred spirit to your own.
Faye Witchcraft - Tier III
Tier III Faye Witchcrafts are powerful magical abilities granted to Faye veterans.
Fairy Curse
A Single Target Spell that places a Semi-Permanent Effect on the creature from a selection of choices.
Fairy Dust
A Ranged Spell that can cause creatures to Temporarily Transform, become Hypnotized, Levitate, Charmed or lulled to Sleep.
Fairy Rays
Creates a Huge Illusion constructed out of Light/Photons or multiple smaller Illusions.
Faye Deal
Allows the caster to Permanently Bargain or Bet for a Metaphysical aspect of a single creature.
Faye Stride
Allows the Caster to Teleport Long distances.
Faye Summons
Temporarily Summon a Creature from the Faye Realm.
Faye Traversal
Allows the caster to Temporarily Travel through the Fye Realm, enabling them and their allies to Travel Significant distances.
Hedge Witchcraft
Hedge Witchcrafts are learned by hedge witches through years of study and a deep understanding of the inner workings of reality.
Hedge Witchcraft - Tier I
Tier I Hedge Witchcrafts are simple spells performable by most fledgling hedge witches.
Reduces or health of touched plantlife.
Borrow Mind
You briefly borrow the Mind of an animal or simple creature.
You Magically Clean a smell area or an item.
Embarrassed Blaze
You stare intensely at a piece of flammable material until it spontaneously combusts out of embarrassment.
Heat Water
You Magically Heat or Boil a small amount of liquid.
Imaginary Figment
You Psychically project a Figment into the mind of an individual.
Mental Blind Spot
You attempt to Psychically block yourself out of the mind of an individual.
You imbue a potion or mixture with the Magic of a creature’s personal Faith during its creation.
Causes plants to blossom, bloom, mature or bear fruit.
Psychic Message
You send a brief Psychic Message to the Mind of a creature within Range.
Psychic Reading
You make a vague Psychic Prediction about a Creature within Range. It does not necessarily come true, but superstitious creatures may act on the prediction regardless.
Psychic Suggestion
You make a Psychic Suggestion in the Mind of a Creature within Range.
Restores withered or dead plants back to life.
Witches Quip
You know words can cut deeper than a sharp blade, and use that to your advantage.
Hedge Witchcraft - Tier II
Tier II Hedge Witchcrafts are complex spells performable by most intermediate hedge witches.
Animal Transformation
Potentially causes a creature to become Psychically and Magically convinced to Transform into an animal of your choosing.
Borrow Body
You briefly borrow the Body of an animal or simple creature.
Create Elixir
You imbue a potion or mixture with the Magic of Intent during its creation.
Create Faith Trinket
You imbue a Tiny Item, Piece of Jewelry or an Inscribed, Written or Painted Mark with the Magic of a creature’s personal Faith during its Creation or Modification.
Create Witches Broomstick
You imbue a broomstick with an ancient awakening incantation, granting it the ability of controlled flight.
Fate Reading
You make a precise Psychic Prediction about a Creature within Range. By making the prediction it drastically increases the chances of events within the prediction unfolding.
Imaginary Animation
You Psychically project an Animation into the mind of an individual.
Mana Conduction
You Magically Heat a small area of Metal or Stone, or a Metal or Stone Item until it is red hot and dangerous.
Mental Blind Spots
You Psychically block yourself and few other creatures out of the mind of an individual.
Psychic Communication
You from a line of Psychic Communication with a target Creature.
Psychic Letter
You send a detailed Psychic Message complete with Mental Images, Pictures and Diagrams to a creature you know personally.
Summon Familiar
You Summon your Animal Familiar that is of a kindred spirit to your own.
Transforming Bolt
You launch a bolt of Magic full of Possibilities.
Hedge Witchcraft - Tier III
Tier III Hedge Witchcrafts are powerful spells performable by only the most experienced hedge witches.
Create Witches Hut
You imbue a small area with homey magical energy.
Create Witches Wand / Staff
You imbue a Wooden Wand or Staff with an additional Reserve of your Power.
Weather Manipulation
You imbue a portion of the sky with stabilizing magical energies.
Outsider Witchcraft
Outsider witchcrafts are granted through pacts and dealings with an outsider entity, great old one or eldritch horror. They are inspired by the powers and abilities possessed by creatures who defy understanding, whose very visage can cause insanity.
Outsider Witchcraft - Tier I
Tier I Outsider Witchcrafts are simple magical abilities granted to newly initiated Outsider Witches.
Brain Fog
A Single Target Spell that causes the creature to suffer a Temporary Reduction in mental capacity.
A Single Target Spell that Potentially causes the creature to Temporarily See , Hear, Smell, Taste and Feel whatever the Caster Desires.
Imaginary Figment
You Psychically project a Figment into the mind of an individual.
Infectious Laughter
An Area Spell that causes Creatures in the Area to Temporarily Laugh or Cry uncontrollably.
Insane Laughter
Tier I - Outsider - Witchcraft
A Single Target Spell that Potentially causes the Creature to Temporarily Laugh or Cry uncontrollably.
Spell Tier
Action Type
Mana Cost
10 Meters
Voice, 1 Free Hand
Spell Traits
Audible, Visible
You point at your target and
Mental Blind Spot
You Psychically block yourself out of the mind of an individual.
Migraine Bolt
A Ranged Spell Attack that deals a burst of non-lethal Psychic Damage, causing a splitting headache.
Mind Blind
A Single Target Spell that Potentially causes the Creature to Temporarily become Blinded.
Psychic Message
You send a brief Psychic Message to the Mind of a creature within Range.
Psychic Suggestion
You make a Psychic Suggestion in the Mind of a Creature within Range.
A Ranged Spell Attack that can Ignite Flammables and Burn Creatures.
A versatile Spell that can manipulate and move objects, wield weapons and deal Damage to Creatures at range.
Outsider Witchcraft - Tier II
Tier I Outsider Witchcrafts are complex magical abilities granted to intermediate Outsider Witches.
Control Action
Potentially takes control of a single action of a creature within range.
Find Minds
An Area Spell that Detects Psychic Energies, Potentially and Temporarily revealing the Positions and current Disposition of all Creatures within Range
Infectious Delirium
A Ranged Area Spell that Potentially causes Creatures in the Area to Temporarily laugh or cry uncontrollably.
Memory Lapse A.K.A Mind Smudge
A Single Target Spell that Potentially causes the Creature to lose all memory of the last 10 Seconds (1 Round).
Mental Blind Spots
You Psychically block yourself and few other creatures out of the mind of an individual.
Mental Illusion
The Caster Psychically projects a Mental Illusion into the mind of an individual.
Mind Scan
A Single Target Spell that Potentially and Temporarily reveals the current Disposition, Thoughts and Internal Dialogue of the Creature.
Mind Spike
A Ranged Spell Attack that deals a Significant amount of Psychic Damage.
Otherworldly Chorus
A Single Target Spell that Potentially causes the Creature to Temporarily become Deafened.
Psychic Blast
A Area Spell Attack that deals Psychic Damage to anything that gets too close.
Psychic Communication
You from a line of Psychic Communication with a target Creature.
Psychic Siphon
A Single Target Spell that Potentially Steals Attribute Resource Points from a creature.
Psychic Vampirism
A Single Target Spell that Steals Hit Points from a creature.
Psychic Wave
A Conical Spell Attack that deals Psychic Damage in a wave.
Shared Visions
A Ranged Area Spell that Potentially causes Creatures to hallucinate.
Summon Familiar
You Summon your Animal Familiar that is of a kindred spirit to your own.
Outsider Witchcraft - Tier III
Tier III Outsider Witchcrafts are powerful magical abilities granted to dedicated Outsider Witches.
Bind Minds
A Multi Target Spell that Reveals the current Disposition, Thoughts and Internal Dialogue of all Creatures Targeted by the Spell to all Creatures Targeted by the Spell.
Forgetful Flash
An Area Spell that Potentially causes Targeted Creatures in the Area to lose all Memory of the last 10 Seconds (1 Round).
Infectious Psychosis
A Ranged Area Spell that Potentially causes Creatures in the Area to Temporarily start laughing or crying hysterically.
Mental Reality
The Caster Psychically projects a Mental reality into the mind of an individual.
Mind Bomb
A powerful Area Spell Attack that deals Psychic Damage to anything within the blast radius.
Mind Control
Allows the caster to temporarily take control of the mind of a creature.
Mind Release
A Single Target Spell that Potentially causes the creature to suffer a Temporary Psychotic Break.
Psychic Field
Allows the caster to create a zone of Hazardous Psychic Terrain.
Psychic Lightning
A Single Target Spell that deals a Large amount of Psychic Damage and can Potentially Chain, dealing Psychic Damage to Multiple Creatures.
Remove Memory
A Single Target Spell that Potentially causes the Creature to lose a segment of Memories selected by the caster.
Shared Hallucination
A Ranged Large Area Spell that Potentially causes Creatures in the Area to share a similar hallucination.
Transcend Reality
Allows the Caster to Temporarily gain the ability to Phase through matter and gains Phasing Movement.
Underworld Witchcraft
Underworld witchcrafts are granted through pacts and dealings with an underworld entity, deity or afterlife guardian. They are inspired by the powers and abilities believed to be possessed by witches of old who supposedly made deals with the devil in exchange for strange magics.
Underworld Witchcraft - Tier I
Tier I Underworld Witchcrafts are simple magical abilities granted to fledgling Underworld witches.
A Single Target Spell that Potentially causes the creature to become affected by one of a selection of afflictions.
Reduces the food production of touched plantlife.
Causes the caster to become 100% more Buoyant for a short time.
Corpse Hand
A Ranged Spell Attack that strikes with power of undeath.
Hell Spark
A Ranged Spell Attack that produces a small spark of hellfire that can easily be weaponized.
Hell Wind
A Ranged Spell Attack that produces a frigid gust of wind from the deepest depths of hell.
Allows the caster to self Levitate for a short time.
A Single Target Spell that Potentially causes the creature to become affected by one of a selection of minor curses.
Summon Carrion Creatures
Allows the caster to summon and control Carrion creatures in the nearby vicinity.
Summon Predator
Allows the caster to summon and control a predator from the nearby vicinity.
Underworld Witchcraft - Tier II
Tier II Underworld Witchcrafts are complex magical abilities granted to intermediate Underworld witches.
Corpse Cloud
An Area Spell that fills the air with a cloud of necrotic particles.
Corrupt Soul
A Single Target Spell that Potentially causes the creature to have a crisis of faith, belief or a Moral Compass shift.
A Single Target Spell that Potentially causes a creature to take one of a selection of Curses.
A Single Target Spell that causes the creature to become either Enraged or Agitated.
Allows the caster to Fly for a short time.
Hell Chill
A Ranged Spell Attack that produces a blast of cold from the depths of hell.
Hell Flare
A Ranged Spell Attack that produces a flare of deadly hellfire.
Hell Gust
An Area Spell that produces a blast of icy wind from the depths of the underworld.
An Area Spell that produces a blast of deadly hellfire.
Necro Bolt
A powerful Ranged Spell Attack that strikes with power of undeath.
Summon Familiar
You Summon your Animal Familiar that is of a kindred spirit to your own.
Summon Underworld Beast
Summons a creature randomly from one of the Underworld Realms.
Underworld Influence
Moderately boosts a Charisma based Skill Rolls made on a single Creature.
Underworld Witchcraft - Tier III
Tier III Underworld Witchcrafts are powerful magical abilities granted to veteran Underworld witches.
Allure of the Underworld
Charms and greatly boosts Charisma based Skill Rolls made on a single Creature.
Aspect of the Underworld
Allows the caster to temporarily take on a single Underworld Ability or Trait.
Death Curse
Causes a Curse of the caster’s choice to be automatically placed on any creature that “kills” the caster.
Hellfire Bolt
A Ranged Spell Attack that summons forth full the fury of hellfire.
Hellfire Bomb
A Ranged Area Attack that summons forth an explosion of deadly hellfire.
Hellfrost Bomb
A Ranged Area Attack that summons forth an explosion of supernatural Frost.
Hellfrost Spike
A Ranged Spell Attack that summons forth a supernatural frost spike from the deepest depths of hell and launches it at your enemies.
Summon Underworlder
Summons a Demon, Devil or underworld entity randomly from one of the Underworld Realms.
Underworld Transformation
Allows the caster to temporarily take on an Underworld Shape or Form.
Witch/Warlock’s Curse
Potentially causes a creature to become affected by one of the Witch’s or Warlock’s Curses.

