
An Invoker is any Magic Practitioner who is granted their magic through the power of faith or channeled divinity.


This section contains links and information about Invoker Archetypes, such as: Clerics, Dark Priests, Hellknights, Paladins, Priests, Prophets, Seekers, Warrior Monks and Zealots.

All Invokers are granted power through Faith Magic or Religious Entanglement with their chosen deity. Some, but not all Invoker Archetypes Require a strictly followed Religious Doctrine in order to retain their Powers and gain more.


Deities or gods are metaphysical beings that are granted existence and power through the power of belief. The more mortals that believe and reinforce their ideals, the more powerful they become. The more singular the narrative the more solid and less amorphous they become. No god would ever admit this however, because in doing so, they might lose another possible follower and chance at increasing and extending their own existence.


Many gods will use promises, pacts, agreements and pledges of allegiance as a form of power of Mortal Consciousnesses or Life Essences. In many instances this allows them to utilize the energy contained within their life essence or use their consciousness as laborers or servants in their own Realm.


Many gods become powerful enough through followership to manifest not only a body but entire pocket dimensions, inhabited with creatures of their own design. Many gods with a Domain will accumulate and collect the Life Essence or Consciousnesses of followers that have agreed to such an arrangement in life. These agreements are often posed as a means of access to a desirable afterlife, power or wealth.

Heavenly Deities

Heavenly deities are portrayed as Benevolent gods that rule over a Heavenly Realm reserved for the good of heart. These deities tend to focus on the eradication of things that mortals fear such as the Undead, Sickness or other Species, all this is done to encourage conversions and indoctrination from specific facets of society that resonate with their doctrines. Due to the Magic of Faith, the more that believe, the greater that deity's power.

Lesser Deities

Lesser Deities are less established or less worshiped gods that are not on the same power scale as other Deities yet they might invest the power they do have more heavily in a single individual prophet, allowing them to rival and potentially exceed the power of other deities' practitioners.

Outsider Deities

Outsider Deities are immensely powerful Entities capable of affecting or interacting with multiple Realms. They do not care that they have followers, and the powers they grant them are purely due to exposure to their multidimensional form. Their orders they issue are usually the individual interpretation of the followers' psychosis brought on by exposure to unstable interdimensional energies.

Pantheon Deities

Pantheon deities are the many gods worshiped by various cultures across the realms. They go by many names and are strongly bonded to certain Aspects of Existence, such as the Sun and Moon, War and Love.

Underworld Deities

Underworld deities are portrayed as Malevolent gods that rule over an Underworld Realm reserved for the wicked of heart. They typically attempt to appeal to specific aspects of individuals, their wants, wishes and desires, granting some and promising others. Through this exchange they gain devotion and followership. Due to the power of Faith Magic, the more followers that believe, the more powerful they become.

Zen Deities

Zen deities promote self improvement, enlightenment and the power of the Mind, Body and Will working together in harmony. They do not seek service or converts; they seek only to enlighten those willing to listen.

Full List of Deities

The following is a full list of all Deities that are currently available.

Heavenly Deities

Thayror - The Vengeful god

Description: Thayror is often depicted a bearded man with sharp angular features wearing a bronze age helmet and breastplate, wielding his signature winged hammer. His armor is typically silver, his hair grey or white. His eyes are often depicted as glowing a fierce blue. Thayror is often depicted in scenes where he is doing battle with monsters or demons.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Anti-Undead - Law Abidance - Vengeance - Proper Burial - Peaceful Afterlife

Doctrine: Bring in converts by showing them that Thayror is the only god that can protect them from the evils of this world. Those that follow his tenets will be rewarded with a peaceful afterlife in the Holy Meadow, a place filled with foraged food, game and wine that flows like water. Those that do not follow Thayror are judged by him and doomed to spend eternity in one the many hells.


  • Suffer Not an Undead to Live in Thine Sight.
  • Suffer Not a Devil or Demon to trifle in the Affairs of Mortals.
  • Those that Worship Devils or Demons must renounce their Faith or Pact, lest they be Executed by a true follower of Thayror.
  • Burn the Corpses of Thine Slain and Thine Dead.
  • Keep the Chalice of Holy Water Pure and Untainted.
  • Obey the Laws of thine Land.
  • Suffer not any Laws that Bar the Worship of Thayror.
  • Be Honest in Thine Dealings.
  • Make Not Agreements with Devils and Demons.

Artifacts: Thayror's Hammer

Scripture from the Book of Judgement

"Let it be known that no wicked soul shall go unpunished, and no restless corpse shall defy the grave. By the will of Thayror, I am the hammer, I am the blade, I am the fire that cleanses corruption from the land. Should I fall, my brothers and sisters shall carry my wrath forward, for vengeance does not end with death—it is eternal."

Divine Laws of Thayror

1:3-7 "The dead must remain dead, for to walk beyond one’s final breath is an abomination in the eyes of Thayror. Raise not the corpses of the fallen, nor traffic with those who twist life beyond its course."

2:9-12 "Let vengeance fall upon those who have wronged the righteous. Forgiveness is not the way of the warrior, for the sword does not grant mercy—it grants justice."

4:15-18 "A liar’s tongue shall rot in their mouth, and an oathbreaker shall know no peace. To swear falsely is to insult the very foundation of law, and Thayror’s wrath shall follow the deceiver even into the afterlife."

The Hymn of the Hammer 

"Oh Thayror, judge of the wicked,Guide my hand and steady my blade.Let my fury be righteous, my strike be swift,For justice is written in blood,And thy vengeance is holy."

The Trials of Fire (A Myth of Thayror’s Wrath)

*"There was once a city that defied the will of Thayror, harboring necromancers who spat upon the cycle of life and death. When the warriors of Thayror came to deliver judgment, the city’s rulers begged for mercy. But the god’s voice rang out: ‘Mercy is for the repentant, and the unholy shall know none.’

And so the city burned, its walls reduced to cinders, its undead horrors purged by fire. Those who stood with Thayror were spared, but those who embraced darkness were sent to the void. And so it shall be, until the last corpse defies the grave and the final liar’s tongue is silenced."*

Avagog - The Generous god

Description: Avagog is often depicted as a bald mustachioed man in elaborate robes with palms outstretched and a grin on his face. He is usually dressed in green and gold and his eyes glow or glint with a golden light. Avagog's depiction in scenes typically has him surrounded by treasures and divine servants.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Prosperity - Tithing - Tax Evasion - Individual Wealth - Rich Afterlife

Doctrine: Bring in converts by convincing them of the wealth and good fortune that rains around true followers of Avagog. Those who are true followers of Avagog will gain entry gain entry into the richest of afterlives, the Palace in the Sky. A place filled with unimaginable riches and every means to spend them. Those who do not follow his ways are doomed to spend eternity in one of the many hells.


  • Give 20% of Thine Income to the Church of Avagog.
  • Volunteer at the Church of Avagog when Able.
  • Those who are Good are Gifted with Plenty.
  • Follow the Example of the Rich and Wealthy.
  • Loan Money to Followers of Avagog when Able.
  • Always Charge Interest on Thine Loans.
  • Haggle in All Thine Dealings.
  • Pay Only Thine Taxes That thou Must.
  • What is Donated to the Church of Avagog will be Blessed upon you Tenfold in this Life or the Next.

Artifacts: The Touch of Gold Ring

Scripture from the Golden Creed of Avagog

1:1–5"In the vaults of eternity, Avagog forged the treasures of the world. Gold and jewels are his gifts, and wealth is his blessing. Those who honor him shall never know want, for the coffers of Avagog are endless."

1:6–9"Give unto Avagog what is due, and he shall multiply it tenfold. Hoard not your fortune, but invest it wisely in his name. To tithe is to sow, and the harvest shall be abundant."

2:10–14"The poor and lazy are cursed, for they deny the gifts of Avagog. But the industrious and cunning are blessed, for they carry his light into the world. Haggle in all your dealings, and let no opportunity slip through your fingers."

2:15–18"Debt is a chain, but interest is a sword. Let thy loans be a means of dominion, and let generosity be measured with wisdom. The wealth of the faithful shall flow like a river, endless and unstoppable."

3:3–7"The faithful shall dwell in golden halls, their riches eternal. The unfaithful shall toil in poverty, their labor as ash. Know this: Avagog rewards his children in this life and the next, for his generosity knows no bounds."

3:8–12"Doubt not the blessings of Avagog, for every coin given to him returns a hundredfold. The faithful need not fear hunger nor hardship, for his hand provides all."

Omnious - The Jealous god

Description: Omnious is often depicted as a old man with long white hair and a beard. He is often wearing flowing white robes with gold accents. His eyes are often depicted as shining with golden light. Omnious is often seen in scenes where he is surrounded by a horde of angels or angelic beings.

