
An Invoker is any Magic Practitioner who is granted their magic through the power of faith or channeled divinity.


This section contains links and information about Invoker Archetypes, such as: Clerics, Dark Priests, Hellknights, Paladins, Priests, Prophets, Seekers, Warrior Monks and Zealots.

All Invokers are granted power through Faith Magic or Religious Entanglement with their chosen deity. Some, but not all Invoker Archetypes Require a strictly followed Religious Doctrine in order to retain their Powers and gain more.


Deities or gods are metaphysical beings that are granted existence and power through the power of belief. The more mortals that believe and reinforce their ideals, the more powerful they become. The more singular the narrative the more solid and less amorphous they become. No god would ever admit this however, because in doing so, they might lose another possible follower and chance at increasing and extending their own existence.


Many gods will use promises, pacts, agreements and pledges of allegiance as a form of power of Mortal Consciousnesses or Life Essences. In many instances this allows them to utilize the energy contained within their life essence or use their consciousness as laborers or servants in their own Realm.


Many gods become powerful enough through followership to manifest not only a body but entire pocket dimensions, inhabited with creatures of their own design. Many gods with a Domain will accumulate and collect the Life Essence or Consciousnesses of followers that have agreed to such an arrangement in life. These agreements are often posed as a means of access to a desirable afterlife, power or wealth.

Heavenly Deities

Heavenly deities are portrayed as Benevolent gods that rule over a Heavenly Realm reserved for the good of heart. These deities tend to focus on the eradication of things that mortals fear such as the Undead, Sickness or other Species, all this is done to encourage conversions and indoctrination from specific facets of society that resonate with their doctrines. Due to the Magic of Faith, the more that believe, the greater that deities power.

Lesser Deities

Lesser Deities are less established or less worshiped gods that are not on the same power scale as other Deities yet they might invest the power they do have more heavily in a single individual prophet, allowing them to rival and potentially exceed the power of other deities practitioners.

Outsider Deities

Outsider Deities are immensely powerful Entities capable of affecting or interacting with multiple Realms. They do not care that they have followers, and the powers they grant them are purely due to exposure to their multidimensional form. Their orders they issue are usually the individual interpretation of the followers' psychosis brought on by exposure to unstable interdimensional energies.

Pantheon Deities

Pantheon deities are the many gods worshiped by various cultures across the realms. They go by many names and are strongly bonded to certain Aspects of Existence, such as the Sun and Moon, War and Love.

Underworld Deities

Underworld deities are portrayed as Malevolent gods that rule over an Underworld Realm reserved for the wicked of heart. They typically attempt to appeal to specific aspects of individuals, their wants, wishes and desires, granting some and promising others. Through this exchange they gain devotion and followership. Due to the power of Faith Magic, the more followers that believe, the more powerful they become.

Zen Deities

Zen deities promote self improvement, enlightenment and the power of the Mind, Body and Will working together in harmony. They do not seek service or converts; they seek only to enlighten those willing to listen.

Full List of Deities

The following is a full list of all Deities that are currently available.

Heavenly Deities

Thayror - The Vengeful god

Ideals: Polytheistic - Anti-Undead - Law Abidance - Vengeance - Proper Burial - Peaceful Afterlife

Doctrine: Bring in converts by showing them that Thayror is the only god that can protect them from the evils of this world.


  • Suffer Not an Undead to Live in Thine Sight.
  • Suffer Not a Devil or Demon to trifle in the Affairs of Mortals.
  • Those that Worship Devils or Demons must renounce their Faith or Pact, lest they be Executed by a true follower of Thayror.
  • Burn the Corpses of Thine Slain and Thine Dead.
  • Keep the Chalice of Holy Water Pure and Untainted.
  • Obey the Laws of thine Land.
  • Suffer not any Laws that Bar the Worship of Thayror.
  • Be Honest in Thine Dealings.
  • Make Not Agreements with Devils and Demons.

Avagog - The Generous god

Ideals: Polytheistic - Prosperity - Tithing - Tax Evasion - Individual Wealth - Rich Afterlife

Doctrine: Bring in converts by convincing them of the wealth and good fortune that rains around true followers of Avagog.


  • Give 20% of Thine Income to the Church of Avagog.
  • Volunteer at the Church of Avagog when Able.
  • Those who are Good are Gifted with Plenty.
  • Follow the Example of the Rich and Wealthy.
  • Loan Money to Followers of Avagog when Able.
  • Always Charge Interest on Thine Loans.
  • Haggle in All Thine Dealings.
  • Pay Only Thine Taxes That thou Must.
  • What is Donated to the Church of Avagog will be Blessed upon you Tenfold in this Life or the Next.

Omnious - The Jealous god

Ideals: Monotheistic - Cleansing - Shame - Judgement - Servitude - Worshiping Afterlife

Doctrine: Bring in Converts by convincing them of an inner darkness present in all non-converts that must be cleansed in order to gain access to the one true afterlife.