Fourth Wall Breaks
Contains all fourth wall breaks, a type of non-magic ability, performable by Fourth Wall Breakers; Abilities that do not adhere to the standard in narrative rules.

Fourth Wall Breaks - Tier I
Tier I fourth wall breaks are simple cracks in the fourth wall that most 4th wall breakers can perform.
Allows the breaker to utilize information their character shouldn't know.
Mic Feedback
Allows the breaker to create a deafening sound by mishandling their on person microphone and creating a feedback loop.
Peer Through
Allows fourth wall breakers to see past the narrative world into the one that surrounds or creates it.
Plot Armor
Allows the breaker to protect themselves with additional plot armor.
Step Through
Allows the breaker to briefly move outside the confines of the narrative.
Target Set
Allows the breaker to target and damage parts of the set, achieving various effects.

Fourth Wall Breaks - Tier II
Tier II fourth wall breaks are complex cracks in the fourth wall that intermediate 4th wall breakers can perform.
Ask an Intern
Allows the breaker to make a simple request of an intern or stagehand.
Check Script
Allows the breaker to check their copy of the script to gain useful information about the next or previous scene.
Check Stats
Allows the breaker to check the stats of another creature or character in order to gain an advantage.
Draw Opening
Allows the breaker to create an exit and small passageway so long as there was a place for such an exit or passage to exit into.
Allows the breaker to reroll a single Attack, Skill, Saving Throw or Damage roll.

Fourth Wall Breaks - Tier III
Tier III fourth wall breaks are powerful breaks in the fourth wall that only most experienced 4th wall breakers can perform.
Allows the breaker to undo and replace a single act from their previous turn.
Write Dialogue
Allows the caster to add a line of dialogue to the script and potentially force a character in the scene to speak the written line.
Write Stage Directions
Allows the breaker to add a stage direction to the script and potentially force a character to perform the single action.
Combustion Age - Buyer's Guide
A time of rapid advances in weapons and technology; Similar to the years of 1915-1950 AD on earth.