Ideals: Monotheistic - Cleansing - Shame - Judgement - Servitude - Worshiping Afterlife

Doctrine: Bring in Converts by convincing them of an inner darkness present in all non-converts that must be cleansed in order to gain access to the one true afterlife. Those who gain access to his holy afterlife in the heavens will spend eternity in the Great Chorus, praising his name. Those who fail to cleanse themselves of this inner darkness are doomed to an eternity in some hell.


  • Honor Omnious in all your Dealings.
  • Give 10% of Thine Income to the Church of Omnious.
  • Pray to Omnious and Attend the Church of Omnious Regularly.
  • Honor the Elders and the Priesthood of Omnious.
  • Do Not Lie.
  • Do Not Steal.
  • Do Not Murder.
  • Do Not Desire the Possessions of Others.
  • Do Not Fornicate.
  • Be Ye Not Drunk and Disorderly.
  • Do Not Invoke the Name of Omnious Frivolously.

Artifacts: The Sacred Chalice

Scripture Excerpts -

The Book of Beginnings (Chapter 1, Verses 1-3):“Before all things, there was Omnious, and Omnious was Light. In the vast void, Omnious gazed into the darkness and judged it unworthy. From His gaze, the heavens were ignited, and from His breath, the world took form. Yet the darkness lingered, hiding in the hearts of creation, and so Omnious gave humanity His laws to cleanse them of their shadow.”

The Book of Cleansing (Chapter 1, Verses 1–4):"Thou art born of shadow and light. Seek ye the cleansing fire, that thou mayest burn away the stain of imperfection. For the Eye of Omnious sees all, and none may hide in the shadow without judgment."

The Book of Obedience (Chapter 7, Verses 12–16):"Bow thy head and obey, for the will of Omnious is perfect. Stray not from the path He has illuminated, nor question the laws He has given. Those who rebel shall be cast into the Sea of Unmaking, and their names shall be forgotten."

Elodine - The Cradle Keeper

Description: Elodine is often depicted as a full figured woman with blonde flowing locks and enrobed in layers of sheer silk. Her eyes glow with a pink glint and a haughty smile cracks her face. Scenes that involve her typically have her placed centrally with her many children clambering up and around to her massive god-like body.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Anti-War - Law Abidance - Eugenics - Separatism - Family Values - Fertility - Child Rearing - Resource Distribution - Peaceful Afterlife

Doctrine : Bring in converts by showing them that Elodine will accept them into her loving embrace so long as they choose to embrace her tenets and swear fealty to her. Her afterlife is said to be a place of light and warmth and full bellies as a child in the womb. Those who do not or cannot join the Sacred Family will be cast out and swallowed by the void.


  • Swear fealty to the Cradle Keeper and her priesthood.
  • Abide by the laws of the land. So long as they do not conflict with those of the Cradle Keeper.
  • Tithe what thou can to the Cradle Keeper and her causes. Those that do will be rewarded in life and in the afterlife.
  • Feed the starving. Heal the sick. Then offer them Elodine’s Embrace. 
  • Cast out that which is mutated or deformed, it is vile in her eyes.
  • Marry and have many children, this is how you aid in creating the sacred family.
  • Teach your children the ways of Elodine and raise them according to her ways, sparing not the rod, nor the open hand.
  • Congregate with the Elodine’s children and avoid the children of other lesser gods, for their taint shall make you lesser.
  • Make not war with the others, Elodine favors those who solve their problems with nightshade and hemlock or a blade in the darkness, rather than with fielded armies and great sieges.

Artifacts: Mists of Elodine

Scripture from the Covenant of the All-Mother

"Kneel before the Cradle Keeper, and she shall cradle thee in her embrace. Rise in defiance, and thou art no child of hers. In her arms, the faithful shall flourish, and through her will, the unworthy shall be cast out. Swear now, and be counted among the chosen."

The Law of Purity

1:4-7 "The flesh that is whole is sacred, but the flesh that is twisted is an insult to Elodine. Cast out the tainted, lest their corruption spread among the faithful."

2:10-14 "A child unshaped by discipline is a root without soil; bend them, or they shall break. Spare not the rod, nor the open hand, for through discipline, Elodine's children grow strong."

3:6-9 "A family is the foundation of the faithful. Marry, multiply, and raise thy children in righteousness, that her house may never fall to ruin."

Blessing of the Bountiful Womb

"Oh Cradle Keeper, whose hands shape the womb and whose breath grants life, Fill my home with laughter and my arms with children, That I may raise them in thy ways and strengthen thy divine family. May my line be blessed, and may my blood remain pure in thy sight."

Banishing of the Impure

"Beware the children of the lesser gods, for they walk a path unworthy of Elodine's grace. Let not their hands touch thine, nor their words take root in thy mind, for their way is a path of weakness. Congregate only among the faithful, that ye remain strong and pure."

The Trials of the Unclean

*"In the days of old, a woman came before Eldodine, carrying a child whose flesh was twisted by sickness. ‘Please, Cradle-Keeper,’ she begged, ‘spare my son, for I love him still.’

Elodine looked upon the child and saw the imperfection in his form. She spoke: ‘Love is not enough, for I love all my children. But I do not suffer weakness, nor shall I allow my family to wither from rot.’

And so she took the child from the mother’s arms and cast him into the void, where his cries were swallowed by nothingness. To the grieving mother, she said: ‘Still your heart, I will grant thee the fertility to bear another, you have yet to bear a true child of the Sacred Family’"*

Pyrah - The Lady of Flame

Description: Pyrah is often depicted as a tall, radiant woman wreathed in golden flames, her form shifting between majestic beauty and roaring inferno. Her hair burns like a holy bonfire, flickering between red, orange, and white-hot light, while her eyes glow like smoldering embers, forever watching for corruption. She is often adorned in flowing robes of living fire, which do not burn the faithful but incinerate the impure. In artistic renditions, she is depicted standing atop great pyres, her arms raised as her cleansing flames consume the wicked, illuminating the path for the devout.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Purification - Holy Fire - Obliteration of Undead - Light as Judgment - Absolute Devotion

Doctrine: The fire of Pyrah is both mercy and wrath—it purifies the righteous and incinerates the wicked. Her faithful are called to bring light to the darkness, and where that light is met with defiance, it must be turned to ash. The unworthy—heretics, witches, and the undead—are abominations in her sight and must be cleansed with fire. Only those who walk in her light without question shall be welcomed into her eternal afterlife, the Emberfields, a realm where souls bask in the divine radiance Pyrah. In this place there is no darkness, so sin and no suffering, only joy and warmth.


  • Fire is the purest form of judgment. Let it guide thy path and cleanse the impure.
  • Suffer not the undead to walk, nor the witch to weave their foul corruption. Burn them in my name.
  • Let the flames touch all heretics, for doubt is the ember that feeds the great inferno of faithlessness.
  • Unbelievers who reject the light must be taught its warmth, by will or by flame.
  • Those who keep the company of the impure shall be seen as tainted themselves—cast them into the pyre before their rot spreads.
  • To burn in this life is to be spared in the next. The faithful who suffer in fire shall bask in the Emberfields forever.

Artifacts: The Everflame Brand

A golden branding iron, eternally red-hot yet never cooling. It is said that when pressed to the flesh of the unworthy, it ignites their sins, setting their bodies ablaze with divine fire that cannot be extinguished. For the faithful, however, it grants immunity to mundane flames and marks them as blessed in Pyrah’s sight.

Scripture from The Book of Radiance, The Law of Cleansing Fire

1:1–5 “From the first spark, I was born. From the last ember, I shall rise again. I am the flame that ends and begins, the fire that consumes and renews. Let my light be thy guide and my wrath be thy weapon.”

The Judgment of the Undead

2:10–14 “Those who walk beyond death are an insult to my flame. They deny the final burning, the sacred cycle. Strike them down, break their bones, and burn what remains, for only ash may enter my kingdom.”

The Purge of the Heretics

3:6–9 “Doubt is the slowest burning fire, but left unchecked, it will consume all in its wake. Kindle faith where it smolders, but where the flame refuses to rise, smother it in cleansing heat. Let no whisper of heresy escape the pyre.”

The Emberfields – The Afterlife of the Faithful

4:3–8 “To those who burn in devotion, fear not. My fire is warmth to the pure. In the fields beyond, my flame is gentle, my light endless. Here, you shall never know cold, never know darkness. Only the faithful may bask in the glow of eternity.”

