Item Traits, Food Traits & Musical Qualities

Item Traits, Food Traits and Musical Qualities are special bonuses and effects that are often attached to items in the various buyer's guides.

Item Traits, Food Traits & Musical Qualities

Item Traits

Item traits are a modular attachment that can be added to items, armor and weapons, granting them various benefits, penalties and abilities.

Once familiar, they allow the narrator and players to gain insight about an item’s characteristics at a glance.

This section contains all item traits in the game.


The weapon increases the attack rolls of attacks made using it.

Effect: +2 to Attack Rolls made with this weapon.

Aim Assist

The weapon greatly increases the attack rolls of attacks made using it.

Effect: +4 to Attack Rolls made with this weapon.

Arcing I

This weapon deals half its damage per Hit to a single random creature within 2 Meters of the target. Roll a die or flip a coin(depending on the number of creatures within range) to determine which creature is randomly arced.

The Arced creature may Roll a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw to reduce the damage taken by half, the DC is 14.

Pass: If the creature Passes the Saving Throw the damage dealt by Arcing is reduced by half.

Fail: If the creature Fails the Saving Throw the damage dealt by Arcing is received in full.

Arcing II

This weapon deals half its damage per Hit to 2 random creatures within 2 Meters of the target. Roll a die or flip a coin(depending on the number of creatures within range) to determine which creature(s) are randomly arced.

Arced creatures must Roll a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw, the DC is 14.

Pass: If the creature Passes the Saving Throw the damage dealt by Arcing is reduced by half.

Fail: If the creature Fails the Saving Throw the damage dealt by Arcing is received in full.

Arcing III

This weapon deals half its damage per Hit to 3 random creatures within 2 Meters of the target. Roll a die or flip a coin(depending on the number of creatures within range) to determine which creature(s) are randomly arced.

Arced creatures must Roll a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw, the DC is 14.

Pass: If the creature Passes the Saving Throw the damage dealt by Arcing is reduced by half.

Fail: If the creature Fails the Saving Throw the damage dealt by Arcing is received in full.


The item offers an armor bonus in addition to its other traits and abilities.

Effect : The item grants an increase to the wearer’s total armor value.

Armor Piercing I

The Weapon excels at piercing armor.

Effect: The Weapon deals up to 2 of its damage dealt on Hits directly to HP, the rest may be subtracted from HP or Armor as normal.

Armor Piercing II

The Weapon excels at piercing armor.

Effect: The Weapon deals up to 4 of its damage dealt on Hits directly to HP, the rest may be subtracted from HP or Armor as normal.

Armor Piercing III

The Weapon excels at piercing armor.

Effect: The Weapon deals up to 6 of its damage dealt on Hits directly to HP, the rest may be subtracted from HP or Armor as normal. 

Automatic Weapon

This Firearm Type Weapon is considered to be automatic and thus capable of firing more often when the user has the time to do so.

Effect: The user can spend their Movement(s) to Make Ranged Attack(s) with this weapon, while wielding this weapon.


The Item is not well balanced, making it more difficult to wield.

Effect : Stamina and Might usage is increased by +1 for each ability used through this item. You do not grant flanking bonuses to allies but you can receive them while wielding an awkward weapon.

Beast Harvest

The item requires harvest materials from a powerful and deadly beast.

Effect: Someone should have gone on a quest to acquire the materials for this item, increasing its rarity and personal sentimental value.


The item creates an effect in a blast shape around itself.

1 Meter Blast

Effect : The item generates its effect in a blast that includes the meter tile it occupies and all tiles 1 Meter out.

2 Meter Blast

Effect : The item generates its effect in a blast that includes the meter tile it occupies and all tiles 2 Meters out.

3 Meter Blast

Effect : The item generates its effect in a blast that includes the meter tile it occupies and all tiles 3 Meters out.

4 Meter Blast

Effect : The item generates its effect in a blast that includes the meter tile it occupies and all tiles 4 Meters out.

5 Meter Blast

Effect : The item generates its effect in a blast that includes the meter tile it occupies and all tiles 5 Meters out.

6 Meter Blast

Effect : The item generates its effect in a blast that includes the meter tile it occupies and all tiles 6 Meters out.

7 Meter Blast

Effect : The item generates its effect in a blast that includes the meter tile it occupies and all tiles 7 Meters out.

8 Meter Blast

Effect : The item generates its effect in a blast that includes the meter tile it occupies and all tiles 8 Meters out.

9 Meter Blast

Effect : The item generates its effect in a blast that includes the meter tile it occupies and all tiles 9 Meters out.

10 Meter Blast

Effect : The item generates its effect in a blast that includes the meter tile it occupies and all tiles 10 Meters out.