  • Honor Omnious in all your Dealings.
  • Give 10% of Thine Income to the Church of Omnious.
  • Pray to Omnious and Attend the Church of Omnious Regularly.
  • Honor the Elders and the Priesthood of Omnious.
  • Do Not Lie.
  • Do Not Steal.
  • Do Not Murder.
  • Do Not Desire the Possessions of Others.
  • Do Not Fornicate.
  • Be Ye Not Drunk and Disorderly.
  • Do Not Invoke the Name of Omnious Frivolously.

Underworld Deities

Luxara - The Dark Angel

Ideals: Polytheistic - Individuality - Freedom - Self Fulfillment - Value of Life - Dream Afterlife

Doctrine: Bring in Converts by fulfilling their true and inner desires.


  • Life, Love and Experiences are precious.
  • Enjoy Life to the Fullest, but Not at the Expense of Others.
  • Tell Lies, Create Stories, so long as they do not bring suffering to others.
  • Steal Only to Survive and Only from those that can Afford the Theft.
  • Kill Only as a Last Resort, and only in defense of that which is precious.

Ohgrim - The Deal Maker

Ideals: Polytheistic - Laws - Litigation - Contracts - Fine Print - Soul Exchange - Servile Afterlife

Doctrine: Make blood signed contracts in exchange for life force energy or “souls”. Followers are instructed to bring more souls however they are able, either by teaching them to contact Ohgrim or by contracting souls to Ohgrim in exchange for increased power.


  • You are bound by your words, so choose them carefully.
  • Every Contract is binding, especially those made in blood.
  • Honor every agreement in every contract to the letter of the agreement. No further, no less.
  • A soul is a soul and a deal is a deal, no refunds or takebacks.
  • Mortal laws do not apply to followers of Ohgrim, they need only honor agreements they have made personally.
  • Don’t waste souls if it can be helped.

Atroxis - Lord of Wrath

Ideals: Polytheistic - Wrath - Power - Vengeance - Survival of the Strong - Pitiful Afterlife

Doctrine: Destroy anything that blocks thine path. If thine path ends, it was fate and weakness that led you to that end and is thusly deserved.


  • Strength and Power are the only true measures of consequence.
  • The strong should rule until they are proven weak.
  • The reward for strength is immeasurable.
  • The punishment for weakness is death.

Apocrypha - The Seeker

Ideals: Polytheistic - Pursuit of Knowledge - Collecting Secrets - Enlightenment - Understanding

Doctrine: The secrets of the universe are meant to be collected and the pursuit of knowledge is the key to those secrets.


  • There is no higher calling than the pursuit of knowledge.
  • All is permissible in the pursuit of understanding.
  • Collect thee a trove of secrets and greater knowledge.
  • Write all that thou knowest in the Book of Apocrypha.

Pantheon Deities

The Storm God

Ideals: Polytheistic - Thunder - Lightning - Power - Chaos - Fickle - Unpredictable

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the storm god and they shall protect thine way. Respect the forces of nature, for none can match its fury.


  • Do not attempt to predict the weather, only pray that it is kind to you.
  • Do not test the fury of the storm or it shall test your will to live.
  • Those that attempt to harness the power of the storm are fools and their foolishness shall be their demise.
  • Thunder is the sound of the storm lord's fury.
  • Lighting is the swift judgement of the storm lord.

The Goddess of the Earth

Ideals: Polytheistic - Growth - Home - Gems - Stone - Soil - Agriculture - Resolute

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the goddess of the earth and she shall bless thine harvest of anything that can be grown or mined in the land. Respect the earth and its bounty. Take only what you need or she shall take her vengeance.


The Goddess of the Sea

Ideals: Polytheistic - Seafaring - Power - Sea Creatures - Sea Storms - Ever Changing

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the goddess of the sea and she shall allow you to pass unharmed. Respect the great waters, for none can know her depths. Take only what you need from the seas bounty or suffer her wrath.


The Goddess of Fire

Ideals: Polytheistic - Warmth - Civilization - Guidance - Power - Fury - Destruction - Rebirth

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the goddess of fire and she shall pass over you in her times of fury. Respect the fire and use it responsibly, for it is a gift that both giveth and taketh life.


The God of Tools

Ideals: Polytheistic - Hard Work - Technology - Ingenuity - Crafting - Constant Improvement

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the god of tools and craftsmanship. Respect and care for your tools. Never take a beings tools of their trade, for that is their livelihood and take that is to take not only their life but the life of all those that depend on them.


The Harvest Deity

Ideals: Polytheistic - Harvest Quality - Food - Cooking - Baking - Feasting - Sharing - Resolution

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to deity of the Harvest. Give freely when you are granted a bounty of your harvest and you will be blessed again. Horde your harvest bounty and you will suffer their wrath.


The God of War

Ideals: Polytheistic - Violence - Anger - Revenge - Warfare - Mortal Destruction - Forged in Battle

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the god of war. Those who do and fight honorably will claim the greater victory.