Dark Priest
Dark priests are powerful religious spellcasters with deep reserves of faith and a large assortment of Invocations from which to choose.
Combustion Age - Currency
Contains a collection the currencies available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Armor & Clothing
Contains a collection a Armors and Clothing available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Melee Weapons
A collection of Melee Weapon Types available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Axes
A collection of ax type weapons available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Blades
A collection of Blade Type Weapons available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Clubs
A collection of Club Type Weapons available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Hammers
A collection of Hammer Type Weapons available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Hand-to-Hand Weapons
A collection of Hand-to-Hand Type Weapons available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age- High Skill Melee Weapons
A collection of High Skill Melee Weapons available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Knives
A collection of Knife Type Weapons available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Polearms
A collection of Polearm Type Weapons available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Picks
A collection of Pick Type Weapons available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Swords
A collection of Sword Type Weapons available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Ranged Weapons
Contains a collection of all Ranged Weapon Types available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Bows & Arrows
A collection of Bow Type Weapons and Arrows available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Crossbows & Bolts
A collection of Crossbow Type Weapons and Bolts available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Black Powder Firearms & Ammunition
A collection of Black Powder Firearm Type Weapons and their Ammunitions available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Gunpowder Firearms & Ammunition
A collection of Gunpowder Firearm Type Weapons and their Ammunitions available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - High Skill Ranged Weapons & Darts
A collection of High Skill Ranged Weapon Types and Darts available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Slings & Ammo
A collection of Sling Weapon Types and their Ammo available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Thrown Weapons
A Collection of Thrown Type Weapons available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Bundles
A collection of bundles items available in the combustion age.
Combustion Age - Toolkits
A collection of Toolkits available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Inventory
A collection of Backpacks, Bedrolls, Containers, Equipment, Supplies and Tents available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Musical Instruments
A collection of Musical Instrument Types available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Assassins Tools
A collection of Assassins Tools available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Medicine
A collection of Medicines and Medical Devices available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Potions
A collection of Potions available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Food & Drink
A collection of Food and Drink available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Trade Goods
A collection of Trade Goods available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Materials
A collection of Material Types available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Animals
A collection of mounts, pets, beasts of burden and livestock available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Transportation
A collection of various forms of transportation in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Property & Real Estate
A collection of Property and Real Estate Types available in the Combustion Age.
Combustion Age - Services
A collection of service prices and wages for the Combustion Age.
Focus Maneuvers
Focus is used for speed and precision in the heat of the moment and is most heavily utilized by the nimblest of warriors.
Focus Maneuvers - Tier I
Tier I Focus Maneuvers are simple, yet effective feats of skill and precision.
Digital Age - Buyer's Guide
The Digital Age is a time of technological advancement, cold wars and weapons of mass destruction. Similar to the years of 1950-1979 AD on earth.

Hellknights are heavily armed and armored underworld practitioners that are two thirds warrior, one third spellcaster.
Cheap Trick
You use a bit of your focus to Attempt to Temporarily Distract your Opponent.
You use a bit of your focus to temporarily increase the effective Range of your Ranged Weapon.
Fool's Guard
Intentionally lower your guard to lure your opponent into a foolish advance.
Targeted Strike / Shot
You use a bit of focus to help you target something on an Opponent or Target.
You use a bit of your focus to fire 2 Arrows with your next draw.
Dazing Strike
You use a bit of focus to try to hit a sensitive area on your opponent.
You use a bit of your focus to strike two targets with your next Attack.
Digital Age - Currency
A brief explanation of all forms of currency in the Digital Age.
Curved Shot
You use a bit of focus and twist your bowstring, causing your arrow to curve during its flight path.
Sprinting Strike
You use a burst of Focus to Make a Melee Attack after Sprinting.
Leaping Strike
You use a burst of Focus to make a Melee Attack after a Successful Jump.
Leaping Shot
You use a burst of Focus to make a Ranged Attack after a Successful Jump.
Focus Maneuvers - Tier II
Tier II Focus Maneuvers are complex and impressive feats of skill and precision.
Blade Rider
Attempt to briefly ride a bladed weapon, allows movement through prone opponents.
Fighting Dirty
Use a burst of Focus to attempt to briefly Blind an Opponent.
Digital Age - Armor & Clothing
A collection of Armor and Clothing available in the Digital Age.
Rapid Rejection
Attempt to cause an enemy’s attack to miss due to a well timed reaction.
You use a bit of your focus to temporarily increase the effective Range of your Ranged Weapon.
Pressure Point Strike / Shot
You use a bit of focus to land a Precision Hit.
Wounding Strike / Shot
You use a bit of focus to attempt to inflict a debilitating Wound.
Focus Fire
You use a burst of focus and attempt to hit the spot marked by your last Shot.
Falling Grace
You use a burst of focus and precise body control to decrease the speed of a fall.
Digital Age - Melee Weapons
A collection of all Melee Weapon Types included in the Digital Age.
Thread the Needle
Use a burst of focus to help you bypass your opponents Armor.
Digital Age - Axes
A collection of Axe Type Weapons available in the Digital Age.
Digital Age - Blades
A collection of Blade Type Weapons available in the Digital Age.
Precision Landing
Use a burst of focus and precise body control to attempt to land on a creature at the end of your falling movement.
Digital Age - Clubs
A collection of Club Type Weapons available in the Digital Age.
Digital Age - Hammers
A collection of Hammer Type Weapons available in the Digital Age.
Ricochet Shot
Attempt to ricochet your next shot of a hard surface.
Digital Age - Hand-to-Hand Weapons
A collection of Hand-to-Hand Type Weapons available in the Digital Age.
Digital Age - High Skill Melee Weapons
A collection a High Skill Melee Weapon Types available in the Digital Age.
Pinning Shot
Attempt to Pin your target down with a well placed shot.
Digital Age - Knives
A collection of Knife Type Weapons available in the Digital Age.
Digital Age- Picks
A collection of Pick Type Weapons available in the Digital Age.
Trick Shot
You use some of your focus to attempt to pull off an extra tricky shot.
Digital Age - Polearms
A collection of Polearm Type Weapons available in the Digital Age.
Digital Age - Swords
A collection of Sword Type Weapons available in the Digital Age.
Nimble Dash
You use a bit of focus to move as fast as possible.
Digital Age - Ranged Weapons
Bows, Crossbows, Firearms, High Skill Ranged Weapons, Slings and Thrown Weapons of the Digital Age.
Snatch Projectile
Attempt to snatch a projectile out of the air.
Digital Age - Bows & Arrows
A collection of Bow Type Weapons and Arrows available in the Digital Age.
Wriggle Free
Attempt to wriggle free of a Grapple with a burst of renewed vigor.
Digital Age - Crossbows & Bolts
A collection of Crossbow Type Weapons and Bolts available in the Digital Age.
Focus Maneuvers - Tier III
Tier III Focus Maneuvers are powerful demonstrations of mastery over skill and precision.
Digital Age - Firearms & Ammunitions
A collection of Firearm Type Weapons and their various Ammunitions available in the Digital Age.
Eagle Eye Shot
Temporarily increases the effective Range of your Ranged Weapons.
Digital Age - High Skill Ranged Weapons & Ammo
A collection of High Skill Ranged Weapons and Ammunition available in the Digital Age.
Fire additional arrows with your next shot.
Digital Age - Slings & Ammo
A collection of Sling Type Weapons and their Ammunition available in the Digital Age.
Slow-Fall Shot
Use the adrenal rush of a fall to fire an enhanced shot while in mid air.
Digital Age - Thrown Weapons
A collection of Thrown Weapons available in the Digital Age.
Flying Strike
Perform a long range leaping strike.
Digital Age - Bundles
A collection of Bundled mundane items available in the Digital Age.
Deflect Projectiles
Increases your Ranged AC and temporarily allows you to Deflect projectiles that consequently miss you out of the air.
Digital Age - Toolkits
A collection of Toolkits available in the Digital Age.
Time Dilation
You crank it into overdrive, slowing down your perception of time.
Digital Age - Inventory
A collections of Backpacks, Bedrolls, Containers, Equipment, Supplies and Tents available in the Digital Age.
Precision Strike
Gather the force of your strike into a single point, allowing you to deal a targeted strike without penalty.
Digital Age - Musical Instruments
A collection of Musical Instruments available in the Digital Age.
Stunning Strike
Target and potentially damage nerve dense areas on your opponent.
Digital Age - Assassins Tools
A collection of Assassins Tools available to Assassins of the Digital Age.
Relentless Volley
You fire everything you've got at a general area rather than a specific target.
Digital Age - Medicine
A collection of Medicines available in the Digital Age.
Digital Age - Potions
A collection of Potions available in the Digital Age.
Digital Age - Food & Drink
A collection of Food and Drink available in the Digital Age.
Digital Age - Trade Goods
A collection a Trade Goods available in the Digital Age.
Digital Age - Materials
A collection of Materials available in the Digital Age.
Digital Age - Animals
A collection of Mounts, Pets, Beasts of Burden and Livestock of the Digital Age.
Digital Age - Transportation
A collection of the various forms of transportation available in the Digital Age.
Digital Age - Property & Real Estate
A collection of Property and Real Estate prices in the Digital Age.
Digital Age - Services
A collection of Service costs and availability in the Digital Age.

