Cause nearby living plants to form shaped and structures.
Tier I - Druid Spell
Cause nearby plant life to rapidly grow or move into the desired pattern, shape or structure.
Spell Tier | I |
Action Type | Action |
Mana Cost | 1 |
Range | 10 Meters / 1 Meter Blast Area |
Requirements | Voice, 1 Free Hand |
Sustain | 1 Mana |
Traits | Audible, Visible |
Even the very plants shape themselves to their whim.
Effect: Use your action to cause a 1 Meter Blast Area of plant life within Range to take on the form, shape and structure that the caster desires. The plants remain living through and beyond this transformation. They can take on simple shapes such as a wall, hut or set of stairs. They cannot take on complex shapes such as machines or devices. This transformation can form around creatures but they may Roll a Dexterity or Strength Saving Throw to attempt to avoid being trapped. The DC is equal to the caster’s Spell Save DC.
Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are trapped inside the structure until it is destroyed or breached.
Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw may use their Reaction to Move to the outside the structure adjacent to it.
Each meter of plant life has 12 HP and is considered to be Vulnerable to Burn Damage.
Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional Mana to increase the Range of this Spell by 5 Meters,
Or increase the Blast Radius of this Spell or Ability by 1 Meter,
Or increase the HP of each meter of plant life affected by this spell by 6.