Mousekin are a bipedal mouselike mammalian species. They have a variety of different colorations and adaptations depending on their region of origin.

Small-Tiny / Mammalian / Biped
Mousekin are a bipedal mouselike mammalian species. They have a variety of different colorations and adaptations depending on their region of origin.
Mousekin societies tend to progress similarly to that of humanoid societies. Starting tribal and progressing to more complicated social structures. For whatever reasons, they seem to have an inclination for democracies, commonwealths and communist societies.
Choose a Subspecies
House Mousekin
House Mouse-like Subspecies
Tiny / Mammalian / Biped
Average Height | 28 cm |
Average Weight | 6 kg |
Lifespan | 44-66 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 11 |
Attribute Modifiers | +4 DEX |
Movement Speed | 5 Meter W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Tiny / d4 |
Languages | Squee’Mic and Uman |
House mousekins are the smallest variety of mousekin. What they lack in mass they make up for in speed and precision. They often have pinkish exposed skin on their hands and feet and are covered in fur that can be shades of gray, brown and black. They can have brown, blue, green or gray eyes.
Superior Sense of Smell
You add a Destiny Die on Perception or Investigation Rolls that involve Scents or Smells.
Tiny Hands
Add a Destiny Die on Fine Motor Skill Rolls made to Pick Locks and Disable Traps.
Due to their small size the force from blunt impacts and falls has a reduced effect on house mousekin.
Gain Resistance to Blunt Damage(receive half damage when dealt damage of that type).
Thrown 1 Meter per 10 points of Blunt Damage received(after reducing to half).
You gain +2 Meters of Movement when you use your Action to Sprint.
Gray Mousekin
Honorable Mousekin Subspecies
Small / Mammalian / Biped
Average Height | 106 cm |
Average Weight | 20 kg |
Lifespan | 33-55 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 9 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 DEX |
Movement Speed | 5 Meter W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Small / d6 |
Languages | Squee’Mic and Uman |
Gray mousekins are a proud and noble culture that believe in a rigid warrior code of honor and ethics. They often have fur that is shades of gray or black and can have brown, blue, green or gray eyes.
Weapon Instincts
Gray mouskin tend to instinctively know how to use most melee and ranged weapons they come across. Spending 10 or more minutes with a new weapon allows you to become trained in its use. If the weapon is extremely foreign, advanced or alien then you must also succeed on an Investigations Skill Check with a DC established by the Narrator to be considered trained in its use.
Code of Honor
Gain +1 to your WIS Attribute. You may choose a Warrior’s Code from the Warrior Archetypes Section.
Superior Sense of Smell
You add a Destiny Die on Perception or Investigation Rolls that involve Scents or Smells.
You gain +2 Meters of Movement when you use your Action to Sprint.
Desert Mousekin
Kangaroo Mouse-like Subspecies
Small / Mammalian / Biped
Average Height | 110 cm |
Average Weight | 20 kg |
Lifespan | 33-55 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 9 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 DEX |
Movement Speed | 5 Meter W, 5 Meters L |
Movement Types | Walking, Leaping |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Small / d6 |
Languages | Squee’Mic and Uman |
Desert mousekin have unique leg, foot and tail adaptations that aid them in their harsh desert environment of origin. They typically have fur that is shades of gold, brown, tan or gray and eyes that can be brown, yellow, blue or green. They have long kangaroo-like legs and an elongated tail with a small tuft of fur at its end.
Superior Sense of Smell
You add a Destiny Die on Perception or Investigation Rolls that involve Scents or Smells.
Desert Adaptations
You gain Resistance to all Negative Effects and Enviro Damage caused by extreme Heat or Dryness.
Spring Heeled
Add a Destiny Die and +2 Meter’s Distance on all Athletics Skill Rolls made to Jump.
Leaping Legs
Gain a horizontal Leaping Movement Distance equal to your Movement Speed.