The Item generates a blinding effect.

Effect: If this is a Ranged or Melee Weapon; Successful Hits with this weapon cause the target living creature to become Blinded until the end of their next turn.

If this is a Thrown Weapon or an Item with the Planted Trait; The Item Blinds creatures within the area of its effect.

Creatures can use a Reaction to attempt to Pass a DC 14 CON or DEX Saving Throw to Ignore this effect. 

Block Breaker

This weapon excels at circumventing the protection normally offered by shields or cover.

Effect: Attack with this weapon may ignore the AC bonus granted by a target creature's Shield / Cover.


Effect: The Weapon can be Braced allowing the wielder to Spend an Attack Action to deal their Weapon’s Damage to the next enemy, of which they are aware, that Moves or is Forced within range of the weapon before the start of their next turn.


The Weapon or Item generates a significant amount of Light while in use.

Effect: Attacks made with this Weapon or Activating this Item always breaks Stealth, and generates a Light that can be detected up to 100 Meters away in an unobstructed straight line with a DC 10 Perception Skill Roll.


The weapon rarely deals minimal damage.

Effect: When you roll a 1 on a damage die with this weapon you may re-roll that damage die once. You must use the second roll's results.

Buried Projectile

The weapons projectiles become embedded into its targets, making the wounds more difficult to treat.

Effect: Wounds dealt by this weapon have their DC to cure increased by +2.


The Item or Weapon causes creatures, items and structures to Ignite and begin Burning.

Effect: If this is a Ranged or Melee Weapon; Successful Hits with this weapon cause the target creatures, objects and structures to begin Burning for 2d4 Burn Damage at the start of each of their Turns until a Creature uses their Action, Spell, Effect or Ability to end the burning Condition.

If this is a Thrown Weapon or an Item with the Planted Trait; Creatures, Objects and Structures within the area of its effect begin Burning for 2d4 Burn Damage at the start of each of their Turns until a Creature uses their Action, Spell, Effect or Ability to end the burning Condition.


Effect: The item was made or "cast" using a molten metal or material poured into a mold.

Charging Weapon

The weapon deals an additional 4 damage of the same type and grants an additional +1 to Attack Rolls on Charge Attacks made with this weapon.


The item is capable of being folded or transformed into a smaller shape.

Effect: The item is considered to be the next size category smaller while not activated or in use.

Collectors Item

The Item is rare, valuable and most likely, very old.

Effect : The Item should be available only in museums and special locations catering to that type of collection.


The item burns if destroyed and can be used to Ignite flammables.

Effect : Destroying this item causes it to burn any creatures that occupy its same tile for 2d6 Burn Damage for the next 1d4 Rounds. 


Effect: The armor can be worn while sleeping with no impact on their Attribute Pool Regen.


The Item is widely available for purchase and is easy to find.

Effect : The item should be affordable and available in even the smallest towns.


The item is well suited for being hidden on one's person.

Effect: User gains Advantage on Skill Rolls made to conceal this item.

Concealable Weapons can treat any Pocket or article of clothing as a Holster.


The item is potentially considered to be a criminal offense or illegal to carry in some regions.

Effect : The item could lead to criminal charges if they are discovered on a creature’s person by officers of the law.


The item contains a highly corrosive substance.

Effect: Targeted Attacks that would cause this item to be destroyed causes its explosive contents to immediately detonate. Dealing 4d4 Acid Damage to all creatures within 1 Meter, A successful DC 14 Dexterity Saving Throw is required to reduce damage dealt to ½. 


Effect: The item was crafted from readily available materials with common tools.

Critacular I

The weapon deals noticeably more damage on Critical Hits.

Effect: The weapon deals an additional 5 Damage on Critical Hits with this weapon.

Critacular II

The weapon deals significantly more damage on Critical Hits.

Effect: The weapon deals an additional 10 Damage on Critical Hits with this weapon.

Critacular III

The weapon deals devastating damage on Critical Hits.

Effect: The weapon deals an additional 15 Damage on Critical Hits with this weapon.


Augmentation is usually cybernetic in nature. These Traits reflect the toll these surgical procedures have on the user's body and help define their loss of sanity with each augmentation.

Outpatient Augmentation

Effect: Each Outpatient Augmentation reduces the user’s Maximum Hit Points by 2 Points.

Minor Surgical Augmentation

Effect: Each Minor Surgical Augmentation reduces the user’s Maximum Hit Points by 4 Points.

Surgical Augmentation

Effect: Each Surgical Augmentation reduces the user's Maximum Hit Points by 6 points. 

Reduce the user's Constitution Score by 1 Point.

