Information Age - Property & Real Estate

A collection of Property and Real Estate prices available in the Information Age.

Information Age - Property & Real Estate


Property is an area of land that has been claimed or purchased by an individual or organization and is considered to be owned. 

Table of Property

The cost and availability of Property and Land Purchases in the Information Age.

Land  Cost Per Acre Annual Tax Per Acre(in city limits) Traits Rarity Uses Possible Exports
Mountain Land 5,000 Dollars 50 Dollars Rocky, Windy, Elevated, Inhospitable, High Ground  Common Bad Farming, Good Mining, Bad Building Gold, Coal, Oil, Flint, Gems, Salt, Natural Gas, Magma,  Phosphorus, Cold Weather Crops
Hillside Land  8,000 Dollars 80 Dollars Uneven, Windy, High Ground Uncommon Decent Farming, Decent Mining, Decent Building Cool Weather Crops
Meadow Land 12,000 Dollars 200 Dollars Lush, Animals Uncommon Good Farming, Bad Mining, Good Building Warm Weather Crops
Forest Land 8,000 Dollars 800 Dollars Wooded, Beasts Common Decent Farming, Good Mining,  Bad Building Shade Crops, Copper
Plains Land 10,000 Dollars 100 Dollars Flat, Windy Uncommon Good Farming, Bad Mining, Good Building High Sun Crops
Coastal Land 20,000 Dollars 200 Dollars Ocean Access Rare Decent Farming, Bad Mining, Good Building Ocean Fish & Crustaceans, Salt
Lakeside Land 15,000 Dollars 150 Dollars Lake Access Rare Good Farming, Bad Mining, Good Building Lake Fish & Crustaceans, Tin, Flint 
Riverside Land 15,000 Dollars 150 Dollars River Access Rare Good Farming, Decent Mining, Decent Building River Fish & Crustaceans, Tin, Gold, Flint
Swamp Land 6,000 Dollars 60 Dollars Marshy, Infested Common Bad Farming, Good Mining, Bad Building Swamp Fish & Crustaceans, Iron, Oil, Natural Gas

Real Estate

Real estate is property that has been constructed or erected on an existing plot of land. It typically increases the value of the land on which it rests and requires regular upkeep and maintenance to keep the structure’s condition from degrading.

Table of Buildings

The cost and availability of various building types in the Information Age.

Building Type Cost to Build per Square Meter Cost to Purchase per Square Meter Monthly Rent per Square Meter Building Materials Uses Building Traits
Barn 10 Dollars 20 Dollars 5 Dollars Wood Storage, Animal Housing Drafty
Stick Hut 10 Dollars 20 Dollars 5 Dollars Wood Storage, Housing Small
Mud Hut 10 Dollars 20 Dollars 5 Dollars Earth Housing, Storage Small
Earthen Home 10 Dollars 20 Dollars 5 Dollars Compressed Earth Housing, Storage Medium
Timber House 10 Dollars 20 Dollars 5 Dollars Wood, Plaster Housing, Storage Medium. Stackable
Brick House 10 Dollars 20 Dollars 10 Dollars Brick Housing, Storage Medium, Stackable, Tough
Stone House 50 Dollars 100 Dollars 15 Dollars Stone Housing, Storage Medium, Stackable, Tough
Iron Reinforced Timber Building 40 Dollars 80 Dollars 15 Dollars Wood, Iron Housing, Storage, Production Large
Brick Building 30 Dollars 60 Dollars 20 Dollars Brick Housing, Storage, Production Large, Tough
Stone Building 40 Dollars 80 Dollars 20 Dollars Stone Housing, Storage, Production, Defense Large, Tough
Steel Beam Building 40 Dollars 80 Dollars 20 Dollars Steel, Concrete, Wood Housing, Storage, Production, Defense Large, Tough
Concrete Building 50 Dollars 100 Dollars 30 Dollars Concrete, Rebar Housing, Storage, Production, Defense Large, Tough
Manor 60 Dollars 120 Dollars 30 Dollars Wood, Stone Housing, Storage, Production, Defense Large, Tough, Beautiful
Mansion 100 Dollars 200 Dollars 50 Dollars Wood, Stone Housing, Storage, Production, Defense Huge, Tough, Beautiful
Fort 180 Dollars 300 Dollars 40 Dollars Wood, Stone Housing, Storage, Production, Defense Large, Tough
Castle 100 Dollars 200 Dollars 50 Dollars Wood, Stone Housing, Storage, Production, Defense Huge, Tough, Beautiful
Chateau  100 Dollars 200 Dollars 50 Dollars Wood, Stone Housing, Storage, Production, Defense Huge, Tough, Beautiful