Core Element EarthCore Element FireCore Element FleshCore Element LightCore Element MetaphysicalDeity AbiliaxDeity ApocryphalDeity AtroxisDeity AurelionDeity AvagogDeity Caster Clown of ChaosDeity Crab GodDeity Dondu ZonsDeity ElodineDeity Father FateDeity Fire GoddessDeity GaiaDeity Goddess of BeautyDeity Goddess of PeaceDeity God of TimeDeity God of WarDeity Gravekeeper GodDeity Grim ReaperDeity Harvest GoddessDeity KharnaDeity KthunueDeity Lady LuckDeity Lady of the LakeDeity Lord of the HuntDeity LuxaraDeity Moon GoddessDeity MytheriusDeity OhgrimDeity OmniousDeity OzgonoxDeity Pig GodDeity PyrahDeity Sea GoddessDeity Storm GodDeity Sun GoddessDeity ThayrorDeity Tool GodDeity VindusDeity XalvothFavored Animal AbominationsFavored Animal AmphibiansFavored Animal AquaticsFavored Animal AviansFavored Animal InsectoidsFavored Animal MammalsFavored Animal ReptilesFavored Mycelium Deadly MushroomFavored Mycelium Edible MushroomFavored Mycelium Giant MushroomFavored Mycelium Poisonous MushroomFavored Mycelium Psychedelic MushroomFavored Mycelium Toxic MushroomFavored Plant FlowersFavored Plant HerbsFavored Plant TreesFavored Plant Vines and BramblesFavored Plant WeedsFighting Style Bar BrawlerFighting Style Martial ArtistFighting Style Ring FighterFighting Style Street FighterFighting Style WrestlerRune Type Glyph RuneRune Type Material RuneEnchantment Type IndestructibleEnchantment Type PhasingEnchantment Type ReturningEnchantment Type SentientPet Plant ShrubPet Plant VineRage Trigger Angry InebriationRage Trigger Insults Lead to InjuryRage Trigger Ritual of RageRage Trigger Seeing RedVow of CelibacyVow of PovertyVow of PurityVow of SilenceWarrior Code Bandit's CodeWarrior Code BushidoWarrior Code ChivalryWarrior Code Highwayman's CodeWarrior Code In the Name of GodWarrior Code In the Name of RoyaltyWarrior Code Mercenary CodeWarrior Code Mercy is for the WeakWarrior Code No Women No ChildrenWarrior Code Pirate's CodeWarrior Code Raider's CodeWarrior Code Spare the WeakPact Equivalent Exchange BeautyPact Options WitsPact Equivalent Exchange LovePact Options PainPact Regular Sacrifices LifePact Regular Sacrifices FoodPact Regular Sacrifices MoneyPact Type ConversionsPact Type Equivalent ExchangePact Type Eternal SoulPact Type FirstbornPact Type LineagePact Type Magic by DayPact Type Magic by NightPact Type Regular SacrificesPact Type Servant in LifeDeity HeavenlyDeity Lesser GodsDeity OutsidersDeity PantheonDeity Underworld