Humans are the basis and blueprint for the Humanoid body shape. They have skin hues that range in color from pale white, to shades of olive, brown, black, tan and pink.

Medium / Humanoid / Biped
Humans are the basis and blueprint for the humanoid body shape. They have skin hues that range in color from pale white, to shades of olive, brown, black, tan and pink. Their hair colors are usually browns, blacks, blondes and occasionally shades of red. Their eyes can be shades of brown, green, blue and everything in-between.
Varied Society
Human societies are some of the most varied and diverse in any of the realms. Wherever they settle they seem to form a different society based on the local population.
Varied Government
While many humans prefer some form of law and order there is no one true average or definitive government by which they are ruled. Each realm’s humans behave differently and have different core values to which they aspire. Some work for the betterment of themselves, others to the betterment of their country and others to the betterment of humankind itself.
Humans are the number one most abundant species across all the realms, they exist in one form or another in nearly every habitable iteration of reality. This makes them both a statistical anomaly and a familiar sight to travelers.
Choose a Subspecies
Mundana Human
Classic Humans
Medium / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 170 cm |
Average Weight | 80 kg |
Lifespan | 80-120 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 18 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 INT |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Uman |
What most people think of when they hear the word “human”, Mundana Humans are the most abundant and common human subspecies in all the realms. Like all humans their evolution from great apes has left them to be adaptable and cunning. Mundana humans are especially resourceful and mechanically minded, often taking production and efficiency to its inevitable and destructive end in the realms they occupy. They are diverse in appearance and can have skin tones of and hair colors of various humanoid shades. Their eyes like most humans come in shades of brown, green and blue.
Humans have an extreme ability to adapt to new habitats and environments, if not Biologically than through the use of custom tools and structures. Because of this all Humans are considered trained with CON Saving Throws.
Persistence Hunter
Human development most often follows this path to success and most humans retain the increased endurance of their ancestors. When you have no Stamina at the start of any turn you may roll a d6, on a result of 5 or 6, you regain 1 Stamina.
Problem Solvers
The human brain enjoys solving complex problems more than most.
Gain a miscellaneous +2 to Investigation Skill Rolls.
Humans are exceptionally versatile and diverse. Not just in their genetics and adaptations but in their individual practices, interests and beliefs as well.
Gain 1 additional XP.
Marobi Human
Desert Dwelling Human Subspecies
Medium / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 180 cm |
Average Weight | 85 kg |
Lifespan | 80-120 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 18 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 DEX |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Uman |
Morobi humans developed in a hot and dangerous environment. Their long legs were an adaptation to allow them to cool down more easily and outrun the many dangers of their land of origin. They typically have darker skin tones due to a higher melanin content, which is commonly a humanoid adaptation to high sun environments. Their hair is often dark and curly. Their eyes can range in color from brown to green to blue like all humans.
Humans have an extreme ability to adapt to new habitats and environments, if not Biologically than through the use of custom tools and structures. Because of this all Humans are considered trained with CON Saving Throws.
Persistence Hunter
Human development most often follows this path to success and most humans retain the increased endurance of their ancestors. When you have no Stamina at the start of any turn you may roll a d6, on a result of 5 or 6, you regain 1 Stamina.
Long Legged
Gain a conditional + 2 to all Athletics Skill Rolls made to Jump or Climb.
Humans are exceptionally versatile and diverse. Not just in their genetics and adaptations but in their individual practices, interests and beliefs as well.
Gain 1 additional XP.
Hiemdell Human
Mountain Dwelling Human Subspecies
Medium / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 195 cm |
Average Weight | 90 kg |
Lifespan | 80-120 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 18 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 STR |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Uman |
Hiemdell humans developed in a cold and unforgiving climate. Their bodies made size and skin changes to account for the cold winters. They are taller and broader on average than most humans. They typically have lighter complexions due to the reduced sun in their region of origin. Their heir tends to be lighter and straighter and their eyes come in typical humanoid colors of brown, green and blue,
Humans have an extreme ability to adapt to new habitats and environments, if not Biologically than through the use of custom tools and structures. Because of this all Humans are considered trained with CON Saving Throws.
Persistence Hunter
Human development most often follows this path to success and most humans retain the increased endurance of their ancestors. When you have no Stamina at the start of any turn you may roll a d6, on a result of 5 or 6, you regain 1 Stamina.
Thick Skinned
You are considered to be Resistant to Frost Damage(receive half of the total damage when dealt damage of that type).