A combination of warrior and religious caster, zealots are granted weapons and armor training and can cast a variety of powerful Invocations.
Panache Maneuvers
Contains all Panache Maneuvers.
Information Age Buyer's Guide
The information age is a time adjacent to our own, technologies present are examples from the year 1980 AD to the present time.
Panache Maneuvers - Tier I
Tier I Panache Maneuvers are simple yet effective feats of wit and wordplay.
Verbal Burns
Attempt to verbally insult an opponent, potentially dealing psychic damage.
Witty Taunt
Attempt to taunt an opponent, potentially annoying them.
Fabulous Feint
Attempt to Feint and cause your opponent to create an opening.
Panache Maneuvers - Tier II
Tier II Panache Maneuvers are complex and impressive feats of wit and wordplay.
Attempt to cause an enemy’s attack to miss due to a well timed word or phrase.
Information Age - Currency
Information about the various forms of currency in the Information Age.
Daze or Confuse
Attempt to temporarily Daze or Confuse an Opponent with the power of your dumfounding words.
Literary Lashing
Attempt to insult, berate or belittle an opponent so badly that they are dealt a significant amount of psychic damage.
Fightin’ Words
Attempt to cause an opponent to lash out at you.
Panache Maneuvers - Tier III
Tier III Panache Maneuvers are powerful demonstrations of mastery over wit and wordplay.
Confounding Rage
Attempt to enrage and confuse an Opponent with your words.
Attempt to cause an Opponent to become speechless.
Information Age - Armor & Clothing
A collection of all armor and clothing available in the Information Age.
Verbal Onslaught
Attempt to verbally break an opponent, dealing an impressive amount of psychic damage.
Wounding Words
Attempt to cause an opponent to suffer from a psychic wound.
Information Age - Melee Weapons
A collection of all Melee Weapon Types available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Axes
A collection of all Ax type weapons available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Knives
A collection of all Knife Type Weapons available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Polearms
A collection of all Polearm Type Weapons available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Blades
A collection of all Blade Type Weapons available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Picks
A collection of all Pick Type weapons available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Clubs
A collection of all Club Type Weapons available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Swords
A collection of all Sword Type Weapons available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Hammers
A collection of all Hammer Type Weapons available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Hand-to-Hand Weapons
A collection of all Hand-to-Hand Type Weapons available in the Information Age.
Information Age - High Skill Melee Weapons
A collection of all High Skill Melee Weapons available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Ranged Weapons
A collection of all Ranged Weapon Types available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Bows & Arrows
A collection of all Bow and Arrow Types available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Crossbows & Bolts
A collection of all Crossbow and Bolt Types available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Firearms & Ammunition
A collection of all Firearm Type Weapons and Ammunition.
Information Age - High Skill Ranged Weapons
A collection of High Skill Ranged Weapon Types and their Ammunitions.
Information Age - Slings & Ammo
A collection of all Sling Type Weapons and Ammunition available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Thrown Weapons
A collection of all Thrown Weapon Types available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Bundles
A collection of Bundled mundane items available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Toolkits
A collection Toolkits available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Inventory
A collection of Backpacks, Bedrolls, Containers, Tools, Supplies and Tents available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Digital Devices
A collection of Digital Devices available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Musical Instruments
A collection of musical instruments available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Assassins Tools
A collection of Assassins Tools from the Information Age.
Information Age - Medicine
A collection of Medicine available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Potions
A collection of Potions potentially available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Food & Drink
A collection of food and drink available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Trade Goods
A collection of Trade Goods available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Materials
A collection of Materials available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Animals
A collection of Mounts, Pets, Beasts of Burden and Livestock available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Transportation
A collection of transportation and vehicles available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Property & Real Estate
A collection of Property and Real Estate prices available in the Information Age.
Information Age - Services
A collection of Services and their Prices available in the Information Age.

Warrior Monk
Warrior monks are a combination of close quarters specialist and spellcaster that uses their Chi or spirit energy to generate the power for these spells, called Chi Techniques.
Zen Monk
Zen Monks work to improve and attune their mind and spirit until they are instruments of unrivaled power.

Cyber Age Buyer's Guide
The cyber age is a fictional near future setting where cybernetic enhancements and advanced weaponry are available to consumers. Typically features a focus on late stage capitalism and commentary on large corporations.
Cyber Age - Currency
Information about the various currencies available in the Cyber Age.

Cyber Age - Cybernetics
A sample of cybernetic augmentations available in the Cyber Age.

Cyber Age - Armor & Clothing
Armor, shields and clothing available in the Cyber Age.

Cyber Age - Melee Weapons
Melee and hand-to-hand weapons available in the Cyber Age.

Cyber Age - Axes
Contains a sample of axes available in the Cyber Age.

Cyber Age - Blades
Contains a sample of blades available in the Cyber Age.

Cyber Age - Clubs
Contains a sample of Cyber Age clubs.

Cyber Age - Polearms & Picks
Contains a sample of polearms and picks available in the Cyber Age.

