Mutations are so far removed from the original species of their origin that they resembling nothing else that exists. They often have non-symmetrical bodies with unique adaptations in order to thrive in their state.

Small-Medium / Mutation / Variable
Mutations are so far removed from the original species of their origin that they resembling nothing else that exists. They often have non-symmetrical bodies with unique adaptations in order to thrive in their state. Many mutations started their lives a growth or cist on a mutant, eventually separating from their host and slowly developed into what they are now.
Playing a Mutation
Consult your Narrator before choosing a Mutation as your species. They require more effort than a standard species to select since you will need to essentially build your mutation from the ground up. They can also be challenging to integrate into some stories and scenarios.
Size Selection
Select a size for your Mutation, It will have a different HP Die Type, Attribute Modifiers and Moving Speed depending on your choice.
Average Height | 100 cm |
Average Weight | 50 kg |
Lifespan | 1-1,000,000 Years |
Age of Adulthood | N/A |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 DEX or +2 INT |
Movement Speed | 5 Meters W or SL |
Movement Types | Walking or Slithering |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Small / d6 |
Languages | Your choice and Uman |
Average Height | 200 cm |
Average Weight | 90 kg |
Lifespan | 1-1,000,000 Years |
Age of Adulthood | N/A |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 STR or +2 CON |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W or SL |
Movement Types | Walking or Slithering |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Your choice and Uman |
Body Plan
By default your mutation may start with up to 1 head, 2 arms and 2 legs. Any additional limbs or appendages can be acquired from the mutations below. You are not required to have a standardized or conventional body plan as a mutation.
Select a Mutagen Type from the options below, then choose up to 5 Mutations from that mutagen types’ list. If you selected a Small sized Mutation you may choose 1 additional Mutation from your selected mutagen list.
Magical Mutagen
Magical Mutants are the result of overexposure to magical energies or byproducts. They often possess inexplicable magical abilities and side effects.
Elemental Affinity
You gain Resistance to Burn, Frost or Electrical Damage.
Arcane Eye
You can see magical energies and Auras. You gain Advantage on Arcana Skill Checks.
Partially Invisible
No more than 20% of your body is Permanently Invisible.
Partially Phased
No more than 20% of your body is Permanently Phasing and passes through Matter and can interact with other Creatures or Objects that are also Phasing.
Extra Organs
You possess an additional Lung, Liver, Kidney or Stomach.
You receive -5 Damage on Critical Hits Dealt to you and gain one of the below Organs and Bonuses.
Lung: You can hold your breath for twice as long.
Liver: Gain Resistance to Poison Damage.
Stomach: You gain +1 HP per Hour Spent Resting.
Extra Appendage
You possess an additional grasping appendage. You gain +1 Free Hand(s). You can comfortably wield a two handed weapon and a single handed weapon at the same time.
Extra Limb
You possess an additional walking limb. You gain +1 to your Movement Speed.
Spell Casting
You gain the ability to cast Arcane Spells.
Acquire 1 Tier I Arcane Spell at this time.
Armored Plates
You have hardened plates over part of your anatomy.
AC Bonus | Armor Points | Traits |
1 | 5 | Natural Armor |
Chaos Mutagen
Chaos Mutants are the result of overexposure to Chaos energies or byproducts. They often possess chaotic abilities and side effects.
Morphic Anatomy
No more than 20% of your anatomy exists in an Amorphic state and is capable of assuming simple shapes and can easily fit through Tiny Spaces.
Gain +2 to your INT or WIS Attribute.
Extra Organs
You possess an additional Lung, Liver, Kidney or Stomach. You receive -5 Damage on Critical Hits Dealt to you and gain one of the below Organs and Bonuses.
Lung: You can hold your breath for twice as long.
Liver: Gain Resistance to Poison Damage.
Stomach: You gain +1 HP per Hour Spent Resting.
Extra Appendage
You possess an additional grasping appendage. You gain +1 Free Hand(s). You can comfortably wield a two handed weapon and a single handed weapon at the same time.
Extra Limb
You possess an additional walking limb. You gain +1 to your Movement Speed.
Armored Plates
You have hardened plates over part of your anatomy.
AC Bonus | Armor Points | Traits |
1 | 5 | Natural Armor |
Shifting Anatomy
No more than 20% of your anatomy is capable of shapeshifting. Shifting it into any of the following will grant you certain bonuses.
Tool: Gain +2 to Fine Motor Skill Checks
Weapon: Equip a Natural Melee 1d6 Blunt, Puncture or Slash Weapon. You are considered to be trained to use your natural weapon.
Otherworldly Mutagen
Otherworldly Mutants are the result of overexposure to Interdimensional energies or byproducts. They often possess Otherworldly abilities and side effects.
You can visually see Tears and Rifts in the Fabric of Reality without the aid of spells or equipment.
Gain +2 to your INT or WIS Attribute.
Psychic Growth
You have have limited psychic abilities due to a growth in your frontal lobe. Choose one of the following.
Psychic Message
You can send a brief psychic message to the mind of a creature within range.
Effect : Target a Creature within Range. You may send a message in your own words directly to the mind of that Creature. The Words are in whatever language you think of them and are only understood by creatures that know that language. You are limited to a number of Words equal to your Caster Modifier x 5.