Acquire 1 Minor Cybernetic Quirk.

Major Surgical Augmentation

Effect: Each Major Surgical Augmentation reduces the user's Maximum Hit Points by 10 points.

Reduce the user's Constitution Score by 2 Points.

Acquire 1 Major Cybernetic Quirk. 

Damage Settings

Effect: The wielder can use a Motion to set the damage on their weapon to anything from 1 point of damage to the full damage listed on the weapon. The Damage Type can not be altered unless another Item Trait states otherwise.

Danger Zone I

This weapon can be used to create a Hazardous Area of Covering fire, potentially damaging any creature that moves through the zone.

Effect: The wielder can use their action to designate a 3 Meter Area of Covering Fire within ½ the Weapon’s listed Range. The area can take on any shape but all 3 meters of area must be adjacent to each other. Roll the Damage for attack, it remains the same for all creatures dealt damage by covering fire until a new instance of covering fire is initiated.

Covering Fire

Creatures who move into or through the area must Pass a Dexterity Saving Throw equal to the Maneuver Save DC of the creature generating the Covering Fire or be Dealt ½ the Damage of a standard Hit from that Weapon.

Danger Zone II

This weapon can be used to create a Hazardous Area of Covering fire, potentially damaging any creature that moves through the zone.

Effect: The wielder can use their action to designate a 5 Meter Area of Covering Fire within ½ the Weapon’s listed Range. The area can take on any shape but all 3 meters of area must be adjacent to each other. Roll the Damage for attack, it remains the same for all creatures dealt damage by covering fire until a new instance of covering fire is initiated.

Covering Fire

Creatures who move into or through the area must Pass a Dexterity Saving Throw equal to the Maneuver Save DC of the creature generating the Covering Fire or be Dealt ½ the Damage of a standard Hit from that Weapon.

Danger Zone III

This weapon can be used to create a Hazardous Area of Covering fire, potentially damaging any creature that moves through the zone.

Effect: The wielder can use their action to designate a 8 Meter Area of Covering Fire within ½ the Weapon’s listed Range. The area can take on any shape but all 3 meters of area must be adjacent to each other. Roll the Damage for attack, it remains the same for all creatures dealt damage by covering fire until a new instance of covering fire is initiated.

Covering Fire

Creatures who move into or through the area must Pass a Dexterity Saving Throw equal to the Maneuver Save DC of the creature generating the Covering Fire or be Dealt ½ the Damage of a standard Hit from that Weapon. 


The Item creates a deafening effect that affects the hearing of living creatures nearby.

Effect: The Item Deafens creatures within the area of its effect. Creatures can use a Reaction to attempt to Pass a DC 14 CON or DEX Saving Throw to Ignore this effect.


The weapon excels at destroying structures and cover.

Effect: The weapon ignores the standard resistance to damage normally offered by structures and buildings.


The item serves a function after being placed or dropped by the wielder.

Effect: The Item requires a Motion to Deploy but then remains Active and grants all bonuses, without needing to be Wielded or Carried.

Devastating I

The weapon deals particularly nasty and difficult to heal wounds.

Effect: The wielder may modify the outcome of a Wound dealt by this weapon by a factor of up to 2.

Devastating II

The weapon deals particularly nasty and difficult to heal wounds.

Effect: The wielder may modify the outcome of a Wound dealt by this weapon by a factor of up to 4.

Devastating III

The weapon deals particularly nasty and difficult to heal wounds.

Effect: The wielder may modify the outcome of a Wound dealt by this weapon by a factor of up to 6.

Digital Device

The item functions as a computer or uses computer components to function.

Effect: If a Digital Device is damaged by 2 or more points of Electrical Damage it is disabled immediately, and remains nonfunctional until the user takes an Action to Reset the Device.

If a Digital Device is damaged by 10 or more points of Electrical Damage it is disabled immediately, and remains nonfunctional until the damage is repaired.

If a Digital Device is damaged by 15 or more points of Electrical Damage it is disabled immediately, cannot be repaired, and all data stored on the device is lost.


The item generates its effect for a certain Round Duration and then ceases.

1 Round Duration

Effect: The Effect continues for 1 Round after the Round it was Activated.

2 Round Duration

Effect: The Effect continues for 2 Rounds after the Round it was Activated.

3 Round Duration

Effect: The Effect continues for 3 Rounds after the Round it was Activated.


The item has straps or hooks that allow it to be worn on one's person.

Effect : The item can be worn, or strapped to a part of the wearer’s body as part of its function.

Exploding Dice

The weapon has a chance of dealing even more damage when deals maximum damage.

