Iron Age - Picks

For when you need to poke holes in armor.

Iron Age - Picks

Table of Picks

Weapon Type / Weapon Name Description Hands Damage Die / Dice Damage Type(s) Range Materials Item Traits Cost
Meat Hook A butcher’s meat hook, designed to hang sides and quarters of butchered animals. 1 1d4 Puncture 1 M Metal Common, Forged, Useful, Grapple Weapon 60 Silver
Fire Poker A common fire poker, there’s one beside every fireplace. 1 1d6 P 1d4 B Puncture or Blunt 1 M Metal Common, Forged, Useful, Quick Strike 40 Silver
Climber’s Pick A small one-handed pick designed to aid climbers in icy conditions. 1 1d6 Puncture 1 M Metal Common, Forged, Useful, Quick Strike 60 Silver
Pickaxe A common pickaxe for digging into earth and stone. 2 1d6 Puncture 1 M Wood, Metal Common, Forged, Useful, Awkward, Armor Piercing I 80 Silver
Mantis Claw Pick A pick fashioned from the claw of a giant insect. 1-2 1d8 Puncture 1 M Chitin Uncommon, Crafted, Beast Harvest, Armor Piercing I, Variable 300 Silver
War Pick A cruel military weapon, like a hammer stretched down into a single point, designed to penetrate armor. 1-2 1d8 Puncture 1 M Wood, Metal Military, Forged, Armor Piercing I, Variable 250 Silver
Battlepick A cruel military weapon, like a massive double headed hammer whose heads narrow to a single point, designed to penetrate armor. 2 1d10 Puncture 1 M Wood, Metal Military, Forged,  Long, Awkward, Armor Piercing II 500 Silver
Greatpick A massive war pick too heavy for most mortals to wield.  2 1d12 Puncture 1 M Metal Rare, Forged, Long  Heavy, Awkward, Armor Piercing III 800 Silver
Anchor & Chain A massive anchor intended for large ships used as a melee weapon. 2 1d12 Blunt, Puncture 2 M Metal Common, Forged, Long, Grapple Weapon, Impact II, Armor Piercing II, Super Heavy, Awkward 1,000 Silver