Elementalism - Pyromancy Ability The ability to manipulate and spontaneously create Great Fire Elementals.
Fire - Elementalism
XP Cost: 3 Prerequisites: Pyromancy, Infernomancy
Action Type(s) | Motion, Action, Spell Attack |
ARP Cost | 6 (Motions Excluded) |
Range | 20 Meters |
Requirements | 1 Free Hand |
Sustain | 2 ARP |
Traits | Visible, Audible |
You can manipulate the behavior of a Great Fire Elemental or cause one to be born from a massive blaze.
Using a Motion: You can manipulate, redirect, communicate with or choose a target of Attack for a Great Fire Elemental.
Birth Great Fire Elemental: Expend an Action and extinguish at least 20 Meters of Fire within Range. The fire coalesces into a single Huge Creature that is placed in an empty space that the fire just vacated and enters initiative immediately after the caster.
Sustain: Sustaining this Ability allows the link to a Great FIre Elemental to persist until this Ability is no longer being Sustained.
Overpower: The Caster can spend 1 additional ARP to overpower this Ability and Increase the Range of this Ability by 10 Meters,
Or Increase the DC for any of this Ability’s Saving Throws by 2,
Or Increase the Max HP of a Birthed Great Fire Elemental by 10.