Cyber Age - Hammers
Contains a sample of hammers available in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - High Skill Melee Weapons
Contains a sample of High Skill Melee Weapons available in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Contains a sample of hand-to-hand weapons available in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Knives
Contains a sample of knives available in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Swords
Contains a sample of swords available in the Cyber Age.

Cyber Age - Ranged Weapons
Ranged Weapons Available in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Black Powder Weapons
Contains all black powder weapons available in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Conventional Firearms
Contains all conventional firearms available in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age- Crossbows, Bows & Slings
Contains all crossbows, bows and slings available in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Explosives
Contains all currently available grenades, explosives and ranged explosives in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Magnetic Accelerators
Contains all currently available magnetic accelerators in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Non-Lethal Weapons
Contains all currently available non-lethal weapons in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Stun Weapons
Contains all currently available stun weapons in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Thrown & High Skill Weapons
Contains all currently available thrown and high skill ranged and thrown weapons in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Toolkits
Toolkits allow the trained user to access certain abilities unavailable without the aid of tools.
Cyber Age - Digital Devices
Digital devices grant users access to various software, applications and features.
Cyber Age - Inventory
Bedding, containers, equipment, supplies and tents.
Cyber Age - Medicine
Contains all currently available medicine in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Musical Instruments
Contains all currently available musical instruments in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Work Stations
Contains all currently available work stations in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Assassin Tools
Contains all currently available assassins tools in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Food & Drink
Contains all currently available food & drink in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Trade Goods
Contains all currently available trad goods in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Materials
Contains all currently available materials in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Item Traits
Contains all item traits available in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Animals
Animals: are any creature that lacks sentience, cognitive awareness and the ability to archive and transcribe historical data.
Cyber Age - Beasts of Burden
Contains all currently available beasts of burden in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Livestock
Contains all currently available livestock in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Mounts
Contains all currently available mounts in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Pets
Contains all currently available pets in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Transportation
Vehicular, and mechanical transportation options available in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Mechanized Transportation
Contains all currently available mechanized transportation available in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Land Vehicles
Contains all currently available land vehicles in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Sea Vessels
Contains all currently available sea vessels in the Cyber Age.
Cyber Age - Aircraft
Contains all currently available aircraft in the Cyber Age.
Space Age Buyer's Guide
The Space Age is a fictional distant future where travel within star systems has started to become more common but faster then light travel has yet to be invented or discovered.
Space Age - Currency
Contains a value reference and description for all forms of currency in the Space Age.
Space Age - Armor & Clothing
A collection of all Armor Types and Clothing commonly available in the Space Age.

Space Age - Melee Weapons
A collection of all Melee Weapon Types available in the Space Age.

Space Age - Axes
A collection of axe type weapons typically available in the Space Age.

Space Age - Blades
A collection of blade type weapons typically available in the Space Age.

Space Age - Clubs
A collection of club type weapons typically available in the Space Age.

Space Age - Hammers
A collection of hammer type weapons typically available in the Space Age.

Space Age - Hand-to-Hand Weapons
A collection of hand-to-hand weapons typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - High Skill Melee Weapons
A collection of high skill melee weapons typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Knives
A collection of knives typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Picks
A collection of pick type weapons typically available in the Space Age.

Space Age - Polearms
A collection of polearm type weapons typically available in the Space Age.

Space Age - Swords
A collection of sword type weapons typically available in the Space Age.

Space Age - Ranged Weapons
A collection of ranged weapon types typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Bows & Arrows
A collection of bows and arrows typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Crossbows & Bolts
A collection of crossbows and their bolt ammunition's typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Firearms & Ammunition
A collection of firearm types and their ammunition's available in the Space Age.
Space Age - High Skill Ranged Weapons
A collection of high skill ranged weapons and the ammunition typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Slings & Ammo
A collection of sling type weapons and their ammo typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Thrown Weapons
A collection of thrown weapons typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Bundles
A collection of bundled mundane items typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Toolkits
A collection of toolkits typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Work Stations
A collection of work stations typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Inventory
Bedding, Backpacks, Tents, Containers, Equipment and Supplies.
Space Age - Digital Devices
A collection of digital devices typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Cybernetics
A collection of wearable and implanted cybernetics typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Musical Instruments
A collection of musical instruments typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Assassin Tools
A collection of assassin tools typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Medicine
A collection of medicines and medical devices typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Potions
A collection of potions typically available in fantasy Space Ages.
Space Age - Food & Drink
A collection of food and drink typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Trade Goods
A collection of trade goods typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Materials
A collection of materials typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Animals
A collection of Mounts, Pets, Beasts of Burden and Livestock typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Transportation
A collection of various forms of transportation typically available in the Space Age.
Space Age - Property & Real Estate
A collection of property and real estate prices typical of the Space Age.
Space Age - Services
A collection of personnel and transportation service costs typical of the Space Age.

Druid Archetypes
Druids draw their power from the life-force of the world itself. They strive to keep the balance between nature and civilization.
Leaf Speaker Druid
Talk to plants and get a pet plant creature.
Spore Spreader Druid
Talk to fungus and get a pet mycelium creature.
Beast Speaker Druid
Talk to animals and get a powerful pet.
Shape Changer Druid
Quickly and easily transform into unnaturally strong animals.
Swarmancer Druid
Talk to Swarms of tiny creatures and get a pet swarm.

Galactic Age Buyers Guide
The Galactic age is a fictional far future era. Complete with futuristic weapons, cybernetic enhancements, gadgets and starships.

Galactic Age - Currency
Contains the currencies of the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Armor and Clothing
Contains all armor and clothing currently available in the Galactic Age.

Galactic Age - Melee Weapons
Contains all Melee Weapons currently available in the Intergalactic Age.

Galactic Age - Axes
Contains all axes currently available in the Galactic Age.

Galactic Age - Blades
Contains all Blade Type Melee Weapons currently available in the Galactic Age.

Galactic Age - Clubs
Contains all Clube Type Melee Weapons currently available in the Galactic Age.

Galactic Age - Hammers
Contains all Hammer Type Melee Weapons currently available in the Galactic Age.

Galactic Age - Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Contains all Hand-to-Hand Type Melee Weapons currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - High Skill Melee Weapons
Contains all High Skill Type Melee Weapons currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Knives
Contains all Knife Type Melee Weapons in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Picks
A collection of Pick Type Weapons typically available in the Galactic Age.

Galactic Age - Polearms
Contains all Polearm Type Melee Weapons currently available in the Galactic Age.