Effect: Whenever you roll maximum damage on a damage die roll with this weapon you may roll an additional die of damage or set of damage dice.


The item contains Explosives that can be potentially detonated prematurely. 

Effect : Targeted Attacks that would cause this item to be destroyed causes its explosive contents to immediately detonate. Dealing 2d4 Burn Damage and 2d4 Kinetic Damage to all creatures within 1 Meter, DC 14 Dexterity Saving Throw to reduce damage dealt to ½. 


The item is considered aesthetically pleasing and fashionable to wear in public.

Effect : The weapon grants the wearer 1 additional panache point.

Finely Crafted

Effect: If the item is a weapon it grants +1 to that weapon's Attack and Damage Rolls.

If the item is Armor or a Shield it grants +1 AC and +5 Armor Points to the wielder/wearer.

If the item is a tool or toolkit it grants +1 to the Skill required to use the tool or toolkit.

If the item is none of the above it is considered to have an additional 7 HP.


Effect: The item can be found and foraged from the enviroment.


Effect: The item was forged of metal by a blacksmith, using blacksmiths tools or machinery.


The item is considered to be exceptionally fragile.

Effect: The item is easily destroyed and receives ½ of all Blunt and Kinetic Damage the wielder is dealt when not in a hard case or secure storage container.

Grapple Weapon

The weapon excels at grappling and tangling up opponents. 

Effect: The weapon is capable of being used as a Grappling Instrument within the Weapon’s Range in lieu of Free Hands and Grants +2 to Grapple checks made with it.

High Powered Weapon

The weapon can only be used effectively by bracing against the ground or wall.

Effect: Weapon cannon be fired effectively while flying or mid air, doing so causes the firing creature to suffer a -2 to their Attack Roll and Save DCs and causes the creature to lose 1 Might. Narrator may rule that the creature is forced up to 3 meters in a direction opposite to their line of fire.

High Skill

The Item is difficult to wield effectively without prior extensive training.

Effect : Wielding this Item as a weapon without the required specific training is always considered to have disadvantage on all attacks.

When any attack critically fails, the wielding creature is considered to have “Hit’ themselves with the weapon’s standard damage plus or minus any character related modifiers. 


The item is exceptionally heavy.

Effect : A Strength of 16 or higher is required to Wield this as a Weapon. The maximum amount a large or smaller creature can comfortably carry(not store or pack) of this item is one. 

This item deals damage when dropped 2 or more meters onto any creature below. The damage is equal to 1d10 blunt/kinetic damage +1d6 per drop height increase of 2 meters( Max damage = 8d6).

The creature dropping the item makes a Athletics Skill check to accurately drop it on the desired creature or location. The DC is equal to 10 + 2 per height increase of 20 meters.

Creatures aware of the falling object can roll a Dexterity Saving Throw equal or exceeding to the triggering creature’s drop roll to avoid being hit.


A complete negation of a particular type of damage or effect.

Viral Immunity

Effect: While this item remains active or undestroyed the wearer is protected from the contraction of any viruses.

Poison Immunity

Effect: While this item remains active or undestroyed the wearer is protected from all Poison Damage and Poison Effects.

Toxic Immunity

Effect: While this item remains active or undestroyed the wearer is protected from all Toxic Damage and Toxic Effects.

Venom Immunity

Effect: While this item remains active or undestroyed the wearer is protected from all Venom Damage and Venom Effects.

Impact I

The weapon deals a moderate impact on hits.

Effect: Creatures Hit by this Weapon must Pass the Wielder’s Maneuver Save DC.

Failing allows the wielder to Push the Creature 1 Meter away,

Or Knock the Creature Prone. 

Impact II

The weapon deals a significant impact on hits.

Effect: Creatures Hit by this Weapon must Pass the Wielder’s Maneuver Save DC.

Failing allows the wielder to Push the Creature up to 2 Meters away,

Or Knock the Creature Prone, 

Or Push the Creature 1 Meter away and Knock them Prone.

Impact III

The weapon deals a devastating impact on hits.

Effect: Creatures Hit by this Weapon must Pass the Wielder’s Maneuver Save DC.

Failing allows the wielder to Push the Creature up to 3 Meters away,

Or Knock the Creature Prone, 

Or Push the Creature up to 2 Meters away and Knock them Prone. 


Effect: The item is typically only available to those with a contractors license or those with access to industrial areas.


The item is larger than average, being two or more meters in any direction.

Effect : The item cannot fit inside a pouch slot.


The Item is over a meter in length making it difficult to wield in tight spaces.

Effect : The Item is considered to have disadvantage on all attacks and abilities while the wielding creature has less than one meter of free space in all directions.


