Industrial Age - Musical Instruments

A collection of Musical Instruments available in the Industrial Age.

Industrial Age - Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments

Musical instruments are a sort of magic all of their own and the music they create is capable of subtly affecting the mood of all who hear it.

Table of Musical Instruments

Instrument Description Instrument Type Materials Musical Qualities Cost
Bongos A set of small wooden drums with stretched hide. Percussion Wood, Hide Loud, Rhythmic 5 Dollars
Hide Drum A large wooden drum that utilizes a stretched hide. Percussion Wood, Hide Loud, Rhythmic 2 Dollars
Fiddle A long necked wooden stringed instrument that is played using a bow that rubs and vibrates the strings. Stringed Wood, Sinew Energetic, Melodious 10 Dollars
Lute A long necked stringed instrument played by strumming is strings. Stringed Wood, Sinew Energetic, Melodious 10 Dollars
Hand Harp A small stringed instrument with an iconic harp frame. Played by strumming the threads. Stringed Wood, Sinew Soothing, Melodious 4 Dollars
Pan Flute A series of wooden or reed tubes secured together to generate different notes when air is blown into each tube. Wind Wood, Reeds Soothing, Melodious 3 Dollars
Bagpipes A large sack with multiple wooden pipes. Played by blowing into one of the pipes and squeezing the air from the bag, out the other pipes. Wind Cloth, Leather, Wood Loud, Energetic 8 Dollars
Accordion A strange device resembling a combination between a piano and a bellows. Played by pumping the bellows while playing the piano keys. Wind Metal, Wood, Rubber Impressive, Melodious, Mechanical 15 Dollars
Mini Pipe Organ Resembles a piano with small pipes coming out the back side. Played via the keyboard. Wind Metal, Wood, Rubber Impressive, Melodious, Mechanical 20 Dollars
Hurdy Gurdy A strange stringed instrument with a rotary crank device and a series of keys on the side. Played by turning the crank and playing the keys. Stringed Metal, Wood, Sinew Impressive, Melodious, Mechanical 25 Dollars