Mounted and Vehicular Combat

Controlling a Mount, Vehicle or Craft
Each round that a creature or player is mounted or driving they may use their Motion and One Free Hand to control the mount, craft or vehicle. If they cannot or do not then the craft, vehicle or mount continues in the same direction at the same speed, unless conditions change. A mount or beast of burden will automatically attempt to avoid obstacles it detects and try to continue following the road or flat ground.
The mounted or driving creature may use any One handed Actions on their turn Freely.
The mounted or driving creature may use any Movement or Movement Abilities on their turn Freely as long as they end their turn in the saddle or at the reins or driving controls.
During this movement the creature may use Two Handed Actions. If the driving creature does not return to the saddle, reins or controls before the end of its turn then it is no longer in control and the vehicle or mount continues in the same direction at the same speed, unless conditions change. A mount or beast of burden will automatically attempt to avoid obstacles it detects and try to continue following the road or flat ground.
A Mount or Vehicle will always have a listed Movement Speed, this indicates how many Meters of Straight Forward Movement it can Produce in a single Movement.
A Mount or Vehicle will always have a listed Handling, this indicates how many meters of Sideways movement it can produce in a single Movement.
A vehicle craft or mount can, unless otherwise stated, only reduce its speed by ½ the number of meters moved in the last round. Making sudden stops and turns potentially dangerous.
Suddenly stopping at a high speed can be painful or even deadly.
Creatures in a vehicle or on a mount that is suddenly stopped or hits an obstacle each receive 1d10 blunt/kinetic damage for each meter moved in the previous round. The obstruction, if one is involved, receives an equal amount of damage plus an additional 1d10 for each passenger or additional 100 kg of cargo.
Creatures aware of the ensuing wreck may pass a Dexterity Saving Throw equal to 10 + ½ the number of meters traveled last round in order to instead receive half damage from the effects of the wreck.
Falling off a rapidly moving vehicle or mount can be painful or even deadly.
Creatures that fall or are forcibly moved off a mount or vehicle receive 1d6 blunt/kinetic damage for each meter it moved in the previous round when they hit the ground and subsequently roll or slide to a stop. Falling into water deals only 1d4 blunt/kinetic damage for each meter moved in the previous round. Creatures that fall or are forced off a moving object or mount and hit any surface continue moving in a straight line a number of meters equal to 1 + ½ the distance traveled last round. Creatures aware of their ensuing fall may pass a Dexterity Saving Throw equal to 10 + ½ the number of meters traveled last round in order to instead receive half damage from the effects of the fall.
Driving Actions
A driver or mounted creature may spend both a Motion and an Action to do one of the following:
The driver puts all of their focus into moving as fast as possible.
Effect: Causes the mount or vehicle to gain an additional amount of movement this round less than or equal to the vehicle/mount’s top speed.
Hard Turn
The driver makes a Driving Skill Check equal to 10 + the number of meters traveled last round.
Success: The driver gains +3 Handling this round.
Failure: The driver loses 1 Handling this round.
Critical Failure: The driver loses control of the vehicle or mount and a wreck ensues after the vehicle or mount slides 1 + ½ the number of meters traveled this round in the same direction it was traveling prior to the Hard Turn.
Emergency Stop
The driver makes a Driving Skill Check equal to 10 + the number of meters traveled last round.
Success: The driver can reduce speed by the full amount moved last round.
Failure: The driver can only reduce speed by ¼ the amount moved last round.
Critical Failure: The driver loses control of the vehicle or mount and a wreck ensues after the vehicle or mount slides 1 + ½ the number of meters traveled this round.
Side Ram
Vehicle and Craft Only
The driver makes a Driving Skill Check that may be contested by the aware driver of the target vehicle or craft.
The driver of the vehicle or craft being side rammed may pass a Fine Motor Skill check equal to the Attacking Driver’s Roll in order to avoid being “Hit”.
Hit: The side ram is successful if the attacking driver’s roll exceeds the defending driver’s.
Effect: The attacking driver may push the defending vehicle or craft up to 3 meters off course.
Miss: The side ram is unsuccessful if the attacking driver’s roll does not exceed the defending driver’s.
Effect: Nothing happens.
Vehicle and Craft Only
The driver makes a Driving Skill Check that may be contested by the aware driver of the target vehicle or craft.
The driver of the vehicle or craft being targeted by the ram may pass a Fine Motor Skill check equal to the Attacking Driver’s Roll in order to avoid being “Hit”.
Hit: The ram is successful if the attacking driver’s roll exceeds the defending driver’s.
Effect: Both vehicles and their occupants suffer the effects of a Wreck.
The Ramming Vessel and its Occupants Gain Resistance to the Damage Dealt by a Wreck.