Limitations of Magic
Describes the nature of magic, the willpower fields of living creatures, and how magic is limited in regards to affecting living creatures because of these fields.

Magic has difficulty culminating inside another creature or its willpower field. A creature's willpower field is generated by the will, intent and desires of the individual and can be weaker or stronger depending on the type of creature. Domesticated animals tend to have weaker willpower fields, while sentient creatures tend to have significantly stronger fields. This is due to the simple fact that magic is shaped by intent and will. Passing through the will of another creature causes the magic to be deformed and lose potency as its intended "shape" is no longer and clear and distinct. Magic must expend some of itself to pass through the willpower field of another creature. Because of this increase in energy required to effect living creatures directly, most mages choose to summon the magic to them, allow it to culminate into the physical realm, and then project it towards their target, rather than summoning it around or in their target. Effecting the physical world to make fire appear out of thin air and then throwing it at your enemy is worlds less energy intensive than causing a creature to spontaneously combust.
This is why masters of telekinesis don't just reach inside someone's brain and and squeeze, or why summoners don't simply summon creatures directly inside their opponents. The energy costs to do so would kill most mages outright and the few who could would find doing so impractical.