Knights rely heavily on their armor, equipment and mounts to thunder through the battlefield and lead their forces to victory. Knights specialize in heavy armor, mounted combat and noble decorum.

Knights rely heavily on their armor, equipment and mounts to thunder through the battlefield and lead their forces to victory. Knights specialize in heavy armor, mounted combat and noble decorum. Strength should be a Knight’s highest Attribute, followed by Dexterity, Constitution or Charisma.
Playing a Knight
XP Cost : 6 Prerequisites : STR 14
Meet the Prerequisites and pay this Archetype's XP cost to gain the following:
Gain Training in Driving and 3 of the following Skills: Athletics, Medicine, Apocathy, Charm, Debate, Knowledge, Perception or Navigation.
Gain Training in the use of Medium and Heavy Armors.
Gain Training with 3 Melee and/or Ranged Weapon types of your choice.
Gain Training with Light and Medium Shields
Acquire a suit of Common or Uncommon Heavy Armor.
Acquire your choice of 2 Common or Uncommon Melee and/or Ranged Weapons.
Acquire a Common or Uncommon Light or Medium Shield.
Acquire a Trained Warhorse or Equivalent Mount.
Acquire a Common or Uncommon Bundle of your Choice.
Knight’s Tactics You gain +2 to Attack and Damage Rolls and Dexterity Saving Throws while Mounted.
Gain a Warriors Code.
Archetype Ability - Rider
You are exceptionally comfortable and proficient in the saddle. Add a Destiny Die to all Mounted Skill Rolls. This includes any Driving Rolls to control your mount and any skill rolls made with the assistance of your mount, such as an athletics skill rolls to jump off the mount.
You may choose to make a Charge Attack while Mounted after having moved 3 or more Meters.
Traits and Abilities
Purchase with XP
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Knight
Gain Training in Dexterity Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Knight
Gain Training in Strength Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Strength Saving Throws.
XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Knight
Gain Training in Constitution Saving Throws. You may now add your Training Bonus to Constitution Saving Throws.
Basic Maneuvers
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Knight
Choose a Maneuver Type(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 2 Tier I Maneuvers of the chosen type.
Expert Maneuvers
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight, Basic Maneuvers of the same type.
Choose a Maneuver Type(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 2 Tier II Maneuvers of the chosen type.
Special Maneuvers
XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Knight, Expert Maneuvers of the same type.
Choose a Maneuver Type(Might, Stamina or Focus), you gain 2 Tier III Maneuvers of the chosen type.
Heavy Shield Wielder
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight, Shield Wielder
You gain training in Heavy Shields.
If you purchase this during character creation, gain a Heavy Shield to your inventory with a total value of no more than 500 Silver.
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
As long as you are wearing Heavy Armor you can use STR Saving Throws in place of DEX Saving Throws.
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Knight
You gain training in STR Saving Throws.
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Knight
You gain training in CON Saving Throws.
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
Your total HP is increased by +1 and each time you level up.
Knight’s Balance
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Knight
Gain Training in DEX Saving Throws.
Knight’s Physique
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
Gain +2 Might or Stamina.
XP Cost : 1 Prerequisites : Knight
You gain one additional Motion.
Efficient II
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight, Efficient
You gain one additional Motion.
Thundering Advance
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
You gain +2 to your Initiative, and +4 to your Initiative While Mounted.
Might Maneuver Expert
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight, Might Maneuver Specialist
You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier I Might Abilities by ½.
Stamina Maneuver Expert
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight, Stamina Maneuver Specialist
You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier I Stamina Abilities by ½.
Focus Maneuver Expert
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight, Focus Maneuver Specialist
You reduce the Initial cost of all Tier I Focus Abilities by ½.
Endurance Fighter
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight,
You reduce the cost to Sustain all your Maneuvers by ½.
Well Spoken
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
Gain 2 Tier I Panache Maneuvers.
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
Gain 1 Tier II Panache Maneuver.
Silver Tongued Devil
XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Knight
Gain 1 Tier III Panache Maneuver.
Noble’s Charm
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
Gain +2 Panache Points.
Fluid Sweeps
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
You have an additional Attack Action at your disposal.
Fluid Sweeps II
XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Knight, Fluid Sweeps
You have an additional Attack Action at your disposal.
Fluid Sweeps III
XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Knight, Fluid Sweeps II
You have an additional Attack Action at your disposal.
Swift Justice
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
Gain one additional Reaction.
Swift Justice II
XP Cost : 3 Prerequisites : Knight, Swift Justice
Gain one additional Reaction.
Swift Justice III
XP Cost : 4 Prerequisites : Knight, Swift Justice II
Gain one additional Reaction.
Rider’s Speed
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
Gain +1 Movement Speed While Mounted.
Rider’s Precision
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
Gain +1 to Hit with Mounted Attacks.
Jouster’s Charge
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
You deal an additional 1d6 on all Charge attacks While Mounted.
You deal an additional +2 Damage if the Weapon used is a Puncture Damage Weapon.
Jouster’s Hit
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
You deal a cumulative +1 damage per hit on targets that you hit with Charge Attacks. The bonus damage from this ability maxes out at +10. This bonus expires once Active Combat ends.
Dual Wielder
XP Cost : 2 Prerequisites : Knight
You gain +1 to your AC while Dual Wielding Melee Weapons.
While Wielding 2 or more Weapons, once per turn, you may Make 1 additional Attack with the Wielded Weapons. The additional Attack is always rolled with a -2 to Hit.