  • Fight well and often.
  • Fight with honor.
  • Do not kill for pleasure, kill to prevent your death or the death of your loved ones.
  • Do battle with those that have wronged you.
  • Protect those who have not wronged you.
  • Their is no dishonor in defeat so long as you fought with all your might.
  • Cowardice is the ultimate sin in the eyes of the god of war.

The Goddess of Peace

Ideals: Polytheistic - Pacifism - Inner Peace - Forgiveness - Charity - Mortal Protection - Treaties

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the goddess of peace and you will be blessed with tranquility. Take not up arms against those that do not raise arms against you. Those who respect the ways of peace will find peace when they seek it.


  • Respect the ways of peace.
  • Do not disturb those those that do not disturb you.
  • Honor your treaties and bargains or you shall never find peace.
  • Blessed are those that do no harm.
  • Blessed are those that protect the innocent.

The Sun Goddess

Ideals: Polytheistic - Life - Light - Growth - Guidance - Energy - Heat - Consistency - Provider

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the sun goddess and she will bless you with her warmth and protect you from her scorching rays. Respect the sun, for it gives life, but it also takes it away.


  • Respect the power of the sun.
  • Fear the wrath of the sun's fury.
  • Take care to bask it the sun's holy light, for it cleanses and purifies the mind, body and soul.

The Moon Goddess

Ideals: Polytheistic - Night - Light in the Darkness - Guidance - Tides - Change - Cycles

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the moon goddess. She controls the light of the night sky and will guide your way when darkness falls upon you. Respect her power for she controls the ebb and flow of the tide.


  • Keep track of the moons cycles and you shall gain insight to the passage of time and the ways of this world.
  • Follow the light of the moon as the creatures of this world do and you will find the hidden paths.
  • Respect the tides or suffer the consequences of foolishness.

The Goddess of Love

Ideals: Polytheistic - Love - Feelings - Emotional Honesty - Affection - Family - Matrimony

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the goddess of love and you will be blessed with great affection. Respect the path of love and know that it is a gift that cannot be earned, only granted. Love is the most powerful binding force.


  • Love freely and often.
  • Love is one of the greatest gifts you can give of receive.
  • Do not betray the love of others.
  • Do not take or steal love from others.
  • Do not force or demand love, you will only earn their fear.

The Goddess of Beauty

Ideals: Polytheistic - Beauty - Aesthetics - Design - Appearances - Presentation - Allure

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to goddess of beauty and her light shall shine upon you. Know that true beauty comes from within and cannot be achieved when the soul is rotten.


  • Appreciate the beauty in your world.
  • Strive to be beautiful.
  • Do not destroy beauty frivolously.
  • Do not take beauty from others to give to thine self.

The Gravekeeper God

Ideals: Polytheistic - Death - Burial - Afterlife - Judgement - Punishment - Grief - Acceptance

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the grave keeper. Honor the dead with a proper burial or cremation in the custom of their people or the keeper of graves send their essence to haunt you.


  • Bury, cremate or recycle the dead in the custom of their people.
  • Honor the bodies of the dead and grant them the eternal slumber they have earned.
  • Take not from the dead.

Outsider Deities

The Chronokeeper

Ideals: Polytheistic - Time - Infinity - Endlessness - Record Keeping - Calendars - Dates


The Grim Reaper

Ideals: Polytheistic - Death - Guide to the Afterlife - Acceptance - Endings - Final Rest - Fate


Kharna - Chaos Incarnate

Ideals: Polytheistic - Chaos - Randomness - Freedom - Individuality - Diversity


K’thunue - The Eldest Outsider

Ideals: Insanity - Incomprehensibility - Immortality - Domination - Power


Abiliax - The Devouring Outsider

Ideals: Insanity - Incomprehensibility - Consumption - Absorption - Forced Unification


Ozgonox - The Mad Outsider

Ideals: Insanity - Incomprehensibility - Collection of Information - Forbidden Knowledge


Lesser Deities

Caster - The Clown of Chaos

Ideals: Polytheistic - Chaos - Comedy - Mischief - Balance - Entertainment - Narrative Causality


The Lord of the Hunt

Ideals: Polytheistic - Tracking - Hunting - Good Sport - Honorable Killing - Waste Avoidance


The Lady of the Lake

Ideals: Polytheistic - Destiny - Guidance - Lineage - Sovereignty - Leadership - Royal Selection


The Pig God

Ideals: Polytheistic - Swine - Bacon - Sausage - Grease - Fat - Taste - Smell - Food Motivation


The Crab God

Ideals: Polytheistic - Self Protection - Feist - Independence - Curiosity - Crustaceous Eventuality


Lady Luck

Ideals: Polytheistic - Good Luck - Lucky Numbers - Bets - Chances - Gambling - Risk vs Reward


Father Fate

Ideals: Polytheistic - Bad Luck - Statistics - Bad Bets - Chance Calculation - Risk Assessment


Zen Deities

Dondu Zon - The First Dondu

Ideals: Polytheistic - Enlightenment - Reflection - Understanding - Meditation - Rebirth


Mytherius - The Enlightened One

Ideals: Polytheistic - Enlightenment - Oneness - Interconnectivity - Self Improvement