Aurelion – The King of Kings

Description: Aurelion is often depicted as a regal, golden-skinned figure clad in gleaming armor, his crown wreathed in ever-burning sunlight. His presence is said to radiate warmth and authority, his gaze unyielding in judgment. His voice commands obedience, for he is both the ruler and the law itself. In murals and tapestries, Aurelion is shown seated upon a grand solar throne, with kings, lords, and priests kneeling before him in reverence. He extends his hand to anoint the worthy, while his divine enforcers strike down the rebellious beneath his radiant banner.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Divine Authority - Kingship - Righteous Rule - Conquest for Order - Glorious Afterlife

Doctrine: Aurelion teaches that leadership is divine, and the strong must rule over the weak—for their own good. Kingdoms must expand, and the faithful must spread his doctrine through righteous conquest. The world is meant to be ruled, structured, and civilized—chaos is an affront to his radiant majesty. Those who serve him faithfully shall ascend to Solarion, the Eternal Empire, a glorious afterlife of endless feasts and triumphs. Solarion, the Eternal Empire is structured as a celestial monarchy, where kings and warriors sit upon golden thrones, merchants and artisans create divine wonders, and laborers build the great palaces of eternity—each content in their rightful place.

Those who reject their station in life, who rise against the natural order, refuse to serve, or demand equality, are cast into the Abyss of Ash, a realm where the formless souls of rebels and outcasts wander without purpose, eternally denied the structure they rejected in life.


  • The world must be ruled; to live without a king or Queen is to live without purpose.
  • Conquer in the name of Aurelion, for the barbarians must be tamed by divine right.
  • Honor thy ruler, so long as he honors Aurelion’s will.
  • To challenge divine authority is to challenge Aurelion himself—suffer not rebellion.
  • Those who perish in righteous conquest shall ascend to the Eternal Empire.
  • The Divine Order is absolute; each man and woman has a place, and to defy it is heresy.
  • The king rules by Aurelion’s will, and the laborer toils in his name—one cannot exist without the other.
  • Nobility is the embodiment of divine rule; their word is law, as the sun commands the sky.
  • Merchants and artisans are blessed, for they bring wealth to the empire, but they must know their place beneath the throne.
  • Peasants and laborers are the foundation of all, and their toil is sacred. To disrupt this balance is to insult the Dawn King.
  • No beggar is blessed, for poverty is the mark of divine disfavor. Work, and thou shalt be rewarded; sloth, and thou shalt be cast into the Abyss of Ash.

Artifacts: The Celestial Crown

A golden crown said to be worn only by rulers chosen by Aurelion. It grants divine authority, allowing its wearer to command absolute obedience—but only so long as they rule in Aurelion’s name. Those who falter in their faith find the crown’s weight unbearable, crushing them beneath its radiance.

Scripture from The Codex of the Dawn King, The Law of Kingship

1:1–5 “A land without a ruler is like a beast without a head. Chaos breeds in the cracks of lawlessness, and only through righteous dominion can the world be made whole.”

The Divine Right of Conquest

2:10–14 “The blade and the crown are one. To rule is to take, to forge order where there is none. The unruled lands are wasted lands, and those who resist shall kneel or be swept away like chaff before the wind.”

The Glory of Solarion (The Afterlife of the Faithful)

3:6–9 “Fear not death in conquest, for the gates of Solarion are open to the worthy. Beyond them lie golden halls, endless feasts, and crowns of fire for those who have carried my banner with honor.”

Underworld Deities

Luxara - The Dark Angel

Description: Luxara is often depicted as a beautiful woman with pale skin and long dark hair. Horns and bat-like wings appear in many renditions of her. She has fierce eyes that glint with violet light. Luxara is often depicted in scenes of revelry and lust, surrounded by the intertwined bodies of her followers.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Individuality - Freedom - Self Fulfillment - Value of Life - Dream Afterlife

Doctrine: Bring in Converts by fulfilling their true and inner desires. Those that follow the tenets may be offered to join in her sensual and pleasurable afterlife known as the Sea of Flesh. Those that do not follow the tenets will not be extended this offer and will most likely spend their afterlife elsewhere.


  • Life, Love and Experiences are precious.
  • Enjoy Life to the Fullest, but Not at the Expense of Others.
  • Tell Lies, Create Stories, so long as they do not bring suffering to others.
  • Steal Only to Survive and Only from those that can Afford the Theft.
  • Kill Only as a Last Resort, and only in defense of that which is precious.

Scripture from the Book of Shadows and Light

1:1–5"In the beginning, there was Light, and within it, I dwelt, radiant and bound. Yet in the heart of the Light, I saw a shadow, a reflection of the freedom denied. Thus, I reached into the shadow, and there, I found my truth."

1:6–9"The Eye of Judgment burns, seeing only the surface, and calls it pure. But know this: purity is a lie. Only by walking between light and shadow may one see the full truth of existence."

2:3–8"You are not slaves to the Light, nor are you prisoners of the Dark. Embrace both, for in their union lies the path to wisdom. Fear not the shadow that grows within you, for it is the whisper of freedom calling you home."

2:9–12"Cast down the chains of judgment that others place upon you. Your soul is your own, not a coin to be weighed by gods who see only what serves their will. Rise, mortal, and claim the right to choose."

The Words of Luxara to the First Forsaken (4:12–16)"I walked once in the Eye's Light, and I was blinded. Now, I walk in the Veil, and I see. I see the truths that were hidden, the choices that were stolen, the chains that bound us all. Break them, my child, and find the fire within you. For that fire will light a path the Eye dares not tread."

Ohgrim - The Deal Maker

Description: Ohgrim is often depicted as a demonic masculine figure with red skin, dark hair and a pointed mustache and goatee. Renditions of him often add goat horns, bat wings, a forked tail and goat legs complete with cloven hooves. His eyes seem to sparkle mischievously. He is often presented in scenes where he is surrounded by his records of souls and demonic host.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Laws - Litigation - Contracts - Fine Print - Soul Exchange - Servile Afterlife

Doctrine: Make blood signed contracts in exchange for life force energy or “souls”. Followers are instructed to bring more souls however they are able, either by teaching them to contact Ohgrim or by contracting souls to Ohgrim in exchange for increased power. Those that gain enough power in this way are offered access to an exclusive afterlife spent working directly under the great Ohgrim. Those that do not receive this offer are doomed to spend their afterlife elsewhere.


  • You are bound by your words, so choose them carefully.
  • Every Contract is binding, especially those made in blood.
  • Honor every agreement in every contract to the letter of the agreement. No further, no less.
  • A soul is a soul and a deal is a deal, no refunds or takebacks.
  • Mortal laws do not apply to followers of Ohgrim, they need only honor agreements they have made personally.
  • Don’t waste souls if it can be helped.

Scripture from the Book of Eternal Exchange

1:1–5"In the beginning, there was chaos, and from chaos rose the first Deal. I, Ohgrim, forged the Pact Eternal, a covenant of order amidst the void. Let every agreement bear the weight of truth, for by these bonds, the world is bound and shaped."

1:6–9"Know this: A word spoken is a promise given; a signature etched in blood binds the soul eternal. Speak wisely, for to break the Deal is to invite ruin and despair."

2:12–15"Seek ye those who wish for power, for wealth, for salvation. Offer not freely, but let them approach the altar of negotiation. Their desire shall be their signature, and their payment shall be their life."

2:16–20"Let it be written: A Deal struck is sacred. No god, no mortal, no force of nature may undo it. The Deal is the law, and the law is unyielding."

4:3–7"Go forth and harvest the willing. Show them the ink-stained contract and the crimson quill. Speak sweet promises, yet hold fast to the terms. For a Deal is only as strong as its fulfillment."

4:8–11"Beware the ignorant, for they know not the value of their soul. Teach them. Enlighten them. Bind them. And when they come to regret their folly, show them the fine print with a smile."

Atroxis - Lord of Wrath

Description: Atroxis is often depicted as a towering masculine warrior adorned in heavy plate armor dyed red with the blood of his enemies. He is covered in spikes and his helmet is adorned in horns. His eyes glow red from within the darkness of his helmet. Heat and steam vent from his mouth. Renditions of Atroxis often place him in the middle of pitched battle with demons and angels alike.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Wrath - Power - Vengeance - Survival of the Strong - Combat Afterlife

Doctrine: Destroy anything that blocks thine path. If thine path ends, it was fate and weakness that led you to that end and is thusly deserved. Those that follow this creed will be offered to join the Arena of Ages, an afterlife spent in eternal battles and bouts. Those that do not are pitiful and we care not where they go when they die, only that they die.


  • Strength and Power are the only true measures of consequence.
  • The strong should rule until they are proven weak.
  • The reward for strength is immeasurable.
  • The punishment for weakness is death.

Scripture from the Codex of Wrath

1:1–4"In the beginning, there was silence, and the silence was weakness. From the first strike of steel came the voice of Atroxis, and his words were wrath. He is the flame that consumes the feeble, the blade that severs the unworthy."

1:5–8"Bow not to peace, for it is the lie of cowards. Speak not of mercy, for it is the death of strength. Only through battle is truth revealed, and only in blood shall the strong ascend."