Overpower : The caster can spend 1 additional Mana to Increase the Range of this Spell by +4 Meters, Or increase the number of Words containable in this instance of Psychic Message by +10, Or Send the same message to an additional Creature within Range.
Spell Tier | I |
Action Type | Action |
Brainstorm Cost | 1 |
Range | 10 Meters |
Requirements | Voice |
Sustain | No |
Spell Traits | Imperceptible |
A ranged psychic ability that can ignite flammables and burn creatures.
Effect: Make a Ranged Spell Attack vs a Creature or object within Range. Targets Hit by this Spell Attack are dealt 2d4 Burn Damage. Critical Hits with this Spell Attack cause the Target to begin burning at a rate of 1d4 per round. All Hits with this Spell Attack vs Flammable Objects and Structures are considered to be Critical Hits.
Overpower: The Caster can spend 1 additional Mana to Increase the Damage Dealt by this Spell Attack by +1 Burn Damage on Hits or Misses, Or Increase the Range of this Spell by +2 Meters, Or Increase the Attack Roll for this Casting of the Spell by +2.
Spell Tier | I |
Action Type | Action |
Brainstorm Cost | 1 |
Range | 8 Meters |
Requirements | Voice, 1 or 2 Free Hands |
Sustain | No |
Spell Traits | Visible |
A ranged psychic ability that can manipulate and move objects and deal damage to creatures.
Effect : Make a Ranged Spell Attack vs a Creature or Object within Range. Creatures Hit by this Spell Attack are dealt 2d4 Blunt Damage. Medium or Smaller Objects Hit by this Spell may be dealt the same damage and/or be Moved up to this Spells Range in Meters and Manipulated as if by the number of hands used to Cast this Spell. Any Skill Roll made through or via Telekinesis are made at a -2 penalty, and a -5 penalty if the caster does not have line of sight to the target of their Skill Roll. Critical Hits with this Spell Attack cause the Target to be Knocked Prone.
Overpower : The Caster can spend 1 additional Mana to Increase the Damage Dealt by this Spell Attack by +1 Blunt Damage on Hits or Misses, Or Increase the Range of this Spell by +2 Meters, Or Increase the Attack Roll for this Casting of the Spell by +2, Or Push the target creature a number of Meters equal to your Caster Modifier.
Spell Tier | I |
Action Type | Action |
Brainstorm Cost | 1 |
Range | 8 Meters |
Requirements | Voice, 1 or 2 Free Hands |
Sustain | No |
Spell Traits | Visible |
Extra Organs
You possess an additional Lung, Liver, Kidney or Stomach. You receive -5 Damage on Critical Hits Dealt to you and gain one of the below Organs and Bonuses.
Lung: You can hold your breath for twice as long.
Liver: Gain Resistance to Poison Damage.
Stomach: You gain +1 HP per Hour Spent Resting.
Extra Appendage
You possess an additional grasping appendage. You gain +1 Free Hand(s). You can comfortably wield a two handed weapon and a single handed weapon at the same time.
Extra Limb
You possess an additional walking limb. You gain +1 to your Movement Speed.
Armored Plates
You have hardened plates over part of your anatomy.
AC Bonus | Armor Points | Traits |
1 | 5 | Natural Armor |
Void Lung
You can breathe in any Gaseous Atmosphere after a 10 Minute adjustment period. You can hold your breath under liquid or in a vacuum for up to an Hour.
Interdimensional Anatomy
No more than 20% of your Anatomy exists in Another Realm of Existence. Your Total HP is increased by +5.
Radiation Mutagen
Radiation Mutants are the result of overexposure to high levels of Radiation or Radioactive waste. They often possess strange abilities and side effects.
Extra Appendage
You possess an additional grasping appendage. You gain +1 Free Hand(s). You can comfortably wield a two handed weapon and a single handed weapon at the same time.
Extra Limb
You possess an additional walking limb. You gain +1 to your Movement Speed.
Part or all of your anatomy emits Dim Light 5 Meters around you.
Creatures that Bite or Consume parts of you receive 2d10 Toxic Damage.
Your appearance is a withered shell of your former self but it is not without its benefits. Disadvantage on Charm Skill Checks. Gain +300 years to your Lifespan. You no longer suffer from the Starving Condition. You gain resistance to Toxic Damage from Radiation.
Acid Gland
You possess an additional gland and lining that allows you to Spit Acid on command.
Damage | Damage Types | Range | Traits |
2d4 | Acid | 10 Meters | Natural Weapon, Ranged Weapon |
Hyper-Muscle Growth
You gain +2 to your STR Attribute.
Hyper-Organ Growth
You gain +2 to your CON Attribute.
Toxic Spew
You possess an additional gland and lining that allows you to Spit Toxic Waste on command.
Damage | Damage Types | Range | Traits |
1d10 | Toxic | 10 Meters | Natural Weapon, Ranged Weapon |
Radioactive Affinity
You gain Immunity to Toxic Damage dealt by Radiation.
Lead Lined Stomach
You do not receive Toxic Damage from contaminated or irradiated water or food.