The Weapon or Item generates a significant amount of sound while in use.

Effect: Attacks made with this Weapon or Activating this Item always breaks Stealth, and generates a sound that can be detected up to 100 Meters away with a DC 10 Perception Skill Roll. Skill Roll attempts are permitted when a user intends to muffle the sound generated thus increasing the DC to detect the sound.


Effect: The Item was constructed in a factory using complex materials and heavy machinery.


The object utilizes mechanical components to function.

Effect: Damage Dealt Directly to this item has a 20% chance of causing it to Jam or Malfunction, requiring an Action to Resolve and allow the item to resume functioning as normal.


The item is of a medium size, no more than 1 meter in any direction.

Effect: The item fills a pouch slot.


The item is of military quality, increasing its value and the difficulty of obtaining the item.

Effect: The weapon retains 80% of its value after initial purchase.

Mounted Weapon

Effect: The weapon is only effective while mounted or driving. -4 on all non-mounted/driving attacks made with this weapon.

Parrying Weapon

Effect: The Weapon Adds +1 to the Wielders AC while brandished.

Pierce Through I

The weapon is capable of targeting two creatures in a straight line.

Effect: Creatures 1 meter behind your target in a straight line are targeted at a -2 using the same Attack and Damage Roll as the one used for the initial creature. The damage on the second creature is reduced by 2.

Pierce Through II

The weapon is capable of targeting three creatures in a straight line.

Effect: Creatures 2 meters behind your target in a straight line are targeted at a -2 using the same Attack and Damage Roll as the one used for the initial creature. The damage on the second creature is reduced by 2.

Pierce Through III

The weapon is capable of targeting three creatures in a straight line.

Effect: Creatures 3 meters behind your target in a straight line are targeted at a -2 using the same Attack and Damage Roll as the one used for the initial creature. The damage on the second creature is reduced by 2.


The weapon can be planted and triggered like a trap or remotely.

Effect: This weapon can be set to trigger by various trigger conditions.


The weapon triggers after a chosen number of rounds.


The weapon triggers via a tripwire, pressure pad or laser interruption.


The weapon triggers when a plunger or connected detonator is pressed.


The weapon triggers when the connected radio or cell device receives the proper signal. 

Precision Weapon

The weapon is considered to be particularly accurate.

Effect: The weapon receives half the standard penalty for Targeted Attacks.

Quick Reload

The Weapon must be reloaded in order to make another attack and it reloads more quickly than average.

Effect: The weapon requires a Motion in order to be “Reloaded” and be ready to Attack again.

Quick Strike

The weapon is capable of making faster strikes in exchange for power and precision per hit.

Effect: The wielder can use this weapon to make Quick Strike Attacks using their Motion(s).

Quick Strike Attacks are made with a -2 penalty to Attack Rolls and cannot Critically Hit.


The weapon can be fired or used without generating any significant sound.

Effect: Attacks made with this weapon do not break Stealth.


The item can attack or launch projectiles from a distance.

Effect : The Item is considered to be a ranged weapon and has disadvantage on all attacks made within the melee range of threatening creatures.

Rapid Fire

The weapon is considered to be launching several projectiles in a single round.

Effect: The weapon fires Rounds of Ammunition in bursts per Ranged Attack Action.

Rapid fire weapons can split their individual damage dice between adjacent targets as long as they successfully Hit one of the Targets. Creatures not directly Hit by the attack may Roll a Dexterity Saving Throw to attempt Save against your Maneuver Save DC to avoid this damage. 


The item is not widely available for purchase and is difficult to find.

Effect : The Item should be expensive and only available in large cities or treasure troves.


The item or ammunition can be recovered after the battle.

Effect: Successful Perception Skill Check, DC 12/14/16 depending on visibility and conditions, recovers 1d4 ammunition for every four ammunition fired.

Religious Symbol

The Item has obvious religious markings and significance.

Effect : The Item can be used as a channeling device for the purpose of religious activated abilities.


A reduction to a certain type of damage or effect.

Blunt Resist I

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -2 Damage for each instance of Blunt Damage they are Dealt.

Blunt Resist II

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -4 Damage for each instance of Blunt Damage they are Dealt.

Blunt Resist III

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -6 Damage for each instance of Blunt Damage they are Dealt.

Burn Resist I

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -2 Damage for each instance of Burn Damage they are Dealt.

Burn Resist II

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -4 Damage for each instance of Burn Damage they are Dealt.

Burn Resist III

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -6 Damage for each instance of Burn Damage they are Dealt.

Electrical Resist I

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -2 Damage for each instance of Electrical Damage they are Dealt.