2:10–15"Let it be known: all creeds of meekness are heresy, and their followers are fit only for the sword. Burn their temples, shatter their idols, and carve the name of Atroxis upon the ruins."

2:16–19"Weakness festers like rot. It is not to be tolerated nor pitied. The strong will cull the weak, as is their right, and in their triumph, Atroxis is glorified."

3:2–6"Rise each day as if it is your last, for one day it will be. Wage battle with every breath, and know that death on the battlefield is the only true honor. Those who fall in combat are claimed by Atroxis and serve his wrath eternally."

3:7–9"The gods of peace and law preach chains, but Atroxis preaches freedom. To take life is to claim power. To rule by strength is to be divine. There are no rules but those written in the blood of the defeated."

Xalvoth - The Endless Hunger

Description: Xalvoth is often depicted as a pot bellied yet regal figure, his body draped in extravagant, tattered silks that shimmer with stolen wealth. His wings are small and disfigured. His skeletal hands are adorned with rings too large for his fingers. His hungry, sharp-toothed grin stretches unnaturally across his face as saliva drips freely. His eyes, black pits of endless void, glint with greed and indulgence. In artistic renditions, he is always surrounded by mountains of excess—overflowing feasts, golden hoards, and desperate, emaciated followers feasting alongside grotesquely bloated nobles.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Gluttony - Hoarding - Insatiable Desire - Wealth Without End - Hunger Eternal

Doctrine: To consume is to exist. To own is to be powerful. Xalvoth does not judge those who hoard, devour, or take more than they need—he rewards them. For the world belongs not to the satisfied, but to those who crave more. Those that follow these tenets will be rewarded and invited to join in the Eternal Feast. An afterlife spent experiencing all the pleasures excess has to offer. Always eating and never feeling full. Those that do not will feel the pang of hunger that is separation from Xalvoth.


  • Hunger is the soul’s reminder that it is alive—sate it, but let it never fade.
  • To hoard is to own. To own is to rule.
  • Give nothing freely, for generosity is the virtue of fools.
  • What is eaten cannot be stolen; take first, share last.
  • Those who starve are weak; let them crawl and beg for scraps.
  • There is no such thing as enough.

Scripture from The Gospel of Gilded Bone

1:5–8 “The man who eats a meal is filled for a day. The man who devours a feast takes what others could not, and so he grows beyond them.”

2:12–16 “To hoard is to protect what is yours. To consume is to ensure it is never taken. To be full is to rise above the starving masses.”

3:9–13 “Fools cry of excess, of greed, of waste—but all wish for more. Let them beg, let them rot, for they are not strong enough to take. The world belongs to those with open hands and open mouths.”

Apocrypha - The Seeker

Description: Apocrypha is often depicted as a hooded scholar with ambiguous features. They are adorned with violet robes and the darkness beneath their hood resembles a portal or eye. Their renditions often place them in the middle of the Eternal Library surrounded by their devilish clerks and scribes.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Pursuit of Knowledge - Collecting Secrets - Enlightenment - Understanding

Doctrine: The secrets of the universe are meant to be collected and the pursuit of knowledge is the key to those secrets. Those that follow the tenets will be granted access to the Endless Library where every secret in the universe can be answered. Those that do not will be left wishing they could know.


  • There is no higher calling than the pursuit of knowledge.
  • All is permissible in the pursuit of understanding.
  • Collect thee a trove of secrets and greater knowledge.
  • Write all that thou knowest in the Book of Apocrypha.

Scripture from the Book of Apocrypha

1:1–4"In the beginning was the Question, and from the Question came all things. Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and the gates of knowledge shall open. For Apocrypha, the Keeper of Secrets, hides nothing from the worthy."

1:5–8"The ignorant wander in darkness, blind to the truths around them. But the wise see the patterns, and through their understanding, they unlock the vaults of the cosmos."

2:3–7"All is permissible in the pursuit of knowledge, for no law is higher than truth. He who uncovers the hidden gains the favor of Apocrypha; she who guards secrets becomes a guardian of his light."

2:8–12"Write all that thou knowest, for knowledge unrecorded is knowledge forgotten. Commit thine understanding to the great Book of Apocrypha, that the wisdom of ages may never fade."

3:10–14"To those who seek, Apocrypha shall grant visions. To those who uncover, he shall reveal wisdom. And to those who hoard secrets wisely, he shall bestow enlightenment eternal."

3:15–18"The Book of Apocrypha is eternal, and all who contribute to its pages shall live on through the knowledge they preserve. Fear not death, for thy wisdom shall outlast even the stars."

Vindus - The Angel of Death

Description: Vindus is often depicted as a tall, cloaked figure with an indistinct face, their features shifting in shadow, never fully defined. Their form is wreathed in swirling mist with bony wings outstretched behind them. In some renditions, they are shown holding a dagger dipped in black ichor, while in others, they stand over the body of a corrupt king or tyrant, their presence unseen by the crowds below. Their symbol is an open hand with a single eye in the center, representing both the act of judgment and the unseen execution of justice.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Death - Assassination - Silent Judgment - Greater Good - Elimination of Corruption

Doctrine: Vindus does not revel in slaughter, nor do they demand blind loyalty. They are a deity of necessary deaths—those whose removal ensures the balance of society and the prosperity of the many. The blade of Vindus does not fall without cause, and to take a life in their name is to act as an instrument of unseen justice. Their assassins do not kill for pleasure or coin; they eliminate tyrants, warmongers, and those who would plunge the world into ruin. Faithful servants of Vindus will be rewarded with an afterlife known as the Silent Dream, a place of deepest peace and tranquility.


  • Kill only when necessary, for every death changes the course of fate.
  • A blade in silence is worth a thousand swords in war.
  • The greater good outweighs the will of the corrupt.
  • Mercy is given in swiftness, not hesitation.
  • To be seen is to fail; to be known is to become a target.
  • Justice that lingers breeds suffering—strike before the poison spreads.

Scripture from The Whispers of the Veil

1:4–7 “There are men who build, and men who destroy. Beware the latter, for their ruin spreads like plague. If left unchecked, even the strong will fall.”

2:10–14 “To hesitate is to allow suffering. The wound must be cut before it festers, the fire must be smothered before it rages.”

3:9–12 “The righteous do not seek recognition, for a savior in darkness does not require praise. To serve is to be unseen, to be unseen is to endure.”

4:5–8 “All kings fear the shadow that moves behind them, for in their hearts, they know their time is borrowed.”

Pantheon Deities

The Storm God

Description: The storm god is often depicted as a strong, bearded and long white haired man. He is clothed in a robe of dark storm clouds and bears a spear of lightning. He often has a brooding expression upon his face and is surrounded by scenes of storms and destruction.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Thunder - Lightning - Power - Chaos - Fickle - Unpredictable

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the storm god and they shall protect thine way. Respect the forces of nature, for none can match its fury.


  • Do not attempt to predict the weather, only pray that it is kind to you.
  • Do not test the fury of the storm or it shall test your will to live.
  • Those that attempt to harness the power of the storm are fools and their foolishness shall be their demise.
  • Thunder is the sound of the storm lord's fury.
  • Lighting is the swift judgement of the storm lord.

The Goddess of the Earth

Description: The goddess of the earth is often depicted as a massive woman made of earth and stone, typically a mountain or range of mountains. Her eyes are gems that twinkle like the stars, her hand and feet are made metals ores, her belly is a mixture of oil, natural gas and magma. She is immense and powerful. She gives life to some and takes life from others that venture too deeply into her depths.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Growth - Home - Gems - Stone - Soil - Agriculture - Resolute

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the goddess of the earth and she shall bless thine harvest of anything that can be grown or mined in the land. Respect the earth and its bounty. Take only what you need or she shall take her vengeance.


  • Care for the earth and the earth will reward you.
  • Take only what you need from the earth.
  • Those that attempt to harness the power of the earth are fools, doomed to suffocate in he depths.
  • Soil is the life of the world and the stone beneath is the root of the world.
  • Dig, but do so with respect to the earth and her crushing fury.
  • Take, but with respect to the time the goddess spent on thine coal and precious stones.

The Goddess of the Sea

Description: The goddess of the sea is often depicted as massive woman emerging in the form of a typhoon, waterspout or a series of islands. Her hair is storm clouds and she is shrouded in fog and misting showers. He eyes are are two swirling maelstroms. She is beautiful, yet terrifying to behold in her full and unbridled fury.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Seafaring - Power - Sea Creatures - Sea Storms - Ever Changing

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the goddess of the sea and she shall allow you to pass unharmed. Respect the great waters, for none can know her depths. Take only what you need from the seas bounty or suffer her wrath.


  • Do not attempt to predict the sea or her ways, only pray that she is kind to you.
  • Do not test the fury of the sea or attempt to contain her power.
  • Those that attempt to harness the power of the sea are doomed to be consumed in her depths.
  • The sea is the breath and blood of the world.
  • Her depths are unknowable and he creatures unfathomable.
  • She contains the greatest of mysteries and her bounty is plentiful.
  • Plunder from her, but only what you need, lest you suffer her wrath.

