Invertebrate Traits and Abilities

A selection of Traits and Abilities that only Invertebrate Species may acquire.

Invertebrate Traits and Abilities

Species Traits and Abilities are those that can only be acquired by creatures that have the necessary species prerequisites.

Purchasing these with XP will allow creatures to invest further into their own bodies and natural abilities.

Invertebrate Traits & Abilities

Purchase with XP


High Spore Count

Increase the Blast and Area of your Spore Cloud Ability.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Myceliumite

Effect: Your Spore Cloud Ability is increased to a 2 Meter Blast centered on yourself and occupies a 25 Meter Area rather than the standard 9 Meter Area.

Potent Spores

Increase the Saving Throw DC of your Spore Cloud Ability.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Myceliumite

Effect: Your Spore Cloud Ability has its Saving Throw DC increased by 2.

Irresistable Spores

Further increase the Saving Throw DC of your Spore Cloud Ability.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Myceliumite, Potent Spores

Effect: Your Spore Cloud Ability has its Saving Throw DC further increased by 2.

Burrowing Spores

Make it much more difficult to resist your Spore Cloud Ability.

XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Myceliumite, Potent Spores

Effect: Creatures Add a Fate Die to Saving Throw Rolls made to Resist your Spore Cloud Ability

Highly Toxic Spores

Increase damage dealt by your Toxic Spore Cloud Ability.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Myceliumite

Effect: Your Spore Cloud Ability is has its damage increased to 2d6+2 instead of the standard 2d4.

You may choose to deal less or lower damage dice by releasing less spores.

Deathly Toxic Spores

Further increase damage dealt by your Toxic Spore Cloud Ability.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Myceliumite, Highly Toxic Spores

Effect: Your Spore Cloud Ability is has its damage increased to 2d8+4.

You may choose to deal less or lower damage dice by releasing less spores.

Long Spikes

Increase the Damage that your Spikey Trait deals.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Cactacian

Effect: Increase the Damage die to a d6's(rather than the standard d4's) and add 2 to the Damage Dealt by your Spikey Trait.

Dangerous Spikes

Increase the Damage that your Cactacian Natural Weapon Attacks deal.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Cactacian

Effect: Your Cactacian Natural Weapons deal 2d4+2+STR or DEX Modifier Puncture Damage rather than the standard 1d6+2+STR or DEX Modifier.

Ambulatory Spikes

Increase the Attack and Damage Rolls of your Cactacian Natural Weapon.

XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Cactacian

Effect: Add 2 to the Attack and Damage Rolls of your Cactacian Natural Weapon.

Low Terminal Velocity

Drastically reduce the damage taken from falls.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Invertebrate

Effect: You gain Resistance to Blunt Damage caused by Falls and Hard landings.

Liquid Cunning

Increase your Intellect Attribute.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Invertebrate

Effect: Your Intellect Attribute Total is increased by 2.

Amorphious Health

Increase your Constitution Attribute.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Invertebrate

Effect: Your Constitution Attribute Total is increased by 2.

Spinelss Nimbility

Increase your Dexterity Attribute.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Invertebrate

Effect: Your Dexterity Attribute Total is increased by 2.

Inexplicble Strength

Increase your Strength Attribute.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Invertebrate

Effect: Your Strength Attribute Total is increased by 2.

Formless Wisdom

Increase your Wisdom Attribute.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Invertebrate

Effect: Your Wisdom Attribute Total is increased by 2.

Pliable Speed

Increase your Movement Speed.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Invertebrate

Effect: Your Movement Speed is increased by 1 Meter per Movement.

Rapid Fire Synapsis

Increase your Initiative.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Invertebrate

Effect: You gain a +2 Misc. Modifier to Initiative.


Uncanny Escape

Gain the ability to easily escape grapples.

XP Cost: 2 Prerequisites: Invertebrate

Action: 3 Meters of Movement

Cost: 1 Stamina or Might

Effect: Add a Destiny die to any Roll made to escape a Grapple.