Electrical Resist II

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -4 Damage for each instance of Electrical Damage they are Dealt.

Electrical Resist III

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -6 Damage for each instance of Electrical Damage they are Dealt.

Impact Resist I

Effect: The wearer or wielder can Ignore the Effects of the Weapon Trait Impact I.

Impact Resist II

Effect: The wearer or wielder can Ignore the Effects of the Weapon Trait Impact II.

Impact Resist III

Effect: The wearer or wielder can Ignore the Effects of the Weapon Trait Impact III.

Kinetic Resist I

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -2 Damage for each instance of Kinetic Damage they are Dealt.

Kinetic Resist II

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -4 Damage for each instance of Kinetic Damage they are Dealt.

Kinetic Resist III

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -6 Damage for each instance of Kinetic Damage they are Dealt.

Puncture Resist I

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -2 Damage for each instance of Puncture Damage they are Dealt.

Puncture Resist II

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -4 Damage for each instance of Puncture Damage they are Dealt.

Puncture Resist III

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -6 Damage for each instance of Puncture Damage they are Dealt.

Slash Resist I

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -2 Damage for each instance of Slash Damage they are Dealt.

Slash Resist II

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -4 Damage for each instance of Slash Damage they are Dealt.

Slash Resist III

Effect: The wearer or wielder receives -6 Damage for each instance of Slash Damage they are Dealt.


The Weapon is capable of returning to the wielder after being thrown.

Effect: Missed attacks and critical hits with this weapon always cause the weapon to return to the wielder as long as an unobscured flight path is available.


The weapon has a scope attached that increases the creature's range of vision and decreases range penalties.

Effect: The wielding creature can make Perception Skill Rolls and Ranged Attacks with this weapon without penalty up to a range of 100 Meters.

Slow Reload

The Weapon must be reloaded in order to make another attack and the process takes longer than average.

Effect : The weapon requires a Full Round Action in order to be “Reloaded” and be ready to Attack again.


Indicates the number of times the weapon can be fired before needing to be reloaded.

Single Shot

Effect: The weapon can fire one individual projectile before the weapon’s Reload Action is required to resume firing.

2 Shot

Effect: The weapon can fire two individual projectiles before the weapon’s Reload Action is required to resume firing..

4 Shot

Effect: The Weapon can fire four individual projectiles before the weapon’s Reload Action is required to resume firing..

5 Shot

Effect: The Weapon can fire five individual projectiles before the weapon’s Reload Action is required to resume firing..

6 Shot

Effect: The Weapon can fire six individual projectiles before the weapon’s Reload Action is required to resume firing..

8 Shot

Effect: The Weapon can fire eight individual projectiles before the weapon’s Reload Action is required to resume firing..

10 Shot

Effect: The Weapon can fire ten individual projectiles before the weapon’s Reload Action is required to resume firing.

21 Shot

Effect: The Weapon can fire twenty-one individual projectiles before the weapon’s Reload Action is required to resume firing.

30 Shot

Effect: The Weapon can fire thirty individual projectiles before the weapon’s Reload Action is required to resume firing.

42 Shot

Effect: The Weapon can fire forty-two individual projectiles before the weapon’s Reload Action is required to resume firing.

54 Shot

Effect: The Weapon can fire fifty-four individual projectiles before the weapon’s Reload Action is required to resume firing.

Single Use

The item is destroyed or rendered useless once activated or used for its intended purpose.

Effect: The Item is removed from the character’s inventory permanently after being used and cannot be recovered.

Rough Terrain

The Weapon or Item creates terrain that slows creatures who move through it.

Effect: The Area listed on the Item or Weapon becomes Slowing Terrain for the Duration list on the item. Creatures must expend 2 Meters of Movement for each Meter they Move through the Area.


The item is small, about the size of a standard humanoid hand.

Effect : The item takes up 1/4th of a pouch slot.

Smoke Effect

This item generates Smoke while active or after activating.

Effect: Generates smoke in the Area listed in the Item’s Traits section. 


-5 and Disadvantage to All Perception and Investigation Skill Checks and Attack Rolls Made in or vs Creatures in Smoke or Fog are made with Disadvantage.

Spread Shot I

The Weapon fires its effect in a 2 Meter Cone adjacent to the weapon.

Effect : Weapon deals weapon damage to all creatures in a 2 Meter Cone that starts adjacent to the wielder. Creatures in the cone area must pass the firing creatures Maneuver Save DC to avoid being hit. 

Spread Shot II

The Weapon fires its effect in a 3 Meter Cone adjacent to the weapon.

Effect : Weapon deals weapon damage to all creatures in a 3 Meter Cone that starts adjacent to the wielder. Creatures in the cone area must pass the firing creatures Maneuver Save DC to avoid being hit.