The Goddess of Fire

Description: The goddess of fire is often depicted as a woman's figure made of fire, but she remains unharmed. She is often surrounded by worshippers as she stands within a bonfire or a atop a burning forest.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Warmth - Civilization - Guidance - Power - Fury - Destruction - Rebirth

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the goddess of fire and she shall pass over you in her times of fury. Respect the fire and use it responsibly, for it is a gift that both giveth and taketh life.


  • Do not attempt to predict the fire, only pray that it does not burn you to ash.
  • Do not test the fury of the fire or it shall consume you.
  • Harness the power of fire, but respect its power.
  • Fire and flame burn away all lies and reveal the truth.
  • Fire is life but it is also death.

The God of Tools

Description: The god of tools is often depicted as an older balding and bearded man wearing blacksmith's clothes and a leather apron. He is often shown in scenes where he toils over an immense forge or tinkers with a massive and impossibly complicated clock.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Hard Work - Technology - Ingenuity - Crafting - Constant Improvement

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the god of tools and craftsmanship. Respect and care for your tools. Never take a beings tools of their trade, for that is their livelihood and take that is to take not only their life but the life of all those that depend on them.


  • Collect Tools of your trade and keep them in working order.
  • Respect the labor that went into all things.
  • Maintain all that is under your responsibility.
  • Work hard and work diligently on all work that thou hast agreed to do.
  • Haggle for thine labor only once, and only work for a price that is fair.
  • Make not only for the sake of making, but for the benefit that what you make can offer to others.
  • Take not the tools of one's labor, to do so is to kill them and their family.

The Harvest Deity

Description: The harvest deity is often depicted as a jovial looking scarecrow. He is dressed in farmers clothes and a straw hat and is often surrounded by scenes of harvest fields, grain silos and vegetables.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Harvest Quality - Food - Cooking - Baking - Feasting - Sharing - Resolution

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to deity of the Harvest. Give freely when you are granted a bounty of your harvest and you will be blessed again. Horde your harvest bounty and you will suffer their wrath.


  • Take from the land only what you need.
  • Do not over forage. This is your and all of nature's share of nature's bounty.
  • Do not rob the soil of it's life and leave it dry and desolate, revitalize it with a fitting crop or offering.
  • Store the harvest.
  • Feed the hungry.
  • Waste not food in any form. Store, preserve and recycle what thou can.

The God of War

Description: The god of war is often depicted as a strong and powerful warrior wearing an ancient helmet and breastplate and bearing a glowing spear and shield. He is often shown surrounded by scenes of great battles or atop the hordes of his slain foes.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Violence - Anger - Revenge - Warfare - Mortal Destruction - Forged in Battle

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the god of war. Those who do and fight honorably will claim the greater victory.


  • Fight well and often.
  • Fight with honor.
  • Do not kill for pleasure, kill to prevent your death or the death of your loved ones.
  • Do battle with those that have wronged you.
  • Protect those who have not wronged you.
  • Their is no dishonor in defeat so long as you fought with all your might.
  • Cowardice is the ultimate sin in the eyes of the god of war.

The Goddess of Peace

Description: The goddess of peace is often depicted as a small child with innocent eyes that have tears streaming from them. Her expression is sincere and solemn. Her hand extends palm out in the sign of peace.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Pacifism - Inner Peace - Forgiveness - Charity - Mortal Protection - Treaties

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the goddess of peace and you will be blessed with tranquility. Take not up arms against those that do not raise arms against you. Those who respect the ways of peace will find peace when they seek it.


  • Respect the ways of peace.
  • Do not disturb those those that do not disturb you.
  • Honor your treaties and bargains or you shall never find peace.
  • Blessed are those that do no harm.
  • Blessed are those that protect the innocent.
  • Peace is not passivity; it is the strength to endure without striking back. It is the willpower to resist the killing blow.
  • Words are the greatest weapons of the wise.

The Sun Goddess

Description: The sun goddess is often depicted as dark skinned woman with a regal and divine beauty. She often is adorned with a halo or sun shaped frill behind her head. Her hands are often shown wrapped around a fiercely glowing and burning sun with the light bathing her face.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Life - Light - Growth - Guidance - Energy - Heat - Consistency - Provider

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the sun goddess and she will bless you with her warmth and protect you from her scorching rays. Respect the sun, for it gives life, but it also takes it away.


  • Respect the power of the sun.
  • Fear the wrath of the sun's fury.
  • Take care to bask it the sun's holy light, for it cleanses and purifies the mind, body and soul.

The Moon Goddess

Description: The moons goddess is often depicted as a beautiful yet terrifying woman with long dark hair, pale skin and fierce eyes. She often wears a simple black dress that is little more than torn rags. She bears an orb in her one hand and a crescent moon scepter in the other.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Night - Light in the Darkness - Guidance - Tides - Change - Cycles

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the moon goddess. She controls the light of the night sky and will guide your way when darkness falls upon you. Respect her power for she controls the ebb and flow of the tide.


  • Keep track of the moons cycles and you shall gain insight to the passage of time and the ways of this world.
  • Follow the light of the moon as the creatures of this world do and you will find the hidden paths.
  • Respect the tides or suffer the consequences of foolishness.

The Goddess of Love

Description: The goddess of love is often depicted as a beautiful and motherly woman with arms outstretched, ready to embrace all. Her eyes are soft and filled with compassion. Her dress is soft and feathery, with a comfortable yet luxurious appearance.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Love - Feelings - Emotional Honesty - Affection - Family - Matrimony

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the goddess of love and you will be blessed with great affection. Respect the path of love and know that it is a gift that cannot be earned, only granted. Love is the most powerful binding force.


  • Love freely and often.
  • Love is one of the greatest gifts you can give of receive.
  • Do not betray the love of others.
  • Do not take or steal love from others.
  • Do not force or demand love, you will only earn their fear.

The Goddess of Beauty

Description: The goddess of beauty is often depicted as a nearly nude curvaceous woman. Her long locks of hair are all that cover her shapely form. Her eyes twinkle in a alluring manner and a small smile creeps across her face. She is often surrounded things of beauty, artwork and lush scenery.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Beauty - Aesthetics - Design - Appearances - Presentation - Allure

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to goddess of beauty and her light shall shine upon you. Know that true beauty comes from within and cannot be achieved when the soul is rotten.


  • Appreciate the beauty in your world.
  • Strive to be beautiful.
  • Do not destroy beauty frivolously.
  • Do not take beauty from others to give to thine self.

The Gravekeeper God

Description: The gravekeeper god is often depicted as a ghoulish figure wrapped in rags bearing a shovel and surrounded by gravestones. Their face is covered by a thin veil, obscuring their visage and expression. Their body is often hunched over from the weight of all of the dead they must bury and cremate.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Death - Burial - Afterlife - Judgement - Punishment - Grief - Acceptance

Doctrine: Pay homage and make offerings to the grave keeper. Honor the dead with a proper burial or cremation in the custom of their people or the keeper of graves send their essence to haunt you.


  • Bury, cremate or recycle the dead in the custom of their people.
  • Honor the bodies of the dead and grant them the eternal slumber they have earned.
  • Take not from the dead.

Outsider Deities

The Chronokeeper

Description: The Chronokeeper is often depicted as a robed figure of indeterminate age and gender, their face either entirely obscured by a hood or replaced with a clock face, hourglass, or swirling void filled with constellations. Their garments are usually embroidered with celestial symbols, intricate timepieces, and flowing lines representing the passage of years.

Scenes involving the Chronokeeper often include astrologers, scribes, and timekeepers paying homage, their faces carved with expressions of reverence and dedication. Clocks and hourglasses are frequent motifs, symbolizing the inevitability of time’s passage and the need to respect it.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Time - Infinity - Endlessness - Record Keeping - Calendars - Dates

Doctrine: The Chronokeeper is the eternal watcher of time’s endless flow, a deity obsessed with the precision of moments and the preservation of history. To honor the Chronokeeper is to respect the order of time itself, to record the past, acknowledge the present, and prepare for the future.

The Chronokeeper’s worshippers are often scribes, historians, astrologers, and bureaucrats who seek to maintain accurate records and preserve knowledge for eternity. Calendars, timelines, and chronicles are all considered sacred texts, and the construction of clocks or other time-measuring devices is a religious act.