Humans are exceptionally versatile and diverse. Not just in their genetics and adaptations but in their individual practices, interests and beliefs as well.
Gain 1 additional XP.
T’chara Human
Smaller Human Subspecies
Small / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 115 cm |
Average Weight | 40 kg |
Lifespan | 80-120 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 18 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 WIS |
Movement Speed | 5 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Small / d6 |
Languages | Uman |
T’chara humans developed on small islands, their bodies are smaller due to an evolutionary adaptation known as Island Dwarfism. They often have very tan to brown skin tones and dark hair. Their eyes can be shades of brown, green or blue.
Humans have an extreme ability to adapt to new habitats and environments, if not Biologically than through the use of custom tools and structures. Because of this all Humans are considered trained with CON Saving Throws.
Persistence Hunter
Human development most often follows this path to success and most humans retain the increased endurance of their ancestors. When you have no Stamina at the start of any turn you may roll a d6, on a result of 5 or 6, you regain 1 Stamina.
Wary Wee Folk
T’chara humans have learned to be ever observant of their surroundings in order to survive a world so much larger than themselves.
Gain a miscellaneous +2 to Perception and Survival Skill Rolls.
Humans are exceptionally versatile and diverse. Not just in their genetics and adaptations but in their individual practices, interests and beliefs as well.
Gain 1 additional XP.
Brinebort Human
Swamp Dwelling Human Subspecies
Medium / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 170 cm |
Average Weight | 80 kg |
Lifespan | 80-120 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 18 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 CON |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Uman |
Brinebort humans developed in swamps and bogs. Their bodies' immune systems are naturally stronger than most other humans and they seem to be able to metabolize toxins and poisons more effectively. Researchers speculate that this is due to the increased prevalence of diseases and biting animals and insects in marshy environments and an increased immune system was a necessary adaptation. Most brinebort humans have lighter skin tones due to the reduced sun exposure in their environments of origin. Their hair tends to be shades of brown or black and their eyes can be any of the three humanoid colors: brown, green and blue.
Humans have an extreme ability to adapt to new habitats and environments, if not Biologically than through the use of custom tools and structures. Because of this all Humans are considered trained with CON Saving Throws.
Persistence Hunter
Human development most often follows this path to success and most humans retain the increased endurance of their ancestors. When you have no Stamina at the start of any turn you may roll a d6, on a result of 5 or 6, you regain 1 Stamina.
Superior Immune System
Gain a miscellaneous +2 on all CON Saving Throws.
Humans are exceptionally versatile and diverse. Not just in their genetics and adaptations but in their individual practices, interests and beliefs as well.
Gain 1 additional XP.
Cintari Human
Empathic Human Subspecies
Medium / Humanoid / Biped
Average Height | 170 cm |
Average Weight | 80 kg |
Lifespan | 80-120 Years |
Age of Adulthood | 18 |
Attribute Modifiers | +2 CHA |
Movement Speed | 6 Meters W |
Movement Types | Walking |
Creature Size / HP Die Type | Medium / d8 |
Languages | Uman |
Cintari humans have had a unique divergence from the typical path of human evolution. Their brains have an enlarged region in their frontal cortex that cintari humans refer to as the “empathy gland”. It grants all of them all low level empathic abilities that can be developed further with practice. Not only can they easily ascertain the emotional state of most humanoids they can see or touch, they are also capable of detecting humanoids via strongly felt emotions. Cintari humans are diverse in appearance and can have various hair and skin colors. Their eyes can be brown, green, blue or violet.
Humans have an extreme ability to adapt to new habitats and environments, if not Biologically than through the use of custom tools and structures. Because of this all Humans are considered trained with CON Saving Throws.
Persistence Hunter
Human development most often follows this path to success and most humans retain the increased endurance of their ancestors. When you have no Stamina at the start of any turn you may roll a d6, on a result of 5 or 6, you regain 1 Stamina.
Humans are exceptionally versatile and diverse. Not just in their genetics and adaptations but in their individual practices, interests and beliefs as well.
Gain 1 additional XP.
Empathy Gland
A unique divergence in the subspecies has caused a rare genetic mutation to become commonplace.
Add a Destiny Die and a miscellaneous +2 to all Insight Skill Rolls made vs other Humanoids.
Insight can be used to “Detect” humanoid emotions, the stronger the emotion the easier it is to detect. When used successfully you can determine the source of an emotion down to the meter. Normally the range of this ability is limited to 10 Meters away but it can be artificially extended by viewing devices.