Spread Shot III

The Weapon fires its effect in a 4 Meter Cone adjacent to the weapon.

Effect : Weapon deals weapon damage to all creatures in a 3 Meter Cone that starts adjacent to the wielder. Creatures in the cone area must pass the firing creatures Maneuver Save DC to avoid being hit.

Standard Reload

The Weapon must be reloaded in order to make another attack and the process takes longer than average.

Effect : The weapon requires an Action in order to be “Reloaded” and be ready to Attack again.

Status Symbol

The item is of particularly fine and expensive make and is easily recognizable as a sign of affluence.

Effect: The Item can be used as proof of reliable income and retains 95% of its value after initial purchase.

Stun Weapon

The Weapon is capable of Slowing and Stunning creatures.

Effect: Hits with this weapon cause living creatures to lose 1d4 Meters of Movement from their Next Turn. Living Creatures with no remaining movement on their next turn Hit by this weapon must Roll a Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is 14.

Fail: Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are Stunned until the end of their next turn.

Pass: Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are otherwise unaffected.

Super Heavy

Effect: The item can only be wielded or moved by creatures with a Strength of 20 or higher. The maximum amount a large or smaller creature can comfortably carry(not store or pack) of this item is one. Creatures with a strength of lower than 20 that attempt to move or wield the item must roll an Athletics Skill Roll, the DC to succeed is 20, Success allows the Creature to move the weapon up to their move speed in Meters and/or make a single attack with the weapon. Doing so consumes 1 Might from the wielding creature.

This item deals damage when dropped 2 or more meters onto any creature below. The damage is equal to 1d12 blunt/kinetic damage +1d8 per drop height increase of 2 meters( Max damage = 8d8).

The creature dropping the item makes a Athletics Skill check to accurately drop it on the desired creature or location. The DC is equal to 12 + 2 per height increase of 20 meters.

Creatures aware of the falling object can roll a Dexterity Saving Throw equal or exceeding to the triggering creature’s drop roll to avoid being hit.


The Weapon excels at tying up the weapons on opponents.

Effect: The weapon is capable of making Targeted Grapple Attacks on a creature's Melee or Ranged weapon.


The item is very small. Small enough to fit inside a standard humanoid palm.

Effect : The item takes up 1/10th of a pouch slot.

Thrown Weapon

The Weapon is ideal for being thrown or hurled at a distance, dealing damage on Contact or Activation.

Effect : The object is aerodynamic in shape and can be thrown without penalty. Thrown Weapon attacks are also considered Ranged Attacks.


The item is viewed by most as a toy.

Effect: Item will not be considered a weapon unless it is brandished as one.


The Item is less widely available for purchase and may be harder to find.

Effect : The item should be less affordable and available only in medium or larger towns.


The item contains an unstable substance.

Effect : Critical Misses with this weapon deal 1d4 Burn Damage to the wielder. Targeted Attacks that would cause this item to be damaged causes it to deal damage to the wielder. Dealing 2d4 Burn Damage to the wielder.


The item is somewhat unwieldy and inaccurate.

Effect : Training Bonus for this weapon is reduced by ½. Targeted and Extended Range Attacks made with this weapon are made at double the standard penalty.


The item is considered to primarily be a tool.

Effect : The Item doubles as a tool and is not perceived as a threat unless it is being wielded threateningly.


The item can be wielded with one or two hands and gains a small damage bonus when wielded with two.

Effect : The wielder can use one handed attacks to deal the weapon normally or use the weapon two handed to deal an additional 2 Damage of the same type.

Food Traits

Food Traits are specific to food and drink and determine what status effect, if any, they impose. Food Traits are an optional addition to a game and your narrator may deem to use their full effects, roleplay only their narrative implications or ignore them altogether. If you are unsure whether food traits are present, or to what degree they are within your campaign or setting; Consult your Narrator. 


Effect: Foods that are aging are increasing in value by at least 10 Silver per year they remain unopened/intact. 


Effect: Foods that are Fermenting become a Wine or Hard Cider if left in a sealed container for at least 6 months. They then gain the Aging Trait.


Foods that are delicious and satisfying to eat.

Effect : You become Satisfied for the next 6 Hours(- CON Modifier)

While Satisfied you gain a +1 point added to the Attribute Resource Pool of your Choice.

Once the point is spent you are no longer considered to be satisfied.


Foods that contain sugars and that are sweet tasting

Effect : 

Sugar Rush You get a Sugar Rush for the next 6 Hours(- CON Modifier).

While under the effects of a Sugar Rush your Total Stamina, Brainstorms or Focus is increased by +1.