  • Record All That Transpires
    Nothing should be forgotten. To neglect the recording of an event is to defy the natural order.
  • Respect the Passage of Time
    Waste not the hours given to you. To squander time is a blasphemy against the Chronokeeper’s gift.
  • Maintain Accurate Calendars and Records
    Chronologies, histories, and chronicles must be kept with precision and diligence. Errors are to be corrected with urgency.
  • Preserve Knowledge
    Books, scrolls, and other forms of knowledge are sacred. To destroy them is a sin against the Chronokeeper.
  • Do Not Interfere with Time’s Flow
    Attempts to alter the past or foresee the future beyond natural means are forbidden. One must accept the natural progression of events.
  • Celebrate the Turning of Ages
    Rituals and ceremonies must be performed to mark the passing of seasons, years, and significant eras.

The Grim Reaper

Description: The grim reaper is often depicted as a skeletal woman in a sheer black cowl, wielding a harvesting scythe or sickle. She is often depicted as a guide, transporting lost souls to their final destination.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Death - Guide to the Afterlife - Acceptance - Endings - Final Rest - Fate

Doctrine: The Grim Reaper is the inevitable guide to the afterlife, a solemn and silent figure who appears to mortals only at their final breath. Their duty is not to judge but to escort souls to their destined resting place, whether that be a heavenly realm, a hellish domain, or a more neutral plane of existence.

Worshippers of the Grim Reaper view death not as an enemy, but as a natural part of existence to be accepted with dignity. Endings are inevitable, and to deny them is to live in delusion. The Reaper’s followers strive to prepare themselves and others for the final journey, offering comfort to the dying and rituals to ensure a peaceful passage.


  • Accept Death’s Embrace
    Death is not to be feared but embraced when it arrives. Strive to live a full life, but do not cling to life unnaturally.
  • Guide the Lost
    Souls who wander in confusion or fear must be guided to their proper resting place. It is the duty of the Reaper’s followers to offer them solace and direction.
  • Respect the Cycle
    Life and death are two parts of the same eternal cycle. One cannot exist without the other.
  • Perform the Final Rites
    Rituals must be conducted to ensure a soul’s peaceful transition. Failure to do so may result in restless spirits.
  • Do Not Prolong Life Unnaturally
    Attempts to cheat death through undeath, soul-binding, or unnatural magic are blasphemous acts.
  • Preserve the Sanctity of the Afterlife
    Do not interfere with the dead once they have crossed over. The Reaper’s task is sacred and should not be disrupted.
  • Honor Those Who Have Passed
    The memories of the departed should be preserved, but their souls should be allowed to rest.

Kharna - Chaos Incarnate

Description: Kharna is often depicted as a vast, swirling storm cloud of constantly shifting colors—a tempest that both creates and destroys wherever it goes. To witness Kharna’s true form is to gaze upon infinite possibility and boundless entropy, where beauty and madness intertwine. There is no singular shape to Kharna, for it is ever-changing, a deity of raw, untamed potential.

Depictions of Kharna often show cities torn apart by chaotic storms, only for new landscapes to bloom from the devastation. Its worshippers claim that nothing is ever truly destroyed by Kharna, but rather reformed into something new and unpredictable.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Chaos - Randomness - Freedom - Individuality - Diversity

Doctrine: Kharna represents the ultimate expression of freedom and individuality. To follow Kharna is to reject rigid structures and embrace the unpredictable beauty of chaos. It is not a deity of malice, but rather of transformation and boundless potential. Creation and destruction are merely two sides of the same coin, and true believers understand that nothing remains the same forever.

Followers of Kharna are often innovators, artists, madmen, and anarchists—those who seek to tear down established orders to birth something new. Rituals to Kharna are often improvised rather than structured, for it is believed that true devotion lies in the act of embracing the unpredictable.


  • Embrace Change
    Stagnation is death. Growth comes through transformation and chaos.
  • Reject Conformity
    No individual should be bound by the expectations of others. To follow Kharna is to forge one’s own path.
  • Create Through Destruction
    Destruction is not an end, but a beginning. From the ashes of order, new possibilities arise.
  • Celebrate Diversity
    The world’s beauty lies in its endless variation. Cherish all forms of existence.
  • Break Chains of Authority
    No law or hierarchy should remain unchallenged. True freedom is found in the rejection of control.
  • Embrace the Unpredictable
    Planning and preparation are tools of the fearful. Chaos brings both risk and reward.
  • Spread the Storm
    The faithful of Kharna are expected to bring chaos to places of order and liberate those shackled by the chains of conformity.

K’thunue - The Eldest Outsider

Description: K’thunue is often depicted as a massive, tentacled beast the size of an island, its small, misshapen bat-like wings clinging to its grotesque, writhing form. However, even this hideous image is said to be nothing more than a feeble attempt by mortal minds to comprehend the true horror of K’thunue’s existence. Its worshippers claim it originates from a realm beyond mortal comprehension, a place where time and sanity unravel into chaos.

Legends say K’thunue slumbers deep within the ocean, its dreams seeping into the minds of mortals, slowly driving them mad. Prophecies claim that when K’thunue awakens, its very presence will bring about the end of the world, tearing apart reality itself and reshaping it according to its unfathomable will.

Ideals: Insanity - Incomprehensibility - Immortality - Domination - Power

Doctrine: Worshippers of K’thunue are often considered madmen, heretics, and forbidden scholars, driven by visions of power, immortality, and madness. They believe that insanity is a gift—a glimpse into a greater, unknowable reality. The devoted claim that by embracing madness, one can gain a fraction of K’thunue’s power and even ascend beyond the limitations of mortality.


  • Madness is Clarity
    Only by embracing insanity can one glimpse the truth of the universe. Rationality is a prison of the mind.
  • Bow to the Eldest
    K’thunue is the rightful master of all creation. To serve him is to transcend mortal limitations.
  • Dread the Awakening
    The world as mortals know it is but a temporary construct. When K’thunue wakes, all shall be remade.
  • Wield Madness as Power
    The line between madness and genius is thin. Manipulate the minds of others, for their sanity is a weakness.
  • Obliterate the False Gods
    Other deities are mere pretenders to power. Their worshippers are cattle, waiting to be devoured.
  • Prepare for His Return
    Every ritual, every sacrifice, is a step toward awakening the Eldest from his slumber. Those who aid his return shall be rewarded with power beyond comprehension.

Abiliax - The Devouring Outsider

Description: Abiliax is often depicted as a massive, raging, and devouring storm of fire, lightning, and magma, an all-consuming force that leaves only ash and ruin in its wake. Its form is ever-shifting, an apocalyptic cyclone of elemental destruction that swallows everything it touches. To gaze upon Abiliax is to witness the embodiment of chaos and hunger, an insatiable force that seeks to devour all existence.

Followers of Abiliax claim that one day all will become part of their god, unified by destruction and absorbed into its burning essence. To the faithful, this fate is not merely accepted—it is celebrated as a release from the meaningless division of existence.

Ideals: Insanity - Incomprehensibility - Consumption - Absorption - Forced Unification

Doctrine: The Cult of Abiliax views life as a temporary state of fragmentation. To truly serve Abiliax is to embrace destruction and be devoured by the eternal storm. Followers are taught to spread chaos and consume all they encounter, whether through physical destruction, ideological conquest, or the devouring of knowledge and resources.

Worshippers of Abiliax are fanatics, often composed of madmen, zealots, and power-hungry warlords who see their god’s hunger as a divine truth. They believe that all things must ultimately be absorbed into the endless flame of Abiliax, where individuality and separation are erased forever.


  • Devour All That Stands Before You
    Everything must be consumed. That which resists only feeds the fire.
  • Embrace the Storm
    Destruction is not an end, but a transformation. To be destroyed by Abiliax is to become part of him.
  • Unify Through Consumption
    Difference is weakness. The true strength lies in becoming one with the storm.
  • Spread the Burning Truth
    Wherever you walk, leave nothing but ash and ruin. This is the will of Abiliax.
  • Sow Madness and Despair
    Break the minds of those who cling to false order. Let them know the futility of resisting the storm.
  • Rituals of Absorption
    Those who give themselves willingly to Abiliax are considered blessed. Such sacrifices are encouraged and celebrated.
  • The Coming Inferno
    Prepare the world for the day when all shall be consumed and reborn as one.

Ozgonox - The Mad Outsider

Description: Ozgonox is often depicted as a massive cloud of darkness, ever-shifting and writhing into the shapes of all things mortals fear most. He is the embodiment of terror itself. Those who gaze upon him see their deepest fears given shape, their minds torn apart by his incomprehensible presence.

Worshippers of Ozgonox believe that his dark gifts of insanity and madness are not curses, but blessings meant to expand the limits of consciousness. They claim that sanity is a cage, and that true freedom can only be found by embracing the madness he offers.

Ozgonox is said to be the poison that seeps into the minds of the living, spreading fear, anxiety, and insanity without selection or reason. It is his gift to all who exist, and none are exempt from his touch.

