Illusory Transformation
Causes a creature to appear to take on any form described by the caster.
Tier III - Illusion - Spell
Causes a creature to appear to take on any form described by the caster.
Spell Tier | III |
Action Type | Action |
Mana Cost | 3 |
Range | Personal / Touch |
Requirements | One Free Hand |
Sustain | 2 Mana |
Spell Traits | Imperceptible |
Description: The caster generates a thin illusory body around the target of the spell, completely disguising them as another.
Effect: Until the end of the caster’s next turn or until this spell is no longer sustained the caster causes themselves or a touched willing Creature to appear to be whatever species that is equal in size or larger, wearing whatever outfit the caster describes. The created visage cannot exceed a creature size of Giant. Creating a specific visage of an individual requires an accommodating Knowledge Skill Roll. The higher the roll, the more convincing the face and features. Creating a specific garb, such as a uniform requires an accommodating Knowledge Skill Roll. The higher the roll, the more convincing the outfit and details. This transformation can generate sounds and scents and emit light. *Thorough examination or magical detection with a skill roll higher than the caster’s Spell Save DC will reveal the illusory nature of this spell’s effect.
Unwilling Target: The caster can use this spell on unwilling or unsuspecting creatures. The Caster chooses a large or smaller creature within Range. That Creature must roll a Wisdom Saving Throw, the DC is equal to the caster’s Spell Save DC.
Fail: If the target fails the saving throw they take on the appearance chosen by the caster until the end of the caster’s next turn or until this spell is no longer being sustained.
Pass: If the target succeeds on the saving throw they are unaffected by the spell’s effect.
*Thorough examination or magical detection with a skill roll higher than the caster’s Spell Save DC will reveal the illusory nature of this spell’s effect.
Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional mana to grant an additional creature within range the effects of this spell,
Or increase the Range of this spell by 5 Meters,
Or increase the DC to resist this instance of the caster’s Spell Save DC by 2.