Galactic Age - Swords
Contains all Sword Type Melee Weapons currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Ranged Weapons
Contains all Ranged Weapon Types currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Bows & Arrows
Contains all Bow and Arrow Type Weapons and their Ammunition currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Crossbows & Bolts
Contains all Crossbow Type Ranged Weapons and their ammunition currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Firearms & Ammunition
Contains all Firearm Type Ranged Weapons currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - High Skill Ranged Weapons
Contains all High Skill Ranged Weapon Types currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Slings & Ammo
Contains all Sling Type Ranged Weapons and their ammunition currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Thrown Weapons
Contains all Thrown Type Ranged Weapons currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Bundles
A collection of bundled items typically available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Toolkits
Contains all Toolkits currently available in the in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Work Stations
A collection of work stations typically available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Cybernetics
A collection of wearable and implanted cybernetics typically available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Digital Devices
Contains all Digital Devices and Digital Device Features currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Inventory
Contains Bedding, Backpacks, Tents, Containers, Equipment and Supplies available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Medicine
Contains all Medicine and Medical Devices currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Potions
A collection of Potions typically available in fantasy Galactic Ages.
Galactic Age - Musical Instruments
Contains all Musical Instruments currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Assassin Tools
Contains all Assassin Tools currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Food & Drink
Contains all Food and Drink currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Trade Goods
Contains all Trade Goods currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Materials
Contains all Materials currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Animals
Contains all mounts, pets, beasts of burden and livestock currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Transportation
Contains all Transportation options currently available in the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Property & Real Estate
A collection of Property and Real Estate prices typical of the Galactic Age.
Galactic Age - Services
A collection of Personnel and Transportation Service costs typical of the Galactic Age.

Elementalism is the ability to control various "Elements" or forms of matter and metaphysical concepts via the elemental sprites which reside in and around all things.

The Eight Core Elements
The Eight Core Elements of the Materium are: Air, Earth, Fire, Flesh, Light, Metaphysical Shadow and Water. These are the core parts of the universe that Elementalists can manipulate and interact with through the elemental sprites that exist in all things.

Control and influence over the element of Air is commonly referred to as Airmancy.
( Core Element )
Elementalism - Windmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Air Currents.
Elementalism - Windmancy Ability
The ability to control, manipulate and generate strong gusts of wind.
Elementalism - Windmancy Ability
The ability to control, manipulate and generate powerful and controlled air currents.
Elementalism - Windmancy Ability
The ability to control, manipulate and generate forceful and consistent winds.
Elementalism - Windmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate clouds of gas.

Control and influence over the element of Earth is commonly referred to as Earthmancy.
( Core Element )
Elementalism - Earthmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Earth and Sand.
Elementalism - Earthmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate crystal formations and geodes.
Elementalism - Earthmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Cut Crystals or Precious Gems.
Elementalism - Earthmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate base Metals in their refined forms.
Elementalism - Earthmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Alloy Metals.
Elementalism - Earthmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate base Metals in their Unrefined forms.
Elementalism - Earthmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate unhewn rocks up to a certain size.
Elementalism - Earthmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate large unhewn rocks and boulders.
Elementalism - Earthmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate shaped stone and brick.

Control and influence over the element of Fire is commonly referred to as Pyromancy.
( Core Element )
Elementalism - Pyromancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Fire in its most basic forms.
Elementalism - Pyromancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Heat Energy.
Elementalism - Pyromancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Molten Materials.
Elementalism - Pyromancy Ability
The ability to manipulate and spontaneously create Great Fire Elementals.
Elementalism - Pyromancy Ability
The ability to detect fires and connect one fire to another, allowing physical traversal between the two fires.
Elementalism - Pyromancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Massive Infernos.
Elementalism - Pyromancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate High Heat Plasma Reactions.

Control and influence over the element of Flesh is commonly referred to as Fleshmancy.
( Core Element )
Elementalism - Fleshmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate your own flesh.
Elementalism - Fleshmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Non-living Bone Mass.
Elementalism - Fleshmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate breaks and fractures in bones.
Elementalism - Fleshmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate the mending of flesh.
Elementalism - Fleshmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate healing rates.
Elementalism - Fleshmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate wounds.
Elementalism - Fleshmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate microscopic organisms.
Elementalism - Fleshmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Immune Systems.
Elementalism - Fleshmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Pheromones.

Control and influence over the element of Light is commonly referred to as Solarmancy.
( Core Element )
Elementalism - Solarmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Solar Energy.
Elementalism - Solarmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Beams of Light.
Elementalism - Solarmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate and Compressed Light Particles.
Elementalism - Solarmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate individuals or groups of photons.

Control and influence over the Metaphysical is commonly referred to as Metamancy.
( Core Element )
Elementalism - Metamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate the Metaphysical in its most basic forms.
Elementalism - Metamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Pain.
Elementalism - Metamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Emotions.
Elementalism - Metamancy Ability
The ability to detect and manipulate Psychic Energies.
Elementalism - Metamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Death and Undeath.
Elementalism - Metamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Rot and Decay.

Control and influence over the element of Shadow is commonly referred to as Shaodwmancy.
Core Element
Elementalism - Shadowmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Shadows in their most basic forms.
Elementalism - Shadowmancy Ability
The ability to control, manipulate and manifest Physical Darkness.
Elementalism - Shadowmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Dreams.
Elementalism - Shadowmancy Ability
The ability to control, manipulate and navigate the space between Shadows.

Control and influence over the element of Water is commonly referred to as Aquamancy.
( Core Element )
Elementalism - Aquamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Water in its most basic forms.
Elementalism - Aquamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Mud or Goo.
Elementalism - Aquamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate bodies of liquid.
Elementalism - Aquamancy Ability
The ability to create portals between water sources.
Elementalism - Aquamancy Ability
The ability to extrapolate liquids from humidity.
Elementalism - Aquamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Snow or slurry.
Elementalism - Aquamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Cold Energy.
Elementalism - Aquamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Super Cold Temperatures.
Elementalism - Aquamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Frozen Liquids.
Elementalism - Aquamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate High Heat Steam.
Elementalism - Aquamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Vapors from liquids.

The Eight Combined Elements
Contains links and information regarding the 8 Combined Elements of the Materium.

Control and influence over the element of Blood is commonly referred to as Bloodmancy.
( Combined Element )
Elementalism - Bloodmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Blood in its most basic forms.
Elementalism - Bloodmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Blood Flow.
Elementalism - Bloodmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Blood Energy.
Elementalism - Bloodmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Blood Clots.

Control and influence over the element of Creatures, such as animals or beasts is commonly referred to as Animancy.
( Combined Element )
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Herbivore and Omnivore Animals.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Individual Arthropods.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Slimes and Oozes.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Swarms of Arthropods.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Giant Arthropods.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Monstrous Avians.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Predators.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Abominations.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Beasts and Huge Sized Animals.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate groups of Familial Animals.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate individual Birds.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Flocks of Birds.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Large and Raptor varieties of Birds.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Fish.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Jellyfish, Squid and Octopus.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Sharks and Rays.
Elementalism - Animancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Whales, Dolphins, Seals and Walruses.

Control and influence over the element of Electricity is commonly referred to as Electromancy.
( Combined Element )
Elementalism - Electromancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Electricity in its most basic forms.
Elementalism - Electromancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate arcs of electricity.
Elementalism - Electromancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Bio-Electricity.
Elementalism - Electromancy Ability
The ability to control, manipulate and generate lighting strikes while outdoors.
Elementalism - Electromancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Static Electricity and buildup.
Elementalism - Electromancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate technology via their electronic components.