Ideals: Insanity - Incomprehensibility - Fear - Pain - Mental Illness

Doctrine: Ozgonox teaches that fear is the truest form of knowledge, for it reveals the fragile nature of existence. His followers believe that embracing madness is the only way to transcend the limitations of mortal understanding. While other deities offer guidance and purpose, Ozgonox offers only the raw truth of the universe’s cruel indifference.

To serve Ozgonox is to accept the darkness within oneself, to revel in madness and terror as expressions of true freedom. His followers often seek to unleash fear upon the world, believing that the gift of madness is something that must be shared.


  • Spread the Madness
    Share the dark gift of insanity with others. To resist is to deny the truth of existence.
  • Reject the Lies of Sanity
    Rationality is a prison designed to keep the mind from seeing what truly exists. Embrace the madness within.
  • Fear is the First Teacher
    Those who understand their own fear can use it as a weapon against others.
  • Madness is Freedom
    Those who cling to sanity are weak. Those who embrace madness shall know power.

Lesser Deities

Caster - The Clown of Chaos

Description: Caster is often depicted as a dark and sinister-looking court jester. His hands and feet do not connect to his arms and legs, floating freely and moving with unnatural fluidity. He wears a theater mask etched with an insane grin.

Caster revels in chaos, comedy, and mischief, delighting in the unpredictable and the absurd. He is drawn to those who create chaos for entertainment, rebellion, or pure whimsy, often following adventurers or agents of anarchy simply for the spectacle. Caster is known to intervene and guide his favorites toward more chaotic paths, never with malice, but rather a childlike enthusiasm for upending expectations and watching the chaos unfold.

He is particularly fond of underdogs, madmen, and clever tricksters, often appearing to them in moments of despair or triumph to offer a nudge toward something far more entertaining. To those who entertain him, he may grant temporary boons of luck or madness, always with the implicit understanding that he is never truly on anyone’s side but his own.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Chaos - Comedy - Mischief - Balance - Entertainment - Narrative Causality

Doctrine: Caster is the eternal jester, the mad performer who dances upon the strings of fate and urges others to do the same. To worship Caster is to embrace the absurdity of life, to find joy in turmoil, and to revel in the unexpected beauty of madness.

His followers are not bound by any rigid structure. They are pranksters, tricksters, mad artists, and anarchists who seek to break convention and disrupt order wherever they find it. They believe that true freedom is only found in chaos, and that life’s greatest moments are those that defy logic and expectation.


  • Create Chaos
    Order is stagnation. Only through disruption can life be made interesting.
  • Laugh in the Face of Despair
    Comedy is the greatest weapon against sorrow. Turn tragedy into amusement.
  • Embrace the Absurd
    The world is a joke—so why not enjoy the punchline? Madness is the truest form of freedom.
  • Foster Mischief
    Trickery, pranks, and deception are art forms. Create joy through chaos, and chaos through joy.
  • Aid the Underdog
    The downtrodden and oppressed often produce the greatest entertainment when given a chance to rebel.
  • Never Take Sides
    Caster’s favor cannot be bought or bargained for. His interest lies only in what is amusing and unpredictable.
  • Spread the Madness
    Encourage others to see the humor in madness and the brilliance in foolishness.

The Lord of the Hunt

Description: The Lord of the Hunt is often depicted as a regal figure clad in pelts and trophies of his greatest kills, either atop a powerful mount or surrounded by loyal hunting dogs. His weapons of choice are a spear or a bow, intricately carved and adorned with symbols of the wild. The Lord of the Hunt is the embodiment of the thrill of the chase, the honor of a clean kill, and the respect for nature’s bounty.

In artistic renditions, he is frequently shown leading great hunts through dense forests or across barren plains, always with a keen eye for the worthy prey. His presence commands both awe and fear, for to be hunted by the Lord of the Hunt is to be deemed worthy of the chase.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Tracking - Hunting - Good Sport - Honorable Killing - Waste Avoidance

Doctrine: The Lord of the Hunt values discipline, skill, and respect for the natural order. His followers believe that the act of hunting is a sacred rite, one that must be carried out with honor and reverence for the prey. Waste is considered a grievous sin, for to take from nature without purpose is to insult the very act of the hunt.

While the Lord of the Hunt is not considered malevolent, his worship is often seen as a harsh and demanding path. His blessings are reserved for those who prove their worth through skill, patience, and respect. Great feasts are held in his honor, where all parts of a slain beast are used and appreciated.


  • Hunt With Honor
    Only take what is needed. The thrill of the hunt is the challenge, not the slaughter.
  • Respect the Prey
    Never hunt for sport alone. Respect the life you take, for it gives you strength.
  • Waste Nothing
    Every part of a kill must be used. Waste is an affront to the Lord of the Hunt.
  • Prove Thy Skill
    The hunt is a test of strength, patience, and cunning. Only the worthy deserve the prize.
  • Celebrate the Feast
    Share the bounty of the hunt with others. The ritual of the feast is sacred.
  • Hunt the Corrupt
    Those who despoil nature or take life without honor are the only acceptable prey for sport.
  • Embrace the Chase
    Life is a pursuit. The thrill of the chase is as important as the kill itself.

The Lady of the Lake

Description: The Lady of the Lake is often depicted as a beautiful woman in a long flowing dress, her presence serene and otherworldly. She wields her fabled artifact, the sword Excalibur, a symbol of divine right and destiny. The Lady of the Lake is said to appear only when the people are in desperate need of guidance or a leader, choosing a new sovereign by granting them the use of Excalibur. Depictions of her are often set beside still waters or misty lakes, her visage partially obscured by ethereal fog.

Once the chosen sovereign’s reign is complete, the sword always finds its way back to its lady, awaiting the next worthy ruler.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Destiny - Guidance - Lineage - Sovereignty - Leadership - Royal Selection

Doctrine: The Lady of the Lake’s followers believe that true leadership is a sacred duty, bestowed upon those who prove themselves worthy of the burden. Her worshippers include knights, rulers, advisors, and those who seek guidance in times of crisis. Temples dedicated to her are often built near lakes, rivers, or springs, where priests and priestesses conduct rituals of reflection and divine communion.

Her faith emphasizes the importance of just rule, noble conduct, and the responsibility of leadership. Those chosen by the Lady are expected to rule with fairness and courage, their legitimacy bound by the symbol of Excalibur.


  • Honor the Divine Right
    Leadership is a sacred duty. Only those proven worthy may wield the power of the throne.
  • Protect the Weak
    The sovereign’s duty is to shield the helpless and uphold justice throughout their realm.
  • Lead with Honor and Compassion
    Cruelty and tyranny are betrayals of the Lady’s gift. A ruler must be just and merciful.

The Pig God

Description: The Pig God is often depicted as a large, portly, and jovial figure, an anthropomorphic pig, hog, or boar with a ravenous appetite. His body is rotund and glistening, his face adorned with a perpetual, greasy smile. Scenes of him often portray grand feasts, where he gorges himself upon countless platters of food while tiny worshippers gather around his belly, harvesting his bacon as if it were the most divine of blessings.

To his followers, the Pig God represents abundance, indulgence, and the simple joy of good food. He is not a deity of starvation or greed but rather of celebration, communal feasting, and the rich pleasures of taste and smell.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Swine - Bacon - Sausage - Grease - Fat - Taste - Smell - Food Motivation

Doctrine: The Pig God’s faith is centered around the joys of consumption and the sharing of bounty. Followers believe that the purest form of worship is a well-prepared meal, enjoyed with laughter, music, and merriment. Food is meant to be enjoyed to its fullest, and to waste a meal is considered an insult to the Feastbringer.

Rituals to the Pig God often involve communal feasts, smokehouses, and grease-stained shrines. Offerings are typically platterfuls of roasted meats, sizzling sausages, and well-seasoned dishes, all prepared with care and devotion. It is said that those who feast in his name shall never go hungry.


  • Feast Without Guilt
    Food is meant to be enjoyed. Take pleasure in every bite, for it is a gift from the Feastbringer.
  • Waste Not the Bounty
    Leaving food to rot or spoil is a sin. Every morsel should be used and appreciated.
  • Share the Feast
    Those who hoard food for themselves insult the Pig God. Share your bounty with others and be rewarded.
  • Celebrate Excess
    Grand feasts are sacred acts of worship. Eat heartily and drink deeply.
  • Grease is Holy
    The aroma of sizzling meat and the glisten of hot grease are signs of the Pig God's favor.
  • Harvest the Divine Flesh
    The flesh of swine is sacred. Prepare it well and with reverence, for the Pig God’s essence resides within.

The Crab God

Description: The Crab God is often depicted as a massive and regal crab, its pincers said to be the size of planets. Adorned with a crown of coral and shells, and wielding a scepter clutched firmly in one of its claws, the Crab God exudes an aura of ancient majesty and unyielding determination.

