
Elementalism - Solarmancy Ability The ability to control and manipulate and Compressed Light Particles.

Light - Elementalism

XP Cost: 1   Prerequisites: Photonomancy

Action Type(s) Motion, Action, Spell Attack
ARP Cost 1 (Motions Excluded)
Range 20 Meters
Area 4 Meters
Requirements 1 Free Hand
Sustain 1 ARP
Traits Visible, Audible

You can control and manipulate Compressed Light Particles.

Using a Motion: You can target a Bright Light Source within Range and cause it to separate into its individual photons and then rearrange themselves in whatever fashion you desire and compress. Using this ability you can create small or tiny Holograms made of compressed light particles. This compression allows the Holograms to be tangible physical objects and all the more convincing. The DC to perceive past the illusory nature of this ability is equal to the Caster’s Spell Save DC +2.

Hologram: You cause a light source within range to become a Hologram of your choice up to 2 meters in size. If you are attempting to depict a specific person, item or structure you must make an accompanying Arcane or Fine Motor Skill Roll. The better the result the more convincing the portrayal. The DC to perceive past the illusory nature of this ability is equal to the Caster’s Spell Save DC + 2.

This illusion can move up to 6 Meters, animate, interact with matter, emit sound and speak (if it has a mouth).

Holographic Attack: You can make Holographic Attacks Through your Hologram(s). Expend a Melee or Ranged Spell Attack Action. When you do so, you may move a controlled hologram up to 6 meters and attack an adjacent target. Make a Melee or Ranged Spell Attack Roll.

If you Hit the hologram deals 3d6 + Spellcasting Modifier Blunt, Slash, Puncture or Burn Damage to the target.

Sustain: Sustaining this Ability allows Holograms to persist until this Ability is no longer being Sustained.

Overpower: The Caster can spend 1 additional ARP to overpower this Ability and Increase the Range of this Ability by 5 Meters,

Or Increase the Hologram Size of this Ability by up to 2 Meters,

Or Increase the DC for any of this Ability’s Saving Throws by 2,

Or Increase the Damage Holographic Attack Deals by 1d6  Blunt, Slash, Puncture or Burn Damage.