NPC Disposition

Non-Player characters you interact with in your campaigns should have various dispositions towards interacting player characters depending on a variety of factors including: Notoriety, Allegiance, Connection, Species, Morals, Prejudices, Professions or Previous Interactions. Each disposition has different modifiers that affect interactions in negative or positive ways. It is largely up to the narrator how they portray their characters and realm and these rules are more like guidelines.
List of NPC Dispositions
The creature believes in their heart that you are their enemy and intend only harm for them.
Effect: Charisma Skill Rolls vs the target are made with a Fate Die added.
The creature is wary of you and does not know whether they consider you a threat or not.
Effect: Charisma skill checks vs the target are made with disadvantage.
The creature is indifferent to your presence.
Effect: No modifier. Won’t do you any favors.
The creature enjoys your presence.
Effect: No modifier. Willing to trade favors.
The creature is your friend and ally and feels bonded to you.
Effect: No modifier. Willing to do you favors and lend aid.