Oil Spill / Oil Ball

Spews forth a stream of crude, slippery, inky oil.

Tier I - Evocation - Spell

Spews forth a stream of crude, slippery, inky oil.

Spell Tier I
Action Type Motion
Mana Cost 1
Range 10 Meters
Requirements One Free Hand
Sustain No
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Description: You make a cup shape with your fist and after a moment a distinct sound of liquid filling a vessel can be heard before a geyser of thick inky black oil begins jetting out in a stream 4 cm away from your now cup shaped hand.

Oil Spill: You cover 1 + Caster Modifier Meters of surface area within range in crude oil.

The area is considered Hazardous Terrain to all creatures. When a creature Activates its Movement while in the Spell Area they must Roll a Dexterity Saving Throw,  the DC is 12.

Fail: Creatures who Fail the Saving throw are Knocked prone before they can complete any Movement.

Pass: Creatures who Pass the Saving throw are unaffected and may continue their movement normally. *The oil is water soluble and can be easily removed by heavy rains or about a gallon of water per meter. The oil is flammable and can be ignited by any open flame or a sufficient spark and each Meter covered burns for 1 + Caster Modifier Rounds. (The Oil Burns at the Standard Rate for an Oil Fire, Dealing 2d6 Burn Damage to Creatures that Start their Turn in Flames or Move through them.

Oil Ball: Roll a Ranged Magic Attack vs a single target within Range.

Hit: Oil Ball causes the Large or smaller target to suffer from the covered condition and are considered to be coated in oil until they become submerged in water or clean themselves via a Full Round Action. The oil is flammable and can be ignited by any open flame or a sufficient spark and the covered creature burns for 1 + Caster Modifier Rounds or until the oil is removed. (The Oil Burns at the Standard Rate for an Oil Fire, Dealing 2d6 Burn Damage to the covered creature at the start of each of their turns. When a creature Activates its Movement while covered in oil they must Roll a Dexterity Saving Throw,  the DC is 14.

Fail: Creatures who Fail the Saving throw are Knocked prone before they can complete any Movement.

Pass: Creatures who Pass the Saving throw are unaffected and may continue their movement normally.

Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional Mana to increase the surface area coverage of this Spell by 2 Meters,

Or increase the burn time if ignited by 2 Rounds,

Or increase the damage Flames produced by this Spell deal by 2 Burn Damage.