Maneuvers are how warriors and rogues perform special moves or techniques on or off the battlefield. Most maneuvers require some amount of natural talent and practice in order to execute.

Maneuvers are how warriors and rogues perform special moves or techniques on or off the battlefield. Most maneuvers require some amount of natural talent and practice in order to execute. Skilled practitioners can perform impressive feats and moves that allow them to traverse and dominate battles. All maneuvers require a Attribute Resource Point(ARP) expenditure in order to execute and are grouped according to the resource used in their activation. The types of maneuvers are as follows:
Might Maneuvers
Might is used by exceptionally strong warriors for maneuvers and abilities that require a great amount of force to deal devastating effects.
Stamina Maneuvers
Stamina is used by warriors to run faster, jump further, fight longer and to sustain certain Maneuvers and Abilities.
Focus Maneuvers
Focus is used for speed and precision in the heat of the moment and is most heavily utilized by the nimblest of warriors.
Panache Maneuvers
Panache is used to emotionally manipulate your combatants in battle. Those that are skilled enough can be just as effective with their tongue as they are with their blade.