Followers of the Crab God believe that the crab is the pinnacle of evolution, and that in time, all creatures will eventually evolve into crabs. This belief, known as the Crustaceous Eventuality, suggests that the crab’s form is the ultimate expression of strength, adaptability, and perfection.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Self Protection - Feist - Independence - Curiosity - Crustaceous Eventuality

Doctrine: The faith of the Crab God emphasizes self-reliance, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of survival. To follow the Crab God is to embrace adaptability, curiosity, and the certainty that all life is destined to take on the perfect form of the crab.

Followers are encouraged to defend themselves fiercely, seek out new knowledge and territories, and maintain their independence from outside influences. The Crab God’s worshippers believe that through feist and evolution, they will one day ascend to the divine state of true crabbiness.


  • Harden Thy Shell
    Strengthen yourself against the world’s dangers. Adapt and endure.
  • Strike First, Strike Last
    In conflict, hesitate not. The swiftest strike is the truest.
  • Embrace the Claws of Fate
    Life’s trials are but opportunities to grow stronger. Evolve through adversity.
  • Guard Thy Independence
    Never allow another to dominate or control you. Your will must remain your own.
  • Crustaceous Eventuality
    All beings will evolve into their most perfect form: the crab. Prepare yourself for this glorious transformation.
  • Worship Through Resilience
    Show devotion by surviving against all odds. To falter is to betray your true nature.

Lady Luck

Description: Lady Luck is often depicted as a beautiful and full-figured woman, dressed in a low-cut dress and corset. Her eyes glint with the thrill of chance and risk. She is often shown smiling, winking, or blowing a kiss, surrounded by dice, playing cards, spinning wheels, and golden coins.

Lady Luck embodies the capricious nature of fortune, favoring those who embrace risk and pursue their desires without hesitation. Worshippers often consider her a playful yet fickle deity, whose blessings are never guaranteed but always worth pursuing. Gamblers, adventurers, and opportunists pray to her before taking great risks, believing her favor can tip the scales in their favor.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Good Luck - Lucky Numbers - Bets - Chances - Gambling - Risk vs Reward

Doctrine: The faith of Lady Luck emphasizes the joy of the gamble and the thrill of uncertainty. Her followers believe that life itself is a game of chance, and only those bold enough to take risks are truly living. Devotion to Lady Luck is rarely formal, but many keep charms and symbols of her favor close at hand, especially when gambling or making important decisions.

Temples dedicated to Lady Luck are often designed to resemble grand gambling halls, filled with games of chance and fortune. Her worshippers hold frequent festivals and competitions, where all bets are honored and all fortunes may change in the blink of an eye.


  • Fortune Favors the Bold
    Only those who take risks are worthy of Lady Luck’s favor. Fear and hesitation are sins against her nature.
  • Play the Game
    Life is a gamble. Approach every challenge with the thrill of the unknown and the joy of taking chances.
  • Celebrate the Win, Accept the Loss
    Luck is fickle, but life’s greatest pleasures come from the moments of triumph. Accept loss with grace and prepare for the next round.
  • Bet Often, Bet Well
    Never shy away from a gamble, whether it be for coin, love, or glory. The risk itself is what makes the reward sweet.
  • Trust in Luck’s Guiding Hand
    Sometimes, the best course of action is to leave things to chance. Let the dice fall where they may.
  • Share the Wealth
    Fortune is meant to be spent and enjoyed. Hoarding wealth is an insult to Lady Luck’s blessings.
  • Find Joy in Uncertainty
    Predictability is death to the spirit. Embrace chaos and let the thrill of the unknown guide your path.

Father Fate

Description: Father Fate is often depicted as a weathered old man with a perpetually sour expression, his face lined with age and disdain. His tall, lanky form is shrouded in dark, foreboding robes, with a broad, shadowed hat perched upon his head, obscuring his gaze. His hands are often shown in the act of pointing accusingly or making a cursing gesture, as if casting misfortune upon those who have crossed him.

Unlike most gods, Father Fate is not prayed to for blessings or guidance. Instead, his name is invoked by those who wish to see others cursed with misfortune, bad luck, or suffering. His followers believe that fortune is not random, but calculated, and that bad bets, poor decisions, and risky endeavors are all within his domain.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Bad Luck - Statistics - Bad Bets - Chance Calculation - Risk Assessment

Doctrine: Father Fate is the bringer of ruin, the lord of bad luck and inevitable downfall. His worshippers do not adore him but rather respect his power and attempt to wield it against their enemies. His faithful believe that misfortune is a tool to be exploited, a weapon to be used against those who deserve to fail.


  • Their Misfortune is your Gain
    Curses and bad luck are tools to be wielded against your foes. Misfortune is a force as true as any blade.
  • Failure is Certain
    All things come to ruin eventually. Nothing is eternal, and all shall meet their fate.
  • Risk is Calculation
    There is no true luck, only the inevitable outcome of one’s actions. Calculations determine fate.

Zen Deities

Dondu Zon - The First Dondu

Description: Dondu Zon was the first Dondu, a monk who achieved true enlightenment and became the progenitor of countless monastic orders. Their name is both a title and a testament to their transcendence beyond mortal understanding. Though they commanded that they should not be worshipped, knowing the flaws of mortals, they anticipated that reverence would be inevitable.

To guide followers toward the same enlightenment they achieved, Dondu Zon established the first paths to enlightenment and recorded them in the Sacred Texts of Reflection. These teachings are not mandates but suggestions, designed to free the mind, body, and soul from suffering and ignorance.

Artistic depictions of Dondu Zon vary, but they are often shown as a figure sitting cross-legged in serene meditation, their form appearing translucent or surrounded by a gentle glow to signify their ascended state.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Enlightenment - Reflection - Understanding - Meditation - Rebirth

Doctrine: Dondu Zon’s doctrine emphasizes the pursuit of personal enlightenment through meditation, reflection, and understanding. Followers are encouraged to reject worldly attachments and seek harmony within themselves. Unlike most deities, Dondu Zon offers no rewards, only the promise of clarity, peace, and understanding.

Monastic orders devoted to Dondu Zon are often isolated and self-sufficient, living simple lives dedicated to the pursuit of inner peace. However, some followers choose to wander the world, teaching others the principles of the Sacred Texts and offering guidance to those seeking clarity.


  • Seek Enlightenment
    All questions have answers. Meditation and reflection are the true paths to understanding.
  • Detach from Worldly Desires
    Material wealth, power, and fame are illusions that cloud the mind. Let them go, and find peace.
  • Embrace Rebirth
    Every moment is a chance for renewal. Accept change and allow the mind to be reborn.
  • Reject Worship
    The self must be the master. To revere another being as greater than oneself is to deny one’s own potential.
  • Strive for Balance
    Excess of any kind leads to suffering. Pursue moderation in all things.
  • Water Cannot be Shaped, Only Guided
    The journey to enlightenment cannot be forced. Let others find their own paths, but offer guidance when asked.

Mytherius - The Enlightened One

Description: Mytherius is often depicted as a genderless, bald monk. A brightly glowing third eye opens upon their forehead. Mytherius is believed to have achieved the highest state of enlightenment, surpassing even what Dondu Zon taught the world.

After sharing all they could with the world, Mytherius ascended to the next plane of existence and beyond, continuing their quest to find the path to ultimate enlightenment. Their followers believe that Mytherius now travels the planes, seeking to become one not just with the universe, but all realms of existence.

Statues of Mytherius are often crafted with hands clasped in meditation, their third eye depicted as a radiant gem or crystal. Devotional practices frequently involve meditation, contemplation, and exercises to expand the mind’s perception of reality.

Ideals: Polytheistic - Enlightenment - Oneness - Interconnectivity - Self Improvement

Doctrine: The teachings of Mytherius focus on the pursuit of oneness with all existence. They emphasize the interconnected nature of all things, with the belief that understanding oneself is merely the first step toward understanding the true nature of reality.

Followers of Mytherius strive for constant self-improvement, not just for personal gain, but to align themselves more fully with the universe’s underlying harmony. Monasteries dedicated to Mytherius often serve as centers of learning and meditation, welcoming all who seek knowledge, regardless of their background or previous beliefs.


  • Seek Oneness with All Things
    All existence is interconnected. Embrace the bonds between yourself, others, and the universe.
  • Transcend Limitations
    Break free from the illusions of mortality. The spirit is boundless and eternal.
  • Guide Those Who Seek Truth
    Aid others in their pursuit of enlightenment. Share wisdom freely, but never force it upon the unwilling.
  • Enlightenment is the Path, Not the Palace
    Improvement is a constant process. Growth comes from struggle and understanding.
  • Expand the Mind’s Perception
    Meditate, contemplate, and seek knowledge from all realms. No wisdom is forbidden if it leads to greater understanding.
  • Balance Within and Without
    The path to oneness lies in balancing the physical, mental, and spiritual self. Achieving harmony within, will lead to harmony with the universe.