Sugar Crash Once the effects of a Sugar Rush have ended you suffer from a Sugar Crash for the next 6 Hours(- CON Modifier).

While under the effects of a Sugar Crash Total Stamina, Brainstorms or Focus is decreased by +1.


Foods that contain small amounts of capsaicin and cause a warm or burning sensation.


Warm Spicy Causes the consuming creature to feel warmer and they may ignore the effects of cold, but not freezing temperatures for 6 Minutes(- CON Modifier).

Spicy II

Foods that contain moderate amounts of capsaicin and cause a tingling or burning sensation.


Hot Spicy Causes the consuming creature to feel much warmer and they may ignore the effects of freezing, but not arctic temperatures for 6 Minutes(- CON Modifier).

Spicy III

Foods that contain large amounts of capsaicin and cause an extremely intense burning sensation.


Spice Euphoria Causes the consuming creature’s nervous system to release chemicals that cause a feeling of euphoria to come over the creature after or during the throws of the pain from the extreme spice.

You gain the Spice Euphoria effect for the next 6 Minutes(- CON Modifier). While under this effect you may ignore the effects of Wounds and reduce all damage dealt to you by 1 per damage source. You must roll a Constitution Saving throw after the Spice Euphoria effect ends, the DC is 14. If you fail you suffer from the Sickened Condition for the next 6 Hours(-CON Modifier).


Sour and bitter tasting food and drink.

Effect : Bitter foods take multiple attempts to become accustomed to their taste. Creatures not accustomed to the taste visibly grimace when they consume a bitter substance. Each time a creature tries a new bitter food or drink they may roll 1d6, on a result of 6 they become accustomed to the taste. Otherwise they visibly grimace.


Food that provides sustenance and will keep starvation at bay.

Effect : You gain Sustenance for the next 6 Hours(- Your CON Modifier) and are no longer considered to be Hungry.


Food and drink that provides life-giving hydration.

Effect : You gain Hydration for the next 6 Hours(- CON Modifier) and are no longer considered to be Thirsty.

Mild Stimulant

Food and Drink that has a mild stimulating effect.

Effect : 

Mild Stimulant You gain the Mild Stimulant effect for the next 6 Hours(- CON Modifier), while under the effect the creature cannot Sleep but can start each turn with at least one Focus.


Food or drink that causes most humanoid species to become drowsy or lethargic.

Effect : The creature must pass a DC 10/14/18(depending on SedativeType) CON Saving Throw or be Sedated until they save against the effect at the end of one of their turns.

While Sedated the creature has disadvantage on all Saving Throws and Attack Rolls and is considered to be Slowed, Immobilized, or Paralyzed(depending on Sedative Type)


Effect: Food that has the Spoiling Trait contains no natural preservatives and will quickly spoil in warm or warmer conditions.

Spoiling Food expires and becomes Poisonous within 1d4+2 (24hour)days of acquisition. 


Food and Drink that has a stimulating effect.

Effect : You gain the Stimulant effect for the next 6 Hours(- CON Modifier), while under the effect you cannot Sleep or Rest but you start each turn with at least 2 Focus.


Food and drink that is poisonous to consume for most humanoid species.

Effect : The creature must pass a DC 10/14/18(depending on Poison Type) CON Saving Throw or be Poisoned until they save against the effect at the end of one of their turns. 

While Poisoned the creature receives 1d4/1d8/2d6 Poison Damage(Depending on Poison Type) at the start of each turn.


Food and Drink that contains alcohol or causes creatures that consume it to become intoxicated in some way.

Effect : The creature must pass a DC 10/14/18(depending on Intoxicant Type) CON Saving Throw or be Intoxicated until they save against the effect at the end of one of their turns.

While intoxicated the creature has -2 to all Mental Skill Checks and +1 to all Physical and Social skill checks and all Saving throws are made with Disadvantage.

Musical Qualities


The instrument is capable of making creatures feel more lively or energetic and can raise their spirits.


The instrument is a marvel to the casual observer. Part of its allure is the mystery of its function.


The instrument is capable of generating annoying, grating and obnoxious sounds that can cause creatures that hear them to become agitated or even angry if the sound persists.


The object is capable of creating Rhythmic Tones. Capable of setting a beat and inspiring dance.


The object is capable of generating sounds that can be heard up to 2.5 km away. Good for signaling and communicating as well as playing for crowds even in suboptimal acoustic conditions.


The object is capable of generating melodious sounds. Effective at setting a tone or emotion in the musical composition.


The item is capable of soothing or calming creatures via sound. Capable of putting creatures at ease, causing them to relax or even making them become drowsy.