
Renders the caster or their target invisible and thus much harder to detect.

Tier II - Illusion - Spell

Renders the caster or their target invisible and thus much harder to detect.

Spell Tier II
Action Type Action
Mana Cost 2
Range Personal / Touch
Requirements One Free Hand
Sustain 2 Mana
Spell Traits Imperceptible

Description: With a concentrated burst of mana you wrap the touched creature or object in a sheer layer of bent light, rendering them and anything on their person invisible to the naked eye.

Effect: The target creature is considered to have the Invisible Condition until the end of the caster’s next turn or until this spell is no longer being sustained.

Invisible - Creatures in this state add a Destiny Die to all Stealth Skill Rolls and are considered to make those stealth skill rolls with a miscellaneous +5. They can still be detected via scent, tracks and other evidence.

Projectiles, thrown objects and spell effects from invisible creatures are visible as soon as they leave their hands. Creatures that have been targeted by an invisible creature's attacks or spells in the last round or creatures within line of sight of said targeted creature, gain a Destiny Die on skill rolls made to detect the invisible creature.

Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional mana to increase the Range of this spell by 5 Meters,

Or Spend 2 Mana to grant this spell’s effect to 1 additional creature within Range.