Plant Life
Control and influence over the element of Plant Life is commonly referred to as Botanamancy.
( Combined Element )
Elementalism - Botanamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Plant Life in its most basic forms.
Elementalism - Botanamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate algae growths
Elementalism - Botanamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Shrubs, Bushes, Brambles and Briars.
Elementalism - Botanamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Dead, Shaped and Constructed Wood.
Elementalism - Botanamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Fungal Growths.
Elementalism - Botanamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Fungal Spores.
Elementalism - Botanamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate the Mycelium Layer.
Elementalism - Botanamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Flexible Roots and Vines of plantlife.
Elementalism - Botanamancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate living Trees and their parts.

Control and influence over the element of Spirit is commonly referred to as Ectomancy. It is a rare talent that has not been researched nearly as thoroughly as the other elemental abilities
( Combined Element )
Elementalism - Ectomancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Spirits Energies in their most basic forms.

Control and influence over the element of Time is commonly referred to as Chronomancy. It is an exceptionally rare talent that has not been well researched due to the low number examples available for study at a given time.
( Combined Element )
Elementalism - Chronomancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Time.

Control and influence over the element of the Void is commonly referred to as Voidmancy.
( Combined Element )
Elementalism - Voidmancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Vacuum and Nothingness.
Elementalism - Voidmancy Ability
The ability to manipulate Mass and Gravity.
Elementalism - Voidmancy Ability
The ability to manipulate Singularities and Wormholes.

Control and influence over the element of Weather is commonly referred to as Weathermancy.
( Combined Element )
Elementalism - Weathermancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Weather in its most basic forms.
Elementalism - Weathermancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Cold Weather Events.
Elementalism - Weathermancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Windstorms.
Elementalism - Weathermancy Ability
The ability to control and manipulate Thunder and Lightning events.

Invocations are the spells used by invokers and is a type of magic achieved through extreme faith or channeled divinity.

Heavenly Invocations
Heavenly Invocations are powers, spells and abilities granted to devout followers of a Heavenly Entity.

Heavenly Invocations - Tier I
Tier I Heavenly Invocations are simple religious spells that most initiates can cast.
Angelic Touch
Grants a small amount of healing to a touched creature.
Blessed Rest
Increases the Benefits of Resting to nearby creatures.
Bless a creature with a Destiny Die that they may add to any d20 roll.
Holy Bliss
Allows the target to ignore conditions.
Holy Bolt
Projects a damaging bolt of holy light.
Holy Light
Projects a blinding flash of holy light.
Pillar of Salt
You summon a pillar of salt nearby.
Pray to add a small bonus to a single nearby roll.
Remove Affliction
Removes a single Negative Condition from a nearby creature.
Repel Undead
Erects a protective barrier that prevents weak willed undead creatures from physically passing through.
Sense Morals
Allows the caster to sense one of the moral Compasses of a nearby creature.

Heavenly Invocations - Tier II
Tier II Heavenly Invocations are complex religious spells that devout followers can cast.
Blissful Rest
Increases the Benefits of Resting to nearby creatures.
Healing Light
Grants a small amount of healing to all creatures in a blast area.
Healing Touch
Grants a decent amount of healing to a touched creature.
Holy Blast
Deals a small amount of holy damage in a blast area.
Holy Command
Potentially causes a nearby creature to be knocked prone.
Holy Fire
Drench your weapon or the weapon of your allies in holy fire.
Holy Shackles
Attempts to Grapple a creature with Holy Shackles.
Purge Undead
Deals a large amount of holy damage to a single undead.
Remove Pox
Removes a single Pox or Curse from a nearby creature.

Heavenly Invocations - Tier III
Tier III Heavenly Invocations are powerful religious spells that only the most devout followers can cast.
Destroy Undead
Deals a tremendous amount of holy damage to a single undead.
Word of God
Potentially causes many nearby creatures to be knocked prone.
Holy Prison
Attempts to Restrain a creature within a Holy Prison.
Healing Blast
Grants a considerable amount of healing to all creatures in a large blast area.
Pillar of Fire
Deals a large amount of holy damage in a small blast area.
Part the Heavens
Deals a Large amount of holy damage in a long Beam. Only usable outdoors.
Fist of an Angry God
Deals a tremendous amount of Kinetic damage in a Large Blast Area.

Underworld Invocations
Underworld Invocations are religious spells granted to devout followers of an Underworld Entity in exchange for life force energy and services.

Underworld Invocations - Tier I
Tier I Underworld Invocations are basic religious spells that most initiates can cast.
Burnt Offering
Sacrifice the life of a creature in exchange for a Pool of Faith.
Control Undead
Attempt to assume direct control of an Undead Creature.
Deal with the Devil
Allows the caster to slightly decrease d20 rolls made in their vicinity.
Death Bolt
Deals necrotic damage to a nearby target.
Devil’s Advocate
Briefly enhances the caster’s ability to debate.
Devil’s Playthings
Briefly allow your deity to take direct control of your actions, they gain a bonus while doing so.
Forked Tongue
Briefly enhances the caster’s ability to deceive.
Hellflame Bolt
Deals burn damage to a nearby target.
Ick Bolt
Deals toxic damage to a nearby target.
Inflict Pain
Deals a significant amount of psychic damage to a single nearby creature.
Serpent Bolt
Deals venom damage to a nearby target.
Shadow Pool
Creates a patch of unnatural darkness.

Underworld Invocations - Tier II
Tier II Underworld Invocations are complex religious spells that intermediate followers can cast.
Create Ghost
Guarantees the creation of a ghost upon the death of the targeted creature.
Create Undead Servant
Reanimates remains into the form of a low level undead servant.
Dark Temptation
Potentially causes a creature to give into their base temptations.
Hellfire Blast
Summons a cone brilliant and deadly hellfire.
Hellish Chains
Potentially restrains a small group of creatures.
Hellish Incarnation
Allows the caster to take on a single underworld Trait or Ability.
Potentially places a debilitating curse upon a nearby creature.
Inflict Agony
Deals a large amount of psychic damage to a single nearby creature.
Shadow Cloud
Creates a small cloud of unnatural darkness.
Summon Devil
Allows the caster to summon a devil directly from the underworld of their deity.
Summon Hell Beast
Allows the caster to summon a beast directly from the underworld of their deity.

Underworld Invocations - Tier III
Tier III Underworld Invocations are powerful religious spells that only the most devout can cast.
Acid Rain
Creates a large movable area of continued Acid Damage.
Brimstone Bomb
Deals a massive amount of burn damage in a large area.
Create Undead Caster
Reanimates the remains of a spellcasting creature into a low level undead spellcaster of the same type.
Dark Clouds
Darkens a massive area with unnatural cloud cover.
Hell Curse
Potentially places a permanent curse upon a nearby creature.
Hellish Shackles
Potentially restrains a group of creatures or a huge creature.
Lake of Fire
Creates a large area of supernatural fire.
Mark of the Beast
Marks a creature for death.
Summon Demon
Allows the caster to summon a demon directly from the underworld of their deity.
Deals a massive amount of psychic damage to a single nearby creature.

Chi Techniques
Chi Techniques are the Spells used by Monks. They are powered by the users concentrated and redirected life force energy; Chi.

