Mighty Hold

You use a heave of might to Restrain a grappled opponent.

You use a heave of might to Restrain a grappled opponent.

Maneuver Tier II
Action Type Attack Action
Might Cost 2
Range Melee Range
Prerequisites Grappled Creature
Sustain 1 Might

Effect : You may Activate Mighty Hold on any creature that you currently have Grappled. When you do so, the target must Roll a STR Saving Throw with the DC equal to your Maneuver Save DC. If they Fail the Saving Throw, they become Restrained until the end of their next turn in addition to the other Conditions associated with being Grappled. The DC to Escape the Restraint is Equal to the Initiators Maneuver Save DC and can only be rolled at once at the end of the restrained creature’s turns..

Overpower : Spend 1 Might to Overpower this Maneuver and Increase this Maneuvers Save DCs by +2.

Sustain : You cannot make Two Handed Attacks or be Considered to be Dual Wielding while Sustaining this Maneuver.