Healing Blast
Grants a considerable amount of healing to all creatures in a large blast area.
Tier II - Heavenly - Invocation
Grants a considerable amount of healing to all creatures in a blast area.
Invocation Tier | III |
Action Type | Action |
Faith Cost | 3 |
Range | 10 Meters |
Area | 2 Meter Blast |
Requirements | Voice and 1 Free Hand |
Sustain | No |
Traits | Visible, Audible |
You imbue an area with the powerful restorative power of Faith
Effect: Designate a 2 Meter Blast area within Range. All living creatures in the area regain 3d8+2 HP. All undead creatures in the area must roll a Wisdom Saving Throw. The DC is equal to the Caster’s Spell Save DC.
Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw are dealt 3d8+2 Holy Damage.
Creatures that Pass the Saving Throw are dealt half the above Damage.
Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional Faith to Overpower this Invocation and Increase the Blast Area of its Effect by 1 Meter,
Or increase the Range of this Invocation by 5 meters,
Or Increase the Healing this Invocation grants by 1d8.