Chi Techniques - Tier I
Tier I Chi Techniques are simple chi abilities that initiate monks can perform.
Battle Meditation
Allows the user to meditate on a situation, encounter or enemy and gain insight.
Chi Aura
Temporarily hardens the user's skin or carapace, granting them a small amount of armor.
Chi Ball
Generates a ball of spirit energy that can be wielded like a Melee Weapon, or used as a Shield.
Chi Bolt
Generates a forceful bolt of spirit energy that can strike foes from a distance.
Chi Construct
Allows the user to construct and sustain simple objects made of compressed spirit energy.
Chi Flame
Generates a small burst of flame using spirit energy.
Chi Flash
Generates a blinding flash of light made of spirit energy.
Chi Recovery
Allows the user to regain a small amount of HP based on the amount of chi they have remaining.
Chi Strike
Temporarily makes the users striking appendages as hard as stone, increasing the damage potential of their attacks.
Pouncing Tiger Strike
A leaping strike that defies gravity.
Spirit Blade
Generates a blade of spirit energy that can be wielded like a Melee Weapon.
Thunder Palm Strike
Generates a clap of thunder with a successful hit, deafening nearby creatures and sending the target reeling.
Unseen Dragon Strike
A strike so fast, it is nearly impossible to avoid.
Zen Meditation
Allows the user to generate an excess of chi for a brief time.

Chi Techniques - Tier II
Tier II Chi Techniques are complex chi abilities that intermediate monks can perform.
Chi Armor
An upgrade to Chi Aura. Temporarily hardens the user's skin or carapace, granting them a considerable amount of armor.
Chi Blast
Generates an explosive blast of spirit energy.
Chi Block
Potentially Dazes, Stuns a target living creature.
Chi Cloak
Utilizes chi to obscure the area around the user, making them more difficult to detect.
Chi Drain
Causes targets hit to lose ARP(Attribute Resource Points).
Chi Fire
Generates a destructive spray of spirit fire.
Chi Healing
Allows the caster to grant a significant amount of healing to themselves or another nearby creature.
Chi Infusion
Allows the user to infuse an item or weapon with spirit energy, enhancing their effectiveness or altering their Item Traits.
Chi Vision
Allows the user to briefly detect the spirit energy of other creatures.
Dragon Steps
Allows the user to briefly walk or run on air, like a spirit dragon.
Sea of Tranquility
Allows the caster to temporarily ignore all Effects, Conditions and Wounds.
Spirit Beam
Generates a devastating beam of spirit energy.
Spirit Bow
Generates a bow of spirit energy that can be wielded like a Ranged Weapon.

Chi Techniques - Tier III
Tier III Chi Techniques are powerful chi abilities that only the most experienced monks can perform.
Astral Projection
Allows the user's consciousness to travel outside the confines of their body.
Chi Bomb
Generates a massive explosion of spirit energy.
llows the user to achieve a state of nirvana that allows them to ignore all Damage and Effects for a short time.
Allows the user to reincarnate upon death, or cause another creature to rencarmate.
Shrink the World
Allows the user to instantly travel from one point to another nearby, effectively teleporting.
Druid Spells
Druid spells are spells learned and taught only in druidic circles. They typically involve animals, nature and the weather.
Druid Spells - Tier I
Entry level Druid Spells.
Animal Messenger
Send a brief message via a nearby small animal or insect.
Bottled Lightning
Store and weaponize glass containers filled with lightning.
Cloud Cover
Lower outdoor light levels in the local area.
Command Animal
Command a nearby animal to perform a Movement & Action.
Command Swarm
Command a nearby swarm to perform a Movement & Action.
Instantly decompose nearby non-living organic matter.
Druidic Healing
Heal a nearby living creature.
Druid's Blight
Cause nearby plant life to wither.
Druid's Call
Call nearby animals to your location.
Druid's Staff
Form a magic druid's staff from any significant piece of wood.
Launches a deadly burning pinecone or seed.
Fluid to Fog
Cause a nearby fluid to gasify and become a fog cloud.
Land Animal Transformation
Transforms the caster into a Land Animal using an Animal Totem.
Leaf on the Wind
Creates a movement speed increasing wind tunnel around the caster.
Cause nearby living plants to form shaped and structures.
Plant Manipulation
Cause nearby plants to do your bidding.
Cause a nearby plant to be healed and produce fruit and/or seeds.
Launches a ball of magically toxified spores using mushroom spores.
Launches a magically chilled ball of frost using nearby water.
Stone Throw
Launches a magically charged stone from nearby.
Cause nearby wood or plant life to grow large dangerous thorns.
Cause nearby plant life to revert to its wild and uncultivated varieties.
Weather Forecast
Predict the weather in the near future.
Yum-Yum Fruit
Cause a nearby plant to bear healing fruit.
Druid Spells - Tier II
Intermediate level Druid Spells.
Abominable Transformation
Transforms the caster into an Abomination using a Totem.
Beastly Transformation
Transforms the caster into a Beast type creature using a totem.
Botanical Portal
Create a portal between two plants.
Call the Wild
Summon many animals from a wide area to your location.
Cup of Life
Transfer HP between nearby willing creatures.
Druid’s Armor
Create or Incorporate powerful druid armor from animal remains.
Deal Burn damage in a small area in front of the caster and ignite flammables.
Floral Communications
Use plant life as a means of communication.
Form Swarm
Summon a swarm of tiny creatures from nearby.
Frigid Blast
Deal Frost damage in a small area in front of the caster and freeze liquids.
Gill Grow
Causes creatures to grow gills and be temporarily only able to breathe underwater.
Great Seed
Turns a tree into concentrated energy in the form of a seed.
Healing Grove
Create a healing circle between a grove of trees.
Miraculous Recovery
Grants a large amount of healing to a single nearby living creature.
Rain Call
Cause a thunderstorm or rainstorm to be summoned in the vicinity.
Sea Animal Transformation
Transforms the caster into an aquatic animal using an Animal Totem.
Sky Animal Transformation
Transforms the caster into a non-aquatic flying animal using an Animal Totem.
Static Burst
Deal electrical damage in a cone in front of the caster & double damage to wet creatures.
Stone Shatter
Deal puncture/blunt damage in a cone in front of the caster & deal double damage to frozen/petrified creatures.
While outdoors, cause a light beam to consistently deal damage to a nearby area. Stronger during the day.
Druid Spells - Tier III
Expert level Druid Spells.
Cold Snap
Create a large blast of frost damage.
Temporarily De-Evolve a Creature into a previous evolution.
Elemental Transformation
Transform into a powerful elemental using a totem.
Create a large area of burn damage & ignite flammables.
Gaia Seed
Compress the power of a massive plant into the form of a seed.
Grant Sapience
Grant sapience to a nearby plant or animal.
Briefly direct a large number of nearby animals to do your bidding.
Storm Call
Summon a powerful weather phenomena, such as a tornado or lightning storm.
Summon Lightning
Summon a bolt of lightning from cloudy skies.
Swarm Surge
Control the actions of a massive swarm of tiny nearby creatures.

Enchanted Items Buyer's Guide
Items that have been magically altered or enhanced in some way.

Enchanted Apparel
Everything enchanted, from armor, to clothing, to jewelry.

Enchanted Objects
Enchanted Items or possessions, rather than wearable equipment.

Enchanted Weapons
Weapons that have been magically enchanted.

Legacy Enchanted Items
Recreations and Parodies of magic items from popular fiction, television and movies.